The Masonic Trowel

... to spread the cement of brotherly love and affection, that cement which unites us into one sacred band or society of brothers, among whom no contention should ever exist, but that noble emulation of who can best work or best agree ...

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Below are some Masonic abbreviations that you may come across.  If you know of others not posted, please email me.
A&AR Ancient & Accepted Rite
AAONMS Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
AASR Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite or Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite (without the &)
AEAONMS Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order, Nobles Mystic Shrine
AEOS Ancient Egyptian Order of Sciots
AF&AM Ancient Free & Accepted Masons
AFHR American Federation of Human Rights
AFM Ancient Free Masons
AGL Assistant Grand Lecturer
ALR American Lodge of Research
AMD Allied Masonic Degrees
AQC Ars Quatuor Coronatorum
AYM Ancient York Masons
Bro Brother
CBCS Chevaliers Biefaisants de La City Sainte (Holy Order of Knights Beneficient of the Holy City)
CH or COH Captain of the Host (Royal Arch)
Comp Companion
CWLR Civil War Lodge of Research
DC Director of Ceremonies
DDGM District Deputy Grand Master
DEO District Education Officer
DGM Deputy Grand Master
DH Droit Humain
DIW District Instructor of Work
EA Entered Apprentice
EC Excellent Companion (Royal Arch) or Excellent Chief (Knight Masons) or English Constitution
EHP Excellent High Priest
EO Education Officer
F&AM Free & Accepted Masons
FAAM Free And Accepted Masons
FC Fellowcraft or Fellow Craft
FPS Fellow of the Philalethes Society
GAOTU Great Architect of the Universe
GC Grand Chief (Knight Masons)
GCR Grand College of Rites
GHP Grand High Priest
GJD Grand Junior Deacon
GJS Grand Junior Steward
GJW Grand Junior Warden
GK Grand King
GL Grand Lodge
GLF or GLoF or GLdF Grand Lodge of France
GLFB Feminine Grand Lodge of Belgium
GLFF Feminine Grand Lodge of France
GLNF National Grand Lodge of France
GM Grand Master
GOF Grand Orient of France
GS or GSec Grand Secretary (or GS could be Grand Scribe)
GSD Grand Senior Deacon
GSS Grand Senior Steward
GSW Grand Senior Warden
GWMNM or GWM George Washington Masonic National Memorial
HA Hiram Abif or Abiff
HP High Priest (Royal Arch)
HRA Holy Royal Arch
HRAKTP Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests
IGH Inspector General Honorary (33rd degree)
IM Illustrious Master
IOJD International Order of Jobs Daughters
IORG International Order of the Rainbow for Girls
IPR Initiation, Passing, and Raising
JD Junior Deacon
JGD Junior Grand Deacon
JGS Junior Grand Steward
JGW Junior Grand Warden
JS Junior Steward
JW Junior Warden
K King (Royal Arch)
KCCH Knight Commander of the Court of Honor (Scottish Rite)
KT Knights Templar
KYCH Knight of the York Court of Honor
LEO Lodge Education Officer
LIW Lodge Instructor of Work
M&M Memphis & Misraim
MasEd Masonic Education or Masonic Education Yahoo Group on the Internet
MBBFMN Masonic Brotherhood of the Blue Forget Me Not
MC Master of Ceremonies
MCL Middle Chamber Lecture
ME Most Excellent
MEC Most Excellent Companion
MEGHP Most Excellent Grand High Priest
MEM Most Excellent Master
MIC Masonic Information Center
MIGM Most Illustrious Grand Master
MLC Masonic Leadership Center
MLMA Masonic Library & Museum Association
MM Master Mason or Mark Master
Mon Monarch (Grotto)
MOVPER Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm (Grotto)
MPS Member of the Philalethes Society
MSA Masonic Service Association
MSRICF Masonic Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis
MW Most Worshipful
MWA Masters and Wardens Association
MWB Most Worshipful Brother
MWGL Most Worshipful Grand Lodge
MWGM Most Worshipful Grand Master
NCRL Northern California Research Lodge
NECOMELI Northeast Conference on Masonic Education & Libraries
NMJ Northern Masonic Jurisdiction
OES Order of the Eastern Star
PDDGM Past District Deputy Grand Master
PGHP Past Grand High Priest
PGM Past Grand Master
PHA Prince Hall Affiliated
PHO Prince Hall Origin (National Compact)
PIM Past Illustrious Master
PM Past Master
PMA Past Masters Association
Pot Potentate (Shrine)
PS Principal Sojourner (Royal Arch)
PSOC Philalethes Society listserv
PW Password
RA Royal Arch
RAC Royal Arch Captain
RAM Royal Arch Mason or Masonry or Royal Ark Mariner
RE Right Excellent
Rec Recorder
REC Right Excellent Companion
ROS Royal Order of Scotland
RW Right Worshipful
RWB Right Worshipful Brother
S Scribe (Royal Arch)
S&F Sincerely & Fraternally
SBF Society of Blue Friars
SC Scottish Constitution
SCRL Southern California Research Lodge
SD Senior Deacon
SEM Super Excellent Master
SGC Sovereign Grand Commander
SGD Senior Grand Deacon
SGIG Sovereign Grand Inspector General
SGS Senior Grand Steward
SGW Senior Grand Warden
SJ Southern Jurisdiction
SK Sir Knight
SRJ Scottish Rite Journal
SRRS Scottish Rite Research Society
SS Senior Steward
STC Supreme Tall Cedar
SW Senior Warden
TIM Thrice Illustrious Master
QC Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, London
UD Under Dispensation
UGLE United Grand Lodge of England
VSL Volume of Sacred Law
VW Very Worshipful
WB Worshipful Brother
WM Worshipful Master
WMA Worshipful Masters Association
Wor Worshipful

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Last modified: March 22, 2014