Masonic quotes by Brothers
Being persuaded that a just application of the principles, on which the Masonic Fraternity is founded, must be promote of private virtue and public prosperity, I shall always be happy to advance the interests of the Society, and to be considered by them as a deserving brother.
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RECOMMENDED READINGSABOUT FAMOUS MASONSThe following books deal with the story or life of some famous masons who somehow have influenced Freemasonry. 10,000 Famous Freemasons by William R. Denslow, 1957 A Life of Albert Pike - Walter Lee Brown Albert Pike: The Man
Beyond the Monument by Jim Tresner and John Mandleberg, Scottish Rite
Research Society, 1995 Benjamin Franklin: 1706-1790 by Frank B. Jones
Brother Truman by Allen Roberts Chancellor Robert R Livingston of New York, 1746-1813 by George Dangerfield Daniel D. Tompkins: Governor of New York and Vice President of the United States by Ray Watkins Irwin DeWitt Clinton by Dorothis Bobbé Ezra Ames of Albany by Theodore Bolton Famous Masons and Masonic Presidents by Harry L. Haywood Garibaldi in the Light of History by Leonardo Bochicchio George Washington: Master Mason by Allen Roberts George Washington in New York by Allan Booudreau & Alex. Bleimann Mozart and Masonry by Paul Nettl, Dorset Press, New York, 1957 Paul Revere and the World He Lived In by Esther Forbes Paul Revere and Freemasonry by Edith J. Steblecki, Paul Revere Memorial Assoc., 1985 Prince Hall by C.H. Welsey Prince
Hall: Social Reformer by Arthur Diamond, Nathan I. Huggins (Editor) /
Library Binding Robert Burns - The Freemason by John Weir, Lewis Masonic, 1986 Stephen A. Douglas, Freemason by Wayne C. Temple Sibelius and his Masonic Music by Hermine Williams Thomas Smith Webb, Freemason, Musician, Entrepeneur by Herbert R. Leyland T. R.; The Story of Theodore Roosevelt and His Influence on Our Times by Noel Fairchild Busch William Preston and His Work, Colin Dyer, 1987 |
A Mason is not necessarily a member of a lodge. In a broad sense, he is any person who daily tries to live the Masonic life, and to serve intelligently the needs of the Great Architect.
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