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Collected here are some great works of literature that are either related to Freemasonry or worthy of study by a Mason. 

Below you will find references and links to books that are online, either in this website or someone's website.

  1. Masonic Books:  Here you will find books that are part of this website.

  2. Non-Masonic Books:  Non-masonic books located at this site although it can be utilized as reference as it has to do informally with Masonry.

  3. Masonic Related Books: Masonic Books that are located in someone else's website.  It will open as a separate window.

  4. Non-Masonic Books: Books that can be utilized as references or research on Masonic topics located in someone else's website.  It will open as a separate window.

If you know of others books out there, please email me so they can be added.

Click on    located to the left of the book title you wish to read.   Eventually, I will attached the pdf files of those books I have so you can download them as well.

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Masonic Books

Located In This Website

A Basic Historico-Chronological Model of the Western Hermetic Tradition by Trevor Steward
Arcane Schools by John Yarker
Beyond The Northeast Corner by Richards H. Sands 
Brothers and Builders by Joseph Fort Newton  
  Cosmos E Inmortalidad por José Schlosser PM       
  Duncan's Masonic Ritual And Monitor by Malcolm  C. Duncan 
Estudios Sobre La FrancMasoneria y El Compañerazco por René Guénon       
Freemasonry: Its Hidden Meaning by George H. Steinmetz  
Freemasonry and Catholism by Max Heindel
Hiram's Book by Wayne T. Adams 
History of Freemasonry by H. L. Haywood
Illustrations Of Masonry by William Preston   
  Illustrations of Masonry, By One Of The Fraternity, Who Has Devoted Thirty Years To The Subject by Captain William Morgan; 1826
Is It True What They Say About Freemasonry? by Art deHoyos and S. Brent Morris -1993
Lexicon of Freemasonry by Albert Mackey ***
Mark History by George Woolmer
Masonic Essays by Don Falconer

P-S Review of Freemasonry

"This book has been first published on PS Review of Freemasonry and it is online with permission of the Author and of  PS Review of Freemasonry."

Masonic Initiation by W. L. Wilmshurst  Sequel To Meaning Of Freemasonry
Masonic Treatise by W. Finch   
Masonry Dissected by Samuel Prichard  
Meaning of Freemasonry by W. L. Wilmshurst
Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike
The Adventures Of Timothy Peacock, Esquire by Daniel P. Thompson  
The Builders by Joseph Fort Newton  
The Hidden Power Behind Freemasonry  by Gordon "Jack"Mohr  Anti-Masonry
The History Of Freemasonry by Albert Gallatin Mackey
The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry or The Secret Of Hiram Abiff  by Manly P. Hall 
The Masonic Manual, A Pocket Companion For The Initiated by Robert Macoy; 1867  
The Principles of Masonic Law by Albert Gallatin Mackey - 1858  
The Official Texas Monitor 1921  
The Royal Arch History by Albert Gallatin Mackey  
The Scholar The Builders Rejected by J. M. S. Ward  
The Secret Teaching Of All Ages by Manly P. Hall  
The Square And Compasses: In Search Of Freemasonry by Don Falconer

P-S Review of Freemasonry

"This book has been first published on PS Review of Freemasonry and it is online with permission of the Author and of  PS Review of Freemasonry."

The Symbolism of Freemasonry by Albert Gallatin Mackey  
The Worshipful Master's Handbook by GL Wash DC  
Webb's Freemason's Monitor by Thomas Webb Smith -1865 
Whither Are We Traveling by Dwight L. Smith
Why This Confusion In The Temple? by Dwight L. Smith 

Working on fixing many other books
Check here once in a while!

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Non- Masonic Books

Located In This Website

Craft, Trade, Mystery  by Dr. Bob James  
De Architectura by Marcus Vitruvius Pollio  
Egyptian Myths And Mysteries by Rudolph Steiner  
The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius  
  The Origins And The Fate Of The Temples At Jerusalem  965 BC - 70 AD by P. E. H. Thomas
The Works Of Flavious Josephus  

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Masonic Related Books

Located at Other Websites

Book of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (1884) by Charles T. McClenehan
Confessio Fraternitatis or The Confession of the Laudable Fraternity of the Most Honorable Order of the Rosy Cross, written to All the Learned of Europe
Fama Fraternitatis - First published in 1614 in German and in 1615 in Latin
Freemasonry In Maine - A Handbook  2001 Edition  
Illustrations of Masonry, By One Of The Fraternity, Who Has Devoted Thirty Years To The Subject; Captain William Morgan; 1826, 1851
Masonic Trials and Michigan Digest by Henry M. Look; 1869  
Opinions on Speculative Masonry; James Creighton Odiorne; 1830
Richardson's Monitor of Free-Masonry; Jabez Richardson; 1860
Tales of a Masonic Life; Rob Morris; 1860
The Dionysian Artificers by Hippolyto Joseph Da Costa (1820)
The Craftsman and Freemason's Guide; Cornelius Moore; 1851
The History of Freemasonry; James William Mitchell; 186?
The Lights and Shadows of Freemasonry; Rob Morris; 1852
The Masonic Ladder; John Sherer, 1866  
The Mysticism Of The Royal Arch by the late W. bro. C. R. Manasseh
The Rosicrucians: Past and Present, At Home and Abroad
An Address to the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia By William Wynn Westcott
The Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry, In Twelve Lectures; George Oliver; 1866
The Truth About Freemasonry by Rev. Dr. Baron Lloyd Worley
The Virginia Text Book; John Dove; 1866
Two Faces of Freemasonry - A Picture Book Supplement to Scarlet and the Beast, Vol 1, 3rd Ed. by John Daniels

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Non- Masonic Books

Informally supports Masonic Research

Located at Other Websites

Anatomy of the Body of God-Being The Supreme Revelation of Cosmic Consciousness by Frater Achad (Charles Stansfield Jones)

Biblical Inconsistencies by Donald Morgan   

Book of Enoch From-The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, by R.H. Charles

Characters of Virtues and Vices by Joseph Hall, Bishop of Exeter, 1608  

Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz (or "The Hermetic Romance")

Isis Unvealed by H. P. Blavatsky
Mysteries of John (St. John the Evangelist) by Charles Fillmore  

New Atlantis by Sir Francis Bacon in 1626     (Read it in this site also)
An almost prophetic vision of what the founders of Freemasonry once hoped it would aspire to

Pilgrim's Progress - Delivered Under the Similitude of a Dream by John Bunyan in 1672 from This World to That which Is to Come

The Book of Common Prayer by Church of England, 1662  
The Kabbalah Unveiled  translated by G.L.MacGregor Mathers
The Mystery Schools by G. F. Knoche, 1940  

Books published prior to 1923 are online according US Pre-1923 Public Domain Rule.
For any copyright infringement claims please contact me.

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Last modified: March 22, 2014