more light #149
Thoughts From A Brother
by Ed Halpaus
Grand Lodge Education Officer
Grand Lodge of A. F. & A. M. of Minnesota
From St. George’s Banner, September 1992, Brother Kevan Van Herd, editor
Thoughts from a Brother
(Editorial from Bro. Jim Robertson's Desk)
If you ask a Brother why he became a Mason, you often receive a variety of
answers. Some joined because a friend whom they respected was a Mason, and
encouraged them. Some joined out of filial respect; it was a family tradition,
some because they were intrigued by the mystery of Fraternity. Whatever the
reason for joining the reasons for remaining a Mason are quite as varied. For
some, the theatricality of the ritual is an alluring element. For some the
fellowship is an essential part of attending Lodge. For some it is an obligation
which they accepted freely, and continue to feel obligated to the Fraternity.
For many it is difficult to define what continues to connect them to Masonry.
"Once a Mason, always a Mason", may be true on one level - once in receipt of
the secrets they cannot be expunged by either suspension or expulsion. But once
having all the Light that can be conferred up you in a Master Mason's Lodge, one
has only begun to learn what it is to be a Mason.
There are some practitioners of the Craft whom we are proud to stand beside in
Lodge. They have taken their obligations outside of the Temple and practice
those tenets of our Fraternity in their everyday lives. It is these examples to
young Masons that determine whether we become Freemasons in the true sense of
the word or merely card carrying members of a social club.
[If] it is not to develop, through interaction with the Brethren, a greater
inner strength and equilibrium in our lives, then we are neglecting one of the
most important elements Masonry has to offer. Education and moral development
are our stated aims and though the Brotherhood we must strive to attain them. It
is believed that through the group we can make good men better. But this can
only succeed if all participate.
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