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HOW TO RECEIVE THE DEPUTY DISTRICTSECTION 13 - HIRAM'S HANDBOOKYour District Deputy will visit you several times during your term. On his unofficial visitation, you should ask him beforehand if he would like to join you in the East. Most District Deputies decline to join you in the East on an unofficial visitation. It would be good if more District Deputies accepted because having the District Deputy there on unofficial visitations sometimes makes a Master less uncomfortable when he is there on his official visitation. It is always important to introduce or acknowledge a District Deputy when he is visiting unofficially. Most District Deputies decline any grand honors when they are visiting unofficially, but in most districts it is the custom to give public grand honors, the first time a newly installed District ,Deputy visits a Lodge. A visiting District Deputy should be afforded the last opportunity to speek, even when he is visiting unofficially. The exception would be if the Grand Master or Deputy Grand Master were also present. At your official visitation or inspection much more formality is required. There is a format for receiving the District Deputy. You should ask the acting Grand Marshal before the meeting if the District Deputy has any changes to the format which follows: Open your Lodge through to the point where the Jr. Deacon reports that the Lodge is tyled and the Wor. Master has said, “I thank you Bro. Jr. Deacon.” The Grand Marshal makes an alarm at the tyled door by * * * raps. W.M. “Bro. Sr. Deacon’ (rises and salutes) “you will ascertain the cause of that alarm.” S.D. (With Rod, goes to tyled door, gives* * * raps, opens door and says.) “Who comes here?” Gr. Mar. “The Acting Grand Marshal with a communication.” S.D. (Goes behind altar, salutes and says.) W.M. the Acting Grand Marshal awaits without with a communication.” W.M. “Bro. Sr. Deacon you will inform the Acting Gr. Mar. that he has permission to enter.” S.D. (Salutes, returns to tyled door, opens it and says.) “Bro. Or. Mar. you have permission to enter.” (Sr. Deacon remains by tyled door.) Thereafter, if the District Deputy presents an unofficial visit, private grand honors should given. All past and present Grand Lodge officers should be attending this honor at the same time. Gr. Mar. (Goes behind altar, salutes and says.) “Wor. Master, the R.W.D.D.G.M. of the 19th Masonic District is without with his Suite and awaits to be admitted.” W.M. “Bro. Grand Marshal, you will inform our R.W.D.D.G.M. that a proper escort will await upon him. (The Acting Gr. Mar. salutes and goes out. Sr. Deacon opens and closes door then returns to his station.) W.M. “Bro. Marshal, you will form an escort consisting of the Sr. and Jr. Stewards and Sr. and Jr. Deacons and escort our R.W.D.D.G.M. and his Suite into the lodge room.” (Escort goes out tyled door. Marshal, Sr. and Jr. Stewards and Sr. and Jr. Deacons form in front of the Suite.) (Procession enters the Lodge Room, Lodge Marshal enters far enough to leave room for Stewards and Deacons, then steps to right. Stewards enter, halt behind Marshal, open to the right and left and cross rods. Deacons stop beside Stewards.) Gr Mar. ‘The R.W.D.D.GM.” W.M. (***Rises and removes his hat) Gr. Mar. Acting Or. Mar. forms Suite behind altar. Conducts the D.D.G.M. behind altar, salutes and says.) “Wor. Master, it is my pleasure to introduce R.W. Bro. James Smith, R.W.D.D.G.M. of the 25th Masonic District of Maine.” W.M. “Bro. Gr. Mar., you will escort the R.W.D.D.G.M. to the East.” (Wor. Master descends all the way to the floor. Escort breaks and go directly to their stations, W.M. says.) “R.W. Bro. Smith, on behalf of the officers, members and guests of — Lodge I welcome you. Would you please face the West?” “Brethren, it is my pleasure to introduce to you Bro. James Smith, R.W.D.D.G.M. of the 25th Masonic District of Maine. You will with me accord him the Private Grand Honors, taking your time from the East.” (Private Grand Honors, due guard and sign of the three degrees, no Grand Hailing Sign, to be given only in tyled lodge. And now, R.W., it is my pleasure to present you the gavel of _______ Lodge that you may continue with the introduction of your Suite. R.W.D.D.G.M. (Continues with the introduction of the Suite and returns the gavel to the Wor. Master.) W.M. “R.W. Bro. Smith, I welcome you to a seat in the East.” W.M. gives one rap * to seat the brethren then continues with the opening of the Lodge NOTE: Other than the title “Most Worshipful”, there is only one change in the foregoing for the reception of the Grand Master. When the escort goes out the tyled door, the Senior and Junior Deacons form in the rear of the Grand Master. |
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