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MASONRY IS ITS OWN REWARDThe matter of attendance is perhaps the most frequently discussed subject with Masonic groups. "How can our lodge increase attendance," is the question that is invariably propounded. It is perfectly natural for officers of the lodge to give some thought to ways and means to interest more members. However, there is always the danger of becoming too engrossed in the matter of attendance, and thereby losing something that is vastly more important. Why do we come to a Masonic meeting? To learn. Is a large attendance always indicative of the fact that more members are eager to learn, or does it mean that a promised feature on the program has attracted a greater number? Masonry is a study that offers the greatest opportunity for self-improvement. It has within it the glamour of romance, the magic of history, and the comfort of philosophy. It is the refreshing inspiration that we carry with us to "Foreign Countries." You have witnessed the degrees, and with each portrayal there has unfolded a new thought. You have taken part in the business of the lodge. And, whenever the lodge gives to the poor, sustains the widow in her hour of need, gives shelter and food to children, you have the satisfaction that goes with being a benefactor. You can disguise Masonry for the moment, but you cannot change it. We should attend lodge, but always with the knowledge that "Masonry is its own reward." |
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States or elsewhere. Last modified: March 22, 2014 |