Masonic quotes by Brothers |
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A FACT IN NATUREThe ideas advanced by individuals and groups calling for a united world are praiseworthy. However, the attainment is not to be found in the methods employed generally by those who are interested primarily in the political and economical problems of the world. Universal Brotherhood will be achieved only through the education of the individual in the science of morality. The problems of government and economy will be solved readily when the desire for Universal Brotherhood becomes universal. Freemasonry has held forth the Ideal of Brotherhood as the very foundation of its existence. It has done more than voice a hope. Patiently throughout the ages our Institution has taught men Brotherhood as *a fact in Nature.* Its simple creed, The Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of Man, has been the watchword. Masonry has left out edicts and dogmas which set up walls between man and his brother, and which stand for the denial of Brotherhood as a fact in nature. In all her teachings Masonry has let the Rays of Light shine unobstructed from the Source to those who are willing to place themselves in position to receive Light, a Divine Gift. There can never be a united world, a single unit of mankind, until there is created within the hearts of men the desire to be serviceable to all creatures. When self is lost in such desire, man becomes a citizen of the world. To obey is to survive. To practice Brotherhood, to learn to become efficient in the art of Freemasonry, is to recognize *a fact in Nature.* |
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