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Recommended ReadingsMany thousands of books concerning Freemasonry have been written during the past 300 years, with additional titles published every month. This list merely scratches the surface and is not intended to confine you, the reader, to these titles alone. One of the great duties of Lodges (and the Masons in those Lodges) is to provide sound Masonic education to newly made Masons. Essentially, there is no official reading list for Freemasons. Over the years, a few individuals and/or organizations have cobbled together a list of things that they feel are valuable but such lists are the exclusive work of the individual and often greatly reflect their particular field of interest or fascination. No such list should ever be considered as required and, regrettably, there are those Masons who do not take seriously the admonition that they should make a daily advancement in their education. Some of the books are already hyperlinked where you can ordered it, but you can purchase many of these books by searching the following booksellers' and auction websites below: Lastly please be advise that the appearance of these books on the recommended lists are not to be taken as an endorsement. They are a compilation of books that I have seen in many other Masonic sites as recommended readings that have been compiled and organized by subject to the best of my knowledge. If one book should be in another list, or you have a book that should be listed, please let me know. The following are the so-called recommended list by subjects: Lastly, here is a list of another Recommended Readings known as the Bookworm |
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Magazines Online] This site is not an official site of any recognized Masonic body in the United
States or elsewhere. Last modified: March 22, 2014 |