the official monitor
grand lodge of texas (1922)
The ceremony of installing the officers and putting the Lodge
at work under a Charter for the first time, is the same as the preceding, except
the preliminary steps, which are as follows:
The Installing Officer, who by the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Texas,
must be the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, one of the Grand Wardens, or one
of the District Deputy Grand Masters, or some Past Master duly authorized by
proxy by one of them, convenes the new Lodge at the Lodge room, at such time as
may suit the convenience of himself and the brethren, opens the Lodge in the
Master's degree, and informs the brethren present of the object of the meeting;
that meeting, be it on whatever day it may, is a stated meeting.
He then calls upon the brethren to know if they are satisfied with the
officers named in the Charter. If they answer in the affirmative, he asks the
brethren named in the Charter to consult together and appoint the other
officers. And when that is done he names a Marshal for the occasion, and directs
him to present the officers for installation, or he may call to refreshment and
then install. If, in response to the inquiry about the satisfaction, as to the
officers named in the Charter, the brethren should say they are not satisfied,
he at once orders an election and then installs the officers elected according
to the ceremony of installation, heretofore given for a subordinate
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