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MASONIC LIBRARY CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMSouth Australia and Northern Territories Grand Lodge Masonic Libraries have special requirements to enable cataloguing of the many different subjects found in their specialized collections. Several different classification systems have been employed in Grand Lodges Library over the years. The current system was adopted in 1989 following advice from the Librarian of the United Grand Lodge of England. The Catalogue of the J.R. Robertson Masonic Memorial Library is arranged according to the following system. The current edition of the Catalogue covers almost 70 pages and is available for purchase from the Grand Lodge Office. General Works on Freemasonry1.1 Collected
works History and Philosophy of Freemasonry2.1 Masonic
research Government and Organization of Freemasonry3.1 Jurisprudence Grand Lodges3.3 History Lodges3.4 Individual histories, South Australia
and The Northern Territory Symbolism, Ritual and CeremonialSymbolism 4.1 General - including non Masonic
subjects Ritual4.2 Commentaries Regalia, Jewels and DocumentsRegalia 5.1 History
Other Masonic Degrees and Orders6 Royal Arch 7 Mark Masonry, and other Additional Degrees and Orders Benevolence8.1 General Masonic Music, Poetry, Plays, Rhetoric9.1 Music The Fine Arts and Freemasonry10.1 Architecture Anti Masonry and Vindications11.1 General Irregular, Spurious and Clandestine Freemasonry12.1 General Women and Freemasonry13.1 General Periodicals15.1 Various Non Masonic Subjects16.1 History - General |
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States or elsewhere. Last modified: March 22, 2014 |