The Masonic Trowel

... to spread the cement of brotherly love and affection, that cement which unites us into one sacred band or society of brothers, among whom no contention should ever exist, but that noble emulation of who can best work or best agree ...

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Educational Masonic Videos
Some educational videos regarding different Masonic subjects/topics
Other Masonic-Related Videos
Videos about the craft - some quite lengthy


In this page you will find videos that relates to Freemasonry and other Masonic Organizations - many videos that you may find in the web.

If you found a great video that should be posted here, please email me the link.  Thanks


These series of short promotional videos regarding Freemasonry from

Is There Greatness in You!

A Time For Men

A Timely Chat With A New Freemason

A Charge To The Fraternity

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Some videos that talks about Freemasonry.

What Is Freemasonry - A Message From The Grand Lodge of Virginia

The Next Great Mason

What Is Freemasonry - Your Questions Answered

Explanation of Freemasonry

Inside Freemasonry

Structure of Freemasonry

Qualifications To Be A Freemason

So You Want To Be A Freemason? by Dick Fletcher, Executive Secretary MSANA


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Some videos that talks about the York Rites.

There Comes A Time

Scottish Rites Family and Friend

Our Vision from Scottish Rite NMJ USA on Vimeo

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Some videos that talks about the York Rites.

York Rite Freemasonry

The Masonic York Rite

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Videos that deals with some of the charity works and aid to our communities that masons are involved with.

The Rite Voice

The Masonic Model

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It is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinion
of Freemasonry, nor webmaster nor those of any other regular Masonic body other than those stated.

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Last modified: March 22, 2014