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THE EFFORTS OF MASONRY"Neither are you to suffer your zeal for the Institution to lead you into argument with those, who, through ignorance, may ridicule it." The circle of Masonry would encompass those who misunderstand its functions and purposes. This is true because the enthusiasm that is ours is not for the perpetuation of a name or an organization, but for the propagation of a field for service which has for its end the amelioration of mankind. A great objective calls for the careful selection of men who will assume their respective parts in the work. Heroic and courageous names perhaps will not be transmitted to future generations. But the "Mark" of the individual stamped upon his endeavors will leave no doubt that there lived an unselfish worker. That which Masonry struggles against is not the enemies that strike out against our Institution, but the elements of hate and injustice that make such an enemy blind to his own peril. What is good for and through Masonry is good for the world and humanity. What Masonry seeks to perform it seeks for the universe. Masonry claims nothing that cannot be imparted to men who believe in love as the antidote of hate. During life and after, man is immortal. The primary duty of men is to live together in harmony. And all the efforts of Masonry are united to bring about this joyous condition. |
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States or elsewhere. Last modified: March 22, 2014 |