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conducting a meeting



Grand Lodge, F.A.A.M. of the District of Columbia


Pledge of Allegiance

WM: (one rap) "Brother _________, you will lead the brethren in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of our country."

Minutes, Communication and Petitions

WM: (one rap) "Brother Secretary, may we have read the minutes of our last stated communication?"

(after the minutes are read)

WM: "Brethren, you have heard read the minutes of our last stated communication. Note you any errors or omissions. Hearing none, the minutes will stand approved as read." (one rap)

(If the minutes are corrected)

WM: "Note you any other errors or omissions? Hearing none, the minutes will stand approved as corrected." (one rap)

WM: (one rap) "Brother Secretary, may we have read any communications received since our last stated communication?

WM: (one rap) "Brother Secretary, may we have read any petitions received since our last stated communication?

Treasurer's Report

WM: (one rap) "Brother Treasurer, may we have your report." (Lodge approval of this report is not required. Just hand the report to the Secretary when it is received from the Treasurer.)

Order of Greeting

It is Masonic protocol that you should introduce brethren in ascending order by rank, alternating from visitors of equal rank to brethren of equal rank within our jurisdiction, from lower ranking officers to higher ranking officers. Thus, for example, you would introduce a visiting Master before you would introduce a Master of a District of Columbia Lodge. The last person to be introduced is the Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia. As Master you preside over your Lodge and decide who you will introduce. However, it is your responsibility to maintain harmony in the Lodge and you should take care to use common sense so that no brother feels slighted by not being acknowledged. If you anticipate a long meeting, it may be well to tell a brother that you will be introducing him from the sidelines rather than bringing him to the altar or that you will forego the introduction. You should always bring the Grand Master to the altar or the Deputy Grand Master if he is acting on behalf of the Grand Master. You should have very good reason not to present a Past Grand Master at the altar. In some Lodges, the "Marshal" is referred to as the "Master of Ceremonies." Either title is correct. References to signs between the officers have not been included in this manual.

Order of Greeting Brethren

A. Visiting Brethren

Note: If you introduce your own Lodge brethren, they would be intro- duced after visiting brethren.

B. Visiting Lodge Officers

Note: If you introduce your own Lodge officers, they would be intro- duced after visiting officers.

C. Visiting Past Masters

D. Past Masters of your Lodge

E. Visiting Masters

F. Grand Lodge Officers of other jurisdictions

G. Grand Lodge Officers of the District of Columbia

H. Past Grand Masters of other jurisdictions

I. Past Grand Masters of the District of Columbia

J. Grand Masters of other jurisdictions

K. Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia

(Note: Look around the room. Use common sense. If, for example, there are no visiting brethren, then don't ask for the visiting brethren to rise. The same applies to the other categories of introduction.

Method of Introduction

A. Visiting Brethren (Generally a sideline introduction)

WM: (one rap) "Will all visiting brethren other than officers, Past Masters, or Grand Lodge Officers please rise." (Your own words of introduction)

B. Visiting Lodge Officers (Generally a sideline introduction)

WM: (one rap) "Will all visiting Lodge Officers other than Past Masters, or Grand Lodge Officers please rise." (Your own words of introduction)

C. Visiting Past Masters (Generally a sideline introduction)

WM: (one rap) "Will all visiting Past Masters please rise." (Your own words of introduction)

D. Past Masters of your Lodge (Generally a sideline introduction)

WM: (one rap) "Will the Past Masters of __________ Lodge please rise." (Your own words of introduction) "You are cordially invited to a seat in the East."

E. Visiting Masters (Generally brought to the East)

WM: (one rap) "Will all visiting Masters please rise." (3 raps - If you intend to bring the Master to the East.) Note that anytime that you want to bring anyone to the East you are to raise the Lodge. Thus, when you present anyone at the altar with the intention of having him continue on to the East, raise the Lodge at the time you instruct the Marshal (Master of Ceremonies) to present the brother at the altar.)

WM: "Brother Marshal, present Worshipful Brother ________ at the altar." Alternatively, you may say, "Brother Marshal, present the Visiting Master(s) at the altar."

(When he has arrived at the altar, exchange signs)

WM: "Worshipful Brother ________, Master of ________ Lodge No. _____ ." (Your own words of greeting here)

WM: "Brother Marshal, escort Worshipful Brother _______ to the East." (Note: Do not surrender the gavel to the brother unless he is the Grand Master. Seat the lodge with one rap and invite the brother to speak if you wish.)

F. Grand Lodge Officers of other jurisdictions (Generally brought to the East.)

WM: (one rap) "Will all visiting Grand Lodge Officers please rise. Brother Marshal, present the visiting Grand Lodge Officers at the altar." (three raps)

(at the altar in ascending order by rank)

1. Visiting Grand Stewards, Grand Deacons, and Appointed Grand Officers

WM: "Worshipful Brother ___name_______, _____office_____, of the Grand Lodge of _____jurisdiction_____, Worshipful Sir."

2. Visiting Grand Treasurers, Grand Secretaries, Grand Wardens and Deputy Grand Masters

WM: "Right Worshipful Brother _______, ______, of the Grand Lodge of ______, Right Worshipful Sir."

(to bring them to the East you will say)

WM: "Brother Marshal, escort the Grand Lodge Officer(s) to the East", or alternatively, "Brother Marshal escort the (identify the officer by title) to the East."


(Generally brought to the East)

WM: (One rap) "Will all Grand Lodge Officers other than the Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia (if he is in the room) please rise. Brother Marshal, present the Grand Lodge Officers at the altar."

(At the altar in ascending order by rank)

Grand Secretary, Grand Lecturer, Grand Lecturer Emeritus, Grand Treasurers, Grand Wardens, and Deputy Grand Masters.

WM: All officers listed above, except the Deputy Grand Master are addressed, "Right Worshipful Brother ______, (Office) of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, Right Worshipful Sir." The Deputy Grand Master is addressed "Right Worshipful Brother _______, Deputy Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia, Right Worshipful Sir."

(Bringing the Grand Lodge Officers to the East)

WM: "Brother Marshal, escort the Grand Lodge Officer(s) or (use the specific title), "escort the _____ Worshipful Grand _____ to the East."


WM: (Rap once) "Will all visiting Past Grand Masters please rise." (Rap up the Lodge) "Brother Marshal, present the Past Grand Master(s) at the altar."

(When the brother has reached the altar)

WM: "The brethren will attend on the Grand Honors. Most Worshipful Brother _________, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of __________, Most Worshipful Sir." (Your own words here.)

(to bring him to the East)

WM: "Brother Marshal, escort the Past Grand Master(s) to the East." or alternatively, "Brother Marshal, escort Most Worshipful Brother __________ to the East."

When he arrives at the East, shake his hand and seat the Lodge (one rap). Do not surrender your gavel! Invite him to say a few words. (Note: In some jurisdictions Grand Masters go by the title of Right Worshipful Brother __________.)


(Generally brought to the East)

WM: (rap once) "Will the Past Grand Masters of the District of Columbia please rise. Brother Marshal, present the Past Grand Master(s) of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia at the altar." (Rap up the Lodge)

(Grand Honors at the altar.)

WM: "The Brethren will attend on the Grand Honors. Most Worshipful Brother __________, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, Most Worshipful Sir." (Your own words of greeting here.)

(To bring him to the East)

WM: "Brother Marshal, escort the Past Grand Master(s) to the East."


(Always brought to the East)

WM: (rap once) "Brother Marshal, present the visiting Grand Master(s) at the altar." (Rap up the Lodge).

(Grand honors at the altar)

WM: "The brethren will attend on the Grand Honors. Most Worshipful __________, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of __________, Most Worshipful Sir."

(or if he is a Deputy Grand Master acting as Grand Master)

WM: "Right Worshipful Brother _________, Deputy Grand Master of __________, Acting Grand Master, Most Worshipful Sir."

(to bring him to the East)

WM: "Brother Marshal, escort the Most Worshipful Grand Master(s) to the East." (When he arrives in the East)

WM: "Brother Marshal, escort the Most Worshipful Grand Master(s) to the East." When he arrives at the East, shake his hand and seat the Lodge (one rap) Do not surrender your gavel! Invite him to say a few words.

NOTE: There is a specific ritual for greeting the Grand Master or Acting Grand Master at the Tiler’s door. It is not proper that it be printed here. If, on the other hand, the Grand Master is in the Lodge room, the following protocol is appropriate to receive the Grand Master.


WM: (rap once) "Brother Marshal, present the Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia at the altar." (Rap up the Lodge.)

(Grand Honors at the altar.)

WM: "The brethren will attend on the Grand Honors. Most Worshipful Brother __________, Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia, Most Worshipful Sir."

(Deputy Grand Master at the altar)

WM: "The brethren will attend on the Grand Honors. Right Worshipful Brother __________, Deputy Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia, Acting Grand Master, Most Worshipful Sir."

(to bring the Grand Master or Acting Grand Master to the East)

WM: "Brother Marshal, escort the Most Worshipful Grand Master to the East." (When he arrives at the East, hand him your gavel, shake his hand, remove your hat and sit down in the chair next to him in the East.)

Note: If the Deputy Grand Master is visiting your Lodge as the Acting Grand Master, he will likely announce that fact at the tiler's door or he may tell you before the meeting. If you know that he is acting Grand Master, then you must present him at the altar, accord him Grand Honors, and introduce him as above. When he is invited to the East you would hand him your gavel, take off your hat and step aside. You would not hand him your gavel if he is not acting as Grand Master.)

Closing of the Lodge

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Last modified: March 22, 2014