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HOW TO PLAN AN EVENTEvent and activity planning is a very important aspect to the Master and Warden’s leadership role. It is well-planned events and activities of the Lodge that interest and motivates members and encourages non-members to become involved and join. BOTTOM LINEAs a leader in the Lodge, the members are counting on you to provide several well-planned events or activities in the next year. You will be judged and the whole structure will be judged by your performance. As the old saying goes, “The buck stops here.” PLANNINGPlanning has the obvious advantage of thinking ahead about the task (event or activity) and the ways to accomplish it (plan). The end goal is that the event or activity is done successfully. Involving the Lodge members in the planning and execution of the event has the added advantage of giving every member a chance to influence the decisions and gain satisfaction from having helped decide on and carry out the event or activity. THE PLANNING PROCESS1. CONSIDER THE EVENT OR ACTIVITYWhat is the assigned event or activity? Does everyone understand it? It is important that there be a common understanding of what the activity or event is to be. Get agreement from everyone to go along with the assignment.Start the planning process by asking the famous questions: Who?, What?, When?, Where?, Why?, How?, and How Much? Ask for input and opinions. Decide whether the group will accept the assignment as is, bargain for changes to the assignment, or refuse the assignment. Lead the group to a point where it will REACH A DECISION. You can’t go any further in planning until you reach these basic decisions. 2. DO RESEARCH AND CONSIDER RESOURCESYou and the members of your group should familiarize yourselves with the history of the event or activity if it is one that has been presented before. Contact others who have presented the event or activity before. Ask them questions so that you don’t make the same mistakes they did and to take advantage of their insight on putting on such an event or activity as you have assigned. If you or other members of the group have attended the event or activity in the past, take some time to reflect and consider how each of you felt about it.Consider your resources for the event or activity: the potential of your group and the potential of the Lodge to put on such an event or activity (this includes not only the number of members but age appropriateness of the event or activity for the membership, and experience in putting on events or activities); past experience with such an event or activity; equipment and supplies; money; time availability; potential sights for the event or activity; advisor and prevent availability. As you and the group review the above, REACH A DECISION on how the group will proceed in planning. 3. CONSIDER ALTERNATIVES:Be flexible in your planning. Expect the unexpected. Consider all the possible things that could go wrong (e.g. such as rain for an outdoor event, failure of the caterer to show up for the dinner, or lack of support from the membership). Have a Plan B. Think of alternatives to obstacles in presenting the event or activity. Be ready to use them. Consider the possibilities and write them into your plan. REACH A DECISION 4. SET GOALS AND CREATE A PLANOnce the group has considered and researched its task, considered its resources, and considered alternatives (including a Plan B), it’s now time to decide how the group would like to have the event or activity occur. Set goals (i.e. attendance, publicity, organization, outcome). REACH A DECISION 5. CREATE A TASK & RESOURCE LIST, TIMELINE AND BUDGETIt is important to know your resources and to formulate a plan of attack. Write down and itemized list of resources that you will need as well as tasks that have yet to be completed. Create a timeline that leads up to the event. Include time for collecting resources, set up, the event, and clean up. It is most important that you also create a budget for the event. Ensure that you include expenses and income. Does your income exceed your expenses? What are your financial goals for the event? REACH A DECISION 6. WRITE THE PLAN DOWNEvery event should be well documented. Once a plan has been decided upon, it is important to cement those plans by writing them down. These plans should then be shared with all who are involved.REACH A DECISION 7. PUT THE PLAN INTO EFFECTThe planning stages are complete. It is now time for you to execute your plan. While you may have decided upon a specific course of action, remember that it is important to be flexible – expect the unexpected and adjust (using Plan B) to meet your needs. Review carefully with the group, before any changes are made. REACH A DECISION 8. FOLLOW UP AND EVALUATEAs a group, review the outcome of the event or activity. Did it go according to plan? Was it successful? Was the plan used a good one? Did the group make the plan work? What about the event or activity and group work well and what didn’t? What changes or improvements can or should be made? Develop a report for the Lodge that evaluates the event or activity and makes recommendations for any such future event or activity.Put the evaluation in writing, giving copies to the Master, Wardens, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Lodge members. The report should include a detailed budget recap. LODGE EVENT PLANNING GUIDEEVENT ___________________________________________________________Event Date: _____________ location:________________ Time: ________________ Chairman: ________________________ Committee Members: _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ SET GOALSAs the chairman of this event, I would like to accomplish the following and achieve the following goals: 1. ____________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________ 6. ____________________________________________________________ 7. ____________________________________________________________ 8. ____________________________________________________________ 9. ____________________________________________________________ 10. ____________________________________________________________ Beginning with the end in mind, I would like this event to be remembered this way ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ TYPE OF EVENT: (Check all that apply)_____ FUN _____ SOCIAL _____ MEMBERSHIP _____ RITUAL ______FUND-RAISING _____ COMMUNITY SERVICE ______EDUCATION ________ FRATERNAL RELATIONS Event Date: ____________________________ Time: _______________________ Arrive/Set Up Time: ________________ Take Down/Leave Time ______________ Location: __________________________________________________________ Target Market of Event: (check all that apply)_____ Members _____ Prospective Members _____ Other Lodges _______ Families _____Masonic Family _________General Public _____ Youth Groups (____DeMolay _____ Rainbow Girls _____ Job's Daughters) _______ Other: ______________ NOTES:___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Event Agenda:Time Activity ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Sample Agenda7:00am Arrive & Set Up 8:00am Begin Washing Cars 12:00pm Lunch Break 3:00pm Stop washing cars 4:00pm Dismiss Everyone EVENT TASK AND TIMELINEList all the tasks involved in planning the event, the dates when the task must be completed, and which committee member is responsible for completing the task. TASK WEEK(S)
DATE TO BE RESPONSIBLE 1. Confirm use site 8 Weeks 2. Develop Event Budget 7 Weeks 3. Flyer OK’d and Mailed 4. Publicity 7 Weeks 5. Secure Equipment 6 Weeks 6. Secure Workers 6 Weeks 7. Food/Beverages 6 Weeks 8. Entertainment 6 Weeks 9. Make program 5 Weeks 10. Map of Location 4 Weeks 11. List of Assigned tasks 12. Confirm set-up & 13. Confirm last 14. Transportation for 15. Debrief (immediately after event) 16. Thank you Letters (within one week) EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIESList all the equipment and supplies that will be needed to complete the event, where they will be obtained, and by when and who will be responsible for obtaining it/them. ITEM OBTAIN FROM
RESPONSIBLE ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ MARKETINGList what is being done to promote the event to each of the target markets checked off on the first page. Promotion # 1:___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Promotion # 2:___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Promotion #3:___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Has a press release been prepared? ___ Yes ___ No When: ________________ Who will receive the press release? ___ Newspaper ___ TV ___ Radio Include photo for newspaper? ___ Yes ___ No Has an event flyer been prepared? ___ Yes ___ No (attach flyer) Who will receive the flyer? ___________________________________________ Has a telephone campaign been prepared? ___ Yes ___ No Who is to be called when: ____________________________________________ BUDGETCreate the event budget, the plan of spending, and proposed income using the Master’s Term Budget. Include all income, donations letters, donations and sponsors. Remember: Estimate income low and Expenses high. INCOME: Price per person or unit. __________ X ______________ = $ _______________ # of People Charge p/Person __________ X ______________ = $________________ # of Units Price p/ Unit Donations = $________________ Sponsors = $________________
Total Income $ ___________ EXPENSES; Location $ ______________________ Set-up Money $ ______________________ Food/Beverage $ ______________________ Marketing/Flyers $ ______________________ Postage $ ______________________ Printing (Programs, etc.) $ ______________________ Supplies $ ______________________ Entertainment $ ______________________ Lodging $ ______________________ Awards / Recognitions $ ______________________ Miscellaneous $ ______________________
Total Expense $ __________ PROFIT (LOSS): Set-up Money $____________ Total Money Taken In $____________ Total Expenses $____________ Total Profit (Loss) $____________ Total Profit/Loss $ _______ MINUTE BY MINUTE:TIME ACTIVITY TIME ACTIVITY ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ ___:___ ___________________ SAMPLE MINUTE BY MINUTECAR WASH 7:00 – 7:20AM Arrive at location 7:20 – 7:40AM Set-up supplies 7:40 – 8:00AM Post signs 8:00 – 12:00PM Wash cars 12:20 – 12:25PM First shift excused 12:00PM New shirt begins 12:00 - 3:00PM Wash cars 3:00 - 3:30PM Finish washing cars 3:30 - 4:00PM Clean up 4:00 - 4:30PM Debrief for Committee 4:30PM Depart DEBRIEFING/FINAL REPORT:This portion of the Event Planning Guide is to be filled out immediately following the event. The committee will meet to discuss the good points and the parts needing to be changed or improved. Get into detail to help the next committee have a more successful event. Once the debrief is complete, the Chairman should produce a written report which should be shared with the Lodge at its next meeting with formal copies given to the Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, Lodge Secretary, and Lodge Treasurer. Event: ___________________ Date: _______________ Location:_________________ Chairman:___________________ Committee Members:_____________________________________________________ Attendance: ______________ Cost Per Person:_____________ Income: ________________ Expenses: ____________________ Profit/Loss:________ General Overview of Event: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Positive Features: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Features Needing Improvement or Change: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Ideas / Suggestions: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Recommendations: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ |
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