by Matthew Scanlan, MA
Caveat - This is by no means intended as a
definitive list. It is merely a list of suggested reading matter. If
anyone wishes to add titles to the list please email your suggestions to
this website.
Abah, Ranami, Chief Light After
Darkness (Lewis Masonic, 1993) The author examines why men are
attracted to Freemasonry and from such a wide variety of religious, ethnic
and social backgrounds.
Macionica Transactions of Ars Macionica Research
lodge, Grande Loge Reguliere de Belgique Articles are published in
Flemish, Dutch, French and some in
James The Constitutions of the Free-Masons Originally
published in 1723 and a second edition was released in 1738 complete with
a semi-mythical history of the masonic craft dating from ancient times.
Both editions were reprinted in a facsimile edition in 1976 with a
foreward by Eric Ward, PM of Quotour Coronati Lodge, No.2076,
EC. Second hand copies can be found at a reasonable
Aries Aries (Brill, Leiden,
Holland) Research journal dealing with the western mystery tradition,
esoterica, and includes studies on Freemasonry. Now being published by the
long-established Dutch publishing house Brill, in German, French, Italian
and English.
Ars Quatour Coronatorum , No.2076,
EC Transactions of the Quatour Coronati Lodge An
invaluable collection of research papers into all aspects of Freemasonry
published since the inception of the lodge in 1888. The current volume and
some past transactions can be obtained from QCCC Ltd, Great Queen Street,
WC2B 5AZ. Salesight for correspondence circle:
Baigent, Michael & Leigh,
Richard The Temple and the Lodge (Jonathan Cape, 1989) An
investigative account concerning the myth that the Templars ran away to
Scotland in the fourteenth century, finding sanctuary with King Robert
Bruce. The tome encounters celtic myths, alleged Templar graves, Rosslyn
Chapel, the Gypsies, the Sinclair and Montgomery families, the Scots
Guards, and ties them in with the story of the Rosicrucians, the
Freemasons, the Jacobites, and the foundation of the modern American
state, all packaged in an imaginative prose. Recommended as a fun read, as
it is undoubtedly the best of the recent spate of popular Templar
'whodunnits', though I don't subscribe to the general
Barker-Cryer, Neville The Arch and the
Rainbow: the story of the Order of Mark Master Masons and thedegree of the
Royal Ark Mariner (Ian Allen, 1996) A work which attempts to explain
all that one needs to learn regarding the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner
degrees. Written by the Past Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of England,
it is a fascinating tome for all those in the above
Barrett, David V Secret Societies, from
the Ancient and Arcane to the Modern and Clandestine (Blandford,
London, 1999) This is a good study for anyone looking for an
introduction to the complicated world of esoteric and secret societies.
From the ancient Pythagoreans and Zoroastrians, to the medieval
Platonists, Gnostics, Sufis, and Kabbalists, the author succeeds in
presenting an introductory and balanced view. Chapter 3 is on Freemasonry.
Available in paperback.
Batham, C, N Freemasonry
in England and France - collected papers of Cyril Batham (Australian
Masonic Research Council, 1993) Available from QCCC
Baymard, S, H History of the Supreme Council
33rd degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry, Northern
Jurisdiction of the USA. 2 vols., (Boston, 1938). This is regarded as the
standard history of the rite.
Yasha Royal Arch: the fourth degree of the Grand Lodge of
the Antients (Privately printed, 2000) Last year's Prestonian
Lecture from a Past Master of Quatour Coronati Lodge of Research, No.2076.
(EC) Available from QCCC Ltd.
Bredin, Miles The
Pale Abyssinian - a Life of James Bruce, African Explorer and
Adventurer (Harper Collins, 2000) An account of the remarkable
eighteenth century Scottish explorer, duellist and womaniser, who was a
descendent of King Robert Bruce. Between 1768 - 73, Bruce made a lengthy
journey into the highlands of Abyssinia, where he subsequently claimed to
have discovered the Tissisat Falls and the source of the Blue Nile. Though
his claims were ridiculed, his discovery of the lost Ethiopian Books of
Enoch is not open to question. Bruce was admitted a member of the
Canongate Kilwinning Lodge No.2 in Edinburgh. A good read, though some of
the information it contains relating to Freemasonry, tends to rely more on
legend than fact.
Buisine, Andre La
Franc-Maconnerie Anglo-Saxonne et les Femmes (ed. Guy Tradaniel, Paris,
Bullock, Steven C Revolutionary Brotherhood,
Freemasonry and the transformation of the American Social Order, 1730 -
1840, (University of North Carolina Press, 1996) This is a scholarly
attempt to look at Freemasonry's impact on North America. Professor Steven
Bullock then examines the role of Freemasonry in the American Wars of
Independence, looking at the membership of the founding fathers, including
Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere, and George Washington. A highly readable
work, though there are one or two small errors on early Freemasonry in
England. Available in paperback.
Richard An exposure of Freemasonry - or a Masons' printed
manual with an introductory key-stone to the Royal Arch of
Freemasonry (London, 1831)
Richard Manual of Freemasonry in three parts (4th edn.,
London, 1858)
Carr, Harry Lodge Mother Kilwinning
No. 0. A study of the earliest minute books, 1642 - 1842 (Quatour
Coronati Lodge, London, 1961) Despite some minor errors, this is still
the best history available on this internationally famous old lodge.
Out-of-print, but second-hand copies can be found.
Harry Early French Exposures (Privately printed, London,
1971). Translation and commentaries of the early exposures that
appeared on the continent of Europe from 1737 onwards. A good book for
serious historians and those interested in the development of Masonic
ritual. Currently out of print but second hand copies can be
Carr, Harry The Freemason at
Work (Revised edition, London, 1981). The work comprises a large and
extensive collection of questions and answers concerning many aspects of
Freemasonry and its working.
Carr, Harry World of
Freemasonry: The collected papers and talks of Harry Carr (Twickenham,
Chevallier, Pierre Histoire de la
Franc-Maconnerie. (3 vols.) Tome 1: La Maconnerie: ecole de l'egalite,
1725 - 1799. Tome 2: La Maconnerie: missionaire du liberalisme, 1800
- 1877. Tome 3: La Maconnerie: eglise de la Republique, 1877 - 1944.
(Paris, 1974 - 75). An excellent three volume study of Freemasonry in
France over three-centuries, by this eminent Professor of the Sorbonne. In
French. Available in paperback.
Pierre Le Sceptre, la crosse et L'equerre, Sous Louis XV et
Louis XVI, 1725 - 1789. (Honore Champion, Paris, 1996) Pierre
Chavallier was not a Freemason but an extremely fine scholar of the
movement's history primarily in France. This was the last book produced by
this eminent Professor of the Sorbonne, and is a must for the serious
student of eighteenth- -century Freemasonry. Available in
Chudley, Ron Thomas Dunckerley - A
remarkable Freemason (Lewis Masonic, 1982) The story of this
remarkable Freemason is told in lucid prose. While not as good as Henry
Sadler's biographical portrait, it is remains a study that should be
consulted for anyone interested in Freemasonry in Georgian England and
this alleged illegimate son of King George II.
Peter British Clubs and Societies, 1580 - 1800, the origins
of an Associational World (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2000) An
excellent social history of club life over two centuries, a Professor of
Economic and Social History at the University of Leicester. The work looks
at many societies of which Freemasonry is but one, and examines both the
'Modern' and 'Antient' Masonic Grand Lodges in the eighteenth century,
incorporating an interesting factual
CMRC Transactions of the Canonbury
Masonic Research Centre The first volume of 'The Canonbury Papers'
containing the transactions of the second International Conference, held
in November 2000. Available soon.
Norman Warrant for Genocide - The Myth of the Jewish
Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (London,
1996) This work succintly explains the reasons for the paranoia and
ghastly conspiracy theories concocted by the Nazis, which lead to the
terrible crimes of World War II. There are many references to Freemasonry,
as the Nazis believed the movement was linked with this imaginary
conspiracy. This work should be read by every Democrat and Freemason
alike, as a reminder to future generations, that tolerance is the central
tenet essential to both.
Coil, Henry Wilson Coil's
Masonic Encyclopedia (Macoy, New York, 1961, revised edn., 1996) A
very good encyclopedia concerning all aspects of Freemasonry in the
English speaking world, though a little weak on the Latin world. That
said, it is very probably the best Masonic encyclopedia available in
Coil, Henry Wilson A documentary account
of Prince Hall and the Black Fraternal Orders (1982)
Robert L An introduction to the origins and history of the
Order of Free Gardeners (QCCC Ltd, London, 2000) This tome explores
one of the many clubs and societies that thrived in eighteenth century
Scotland, and includes a lot of interesting information on Freemasonry for
those interested in the period. The author is the Curator of the Grand
Lodge of Scotland Museum and Library. Available in hard
Curl, James Stevens The Art &
Architecture of Freemasonry (Batsford, 1992) The author is currently
Professor of Architecture at Queens' University, Belfast, and Professor
Emeritus from the University of Leicester. This work is beautifully
illustrated, and takes a broad look at Freemasonry, from the possible
theories of origin, to the ideas contained within the movement and its
subsequent influence on the world of artistic design, garden layouts and
Architecture. An enjoyable work. Available in hard back.
Bernardo, Giuliano Freemasonry and its image of Man - A
philosophical investigation (Freestone, 1989) Formerly the
Vice-Chancellor of the University of Trento from 1985 - 87, and Grand
Master of the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy, the author puts forward a
personal interpretation of the philosophical and symbolic ideas that
underpin Freemasonry. This study touches on Masonic origins, symbolism,
morality, science, religion, the and State. Out-of-print, though second
hand copies can be found.
Dyer, Colin Symbolism of
Craft Freemasonry (London, 1976) A study of the symbols connected
with the three degrees of craft Freemasonry. Available in
Dyer, Colin Grand Stewards and their
Lodge, 1735 - 1985 (John Westerham Ltd, 1985) A concise factual
account of the Grand Stewards' Lodge through 250 years. A sound reference
Dyer, Colin Preston and his
work (Shepperton, 1987) An interesting and informative account of
William Preston, an important eighteenth century
Ferrer Benimeli, J. A Los Archivos
Secretos Vaticanos y la Masoneria (Caracas, 1976) Professor Jose
Antonio Ferrer Benimeli is a giant of Masonic research. He has been
professionally researching, writing and lecturing on the subject for over
35 years. He is the author and editor of numerous books and publications
on the history of the craft, and is the Founder/Director of the Centro
Estudios Historicos de la Masoneria Espanola (CEHME), based at Zaragoza
University, Spain, where he teaches modern history. This particular work
is most certainly one of his most important works, and explores European
Freemasonry in the eighteenth century, from the collections of numerous
libraries, including the Secret Archives of the Vatican. Sadly, there is
no English translation. Available in both Spanish and
Ferrer Benimeli, J.A La Masoneria Espanola
en el siglo XVIII (Madrid, 1974) This work is possibly the best
introduction to Freemasonry in Spain in the Eighteenth Century. In
Freemasonry Today Freemasonry
Today English Quarterly Masonic magazine launched in the Summer of
1997, which has been hailed as 'the best Masonic magazine ever'. Issues
on-going. G.O.D.F. Freemasonry Museum -
Collections of the Grand Orient of France (Beaux Arts Magazine,
2000) A beautifully illustrated A4 brochure of the Museum of the Grand
Orient of France in Paris. The book reproduces in full-colour many jewels,
aprons and other Masonic exhibits and ephemera.
Gould, R,
F History and Antiquities of Freemasonry (3rd revised
edn., vols., 1951) The third edition of Gould's Masonic classic
history. Despite being out of date it is still a must for the serious
Grand Lodge of Scotland Historical
Sketch of the Grand Lodge, 1736 - 1986 (Grand Lodge of Scotland) As
the title states, a synopsis of the history of one of this fascinating
Grand Lodge since its formation on St. Andrew's day, 30 November,
Grand Lodge of Scotland Grand Lodge of
Scotland Year Book (Grand Lodge of Scotland) Informative annual year
book, with news, and a roll of lodges.
Christopher The Craft in the East (Hong Kong,
Haffner, Christopher Workman Unashamed: The
testimony of a Christian (Shepperton, 1989)
John The Craft (Wellingborough, 1986) A general
overview of the English craft throughout its development, from the various
theories of origin to the involvement with the British Royal
Hamill, John A Celebration of the
Craft & R. A. Gilbert (1992) A beautifully presented and well
illustrated coffee table book looking at the effect Freemasonry has had
on the world over three centuries.
John The History of English Freemasonry (QCCC Ltd) A
series of 5 CD's or tapes, with a 240 page book to accompany them, telling
the story of the English and Welsh craft.
Haunch, T.O. & Sir
James Stubbs Freemasons' Hall, the House and Heritage of the
Craft (1983) An elegant hard back colour guide-book of Freemasons
Hall, London, displaying some of the treasures of the Library and
Hay, Father An Account of Roslin
Chapel (Grand Lodge of Scotland, 2000) Originally published in the
seventeenth-century, and now reproduced by the Grand Lodge of
Heredom Transactions of the Scottish
Research Rite, SJ, USA Editor Dr. Brent Morris, 33rd
degree. A transaction series
still in its infancy. Many of the volumes contain some excellent articles.
Horne, Alex King Solomon's Temple in
the Masonic Tradition (Wellingborough, 1972) A fascinating study
looking at some of the aspects of Solomon's Temple, including; the Temple
in the Masonic tradition; the Biblical account of its construction; its
architecture and symbolism; and an explorative account of its master
builder and the possible relevance to the master's degree in modern
freemasonry. Second-hand copies can be found.
Alex Sources of Masonic Symbolism An informative study of
Masonic Symbolism.
Hughan, W, J The Origin of the
English Rite of Freemasonry (3rd edn., Leicester, 1925) Originally
published in 1884, this is a seminal tome, that has stood the test of
time. Anyone interested in the evolution and development of the English
ritual should consult this study.
William The spirit of Masonry in moral and elucidatory
lectures A Masonic classic.
Jackson, A.C.F Rose
Croix: A History of the Ancient and Accepted Rite (Lewis Masonic,
revised and enlarged, London, 1987) A good general history of the
Ancient and Accepted Rite in England and Wales.
Jackson, Keith
B Beyond the Craft (Lewis Masonic, 4th edn., 1998) A
useful and concise guide to the many side orders of English Freemasonry,
including; the Royal Arch; the Mark and Ark Mariner degrees; the Royal and
Select Masters; the Ancient and Accepted Rite; Red Cross of Constantine;
Knights Templar and Knights of Malta; the Baldwin Rite and the Societas
Rosicruciana in Anglia. In paperback.
Jacob, Margaret
C The Radical Enlightenment: Pantheists, Freemasons and
Republicans (George Allen & Unwin, 1981) This work promises a
lot in the title, yet fails to fully deliver because the author does not
adaquately distinguish between groups in late seventeenth-century England.
From the time of the two Civil Wars in the 1640s to the Hanoverian
succession of 1714, there were many secret groups and 'cabals' in England,
as well dozens of more exoteric clubs. Yet sadly, there appears to a
tendency in the book to label almost any secret grouping as 'Masonic',
while much of the more traditional evidence is ignored. It is worth
having, if only as a reminder of how not to approach Masonic
Jacob, Margaret C Living the
Enlightenment - Freemasonry and Politics in Eighteenth-Century
Europe (Oxford University Press, 1991) A better work than the above,
this time addressing the social and political effects of Freemasonry in
the eighteenth-century Europe. Yet, curiously many important countries are
omitted, such as Ireland, the various Italian states, Spain, Portugal,
Austria, Poland and Russia. Apart from the almost obligatory mention of
Scottish theories of origin, Jacob fails to accredit Scotland as a major
contributor to the European 'Enlightenment', and the possible role therein
played by the lodges. In fact, some of the claims made are without source
or just demonstrably wrong. That said, for all its faults, the more
dedicated historian will find it worth having.
Jones, Bernard
E Freemasons' Guide and Compendium (Revised edn., Dobby,
London, 1982) First published in 1950 and has been reprinted many
times. Still an invaluable reference book on many aspects of Freemasonry's
history and symbolism. Available in hard back.
Jones, Bernard E Freemasons' Book of
the Royal Arch (revised by Harry Carr and A.R. Hewitt, London,
1970) A thorough account of the Royal Arch, looking at its
legends, history, symbolism and working. Out-of-print.
D An Introduction to Freemasonry & Jones, G.P.
(Manchester, 1937) Douglas Knoop was a Professor of Economics and G. P.
Jones was a senior lecturer at the University of
Knoop, D Two Earliest Masonic
MSS Jones, G.P. (Manchester Univ. Press, 1938) This is an extremely
good philological study of the two earliest Masonic manuscripts,
traditionally known as 'Old Charges'. The earliest known being the Regius
of circa 1390, and the Cooke of circa 1410, now both in The British
Library. Both texts are fully transcribed, and the work comes complete
with a scholarly introduction and commentary. Sadly
Knoop, D The Scottish Mason and the
Mason Word. & Jones, G.P. (Manchester, 1939) During the
seventeenth-century there are a number of mentions of the mysterious
'Masons' Word', particularly in relation to Scotland. Professors Knoop and
Jones here examine what this might allude to, and cite all known mentions
of its usage. Out-of-print.
Knoop, D, G.P. Jones & D.
Hamer The Early Masonic Catechisms (Manchester University
Press, 1943, & re-printed by Coronati Lodge, 1963, ed. H. Carr) A
collection of the earliest Masonic ritual catechisms in the British Isles
with introductory remarks. Currently out-of-print.
Knoop, D,
G.P. Jones & D. Hamer Early Masonic
Pamphlets (Manchester University Press, 1945, reprinted 1978) A
collection of the earliest printed references to Freemasonry and the
Masons' word, from 1638 to 1736. Still available in hard
Knoop, D, & G.P. Jones The Genesis of
Freemasonry Manchester University Press, 1947) Offers an account of the
origins of Freemasonry, which the authors claim, emerged from a transition
from the working stone masons guilds and lodges. It is one of the few
scholarly attempts to answer the question of where the modern craft came
from, and as such, deserves to be read. Out of print, but second hand
copies can be found.
Lane, John Masonic Records, 1717 -
1894 (Re-released, Lewis Masonic, 2000) Originally published in the
1880s, this comprehensive list of Masonic lodges, contains details of when
they were warranted, their numbers, and where they met. It has never been
bettered, and is an invaluable tool for the study of English and Welsh
Freemasonry. It has recently been re-produced, although a revised edition
awaits. Available from QCCC Ltd.
Albert Histoire de la Franc-Maconnerie Francaise (Paris,
1925) This two-volume study is still regarded as a good work on French
Le Forestier, Rene La
Franc-Maconnerie Templiere et Occultiste aux XVIIIe et XIXe
siecles (1st edition, Paris, 1970. 2nd edition, Paris, 1987. Preface by
Antoine Faivre, now Professor at the Sorbonne) An excellent study of
the esoteric offshoots of Freemasonry in the side degrees in the
eighteenth century, however it needs updating. The work looks in detail of
the emergence and development of chivalric degrees and their legends,
including the Strict Observance, the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,
and the Scottish Rectified Rite. Sadly there is no English translation.
Available in hardback.
Lemay, Leo Deism, Masonry
and the Enlightenment (1987) Various essays concerning Freemasonry,
Latitudinarianism, Deism and Natural Religion. Valuable for anyone
interested in the relationship between Religion and
Lennhoff, Eugene The
Freemasons (Revised, Ian Allen, 1992) A classic over view of
Freemasonry's involvement in European history. Originally published in
Germany in 1930 as Die Friemaurer, Lennhoff was awarded a prize by the
Grand Orient of Belguim for this work. He offers a fascinating general
view of Masonic history set in a wider social context. There are ominous
warnings about the imminent dangers of National Socialism and how the
Fascists under Mussolini had already suppressed the Order in
Lennhoff, Eugene Internationales
Freimaurerlexikon Posner, Oskar (Zurich, 1932) An excellent and
reliable reference work on Freemasonry in German. Out of
Lepper & Crossle History of the Grand
Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ireland (Volume 1, Dublin, Lodge
of Research, CC, 1925) Though old, the best account to date of
Freemasonry in Ireland during the eighteenth century and early nineteenth
Ligou, Daniel Dictionnaire de la
Franc-Maconnerie (Presses Universitaires de France, 1987) A large
tome that is certainly useful as a reference tool for the serious
historian. However, as with most Masonic reference works, it is not
definitive and there are innacuracies. Available in
Lindsay, Robert, S The Scottish Rite for
Scotland (Edinburgh, 1958) A good general overview and introduction
to the Scottish or Ancient and Accepted Rite for
Lipscombe Duncan, Robert Reluctant
General: The Life and Times of Albert Pike (New York,
MacKenzie, Kenneth The Royal Masonic
Cyclopaedia (Northants, 1987) An fascinating tome, particularly for
those interested in the more esoteric aspects of the
Mackey, Albert G Encyclopaedia of
Freemasonry and kindred societies (Chicago, 1929)
Wallace The Old Gothic Constitutions
Wallace The Grand Design (Virgina, 1991) Subtitled,
Selected Memorandums and papers of Wallace McLeod, who is Professor at
Victoria College, Toronto University, Canada and a Past Master of Quatour
Coronati Lodge of Research, No.2076. (EC)
Kirk Freemasonry - a journey through myth and
symbol (Thames and Hudson, 1991) This is a fascinating and thought
provoking personal view of the three craft degrees. Drawing on the work of
Mircea Eliade, Joseph Campbell and Carl Gustav Jung among others, the
author offers an interesting interpretation of the symbolism contained
within the first three degrees and speculates on its psychological meaning
and purpose. Available in paperback.
John Ancient & Accepted: A chronicle of the proceedings
1845 - 1945 of the Supreme Council, established in England in
1845 (London, 1995) Written to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of
the English Ancient and Accepted or 'Scottish Rite', this is a large and
detailed tome for the serious Masonic collector or
Masonic Book Club Masonic Book Club
Reproductions (Bloomington Illinois, 1970) Since 1970 it has
reproduced many Masonic classics that have long since been
McArthur, J, E The Lodge of
Edinburgh (Mary's Chapel) No.1 Quartercentenary of Minutes, 1599 -
1999 (The Lodge of Edinburgh, 1999) An elegantly produced souvenir
volume to mark the four- hundred year anniversary of the known existence
of this famous Edinburgh lodge. Available from the Grand Lodge of
Mellor, Alec Our Separated Brethren the
Freemasons (George G. Harrap & Co., 1964) Originally published
in France in 1961, but was translated, and published in English in 1964.
The author looks at Freemasonry mainly in the eighteenth century, and
highlights why the Vatican chose to pass a Bull in 1738 prohibiting
Catholics from joining. He argues that the prohibition was not based on
any theological grounds, but due to the movements 'secrecy' and the
prevailing political climate. Regretably the English edition has no index,
but it is generally a good tome, and second hand copies can be obtained at
a reasonable price.
Mola, Aldo Storia della
Massoneria italiana (Milan, 1992) Aldo Mola runs the Italian centre
for the study of Freemasonry, and is currently Professor at the University
of Milan. This 1000 page work, concentrates predominantly on Freemasonry
in Italy during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and includes
detailed examinations of the period of Italian Unification and the Masonic
persecution under the Fascist dictatorship of Benito Mussolini. In
Munn, Sheldon, A Freemasons at
Gettysburg (Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1993) ISBN - 0 - 939631 - 68 -
Murray-Lyon History of the Lodge of Edinburgh,
No.1 (Edinburgh, 1873) A large, fact-bound volume concerning
Freemasonry in Scotland. Unfortunately it is not easily accessible,
written as it was, in a rather confused nineteenth-century style. However
for the information it contains it is certainly the best study of the
subject before the publication of Professor David Stevenson's studies in
the late 1980s. Second-hand copies can be found.
Nefontaine, Luc La
Franc-Maconnerie, une fraternite revelee (Gallimard, 1994) Part of a
beautifully produced and charming series, this tome is by a historian of
religion at the Free University of Brussels. The study takes a general
look at Freemasonry in both the Anglo-Saxon and Latin world, and is richly
illustrated, with some fascinating images. Unfortunately there is no
English translation. Available in paperback.
Ness, J.
A. History of the Ancient Mother Ludge of Scotland - Mother
Kilwinning No.0. (4th revised edition, Glasgow, 1995) A succint and
interesting account of possibly the oldest known lodge in the world,
Mother Kilwinning No.0, Grand Lodge of Scotland. Available in hard back
and sold by the lodge.
Oates, Stephen B A Woman of
Valor: Clara Barton and the Civil War (The Free Press, Macmillan, New
York, 1994)
Ogilvie, E.E Freemasons' Royal Arch
Guide (revised by H.A. Thompson) A useful guide to the practical
aspects of the Royal Arch.
Palmer Hall, Manly An
Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Qabbalistic, Rosicrucian and Symbolic
Philosophy Definitely not an academic approach to study of Freemasonry,
and many assertions should be treated with caution. That said, definitely
a good introduction to the subject if one is looking for a fun
Paine, Thomas The Theological Works of
Thomas Paine (1819) Contains an essay on the origins of Freemasonry,
which Paine believed had descended from the Druids via the Culdees or
ancient celtic Christian monks of the British Isles. This essay was
originally published with The Age of Reason, but subsequent editors have
seen fit to omit the work.
Perrin, Dennis The
Sacking of the Masonic Temple in Jersey by the Nazis In 1941 (Lewis
Masonic, 1993) As many brethren know, Freemasons were not exactly the
favoured friends of the Fascist regimes in Italy, Spain, Portugal and
Germany. This neatly produced paperback tells the sad story of what
happened to the Masonry in the Channel Islands during the second World
Piatigorsky Alexander Who's Afraid of
Freemasons? (Harvill Press, London, 1997) A phenomenological study
of modern Freemasonry from the early Eighteenth century. The author is a
Professor at SOAS, the School of Oriental and African Studies, London
University. Not for the faint-hearted. Available in
Pick, F, L & Knight, G, N The
Pocket History of Freemasonry. (Muller, 8th edn, 1991.) An extremely
useful pocket-size reference work on the history of Freemasonry, with a
foreword by Harry Carr. This tome ranges from theories and evidence
concerning the origins, to the craft in the modern world.
F, L & Knight, G, N The Freemason's Pocket Reference
Book (3rd edn., Frederick Muller, London, 1983) Like the Pocket
History above, this is again an extremely valuable quick reference work on
many aspects of the craft.
William Illustrations of Masonry (Wellingborough,
1986) A Masonic Classic first released in 1772, re-released with an
introduction by Colin Dyer.
Lectures The Collected Prestonian Lectures. Vol., 1. 1925
- 1960 (ed), H. Carr, (Lewis Masonic, 1984) Vol., 2. 1961 - 1974
(ed), C. N. Batham, Vol., 3. 1975 - 1987 (ed), Rev. N. B.
Cryer, Vol., 4. 1988 - 1996. Available in hardback.
Jasper Freemasons (Constable, 1999) A popular overview
of Freemasonry's involvement in major historical events, such as the
American, French and South American Revolutions. It ends with a look at
Freemasonry in the world today. A fair introduction to Masonic history,
and despite some errors, it makes a good introductory tome to Masonic
history. (now in paperback)
Roberts, Allen House
Undivided, the story of Freemasonry and the Civil War (Missouri Lodge
of Research, 1961, reprinted again in 1964 and '76, by Macoy Pub. &
Masonic Supply Co, Richmond, Virginia) A detailed historical
investigation of the American Civil War. During the bloody years of this
conflict and its aftermath, Freemasonry's membership quadrupled from
200,000 members to 800,000. This perhaps stands as a testimony to the
noble ideals of the brotherhood, highlighted all the more by the savagery
of war.
Roberts, J, M Mythology of the Secret
Societies (Secker & Warburg, 1972) This is an extremely
important milestone in the academic study of Freemasonry in the English
speaking world. The author is a noted retired Oxford Professor, who was
one-time editor of the English Historial Review and Warden of Merton
College Oxford. He is the author of numerous books and papers and has
presented a number of programmes for television. This work places
Freemasonry in a wider social and political context. Sadly it is out of
print, but second-hand copies can be found.
John Proofs of a Conspiracy (1797) This is a classic
Masonic Conspiracy work, written by Professor John Robison in the 1790s,
alleging the uncovery of a Masonic plot behind the French Revolution. Will
interest the more avid historian. Available in
Rosslyn, Earl of Rosslyn
Chapel (Rosslyn Chapel Trust, 1997) Amid all the hype of many
recent, wild and speculative books on this enigmatic chapel, this well
written and colourfully produced official guide to Rosslyn Chapel is by
far the best read on the subject, with not a spaceship in sight! Available
in paperback.
Sadler, Henry Masonic Facts and
Fictions (Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, 1985) With an introduction
by John Hamill, former Librarian and Curator of the United Grand Lodge of
England, now Director of Communications.
Henry Masonic Reprints and Revelations, including original
notes and additions (1898) An informative account of early English
and Irish Masonry.
Sandbach, Priest and
Freemason (Lewis Masonic) The Life of the Masonic researcher and
priest George Oliver.
Scottish Rite
Museum Bespangled, Painted & Embroidered, Decorated
Masonic Aprons in America 1790 - 1850 (Museum of Our National Heritage,
Lexington, Mass., 1981) Catalogue of the Exhibition, with colour and
black and white pictures of Masonic Aprons, with explanations of each.
Recommended for those interested in Masonic symbolism and
Smyth, Frederick Brethren in
Chivalry (Shepperton, 1991) A sound general history of the Masonic
Orders of Chivalry, including the Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, and
Knights Templar Priests. Available in hardback.
Frederick Freemasons' Reference Book (Lewis Masonic,
2000) A helpful and easy to read reference book for
Stevenson, David The Origins of
Freemasonry, Scotland's Century, 1590 - 1710 (Cambridge University
Press, 1988) A scholarly work which examines the various masonic craft
organisations in Scotland during the seventeenth century. The author, now
Emeritus Professor from the University of St. Andrews, argues that
Freemasonry emerged in Scotland after the re-organisation of the mason
craft there in 1599. Available in paperback.
David The First Freemasons, Scotland's early lodges and
their members (University of Aberdeen Press, 1988) A complimentary
study to The Origins of Freemasonry. This tome is devoted to the early
Scottish Masonic lodges and their membership, according to their
geographical location. A very good study. Second-hand copies can be
Tydeman, Canon Richard From the Canon's
Mouth - A collection of prose, verse and doggerel (QCCC Ltd) Some
interesting musings from a figure well-known to English
Vaughan, William Preston The Antimasonic
Party in the United States, 1826 - 1843 (University Press of Kentucky,
Lexington, Kentucky, 1983)
Villard de
Honnecourt Revista Villard de Honnecourt Transactions of
the French research lodge. 41 volumes to
John Rudyard Kipling - Man, Poet, Mason (Lewis
Masonic) The story of this famous and enthusiastic mason is told
beautifully by the author in this neat little booklet.
John Horatio Admiral Lord Nelson - Was he a
Freemason? (Lewis Masonic) John Webb investigates to see if
Britain's famous war hero was ever a Mason.
John Robert Burns, the Freemason (Lewis Masonic,
1996) Commemorating the bicentenary of the death of one of Scotland's
favourite sons and National Bard. John Weir's presentation is a welcome
addition to the many works already available on this popular
Weisberger, R. William Speculative
Freemasonry and the Enlightenment, a study of the craft in London, Paris,
Prague and Vienna (Columbia University Press, New York, 1993) Dr.
Weisberger begins with an introductory look at the Enlightenment in
different parts of Europe, before investigating speculative Freemasonry in
early Hanoverian Britain, Paris, Prague and Vienna. A study worth reading
for those interested in a crucial period of European cultural development.
Available in hardback.
Weisberger, R. William
(ed) Essays concerning European and American
Freemasonry Prof. Wallace McLeod (ed) (Columbia University Press,
2001) Dr. Brent Morris (ed) Forthcoming!
Wells, Roy
A Some Royal Arch Terms Examined (Lewis Masonic,
1978) A though provoking short study of the terms used in both the
craft and Royal Arch degrees looking at their respective etymologies and
Biblical background. Available in hardback.
Wells, Roy
A Royal Arch Matters (Lewis Masonic, 1984) A short and
succint study of the Royal Arch as a completion of the Master's degree.
Available in paperback.
Wells, Roy A Understanding
Freemasonry (Lewis Masonic) This tome comprises a collection of
papers on a wide range of topics from the noted Masonic
Wharton, Duke of Logia de Estudios e
Investigationes, Duque de Wharton (Duke of Wharton Research Lodge,
No.18, Spain) Vols., 1, 1996 - 97; 2, 1998 - 1999. Vol.3
Forthcoming! In Spanish.
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