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Membership And Attendance



Grand Lodge, F.A.A.M. of the District of Columbia


A declining membership is a symptom of something wrong. Correcting the symptom alone without attacking the cause will provide only a short-term fix. The symptom of declining membership must be addressed.

Ways to increase membership:

1. Set a goal for your year, e.g., 5% gross increase in membership.

2. Distribute petitions immediately after your installation, Ask each member to sponsor two deserving candidates for membership.

3. Plan to award those who bring in members. For example, you may want to give a life membership to those who sponsor five candidates in one year. Lesser awards could be given to those who are the first line signers of fewer petitions.

4. Talk of your pride in your Lodge and of your intent to make the Lodge grow.

5. APPOINT A MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN and have him follow up by contacts with members to see what progress is being made.

6. Suggest sources of new petitioners (family, friends, church, clubs, business associates, employees of service organizations, etc.)


Good attendance at Lodge communications usually indicates a healthy Lodge. Poor attendance, conversely, usually indicates an unhealthy Lodge. The key is interest, creating sufficient interest in Lodge meetings so that the Brethren will leave their television sets and drive into the city for the evening. Much depends upon programs — innovative programs.

Programs must be interesting, informative, and entertaining. They must also be consistently good and well advertised. The Brethren must know that when they attend Lodge, the experience will be worthwhile.

Programs may be informational or eventful:

Informative programs usually involve speakers or films. Sources include government officials, diplomats, foreign visitors, business or professional people, and a host of entertainers.

Eventful programs include special dinners, cruises, the theatre, and sports events. You may also want to schedule tours or trips to specific points of interest (parks, gardens, embassies, the George Washington Masonic National Memorial). Don’t overlook opportunities for picnics, buffets, musicals, dances, etc.

Appoint a programs and events chairman early and arrange a calendar. Be innovative. Try something different. It is easier to apologize for a poor evening’s event than to do nothing and apologize for a poor year. WHY BE MEDIOCRE AS MASTER WHEN YOU CAN BE OUTSTANDING?

Organize your year early: Success is one part genius and 99 parts work, and work is 95% mental -- the hardest type. Do not delay. Early planning is essential to success.

Don'ts for a Worshipful Master

DON’T schedule "Stated Communication -- Business."

DON’T open Lodge late.

DON’T let a meeting drag, particularly when guests are waiting to enter for the program.

DON’T put on sloppy degrees. Get help from the School or other qualified Brethren. Think of the need to impress the candidate.

DON’T condone sloppy dress or performance of officers.

DON’T let disharmony creep into the Lodge. Nip problems in the bud.

DON’T be afraid to experiment with programs.

Be Innovative!

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Last modified: March 22, 2014