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the official monitor
grand lodge of texas (1922)

Believing that we should endeavor to perpetuate the memory of those zealous Craftsmen who, at an early day in the history of Texas Masonry, and since then, labored hard to lay the foundation for the present unexampled prosperity of our Order, the Committee on Revision feels that this work would not be complete without an acknowledgment of their services to the Craft. We therefore desire to enter on perpetual record this tribute to their memory:

Grand Lecturers from 1837 to 1853: Daniel T. Fitchett, John H. Walton, Isaiah Call, D. McFarland, J. H. Holland, N. II.' Darnell, Geo. K. Teulon, A. S. Ruthven, Henry King, W. D. Smith, Wm. M. Taylor, Stephen H. Darden, Wm. D. Goff, W. D. Woods-worth, Peter W. Gray, J. C. Harrison of Texas; and R. W. Bro. John C. Gordy of Louisiana.

To all those D. D. G. Masters who, after the Grand Lecturer system was abolished, January 20th, 1853, faithfully taught the Lodges in their Districts the authorized Work.

To M. W. Bro. William M. Taylor, whose zealous and intelligent labors were appreciated by this M. W. Grand Lodge, as shown in its adoption of the Monitor prepared by him in 1858, the first Monitor printed for Texas and used for many years as the only one, and to M. W. Bros. Benjamin A. Botts, John B. Jones and John Watson, that trio of zealous Craftsmen, through whose faithful and indefatigable labors the adopted esoteric work as well as the Monitor, was preserved and safely handed down, in regular succession, as it were, with the assistance of M. W. Bro. B. F. Frymier, R. W. Bros. Peyton Nowlin, D. J. Eddleman and others, to December, 1895.

To the Committees on Work down to this date, special reference being made to Bros. E. F. Douglass, W. W. Hunnicutt, C. P. Boon, E. B. Reeve, Geo. F. Morgan, J. L. Miller, M. M. Brush, A. W. Campbell, W. W. Peavy, Sam R. Hamilton and others, under whose patient and efficient labors the Ritualistic Work has reached a degree of uniformity second to none.

Finally, for want of time and space in which to enumerate their names, to every zealous and devoted Craftsman who has, since the organization of our Grand Lodge, in 1837, until this good hour, labored faithfully to promote the best interests of Masonry and the glory of God.

To their memory, one and all, is this tribute now offered by your co-laborers and brothers,


I hereby certify that this Monitor was approved and adopted by the Grand Lodge of Texas on December 7th, 1921.

(Signed) W. B. PEARSON,
    Grand Secretary.

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