The Masonic Trowel

... to spread the cement of brotherly love and affection, that cement which unites us into one sacred band or society of brothers, among whom no contention should ever exist, but that noble emulation of who can best work or best agree ...

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1. - At what portion of the V.S.L. is this Great Light opened in the E.A. Degree?

2. - At what portion is the V.S.L. opened in the F.C. Degree?

3. - At what portion is the V.S.L. opened in the M.M. Degree?

4. - What is the correct Geometrical term for what is called an "oblong square"?

5. - Name the Four Cardinal Virtues?

6. - What are the three Theological Virtues?

7. What is referred to as the furniture of the Lodge?

8. - What are referred to as the Ornaments of the Lodge?

9. - What are the immovable jewels of the Lodge?

10. - What are the movable jewels?

11. - On what day of the year is the anniversary of St. John the Baptist observed?

12. - On what day of the year is the anniversary of St. John the Evangelist observed?

13. - Where were the sacred vessels for King Solomon's Temple cast?

14. - Name the five noble orders of architecture?

15. - Name the seven liberal arts and sciences?

16 . - Of what is the sprig of acacia a symbol?

17. - How long did it take to build King Solomon's Temple?

18. - What are the names of the three great pillars which support our Order?

19. - What is the maximum number of candidates upon which a degree can he conferred at one communication in your Jurisdiction?

20 . - Can the Secretary of a lodge resign?

21. - Is a motion to adjourn the meeting of a lodge to a later date in order?

22. - What is the name given to the son of a Mason?

23. - What is the meaning of the term "hele"?

24. - Under your Constitution what officers of a constituent lodge must be elected annually by ballot?

25. - What is the difference between the "Institution" and the "Constitution" or a lodge?

26. - Into how many Districts is your Grand Lodge divided into?

27. - What residential qualifications are required of a candidate for the degrees?

28. - What is the symbolism of the Lamb?

29. - What is the number of brethren required to form a quorum at all lodge communications?

30. What does Anno Inventionis (A.Inv.) mean?

31. - Where and on what date was your Grand Lodge organized?

32. - How many lodges composed the Grand Lodge at the time?

34 - What is the minimum number of Master Masons who can petition for the formation of a new lodge?

35. - What is the Cornucopia?

36. - In what portion of the V.S.L. is to be found the story of the battle between Jephthah of Gilead and the Ephraimites? 

37. - How many were slain at that battle on the Jordan river?

38. - At what angle should the compasses be extended when used as a Masonic emblem?

39. - What is the oldest lodge in your Grand Lodge and its location?

40 - According to the Masonic writer Mackey how many Landmarks are there

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Last modified: March 22, 2014