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Being persuaded that a just application of the principles, on which the Masonic Fraternity is founded, must be promote of private virtue and public prosperity, I shall always be happy to advance the interests of the Society, and to be considered by them as a deserving brother.

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Below are a few famous people who were masons.  If you browse through the Grand Lodges websites, you more likely will find more, especially those from that state or nation.


Aldrin, Edwin E. - Astronaut; second man on the moon
Armstrong, Neil - Astronaut; first man on the moon
Cooper, Gordon - astronaut
Eisle, Don - Astronaut
Glenn, John H. - Astronaut, and U.S. Senator
Grissom, Virgil - Astronaut
Haise, Fred - astronaut
Michell, Ed - Astronaut
Shirra, Wally - astronaut
Stafford, Tom - astronaut



Astor, John Jacob - financier
Balfour, Lloyd - jewelry
Bell, Lawrence - Bell Aircraft Corp.
Carnegie, Andrew - Philanthropist and steel industry industrialist
Chrysler, Walter P. - Chrysler Corporation
Citroen, Andre - French Engineer and motor car manufacturer
Dow, William H. - Dow Chemical Co.
Drake, Edwin L - American Pioneer of the Oil industry
Faber, Eberhard - Head of the famous Eberhard Fabor Pencil Company
Ford, Henry - Pioneer Automobile Manufacturer
Fuller, Alfred - Fuller Brush
Gannett, Frank E. - Hobosco Lodge No. 716, Ithaca, NY - media empire
Gillett, King C. - Gillett Razor Co.
Hilton, Charles C. - Hilton Hotels
Lipton, Sir Thomas - Lipton Tea Company
Maytag, Fredrick - Maytag
Mellon, Andrew W. - Banker
Olds, Ransom E. - American automobile pioneer
Penny, James C. - J.C. Pennys
Teets, John W. - Chairman and President of Dial Corporation
Thomas, Dave - Wendys Restaurants



BuBois, W.E.B. - Educator/scholar
Washington, Booker T - educator, inventor, author



Autry, Gene - actor; Catoosa Lodge No. 185, Oklahoma
Borgnine, Ernest - actor
Cody, "Buffalo Bill" William F. - Indian fighter, Wild West Show - Platte Valley Lodge No. 32, North Platte, NE
Cohan, George M. - Broadway star
Costello, Lou - comedian
DeMille, Cecil B.
Fairbanks, Douglas - actor
Fields, W.C. - actor
Gable, Clark - actor
Gibson, Hoot - cowboy actor; Truth Lodge No. 628, Los Angeles, CA
Godfrey, Arthur - actor
Grock - Swiss Circus Clown
Hardy, Oliver - actor
Hope, Bob - comedian
Houdini, Harry - magician
Irving, Sir Henry - English Actor
Kean, Edmund - English Actor
Lincoln, Elmo - First actor to play Tarzan of the Apes (1918)
Lloyd, Harold C. - actor
Mayer, Louis B. - film producer who merged to form Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
Mix, Tom - U.S. Marshal turned western actor
Richards, Michael - comedian (Kramer of "Seinfeld" fame)
Ringling Brothers - all 7 brothers and their father
Rogers, Roy - actor; Hollywood Lodge No. 255, California
Rogers, Will - actor; Claremore Lodge No. 53, Oklahoma
Sellers, Peter - actor
Skelton, Red - comedian
Sloane, Sir John - English Artist
Stratton, Charles "Tom Thumb" - Entertainer
Thomas, Danny - actor
Thomas, Lowell - radio announcer/newsman
Thornhill, Sir James - English Artist
Warner, Jack - Warner Brothers fame
Wayne, John - Academy Award winning actor; Marion McDaniel Lodge No. 56, Tucson, AZ
Wolfitt, Sir Donald - English Actor
Wyler, William - file director
Zanuck, Darryl F. - Co-founder of 20th Century Productions
Ziegfeld, Florenz - Ziegfeld's Follies
Zoffany, John - Artist



Baylor, Robert E. B. - founder Baylor University
Beard, Daniel Carter - founder Boy Scouts
Dunant, Jean Henri - founder of the Red Cross
Ford, Henry - founder Ford Motor Company - Palestine Lodge No. 357, Detroit, MI
Gompers, Samuel - founder of the AFL - Dawson Lodge No. 16, Washington, DC
Gompers, Samuel - Jewish immigrant, founder of American Federation of Labor.
Hedges, Cornelius - "Father" of Yellowstone National Park
Jones, Melvin - One of the founders of the Lions International
Land, Frank S. - Founder Order of DeMolay
Mayo, Dr. William and Charles - founded the Mayo Clinic - Rochester Lodge No. 21, Rochester, MN
Peale, Norman Vincent - founder of "Guidepost"
Sanders, Harland (Colonel Sanders')- Founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant
Schoonover, George - Founder of "The Builder"
Sexson, William Mark - founder International Order of Rainbow Girls
Stanford, Leland - drove the gold spike linking the intercontinetal railroad and founded Stanford University



Banks, Sir Joseph - English Scientist
Colt, Samuel - firearms inventor
Desaguliers, John Theophilus - Inventor of the planetarium
Fitch, John - inventor of the steamboat
Fleming, Sir Alexander - invented Penicillin
Gatling, Richard J. - built the "Gatling Gun"
Guillotin, Joseph Ignace - Inventor of the "Guillotin"
Hoe, Richard M. - invented the rotary press, revolutionizing newspaper printing
Jenner, Edward - invented vaccination
Lake, Simon - built first submarine successful in open sea.
Menninger, Karl A. - Psychiatrist famous for treating mental illness
Mesmer, Franz Anton - practiced Mesmerism which led to Hypnotism
Michelson, Albert Abraham - Successfully measured the speed of light in 1882
Montgolfier, Jacques Etienne - Co-developer of the first practical hot-air balloon
Papst, Charles F. - Coined the term "Athletes Foot"
Pike, Albert - Revolutionized American Freemasonry
Poinsett, Joel R. - U.S. Minister to Mexico who developed the flower: Poinsettia
Pullman, George - built first sleeping car on train.
Salten, Felix - Creator of Bambi
Sarnoff, David - father of television
Sax, Antoine Joseph - invented the saxophone
Spilsbury, Sir Bernard - English Scientists
Still, Andrew T. - American Physician who devised treatment of Osteopathy



Allen, Ethan - General, Revolutionary War; Windsor, Vermont
Arnold, Benedict - American General and Later Tratior
Arnold, General Henry "Hap" - Commander of the Army Air Force - Union Lodge No. 7, Jnction City, MO
Bonaparte, Napolean
Boomer, Walter - Commander of Marine forces during Desert Storm
Bradley, Omar N. - General, U.S. Army
Byrd, Richard
Chenault, Claire L.
Clark, Mark
Doolittle, General James - General, famous Air Force Pilot
Farragut, David G. - Admiral in U.S. Civil War - Naval Lodge No. 87, Mare Island
Garibaldi, Giuseppe - the "George Washington" of Italy - Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Palermo
Herkimer, Nicholas - Brigadier General, American Revolution - St. Patricks Lodge No. 8, Johnstown, NY
Jackson, Thomas Jonathan - "Stonewall" - General in Confederate Army
John Barry - the Father of the American Navy - Old Lodge No. 2, Philadelphia
Jones, John Paul - Founder and first admiral of the U.S. Navy - St. Bernard Lodge No. 122 (now St. Cuthbert No. 41)
King, Ernest J. - Admiral USN
Knox, Henry - first U.S. Secretary of War - St. Johns Regimental Lodge, Morristown, NJ
LaMay, Curtis E. - General USAF
MacArthur, General Douglas - Commander of Armed Forces in Philillines - Manila Lodge No. 1, Manila, Philippines
Marshall, George - General USA
McClellan, George B. - General, Union Army
Montgomery, Richard - Major General Continental Army and First General of the Army to be killed in battle. Dec 31, 1775.
Murphy, Audie - most decorated American Soldier of WWII
Perry, Matthew Calbraith - Commodore; responsible for opening relations with Japan; Holland Lodge No. 8, New York City
Pershing, John Joseph "Blackjack" - General - Lincoln Lodge No. 19, Lincoln, NE
Pickett, George E. - Maj. Gen. (CSA), led "Pickett's Charge" at Gettysburg - Blandford Lodge, Petersburg, VA
Rickenbacker, Eddie - great American Air Force Ace
Scott, Winfield - Dinwiddlie Lodge No. 23, Virginia
Stark, John - Major General in U.S. Revolution War, "Green Mountain Boys" - Masters Lodge No. 2, Albany, NY
Stillwell, Joseph
Tirpitz, Alfred Von - German Naval officer responsible for submarine warfare
Wainwright, Jonathan M. - American General of the Bataan Peninsula - Union Lodge No. 7, Junction City, KS
Wayne, Anthony - "Mad Anthony"



Armstrong, Louis - jazz musician
Bach, Johann Christian - Musician/Composer
Bassie, William "Count" - orchestra leader/composer
Berlin, Irving - composer/entertainer
Bishop, Sir Henry - Musician
Clark, Roy - country western star; Jenks Lodge No. 497, Oklahoma
Cohan, George M. - composer
Cole, Nat 'King' - singer
Ellington, Duke - composer, arranger and stylist
Ellington, Duke - Composer, Arranger and Stylist
Gilbert & Sullivan - composers
Haydn, Joseph - composer
Jolson, Al - St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, New York
Kern, Jerome David - American composer, "Show Boat" - Gramatan Lodge No. 927, Bronxville, NY
Listz, Frank - composer
Monckton, Lionel - Musician
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - composer
Sibelius, Jean - Composer (Finland)
Smith, John Stafford - Wrote the music that became the US National Anthem.
Sousa, John Philip - composer - Hiran Lodge No. 10, Washington, DC
Sullivan, Sir Arthur - Musician
Wagner, Richard - composer
Wesley, Samuel - Musician
Whiteman, Paul - "King of Jazz"



Bancroft, Edward - Private Secretary to Benjamin Franklin in Paris and employ of British Secret Service. The first spy (mole) employed in a US embassy.
Casanova - Italian Adventurer, writer and entertainer
Hogarth, William - English Artist
Radcliff, Charles - First Grand Master of The Grand Lodge of France and last British nobleman beheaded in Tower of London in 1745.
Wadlow, Robert Pershing - Tallest human on record being almost 9 feet tall
Webb, Matthew - First man to swim the English Channel (1875)



Burton, Sir Richard - English Explorer
Byrd, Admiral Richard E. - flew over North Pole - Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, DC
Carson, Christopher "Kit" - Frontiersman, scout and explorer; Montezuma Lodge No. 109, New Mexico.
Clark, William - Explorer (Lewis & Clark)
Crockett, David - Frontiersman and Alamo fame
Lewis, Meriwether - Explorer (Lewis & Clark)
Lindbergh, Charles - Aviator - Keystone Lodge No. 243, St. Louis, MO
Livingston, Robert - Co-Negotiator for purchase of Louisiana Territory
Marshall, James W. - Discovered Gold at Sutter's Mill California 1848
New, Harry S. - Postmaster General who established Airmail
Oglethorpe, James - Conceived of Colony of Georgia to be settled by British debtors from the prisons. Started first lodge in Georgia in 1732.
Peary, Robert E. - First man to reach the North Pole (1909) - Kane Lodge No. 451, NY
Scott, Capt. Robert Falcon - English Explorers
Shackleton, Sir Ernest - English Explorer



Baker, James C. - Bishop, Methodist Church
Ballou, Hosea - founder, Universalist Church
Bradley, Preston - founder of Peoples Church
Calvo, Father Francisco - Catholic Priest who started Freemasonry in Costa Rica 1865
Evans, Hugh I. - National Head of the Presbyterian Church, USA
Fisher, Geoffrey - Archbishop of Canterbury 1945 - 1961
Herbert, Bishop Percy - Bishop of Norwich
Jackson, Reverend Jesse - Minister
King, Thoams Starr
Low, Titus - President of Methodist Council of Bishops
Newton, Joseph Fort - Christian Minister
Peale, Reverend Dr. Norman Vincent - Methodist Episcopal Minister and author
Smith, Joseph - Founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Young, Brigham - Second President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.



Bartholdi, Frederic A. - designed the Statue of Liberty - Alsacre-Lorraine Lodge, France
Borglum, Gutzon & Lincoln - father and son who carved Mt. Rushmore
Hoban, James - architect for the U.S. Captial
Pike, Zebulon - Pike's Peak named after him
Schadow, Johann G. - Prussian Court
Schweizer, J. Otto



Brundage, Avery - U.S. Olympics - North Shore Lodge No. 937, Chicago, IL
Cobb, Ty - baseball
Combs, Earle Bryan - Baseball Hall of Fame
Dempsey, Jack
Dempsey, Jack - boxing
Hornsby, Rogers - baseball
Hubbel, Carl - baseball; Meeker Lodge No. 479, Oklahoma
Naismith, James - inventor of Basketball - Roswell Lee Lodge, Springfield, MA
Palmer, Arnold - golf
Robinson, Sugar Ray - boxing
Young, Cy - baseball



Bellamy, Ralph - wrote "Pledge of Allegiance"
Bowie, James - Alamo
Clark, George Rogers - frontiersman - Abraham Lodge No. 8, Louisville, KY
Franklin, Benjamin - signer of the U.S. Constitution; St. John's Lodge of Philadelphia; Past Provincial Grand Master of Pennsylvania
Hale, Nathan - "I regret that I have but one life to give to my country" - St. John's Lodge No. 1, Rhode Island
Hancock, John - signer of the Declaration of Independance
Henry, Patrick
Key, Francis Scott - wrote the "Star Spangled Banner" (U.S. National Anthem)
Lafayette, Marquis de - French supporter of Amerian Freedom
McHenry, James - signer of the U.S. Constitution - Spiritual Lodge No. 23, Maryland
Otis, James - "Taxation without Representation is Tyranny"
Revere, Paul - "Midnight Ride" - St. Andrews Lodge & Grand Master of Massachusetts
Travis, Colonel William B. - Alamo



Austin, Stephen F. - Father of Texas - Louisiana Lodge No. 109, St. Genevieve, MO
Brant, Joseph - Chief of the Mohawks (1742-1807)
Bryant, William Jennings - former Secretary of State - Temple Lodge No. 247, Miami, FL
Burnett, David G. - 1st President of the Republic of Texas
Clay, Henry - U.S. Senator - Grand Master in Kentucky
Clinton, DeWitt - Governor of New York and instigator of the Erie Canal - Grand Master of New York
Dole, Bob - former U.S. Senator/Majority Leader, Kansas; Russell Lodge No. 177, Kansas
Ervin Jr, Samual J. - Headed "Watergate" committee
Goldwater, Barry - U.S. Senator
Hoover, J. Edgar - Director of FBI
Houston, Sam - 2nd & 4th President of the Republic of Texas - Holland Lodge No. 1, Houston, TX
Jones, Anson - 5th President of the Republic of Texas
Kalakaua, David - King of the Hawaiian Islands
Kemp, Jack - former U.S. Senator/Secretary of HUD, New York; Fraternal Lodge No. 625 in Hamburg, NY
La Guardia, Fiorella H. - La Guardia Airport, Mayor of New York 1930's & 40's - Garibaldi Lodge No. 542, NYC
Lamar, Mirabeau B. - 3rd President of the Republic of Texas
Nunn, Sam - former U.S. Senator
Rayburn, Sam - Speaker of the House - Constantine Lodge No. 13, Bonham, TX
Stevenson, Adlai E. Stevenson - U.S. Vice President - Metamora Lodge No. 82, Metamora, IL
Wallace, Governor George C. - Presidential Candidate who was nearly assasinated



Buchanon, James - Lodge No. 43, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Ford, Gerald R. - Malta Lodge No. 465, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Garfield, James A. - Magnolia Lodge No. 20, Columbus, Ohio
Harding, Warren G. - Marion Lodge No. 70, Marion, Ohio
Jackson, Andrew - Harmony Lodge No. 1, Nashville, Tennessee
Jefferson, Thomas - Charlottesville Lodge No. 90, Charlottesville, Virginia
Johnson, Andrew - Greenville Lodge No. 119, Greenville, Tennessee
Madison, James - Hiram Lodge, Westmoreland County, Virginia
McKinley, William - Hiran Lodge No. 21, Winchester, New York
Monroe, James - Williamsburg Lodge No. 6, Williamsburg, Virginia
Polk, James K. - Lodge No. 31, Columbia, Tennessee
Roosevelt, Franklin D. - Holland Lodge No. 8, New York City
Roosevelt, Theodore - Matinecock Lodge No. 806, Oyster Bay, New York
Taft, William Howard - Occasional Lodge, Cincinnati, Ohio
Truman, Harry S. - Belton Lodge No. 450, Missouri
Washington, George - Fredericksburg Lodge, Fredericksburg, Virginia



Baldwin, Henry
Black, Hugo L. - Birmingham Temple Lodge No. 836, Birmingham, AL
Blair, Jr., John
Blatchford, Samuel
Burton, Harold H.
Byrnes, James F.
Catton, John
Clark, Thomas C.
Clarke, John H.
Cushing, William - St. Andrews Lodge, Boston
Davis, David
Devanter, Willis Van
Douglas, William O.
Ellsworth, Oliver - Chief Justice
Field, Stephen J.
Harlan, John M.
Jackson, Robert H.
Jay, John - Chief Justice (1789-1795)
Lamar, Joseph E.
Marshall, John - Chief Justice (1801-1835) - Grand Master of Virginia (1793 & 1794)
Marshall, Thurgood
Mathews, Stanley
McLean, John
Minton, Sherman
Moody, William H.
Nelson, Samuel
Paterson, William
Pitney, Mahlon
Reed, Stanley F.
Rutledge, John - Chief Justice
Stewart, Potter
Story, Joseph
Swayne, Noah H.
Taft, William H. - Chief Justice
Todd, Thomas
Trimble, Robert
Van Devanter, Willis
Vinson, Frederick M.
Warren, Earl - Chief Justice
Woodbury, Levi
Woods, William B.



Abbott, Sir John J.C. - Prime Minister of Canada 1891-92
Aguinaldo, Emilio - Phillippine Patriot and General
Aleman, Miguel - Mexican president 1947-52)
Benes, Eduard - President of Czechoslovakia 1939-48)
Bennett, Viscount R.B. - Prime Minister of Canada 1930-35
Bjornsson, Sveinn - 1st President of Iceland
Bolivar, Simon - Liberator of South America
Bonaparte, Napolean and his four brothers
Borden, Sir Robert L. - Prime Minister of Canada 1911-1920
Bowell, Sir Mackenzie - Prime Minister of Canada 1894-1896
Burke, Edmund - Irish-born British politician and writer
Canning, George - British Prime Minister 1827
Churchill, Lord Randolph - British politician who led the so-called Fourth Party
Churchill, Winston S. - former Prime Minister, United Kingdom
Diefenbaker, John G. - Prime Minister of Canada 1957-63
Edward VII
Edward VIII
Francis II - Holy Roman Emperor 1768-1806
Frederick The Great - King of Prussia 1740-86
George I - King of Greece 1845 - 1913
George II - King of Greece 1922 - 1947
George VI - King of England during W.W. II
Gustavus VI Adolphus - King of Sweden 1792 - 1809
King Charles XIII - King of Sweden 1748-1818
Leopold I - King of Belgium 1831-65
MacDonald, Sir John A. - Prime Minister of Canada 1867-73 & 1878-91
Peter the Great - Emperor of Russia 1689 - 1725
Rhodes, Cecil - Prime Minister of Cape Colony 1890
William I - King of Prussia 1861 - 1888
William II - King of the Netherlands 1792 - 1849
William IV - King of England 1830-37



Burns, Robert - National Poet of Scotland; St. David's Lodge No. 174, Tarbolton, Scotland.
Clemens, Samuel L. - Mark Twain - Polar Star Lodge No. 79, St. Louis, MO
Collodi, Carlo - "Pinocchio"
Doyle, Sir Author Conan - Sherlock Holmes
Gibbon, Edward - "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"
Goethe, Wolgang von
Gray, Harold Lincoln - Creator of "Little Orphan Annie"
Guest, Edgar A. - Poet; "The Lambskin Apron" - a 33 Degree Mason.
Henson, Reverend Josiah - Inspired the novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
Kipling, Rudyard
Pope, Alexander - Writer
Pushkin, Alexander - Russian poet
Schiller, Friedrich
Scott, Sir Walter
Shakespeare, William
Swift, Johathan - "Gulliver's Travels" - Goat-at-the-Foot-of-the-Haymarket No. 16, England
Voltaire - French writer and philosopher
Wallace, Lewis - "Ben Hur"
Wilde, Oscar

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A Mason is not necessarily a member of a lodge. In a broad sense, he is any person who daily tries to live the Masonic life, and to serve intelligently the needs of the Great Architect.

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Last modified: March 22, 2014