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FEEDBACKLast Modified: November 16, 2014 I'd like to know very much what you think about this website. Please take the time to leave your comments in this public guest book so we can share your thoughts with other visitors. Any suggestions on improvements or make it more friendly-user, please let me know. In the past, you were able to submit your submissions directly to the website but someone ended up adding many advertisement junk. The only way you will be able to submit your inputs will be via email, and I will load your comments. Please put your name, masonic affiliation and comment in the body of your email. Thank you for your understanding. Click Here to Email Your Feedback THE MASONIC TROWEL ON MASONIC PUBLICATIONSSmall Town Mason Magazine Review - Dec 2009
BELOW ARE Comments submitted BY OTHERS so far
Date: 16 November 2014 You have designed and maintained an excellent website. It has proven to be a great resource for things Masonic. Congratulations! Phil Pearce
Date: 21 November 2013 Hello Webmaster, I visited your web site earlier today and firstly wanted to congratulate you on the appearance, excellent content and accessibility I discovered there. It is not often I come across a web site that offers such a positive user experience and great information too. Meeta Trivedi
Date: 23 November 2013 Hi Joe, Great site, extremely informative and – contrary to many of
your feedback messages – the Spinning Clock is absolutely, sublimely Splendid…!
FR, Nick Herbert
Date: 17 March 2013 Brother Joe, I was very impressed with the content of your website. I forwarded this to many members of my Lodge. I would like to plan a Lodge bus trip to the battlefield and perhaps attend Lodge there or nearby. If you have any suggestions they would be fully appreciated. Fraternally, W.: Robert Harrington
Date: 2 May 2012 Hi There, I am a Past Master of my lodge in Johannesburg, South Africa and we are always looking for material to keep the brethren interested and enthusiastic. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the Old Tylers Talks ... Regards Andy Kiloh
Date: 30 November 2011
Dear Bro Joe
I just wanted to say another thanks and well done for
all the work in keeping the site going.
Kev Thompson (Dip Masonic Learning)
Date: 28 Sep 2011 Great website hope you keep your website this is a good inspiration since I have always wanted to be a freemason and spread the brotherly hood. Yan Devora
Date: 4 Sep 2011 Hello Bro. Sanchez. My apologies if your title has changed since. I am the Assistant Secretary for the Lodge of Fidelity #231 G.R.C. here in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I am highly impressed with your website and the amount of work you've put into it. I found the section containing past masonic articles of extreme interest and wonder if you could grant permission to me to reprint those I would find applicable to distribute to our lodge members (only those that contain basic information or history as I do not want to reveal anything relating to the 2nd or 3rd degrees to our 1st degree members)? Of course, due credit to you, the website and the original author(s) of said articles would be immediately given upfront. Thank you for your consideration on this matter. Wishing you all the best. Fraternally, Bro. Glenn J. Gariepy
Date: 22 Feb 2011 I am curently Master of Gilwell's unofficial Lodge Venturer no 7897 and I read your pages with interest I also attend the "Gang Show Lodge" Red Scarf no 8448. Fraternal Greetings from one of UGLE Kindred Lodges I hope all continues well. W.Bro Ron Ridge PPrAGSwdB
Date: 17 Feb 2011 Good Morning, My Brother… I received this in this morning’s mail from a brother and dear friend in Dearborn, Michigan (near where I live). First, I’ll accent the positive. The site and all the work that you put into it is just awesome. Many thanks for sharing the knowledge you’ve gained with the craft. You have labored long and hard in the quarries of knowledge. Well done. Now, my complaint. The spinning clock is quite annoying. Every time I move my mouse to click on something it is dragged to that point and remains there. Is there any way to delete or get rid of the clock? Fraternally, Michael L. Barham, PM/HA Date: 15 Dec 2010 Hello brother: My name is Anthony Delucca,WM of Dante lodge #174 located in New Orleans LA. Good site lots of info.
Date: 8 December 2010 I wanted to thank you for the information I found on your site at I was thinking of adding a Masonic symbol to my business cards. I appreciated finding clear guidance on that subject. I've been to the site before and it continues to provide knowledge for me. So, again Thank you for that. Regards, Matthew Johnson
Date: 19 November 2010 Brother Sanchez: I hope all is well and that the interval since the last website update is due to lack of new info rather than some personal distress. I apologize that I haven't visited the site for as while but I was looking through my old favorites to get ready for my new job as district deputy and remembered this as a good source for Masonic info. Fraternally, Doug Dampman, PM
Date: 14 October 2010 Hello Bro Joe, I have just spent the last hour looking at your website, it is great and most interesting, thank you for such a good detailed site. I am bro david Thomson pm of lodge st john 540 in Scotland. I have a Masonic team of brn who are all ex black watch soldiers and we go around various lodges working degrees. We did a fellow craft in my mother lodge in april this year and on Monday 11 oct 2010 we worked a master masons degree. It is always good to hear from our brn across the pond. Warm fraternal and friendly greetings to you all in USA. DT43 David Thompson
Date: 4 October 2010 Hey! Love the website. Was perusing it for SR education regarding Washington and Cornwallis. Loved your Masonic Heros of American Revoultion though I thought there may be more but you may have decided you could not list them all. Are you aware of a MSA booklet called "Masonic Membeship of the General Officers of the Continenal Army"? Quite a listing! 33 confirmed Masons Steve Whitaker
Date: 18 September 2010 Hello Joe, I am researching an old inn at Tamworth, NSW Australia called The Square Man Inn. Popular belief says it was built by a Freemason, thus the name. I hope you don’t mind that I have used some of your information about the square and its significance for the story to be printed in the Tamworth City News. I will cite your website in my story. Thank you for your fascinating information. I’m sure it will evoke a response from Tamworth residents who have been intrigued about the inn for many years. Many thanks Mairi Manley
Date: 14 August 2010 My brother. Thanks for such an informative and well designed Masonic website. It is one of my working tools daily. The Freedom that man enjoys is what makes this both possible and enjoyable. Masonry has two sub cornerstones in my opinion, freedom and loyalty. And as a Master Mason I am thereby enabled to be both speculative and operative and only through these can we collectively continue to benefit mankind and ourselves. Do not mistake the blending of Freedom and Loyalty. They are separate but symbiotic and coexist with EQUAL importance. They can't survive without each other, nor can Masonry. Being a man, freeborn is in our doctrine. It's relevance is evident in our continued growth and success as the greatest fraternal earthly order for the benefit of mankind the world has ever known. I only hope all brothers will find and enjoy these phenomenal workings. Fraternally, Bro. Jeff Britt, Sr. MM
Date: 28 June 2010 Brother love the information on the site. The spinning clock that follows me, feels like I am being tracked by a swarm of bee’s. I normally don’t have ADD but I think I do now. Other than that I think your sight is great and hope I can return some day. Fraternally Yours Jason Helling
Date: 28 June 2010 DEAR BROTHER JOE I AM A master mason in good standing, i do enjoy your site keep up the good work thank you and may GOD bless you in every way thank you again Jack Jordan
Date: 10 February 2010 Dear Joe, I am so thankful my research turned up your website and I feel that I have found in you another Brother Mason who really cares about the future of our great fraternity. I look forward to viewing the site regularly. I would welcome introductory information about the site. Such as, how long has it been up; what inspired you to get it started; and what could brothers like me do to assist you, etc.; in addition to contributions of course? May God bless you, your family, and your wonderful efforts in spreading Freemasonry to fellow Brethren around the world. And thanks again for your willingness to aid and assist a very appreciative Brother. Fraternally, Darrell Pickney
Date: 2 February 2010 I have found the discussion about the marriage bond really interesting and quite astounding! I love it and I pray that my brothers enjoy it as well. It’s so real. Thank you for posting that. Alde S. Aadam
Date: 6 January 2010
Hi Brother
My name is Sid Chedrawe. I am a menber of John Albro Lodge #122 on the Registry of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia (in Canada). I love your website.
Assad Chedrawe
Date: 24 May 2009 You site has been a great conduit of information for me and another Brother of mine. Keep up the good work. But I do have an issue that I can’t remedy. I read on your site of a story about recognition. It went into one Brother stumbling upon another because he wore a lapel pin or ring. It also delved into how we should not go without our different modes of recognition displayed because we could go without knowing who is and isn’t a Brother and mission out on friendship…. I have searched and searched and can’t fins the article….the only thing I remember about its location is “page 4”… There is probably no chance that you know of its whereabouts….but if you do…could you remind me? D. Watt
Date: 22 May 2009 Brother Joe, I emailed you late last year to let you know how much I appreciated your website, and how instrumental it was in helping me to make my decision to petition a local lodge. I just wanted to give you an update. I am now a MM, having been raised on May 7th. I attended my first stated meeting last night and really enjoyed being able to participate in several votes we had (how to spend monies, assigning investigation committees for 3 petitioners, and then voting via ballot box for another petitioner to receive the degrees). I will be frequenting your site and studying our noble Craft for quite some time to come. Many thanks for the services you provide for the curious, for prospective candidates, and for Brothers. Fraternally, Craig Mooneyham See email below dated 5 May 2008 Date: 5 April 2009 Hello. I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to thank you for your website. I am a Master Mason, a 32 degree Scottish Rite Mason, and a member of all three York Rite Bodies in New Jersey. Several of my brothers and I love to read and discuss Masonic philosophy. I have found your website to be a valuable resource. Thank you from all of us who seek more light! We owe you a debt of thanks and will help your efforts financially. Keep up the great work.
Date: 29 March 2009
Bro. Sanchez,
Thank you for putting together a great website. I have always been
a strong proponent of instructing our Brothers on the many aspects of our Order.
I am in the process of forming a Masonic Education Committee for my Lodge (After
reading your site, I'm going to change the name. LOL) Your site has given me a
lot of great ideas that I will use. Again, thanks for spreading the "LIGHT" Brother. Frat, Date: 4 March 2009
Hi Joe I was raised last Thursday and found your website yesterday, very easy to read and I have recommended it to brethren in Tasmania already, I particularly love the civil war stories.
In unity
Chris Healy
Date: 5 February 2009
My Brother,
What a GREAT
site! I've spent countless hours, much to my wife's dismay, reading and
studying the writings within. With your permission, I'm going to start
utilizing the articles for interpersonal teachings at our lodge. Keep up
the good work!
Bro. Evan O.
Dear Sir,
I just wanted
to thank you for providing the Masonic Trowel website. I am not yet a Freemason,
but reading several articles from your site helped me to make my decision to
petition a local lodge. Your site incited a great desire within me to be a part
of this historic and highly reputable Brotherhood. I look reading more articles
in time, as well as some of the book selections from your suggested reading
section, especially as I work to advance through the Degrees. Thank you again.
Date: 30 October 2008
I have
explored your website and have found the information contained in it a valuable
resource. I wish you all the best in this endeavor. There is one item I would
change. The Java calendar/clock mouse trailer is a bit distracting. Other than
that I really like you site. I will be recommending you site to my brothers and
with your permission will create a link from my web site.
S & F
Bro. Bill
Date: 21 October 2008
Thanks for
taking the time to build such a great site. It is amazing the amount of
information you've compiled. I will be passing this along to my fellows at
the lodge.
Bro. Brian Tipsword
Date: 13 August 2008
What a great site! Thank you. Of course you know, all Masons being expert in
our Craft, you're going to get some suggestions for correction.
Date: 15 July 2008 Dear Brother: My congratulations on this wonderfully informative Website. I am sure that brethren who visit this page will be most pleased with the information. As a student and avid lover of history, it bought me great joy in reading about our brotherly accomplishments in the shaping of American History. Thank you. I just wanted to bring this small error to your attention. You have Bro. William Whipple and Bro. Charles Wilson Peale next to the same picture. My best to you all ! Fraternally, Bro. Thomas Andros Date: 6 June 2008
Hello. I
found very interesting information about masonry in you website. Thank you for
sharing with us. I
would like to mention just one wrong information : in France the name "The
National Independent and Regular Grand Lodge of France and the French Colonies"
doesn't exist since 1946; since this date it is named "Grande Loge Nationale
Française" (GLNF) which is the only regular Grand Loge in France.
Claude Roulet - F. M.
Date: 28 May 2008
Fraternal greetings,
Date: 16 April 2008
Greetings from UK Freemasons-
What a wonderful web site on American freemasonry, I am an English mason from
the UK and found your web site via a link from the UK mason list (
I particularly liked the Utube short introduction to Masonry which was very well
produced, in fact every aspect of the web site gave an excellent review on
Freemasonry in USA, and how Masonry started in the UK., each section was well
constructed with excellent graphics.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Rowland Chambers.
Date: 9 April 2008
Hello, I
found your website, and I am very thankful for it. Your site has help
deepen my affection for Freemasonry. I had been wrestling with returning
to a Lodge. And after reading several items on your site, and after several
conversations, I have requested to become a member of King Solomon's Lodge. Thank you for your website.
Will Huie
Date: March 2008
On searching for recipes for dinner I happened upon your site and found many answers to alot of my own questions. I am a relative newcomer , my gratitude for a site full of information and guides. Since becoming an officer I have always found difficulties in learning the many aspects of being an officer. The many duties that are so rigorously carried out with the the lodge looking at me to exemplify what masonry is and at the same time show and learn how to lead. There is no satisfaction in giving up no matter how hard it becomes A brother once asked me why I do what I do, a comparison, I have no direct definable reason other than to know that I have to be here in order to find out why. While odd I find it has a certain quality of beauty and trust in oneself to know how to make oneself a better man and at the same time /elping others in the same way. Fraternally Brother Dean Clingerman Somewhere in Northeast Ohio
Date: 9 November 2007
Greetings This
site continues to be a source of information and inspiration form me in my
struggle to encourage leadership within our Lodges and organisation
Fraternally Bob
Greetings from South
Australia. Date: 19 September 2007
Fraternal Greetings
G'day from down under. Victoria, Australia
A great site for Freemasons.
I take great delight in reading the various snippets on your site.
Keep up the good work.
Wor. Bro. Brian Mc Dowell. Date: 13 September 2007 Greetings, My name is Graham Bundle and I am currently the Master of The Woburn Lodge No.25 New Zealand constitution. Whilst surfing for some information regarding a presentation in our lodge, I came across your page, and found it a great source of current information.
Graham Bundle
WM Date: 12 February 2007
Dear Bro Joe:
I am
impressed with the depth and breadth of the content.
My heartfelt
thanks for a "job well done".
I have a few
years in Masonry (from the NY jurisdiction) and have written several speeches.
If you would be interested in any of them to add to your site, I would be
honored to send them on.
My Fraternal
Thanks Date: 11 November 2006 Dear Bro, Joe Date: 27 June 2006 Your site was referred by a
friend and PGM as a source of Masonic lectures and history. Between your site
and the MSA, I have not only been able to bring more light to my brothers, but
have learned much myself and improved myself in Masonry. Date: 20 January 2006 I have enjoyed this great opportunity to travel through this site and
received so much light in the process that I will surely return to check out
more quotes of the day Thank you Date: 2 January 2006 Great site. Lots of valuable info. I know that I will return. If
you get a chance drop by our little corner of the web at Date: 11 December 2005 Greeting from Australia.
This site is a wonderful resource for those committed to making a daily advancement in Masonic knowledge. The huge range of information and great presentation is obviously the product of brotherly love, strength of will and enormous labour. Congratulations and many thanks. Date: 26 November 2005 You have alot of helpful info on your site. I was just raised in August of this year so I'm still trying to find out what's going on but i will use this site and recommend it for my brethren that were raised with me. Thanks
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