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APPENDICESAPPENDICES - HIRAM'S HANDBOOKAPPENDIX A - ROBERTS RULES OF ORDERCivilized society has, for the past five hundred years, recognized that adherence to a standardized process of conducting business provides the difference between chaos and order. For centuries, societies promulgated rules to govern their meeting process. From Parliamentary England came the rules of order which governed our first legislature, the House of Burgesses. Following the establishment of the United States Constitution, the Presiding Officer of the Senate, Vice President Thomas Jefferson, further refined the rules of order by writing his Manual Of Parliamentary Practice. This manual was adopted by both houses of Congress and the then existing state legislatures. Within a few decades, the organization of societies of various types - political, cultural, scientific, charitable, religious and fraternal - created a need for additional rules other than those utilized by legislatures. To meet this need, Luther S. Cushing, a clerk of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, wrote, in 1845, the Manual of Parliamentary Practice: Rules of Proceeding Debate in Deliberative Assemblies. In 1871, Major Henry M. Robert recognized that a comprehensive set of rules was required to govern societies at every level. Thus, Major Robert became convinced of the need for a new kind of parliamentary manual “‘based, in its general principles, upon rules arid practices of Congress, and adapted in its details, to the use of ordinary societies”. In 1876, Robert’s Rules of Order was printed and, to this date, the revised editions provide the foundation for the manner in which we conduct the business of society, including the Masonic fraternity. The purpose of this section is to review briefly the proper rules of order for you to follow while conducting the important business of your Lodge. It would be impossible, for the purpose of this notebook, to cover completely everything contained in the 594 page Revised prior to ascending the Edition. However, each Lodge should maintain a copy and East, you should review the material so that you are familiar with its contents and can quickly reference applicable sections should the need arise. The following is a brief explanation of the basic rationale and principles which govern the manner in which you should govern your Lodge: 1. Protection for The MembershipThe rules of order are designed to protect the rights of the majority, the minority against the majority, each individual member, those absent from meetings and all the above groups together. 2. Pattern of Formality To insure peace and harmony among the brethren, it is vitally important for you to insist that all members of the Lodge, the Master included, adhere to strict guidelines in the use of the following formal modes of address and behavior: a. Always insist in the use of formal titles and the term “Brethren” when speaking within the Lodge. b. All members should only address the Master. If speaking to another, their comment should be conducted through the Master. c. To speak, a member must first rise, address the Master and be recognized before obtaining the floor. d. Follow the standardized order of business found in your Manual. e. Never allow the motives of another Brother to be addressed from the floor. Every Brother is to be considered honorable and seeking the best interests of the fraternity. 3. Announce When finished with one category of business, announce the next order of business so that the brethren can be aware of the flow of the meeting. You are Master of the Lodge and the pattern of formality is only governed by the manner in which you wield the gavel. Insist upon proper decorum and you will increase the peace and harmony that prevails within the temple. 4. Making a Motion It is important to remember that business can only be brought before the membership in the form of a motion unless it is a routine task such as reading the minutes of a previous meeting. The process of bringing business before the Lodge is as follows: a. A Brother must rise and obtain recognition from the Master. In the case of a committee report, the Brother is called upon by the Master to give his report. b. The Brother then makes a motion or makes his committee report and then a motion. In either case, he resumes his seat. Long or complicated motions should be in writing and then immediately forwarded to the Master. Also, a few words spoken in preparation, prior to making a motion, is appropriate, but allow no speeches and leave extensive comment to the debate. c. If the motion is inconsistent with the order of business, the Master should state: “I declare the motion is out of order.” Never state “You are out of order or your motion is out of order”. d. The purpose of a second is to insure that time is not wasted when only one member is concerned about an issue. A second to the motion means that the issue should come before the Lodge. No specific recognition is required to make a second. Additionally, making a second only reflects the intention that the issue should come before the Lodge, not that another Brother favors the proposal. If no second is given, drop the motion and proceed to other business. e. When a motion and a second are completed, the Master repeats the motion calls for discussion, and then, after the debate has ended, asks “Are you ready for the question?” 5. Discussion or Debate The issue is now before the Lodge for debate and decision. If a Brother does not rise for recognition, proceed to vote. If a Brother rises for recognition, proceed with the debate utilizing the following procedures: a. The Brother who made the motion has first priority in debate. b. If two or more Brothers rise, the first standing has the right to be recognized. The Brother recognized has the floor and should not be interrupted unless he has violated the rules of order or proper decorum. He maintains the floor until seated. There is no prior claim to the floor by rising before the floor is yielded. c. If any modification to the motion is made, it must be made prior to the Master repeating the motion and asking “Are you ready for the question?” d. No Brother, except the mover of a question (who has the right to the last debate), should speak more than once. This rule may be dispensed with by the Master if he deems it proper to permit it. e. A speaker should confine his comments to the merits of the motion. He should only address his comments to the Master and not engage in personal attacks, allusions to the motives of others, or the mentioning of names. f. The Master must, at all times, be fair and impartial. Make sure all sides are heard and attempt, as much as possible, to afford ample opportunity for both sides of the question, alternating the sides, if necessary. g. The Master may, at any time, speak. The Brother on the floor should sit down while the Master is speaking, unless his remarks are in the nature of a question directed to the Brother. The Master should not enter into the debate. However, if it appears necessary to do so, he should turn the meeting over to a Warden or a Past Master, leave the East and make his comment. h. The debate cannot be closed or the question moved, unless by special rule or a 2/3rd vote of those assembled, until all members have been afforded the opportunity to speak. i. There are other classes of motions that can be interjected at this point to assist in treating or disposing of a main motion. These will be discussed later in this chapter. 6. Voting After the debate has closed, the Master again asks “Are you ready for the question?” repeats the motion and calls for a vote. If there is any confusion or doubt as to the motion’s intent the Master should explain the motion and describe the effect of both a yes and no vote. Utilize the following procedures for voting: a. The voting procedure in Masonic Lodges is usually by a show of hands, a voice vote or a rising vote. The only exceptions are votes on petitions for degrees, affiliation, restoration and an objection after initiation. Votes in these instances are by the ballot box. Also excepted are elections of officers with more than one candidate, when a written ballot should be used. b. The Master should call for the vote by saying All those in favor of the motion signify by raising your right hands. -Those opposed’. Always call for the no vote, no matter how overwhelming the affirmative vote. In this instance, the Master simply announces the result of the vote. c. If a member rises to demand a standing vote, abide by the request unless the vote is obvious or the tactic is being utilized to delay the meeting. d. If a vote is not conclusive, then it is proper to have a standing vote. In announcing such results, state the number of votes for and against. e. The majority rules except when required by the Constitution, By-laws or the rules of order. The following are the exceptions to the majority rule: 1. A 2/3 vote is required to amend the By-laws, request a change of meeting place and to determine the validity of an objection after initiation. 2. A 3/4 vote is required to approve the consolidation of Lodges. 3. A unanimous vote is required to approve applications for dispensations by the Grand Master. f. The Master only votes to break a tie (except when balloting on candidates). g. The vote is not effective and a member can change his mind until the Master announces the result. h. Certain business, such as the reading of the minutes or when there is apparently unanimous consent, can be dealt with by saying “If there be no objection...” and ‘There being none, the motion is adopted.” i. After the vote has been announced, proceed to other business. The authority of the Oriental chair is in your hands. The Grand Lodge does not expect you to be an expert, but wants you to be familiar with Parliamentary Procedure. You should know, in general terms, the proper procedure to be utilized and how to reference the materials. APPENDIX BSTATED MEETING CHECKLISTI. Criteria
II. Organized Meetings
III. Shorter Meetings
IV. Worthwhile Meetings
APPENDIX CHere are some resources you can use for your Lodge programs. I. CIVIC
II. BUSINESSCorporation Officers Tourist & Convention Center Board of Realtors Officers Better Business Bureau Major Employers Trade Talks (history of jewelry, etc)
Demonstrations Travel Agents
Professional Talks Airport/Yacht Club Officials
Department Store Presentations III. SCHOOLSSuperintendent of Education University President School Board Chairman School Administrator Principal/Vice Principal IV. SPORTSProfessional Team Public Professional Athlete Relations Officer Athletic Director Coach (high school, college) Sports Writer Athlete (high school, college) V. ENTERTAINMENTSingers Musicians Actors Magicians Hypnotists Barbershop Quartets
Sweet Adelines
High School/Church (Scottish Dancers, etc.) Corporate Entertainers (Union bank singers, General Telephone’s, “General Happenings, etc.) VI. SPECIALSpeakers Bureaus Toastmasters, Inc. TV or Radio personalities Newspaper Editor Sports Photographers Social Security Benefits
Hobbies Camera Clubs Chefs (cooking demonstrations) VII. MEDICALSpecialists Hospital Administrators Health Care Costs Exercise Programs Medical Insurance Medicare/Medicaid VIII. FRATERNALLayman’s Night Committee Research Lodge Speakers (speaker) Scottish Rite Players Shrine Chanters Research Lodge papers APPENDIX D
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