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QUIZ1. - At what portion of the V.S.L. is this Great Light opened in the E.A. Degree? 2. - At what portion is the V.S.L. opened in the F.C. Degree? 3. - At what portion is the V.S.L. opened in the M.M. Degree? 4. - What is the correct Geometrical term for what is called an "oblong square"? 5. - Name the Four Cardinal Virtues? 6. - What are the three Theological Virtues? 7. What is referred to as the furniture of the Lodge? 8. - What are referred to as the Ornaments of the Lodge? 9. - What are the immovable jewels of the Lodge? 10. - What are the movable jewels? 11. - On what day of the year is the anniversary of St. John the Baptist observed? 12. - On what day of the year is the anniversary of St. John the Evangelist observed? 13. - Where were the sacred vessels for King Solomon's Temple cast? 14. - Name the five noble orders of architecture? 15. - Name the seven liberal arts and sciences? 16 . - Of what is the sprig of acacia a symbol? 17. - How long did it take to build King Solomon's Temple? 18. - What are the names of the three great pillars which support our Order? 19. - What is the maximum number of candidates upon which a degree can he conferred at one communication in your Jurisdiction? 20 . - Can the Secretary of a lodge resign? 21. - Is a motion to adjourn the meeting of a lodge to a later date in order? 22. - What is the name given to the son of a Mason? 23. - What is the meaning of the term "hele"? 24. - Under your Constitution what officers of a constituent lodge must be elected annually by ballot? 25. - What is the difference between the "Institution" and the "Constitution" or a lodge? 26. - Into how many Districts is your Grand Lodge divided into? 27. - What residential qualifications are required of a candidate for the degrees? 28. - What is the symbolism of the Lamb? 29. - What is the number of brethren required to form a quorum at all lodge communications? 30. What does Anno Inventionis (A.Inv.) mean? 31. - Where and on what date was your Grand Lodge organized? 32. - How many lodges composed the Grand Lodge at the time? 34 - What is the minimum number of Master Masons who can petition for the formation of a new lodge? 35. - What is the Cornucopia? 36. - In what portion of the V.S.L. is to be found the story of the battle between Jephthah of Gilead and the Ephraimites? 37. - How many were slain at that battle on the Jordan river? 38. - At what angle should the compasses be extended when used as a Masonic emblem? 39. - What is the oldest lodge in your Grand Lodge and its location? 40 - According to the Masonic writer Mackey how many Landmarks are there |
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