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PERSONALITYThe public is offered a vast assortment of books today on "Bought Personality." Each promises a rich reward to anyone who adopts the methods necessary to make friends and influence people. The point is that each of us should become a strange and hypnotic power over the other. We should know exactly how to be just deceptive enough to put over our proposition. Whether or not our conclusion is based on sound reasoning is not important. The world is moving fast and we must memorize the magic words that will make us financially successful. But we who are relegated to a life of sombre insignificance, who cannot master the intricate lessons, are wondering what has become of the more substantial ingredients that make a person rich in personality. What has become of common decency, simple courtesy, and thoughtful kindness? Is there no place today for unquestionable honor, straightforward statements, a sense of humor, and the enjoyment of wholesome pleasures of life? Is there a better way of making friends by making ourselves worthy to be a friend? Is there a more potent recipe for influencing people than by our acts that tend to inspire confidence? Is there a more successful selling campaign than that of having a worthy product to offer? Should we throw a curtain of words over us and build up a synthetic personality? Let us remember the lessons that we learned as Entered Apprentice Masons. And let us recall the patient climb of the Fellowcraft who cheerfully ascends the steps of life, grateful of the privilege of working and learning. And let us indelibly carry with us the sublime lessons of the Third Degree. Personality is the natural product of *Character.* |
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