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WE ARE DREAMERSNothing great has been achieved unless the pattern has first been conceived in the mind and heart. Call it what you will- Vision, Dream, or Designs upon the Trestle Board, it is the same. In that sense, we Masons are Dreamers. Long ago Masons set forth the outline of a noble dream, and every Mason has had his part in bringing about the reality. There is the dream of Universal Brotherhood, not the superficial condition in which men glibly use the words with insincere piety and say: "If you do as I do, we will be brothers; If you believe as I do we will be brothers." Masonry's dream of Universal Brotherhood will become a reality through study, through patience, through Unfaltering Trust, and through the knowledge that Brotherhood is a Fact in Nature. Such a condition will result when we gain the ultimate wisdom that religion, science, and philosophy, form the trinity which will unite men. Do we not refer to Masonry as the Science of Morality? We do not say that Masonry is a religion, but who will say that Masonry is not an expression of the best in all religious teachings? We are Dreamers. The dream in the minds and hearts of Jefferson, Franklin, and Washington, became the United States of America. They visioned a condition wherein man would no longer be a puppet, but would walk forth in the Light of Freedom. Yes, we are Dreamers. We dream of a time when our hospitals for the mentally ill will be emptied. We dream of a time when no child will be born into a world of hate, prejudice, of war. We dream of a time when no child will be denied love, shelter, spiritual training, and the opportunity for intellectual development. We dream of a time when man will live in the positive knowledge of the unerring accuracy of Moral and Spiritual Laws. As we dream we work, and as surely as we work, hope and pray, the Great Dream will come true. |
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