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MASONRY IN THE HOMEHome is the sphere in which Masonry should find its most effective expression. It is here that teachings, principles, obligations, take on a living, breathing form and are recorded in every deed, by every act. Those virtues which command respect and promote love are here exemplified by the father who was schooled in Freemasonry. Little children, seeking to adapt themselves to a world that is new, eager to give expression to childish thoughts, find a true companion in the father or brother who himself stood as a child in the "northeast corner" of life. The Masonic influence creates a feeling of confidence and hope that through calm, deliberate thought, obstacles will be surmounted. Between husband and wife there is a natural exchange of confidence, a proper recognition of each other's rights. Within the family circle there is a bright outlook upon life, a manifestation of the Mason's belief in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man. Because he is a Mason, the vows of marriage become even more sacred. His obligations are infinitely more binding. In the domain of home, limited though it may be, the Mason sees the foundation of all good government. In the performance of his duties as a husband and father he contributes to the welfare of all the people. His value as a citizen is proportionate to the standards of his home. All the while he supplies the tenets of Freemasonry he does more. Through his son he perpetuates Masonry: through his daughter he perpetuates the ideals that she will look for and expect in all men. As long as woman looks for these ideals, man will possess them. A "key to perfection" is not claimed by Masonry. Yet we know that the Mason who holds his obligations as sacred trusts is a kind father, a faithful husband and a good citizen. |
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States or elsewhere. Last modified: March 22, 2014 |