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HOW TO SET YOUR OFFICERS TO WORK WITH PROPER INSTRUCTIONSECTION 6 - THE HIRAM'S HANDBOOKSUGGESTED DUTIES FOR LODGE OFFICERSA. INTRODUCTIONBy their conduct, their dress, their attendance, their enthusiasm, the proficiency in their work and their attitude, the officers of your Lodge set the tone for the entire lodge operation. Each officer can do much to convey to the candidates and to all members of the lodge, the seriousness, the beauty and the honor of Masonry as well as the fun and fellowship. The duties on the following pages are provided as guidelines to achieve the above goals. B. GENERAL GUIDELINESThe following topics apply to the operation of all lodges. 1. PROMPTINGOnly one person present during a degree should by allowed to prompt. Multiple prompting, no matter how well intended, results in confusion and spoils the effect of the ritual. The officer in charge should either do the prompting or assign a prompter. All others. should remain quiet. The official prompter should be announced with the officer line-up. If the Certified Ritual Instructor is present, he should be the prompter. 2. SPECIAL DUTIES OF THE OFFICER IN CHARGEThis refers to the Master, in the case of Stated meetings and Third Degrees; the Senior Warden for Second Degrees; and the Junior Warden for First Degrees. He should take full charge for the evening, being personally responsible for the following: a. Prepare a list of the brethren assigned to fill each station during the degree. Inform them in advance, of the station that they are to fill, giving them time to go over the work before the degree night. b. See that the Tiler knows the degree and the candidate’s name(s) so that he is property informed when greeting visitors. c. Be responsible, both inside and outside the lodge room, for all decorum, visitor’s comfort and introductions. d. If a visitor is to take part in the work, make sure that he is reasonably proficient in the work of the station involved e. When preparing to close, see that sideliners who are not proficient in the closing ritual are removed from the stations they have filled during the degree so as not to embarrass them. C. ADVANCEMENT NIGHTThe officers preparing to advance to the next station in line should be prepared sometime during the middle of the year. There is no official line in a lodge. Every member eligible to vote at an election is eligible to hold office in the lodge. However, most lodges establish an unofficial line that their officers follow as they progress from station to station. The Lodge Officer’s duties outlined in this chapter are based upon an assumed line of progression as follows: Junior Steward - Senior Steward - Junior Deacon - Senior Deacon-Junior Warden - Senior Warden - Worshipful Master. This line of progression and the respective duties of each position will prepare the officer for the administrative position of Worshipful Master as he progresses through the line. Each officer shall have assigned duties that provide challenges and experiences that prepare an officer to hold the office of Worshipful Master. Each officer has the potential of serving his lodge as Worshipful Master. Therefore, it is very important that no Mason should be asked to serve as an officer if you would not be proud to have him as your Worshipful Master. The following duties should be modified and adapted for each lodge as the Master sees fit. They are only to be used as a guideline and as a suggestion for the operation of a lodge. D. SUGGESTED DUTIES FOR LODGE OFFICERSA suggestion is just that, nothing more. A Master has wide latitude to allocate duties. In allocating duties among your officers you will need to keep the limitations in mind: (a) Our Grand Lodge cares for him; (b) The By-laws of your Lodge; and (c) The special utilities of each of your officers. The following is a suggested model. It will need to be adapted to meet the special requests of your Lodge and the differing abilities of each of your line officers. Its value is that it accounts for merely all of the values which will have to be done by someone. Don’t drop the ball. Make sure that every task that needs to be done is assigned to someone. SUGGESTED DUTIES FOR A WORSHIPFUL MASTERThe Master shall have power to: A. Convene his Lodge whenever he deems it proper; B. Issue, or cause to be issued, all summonses or notices which may be required; C. Discharge all the executive functions of his Lodge; and D. Perform all acts, by ancient usage proper to his office, which are not prohibited by the Constitution and Regulations of Grand Lodge. DUTIES - GENERALIt shall be the duty of the Master to: A. Preside at all meetings of the Lodge; B. Confer or have conferred all degrees in strict accordance with the ritual which has been, or may hereafter be approved by Grand Lodge; C. Give, or have given, in full, the lectures appertaining to each degree, at the time it is conferred in accordance with the ritual; D. Appoint those officers as provided for in the By-laws; E. Attest, at each Stated Meeting of the Lodge, all minutes or records of proceedings as approved at such meetings by the Lodge; F. Superintend the official acts of all the officers of his Lodge and to see that their respective duties are properly discharged; G. Carefully guard against any infraction, by the members of his Lodge, of its own By-laws, or the Constitution and Regulations of Grand Lodge. H. Provide for the election of his successor. DUTIES - SPECIFIC1. To prepare the Lodge’s Annual Program. 2. To prepare the Lodge’s Annual Budget. 3. To prepare the Master’s Trestleboard articles. 4. To ascertain the date for the District Deputy’s Official Visitation. 5. To appoint the Investigating Committee brethren as required. 6. To be responsible for all Lodge committees. 7. To attend Grand Lodge and vote the Lodge’s recommendations on the resolutions. 8. To prepare an agenda for each Stated Meeting. 9. To appoint the following committees for the Lodge. COMMITTES1. Budget and Finance 2. Building 3. Telephone 4. Greeters 5. Care and Share 6. Masonic Education 7. Grand Master’s Award 8. Raymond Ride-out Award 9. Lodge History RITUAL - GENERALTo be qualified to give the work and to give, or arrange to be given, lectures of the First, Second and Third Degrees; and to be thoroughly proficient in those portions of the Constitution and Regulations of the Grand Lodge which relate to the government of a Lodge. RITUAL SPECIFIC1. To learn the ritual for conducting Stated Meetings; 2. To learn the ritual for receiving Grand Lodge representatives (District Deputy, Grand Master, etc.); 3. To conduct Memorial Services; 4. To conduct degree practices for all officers of the Lodge; 5. To notify the Secretary of the date of initiation for newly elected candidates; 6. To take charge of all Third Degrees; 7. To attend Schools of Instruction; 8. To arrange for new Master Masons to give their lessons in open Lodge. SUGGESTED DUTIES FOR A SENIOR WARDENDUTIES - GENERALIt shall be the duty of the Wardens to assist the Master in the performance of his dutie3, and to discharge all those duties which ancient usage has assigned to their respective stations. During the absence of the Master, the Senior Warden, and in his absence the Junior Warden, shall succeed to and be charged with all the powers and duties of the Master. DUTIES - SPECIFIC1. To prepare the Senior Warden’s Trestleboard items as requested by the Master; 2. To serve as Chairman of the Budget Committee; 3. To prepare the calendar for your year as Master; 4. To prepare an estimated budget for your year as Master (based upon the calendar above); 5. To consider brethren to be appointed to the line during your year as Master and to ask them if they will serve, whether or not you serve as Master. Discuss possible choices wit]1 the present Master and Junior Warden; 6. To consider brethren to be appointed as chairmen of committees and committeemen during your year as Master and to ask them if they will serve; 7. To attend the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge; 8. To attend all Lodge functions (Stated and Special Meetings, family night programs and other Lodge functions); 9. To make arrangement for your Installation as Master; 10. To attend the District Officer’ Association Meetings; 11. To attend the Schools of Instruction. RITUAL GENERAL1. To be qualified to give the work and lectures of the First and Second Degrees; 2. To be knowledgeable in those portions of the Constitution and Regulations of the Grand Lodge which relate to the government of a Lodge. RITUAL - SPECIFIC1. To learn the work and lecture, if possible, of the Third Degree and the ritual required to be qualified as Master; 2. To be qualified to give the work of the Senior Warden in the Third Degree; 3. To take charge of all Second Degrees; 4. To attend all degree practices designated by the Master; 5. To examine all candidates to see if they are properly prepared; 6. To review all signs, tokens, and words of the preceding degrees of all Second and Third Degree candidates prior to the start of the degrees. SUGGESTED DUTIES A JUNIOR WARDENDUTIES - GENERAL1. To assist the Master in the performance of his duties, and to discharge all those duties which ancient usage has assigned to their respective stations. During the absence of the Master, the Senior Warden, and in his absence the Junior Warden, shall succeed to and be charged with all the powers and duties of the Master. 2. To prefer charges against a Mason guilty of unmasonic conduct. DUTIES - SPECIFIC1. To be responsible for all suppers held at the Lodge; 2. To keep itemized receipts for all dinner expenditures and records of all income. 3. To keep attendance records of all dinner functions; 4. To work with the Stewards’ on all supper functions; 5. To prepare a summary of monthly bills and present them to the Secretary at least one week prior to the Stated Meeting; 6. To serve as Chairman of the Care and Share Committee; 7. To prepare the Junior Warden’s trestleboard articles, as requested by the Master; 8. To serve as an ex-officio member of the Budget Committee; 9. To attend all Lodge functions (Stated and Special Meetings, family night programs and other Lodge functions); 10. To attend the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge; 11. To begin the planning of the calendar for your year as Master; 12. To begin considering brethren to be appointed to the line during your year as Master; 13. To begin collecting articles and information for use in planning your Trestleboard articles during your year as Master; 14. To attend Schools of Instruction; 15. To attend the District Officers’ Association Meetings. RITUAL - GENERALTo be qualified to give the work and lectures of the First Degree. RITUAL - SPECIFIC1. To learn the work and lectures of the Second Degree and the ritual required to be qualified as Senior Warden; 2. To be qualified to give the work of the Junior Warden in the Second Degree; 3. To be qualified to give the work of the Junior Warden in the Third Degree; 4. To take charge of all First Degrees; 5. To attend all degree practices designated by the Master. SUGGESTED DUTIES FOR A TREASURERDUTIES - GENERALA. To receive and safely keep monies, property and all other assets of the Lodge. To disburse or transfer the same, or any part thereof, upon the order of the Master, duly attested by the Secretary with the approval of the Lodge; B. To keep a book or books wherein a correct account of all receipts and disbursements shall be exhibited in detail, accounting for sources of income and expenditures; C. To report at the Annual Meeting each year in the format prescribed by Grand Lodge; D. Perform such other duties, appertaining to his office, as the By-laws may require or the Lodge may direct. DUTIES - SPECIFIC1. To serve on the Budget Committee; 2. To attend all Lodge functions (Stated and Special Meetings, family night programs and other Lodge functions). RITUAL - SPECIFIC1. To be qualified to give the work of the Treasurer in the First Degree; 2. To attend Schools of Instruction. SUGGESTED DUTIES FOR A SECRETARYDUTIES - GENERALA. To record all proceedings at each meeting proper to be written, under the direction of the Master, and transcribe the same in a minute book to be kept for that purpose, and at the next slated Meeting to read the minutes to the Lodge and, after they are approved, to present them to the Master for his signature; B. To prepare and transmit a copy of such record, or of any part thereof, to Grand Lodge, when required; C. To collect and receive all monies due the Lodge and pay them to the Treasurer; D. To keep the seal of the Lodge and affix it with his attestation to all papers issued under its authority or in obedience to all requirements of the Constitution and Regulations of Grand Lodge; E. To transmit a Certificate of Election to the Grand Secretary, immediately after each election in the Lodge, the names of the new officers in the form provided; F. To transmit monthly and annual reports to the Grand Secretary in such form as shall be provided; G. Transmit with the annual returns to the Grand Secretary the names, dates of initiation, passing and raising, and the dates of death of all permanent members of Grand Lodge; H. Report all rejections for the degrees, expulsions, suspensions, and restorations to the Grand Secretary, immediately after their occurrence, on the form provided; I. Promptly notify an applicant who is not elected in writing of his rejection, and refund all fees and contributions paid; J. Send the required notification relative to delinquent dues; K. Keep, in such form as may be provided, the following books of the Lodge: 1. A minute book, in which he shall record all the transactions of the Lodge proper to be written of all Stated and Special Meetings, 2. A book of By-laws, for the signatures of the members in the order of their admission, in which he shall see that each member signs his name in full, 3. A roll book, in which he shall record, upon pages alphabetically arranged, the: a. Full name of all members of the Lodge, b. Dates of their initiation, passing, raising or affiliation, c. Name, number and location of the Lodges of which those affiliated last were members, d. Age and occupation of each when received, e. Dates of membership withdrawal, expulsion, suspension, death or restoration. 4. A set of such account books as may be necessary to present clearly: a. The account of each member with the Lodge, b. The receipts of the Secretary which provide a clear and permanent record of all monies received and from whom received with accounts, if any, c. His payments to the Treasurer; and DUTIES - SPECIFIC1. To serve on the Budget Committee; 2. To attend all Lodge functions (Stated and Special Meetings, family night programs and other Lodge functions); 3. To attend the Secretaries Schools scheduled by the Grand Secretary. RITUAL SPECIFIC1. To be qualified to give the work of the Secretary in the First Degree; 2. To attend Schools of Instruction. SUGGESTED DUTIES FOR A SENIOR DEACONDUTIES - GENERALTo perform such duties consistent with the usages of the Craft and appertaining to the station of the Senior Deacon, as may be required by the By-laws or directed by the Master. DUTIES - SPECIFIC1. To personally greet and “host’t visitors and properly introduce them in the Lodge room; 2. To serve as Chairman of the Visitor Examination Committee; 3. To serve on the Masonic Education Committee; 4. To serve on the Budget Committee; 5. To attend all Lodge functions (Stated and Special Meetings, family night programs and other Lodge functions); 6. To attend the District Officers’ Association Meetings. RITUAL - GENERAL1. To be qualified to give the work of the Senior Deacon in all degrees and the lecture of the Second Degree; 2. To learn the work and ritual of the Master in the First Degree; 3. To be qualified to give the work of the Junior Warden in the first section of the First Degree; 4. To be qualified to give the work of the Junior Warden in the first section of the Second Degree; 5. To be qualified to give the work of the Junior Warden in the first and second sections of the Third Degree; 6. To attend all degree practices scheduled by the Master. RITUAL - SPECIFIC1. To be responsible for the Ruffians in the second section of the Third Degree; 2. To notify the Ruffians in advance of all Third Degrees and see that qualified members are present for that part of the work; 3. To attend Schools of Instruction. SUGGESTED DUTIES FOR A JUNIOR DEACONDUTIES - GENERALTo perform such duties consistent with the usages of the Craft and appertaining to the station of the Junior Deacon, as may be required by the By-laws or directed by the Master. To be responsible for setting up and tearing down the Lodge room for all Stated and Special Meetings (Before meeting: arrive early, unlock door, turn on Masonic sign, set up Lodge early so that meeting can start on time, properly lay out paraphernalia for degree on hand including candidate paraphernalia, set out jewels for officers in proper places. After meeting: break down Lodge, put away paraphernalia. If unable to attend meeting: notify Master and obtain substitute to fulfill duties); DUTIES - SPECIFIC1. To serve as Chairman of the Telephone Committee; 2. To assist the Tiler in setting up and taking down the Lodge room for all Stated and Special Meetings; 3. To attend all Lodge functions (Stated and Special Meetings, family night programs and other Lodge functions); 4. To attend the District Officers’ Association Meetings. REQUIRED - GENERALTo be qualified to do the work of the Junior Deacon in all degrees. RITUAL - SPECIFIC1. To learn the work of the Senior Deacon in all Degrees; 2. To be qualified to give the work of the Senior Deacon in the first section of the Second Degree; 3. To be qualified to give the work of the Junior Warden in the first section of the First Degree; 4. To attend all degree practices scheduled by the Master; 5. To attend Schools of Instruction. SUGGESTED DUTIES FOR A CHAPLAINDUTIES - GENERALTo perform such duties consistent with the usages of the Craft and appertaining to the station of the Chaplain, as may be required by the By-laws or directed by the Master. DUTIES - SPECIFIC1. To offer the Grace at all dinner meetings and other Lodge functions as requested by the Master; 2. To attend all Lodge functions (Stated and Special Meetings, family night programs and other Lodge functions); 3. To serve as a member of the Care and Share Committee; 4. To serve as a member of the Masonic Education Committee. RITUAL - SPECIFIC1. To give the work of the Chaplain in all Degrees (opening and closing prayers, perambulations and charges); 2. To attend all degree practices when requested by the Master. SUGGESTED DUTIES FOR A SENIOR STEWARDDUTIES - GENERALTo perform such duties consistent with the usages of the Craft and appertaining to the station of the Senior Steward, as may be required by the By-laws or directed by the Master. DUTIES - SPECIFIC1. To be responsible for the Steward’s committee for all degrees. (The Steward’s committee should, consist of the Junior Steward and, at a minimum, five additional Masons (the five most recently raised Masons should be included as a part of this committee so they can become acquainted with the rest of the members of the Lodge); 2. To be responsible for providing refreshments after all meetings when there is no supper; 3. To keep itemized receipts for all refreshment expenditures (coffee, pies, donuts, etc., paper goods, and other staples as required); 4. To turn over all receipts to the Junior Warden monthly (to be submitted with the Junior Warden’s receipts to the Secretary at least one week prior to the Stated Meeting). DUTIES - SPECIFIC1. To serve on the Visitor’s Examination Committee; 2. To serve as Chairman of the Lodge’s Public Information Committee; 3. To serve on the Telephone Committee; 4. To attend all Lodge functions (Stated and Special Meetings, family night programs and other Lodge functions). RITUAL SPECIFIC1. To learn the work of the Senior Steward in all Degrees; 2. To learn the work of the Junior Deacon in the first section of the Second Degree; 3. To learn the work of the Senior Deacon in the first section of the First Degree; 4. To attend all degree practices designated by the Master; 5. To attend Schools of Instruction. SUGGESTED DUTIES FOR A JUNIOR STEWARDDUTIES - GENERALTo perform such duties consistent with the usages of the Craft and appertaining to the station of the Junior Steward, as may be required by the By-laws or directed by the Master. DUTIES - SPECIFIC1. To serve on the Steward’s committee for all dinners and refreshments after all degrees; 2. To be responsible for the Steward’s committee in the absence of the Senior Steward; 3. To attend all Lodge functions (Stated and Special Meetings, family night programs and other Lodge function’s); 4. To serve on the Visitor’s Examination Committee; 5. To serve on the Telephone Committee; RITUAL - GENERALTo be qualified to give the work of the Junior Steward in all Degrees. RITUAL - SPECIFIC1. To learn the work of the Senior Steward in all Degrees; 2. To learn the work of the Senior Deacon in the first section of the Second Degree; 3. To learn the work of the Junior Deacon in the first section of the First Degree; 4. To attend District Schools of Instruction. SUGGESTED DUTIES FOR A MARSHALDUTIES - GENERALTo perform such duties consistent with the usages of the Craft and appertaining to the station of the Marshal, as may be required by the Bylaws or directed by the Master. DUTIES - SPECIFIC1. To greet and stay with the First Degree candidate(s) from the time they enter the Temple until the Lodge is ready to open (if possible, request another brother to remain with them until the Lodge is opened and the degree starts); 2. To greet all Second and Third Degree candidates and review all signs, tokens and words of the preceding degree(s) with them before Lodge opens; 3. To attend all Lodge functions (Stated and Special Meetings, family night programs and other lodge functions); RITUAL - GENERAL1. To be qualified to give the work of the Marshal in all Degrees and to be qualified to receive Grand Lodge Officers; 2. To attend all degree practices when requested by the Master; 3. To know one of the parts of the Ruffians in the second section of the Third Degree; 4. To attend Schools of Instruction. SUGGESTED DUTIES FOR A TILERDUTIES - GENERALTo perform such duties consistent with the usages of the Craft and appertaining to the station of the Tiler as may be required by the By-laws or directed by the Master. DUTIES - SPECIFIC1. To receive all visitors and assist them in filling out visitor cards; 2. To notify the Senior Deacon of visitors and provide him with a card containing their names suitable to be used for introductions (include their titles, and the name and location of their Lodge); 3. To notify the Marshal of all candidates for degrees; 4. To attend all Lodge functions (Stated and Special Meetings, family night programs and other Lodge functions). SUGGESTED DUTIES FOR A HEAD CANDIDATE COACHNOTE: There is no official title “Head Candidate’s Coach.” The Senior Warden is in charge of all candidate coaching, but he may assign someone with that overall duty; hence, the reason for the “Head Candidates Coach” title. However, the Senior Warden is not relieved of the responsibility. DUTIES - GENERAL1. To keep a list of all candidates, record their progress in learning their lessons in all degrees and report the same to the Senior Warden and to the Master; 2. To see that every candidate is supplied with an Elder Brother; 3.. To see that every Elder Brother is supplied with an Instructor’s Manual; 4. To certify that all candidates are qualified in their lesson prior to giving it in open Lodge; 5. To be qualified to give the Candidate’s lesson questions in all Degrees; 6. To be prepared to examine the candidates in open Lodge. |
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