The Masonic Trowel

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Ten Steps To Victory

How to set up and conduct the Grand Lodge Leadership Development Course in YOUR DISTRICT

Step one

Make the commitment to hold a two day seminar style presentation of the Leadership Development Course. Point out the benefits of taking the course to all Brothers and to line officers in particular. Enlist the support of District Grand Lodge Officers and leaders of the Craft in your area.

Step two

Assemble the team required to get the job done. You will need help to select the location, facilitators, provisions for refreshments and promotion of the program.

Step three

Select dates and acquire a location. The location should be a comfortable classroom environment conducive for training purposes. A community college, public school, church or lodge social hall with tables and chairs can usually be rented but try to get it donated first. Make sure that the dates you select allow enough time for participants to complete their assignments. Usually, selecting the dates two weeks apart is sufficient.

Step four

Promote, Promote, Promote! Announce the dates and location of your seminar at every Visitation or lodge meeting you or your team members attend. Make sure to provide articles for your area, district or lodge newsletters with specific registration information. Stress the importance of Masonic Education.

Step five

Choose your format. The recommended format is to allow for 45 minutes to complete each lesson. The following is a sample Saturday schedule:

7:30 - 8:30 Registration (coffee & doughnuts)
8:30 - 10:00 Lesson 1
10:00 - 10:15 Morning Break
10:15 - 11:45 Lesson 2
11:45 - 12:30 Lunch
12:30 - 2:00 Lesson 3
2:00 - 2:15 Afternoon Break
2:15 - 3:45 Lesson 4
3:45 - 4:00 Wrap-up (optional)
Make sure to allow for ample breaks. The material is intense and the day is long.

Step six

Assign instructors to facilitate each lesson. These Brothers should be good speakers, have some teaching or facilitating background, be capable of stimulating others to think, and be graduates of the Leadership Development Course. Be prepared! Make sure registrants have a copy of the 24" Gauge and that extra copies will be available for those who don't. Secure a copy of the Handbook of Masonic Law and Monitor for use the days of the sessions. If the group is expected to be large, make sure to acquire an overhead projector or PA system. Have at least one meeting with your team prior to the first session to review material. Order your course material at least 30 days in advance.

Step seven

The day has arrived! The day of your first session make sure to fill out the registration form and collect all moneys due. The charge for each course is $16. Open the meeting with some inspiring words. Allow each participant to introduce himself - this will break the ice. Your facilitators should allow at least 20 minutes to present the course material. Never read the text! The facilitator should be prepared and be capable of presenting the material with enthusiasm. Once the lesson has been presented, allow each participant to take a question in the quiz. This is where to encourage discussion and interaction. At the conclusion of the day, assign Lesson 4 question 22 and Lesson 5 question 20 as homework to be presented at session 2.

Step eight

At the start of the second session, review the assignment. Allow for each participant to present his material and have the other participants comment. At the conclusion of the second session, give everyone an opportunity to fill out the evaluation form provided.

Step nine

Collect the 2 written assignments and evaluation sheet from each participant. Send these forms along with the completed registration form to your Committee on Leadership Services & Educational

Step ten

Celebrate! Have a graduation party and give out the diplomas and pins. Select a date for presentation at an official DDGM Visit. Remember, these Brothers have "gone the extra mile" for the Craft - let them know that they are special.

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Last modified: March 22, 2014