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the official monitor
grand lodge of texas (1922)

On the day appointed for the ceremony of dedication, the Grand Lodge meets in a convenient room near the place, and opens in ample form in the third degree. The Master of the Lodge wishing to be dedicated, rises and says:

Most Worshipful G. M.: The Brethren of Lodge, No, have, at great pains and expense, erected a Masonic Hall for their convenience and accommodation. They are desirous that the same should be examined by the M. W. Grand Lodge; and if it meets their approbation, that it be solemnly dedicated to Masonic purposes, agreeably to ancient form.

A grand procession is then formed under the direction of the Grand Marshal as follows, viz:

Tiler with a drawn sword;
Two Stewards, with white rods;
Entered Apprentices;
Master Masons;
Junior Deacons;
Senior Deacons;
Past Wardens;
Senior and Junior Wardens
[Mark Masters;]
Past Masters;
Royal Arch Masons;
Knights Templars;
Masters of Lodges.


Tiler with drawn sword;
Stewards with white rods;
Entered Apprentices;
Master Masons;.
Secretary and Treasurer;
Two Brethren, carrying the Lodge 1
Junior and Senior Wardens;
The Holy Writings, carried by the oldest
Member, not in office;
The Master;


Grand Tiler, with a drawn sword;
Grand Stewards, with white rods;
A Brother, carrying a golden vessel of corn; 2
Two Brethren, carrying silver vessels,
one of wine, the other of oil;
Grand Secretary;
Grand Treasurer;
A Burning Taper, borne by a Past Master;
A Past Master, bearing the Holy Writings:
Square and Compasses, supported by, two Stewards, with rods;
Two Burning Tapers, borne by two Past Masters;
Clergy and Orator;
The Tuscan and Composite Orders;
The Doric, Ionic and Corinthian Orders;
Past Grand Wardens;
Past Deputy Grand Masters;
Past Grand Masters;
The Globes;
Grand Junior and Senior Wardens;
Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master;
The Master of the oldest Lodge, carrying the book of Constitutions;


The G. Deacons, on a line seven feet apart, on the right and left of the
Grand Master, with black rods;
Grand Sword Bearer, with a drawn sword;
Two Stewards with white rods.

The procession moves on to the house where the services are to be performed. When the front of the procession arrives at the door, they halt, open to the right and left, and face inward, while the Grand Master, and others, in succession, pass through and enter the house.

A platform is erected and provided with seats for the accommodation of the Grand Officers.

The Grand Master calls all to order; player is then made by the Grand Chaplain and an anthem sung, after which the Architect addresses the Grand Master, as follows:

Most Worshipful: Having been entrusted with the superintendence and management of the workmen employed in the construction of this edifice; and having, according to the best of my ability, accomplished the task assigned me, I now return my thanks for the honor of this appointment, and beg leave to surrender up the implements which were committed to my care, when the foundation of this fabric was laid, hoping the exertions thus made will be crowned with your approbation and that of this Most Worshipful Grand Lodge.

The Grand Master replies:

Brother Architect: The skill and fidelity displayed in the execution of the trust reposed in you, have secured the entire approbation of the Grand Lodge, and they sincerely hope that this edifice may continue a lasting monument of the taste, spirit and liberality of its founders.

An ode is then sung--

The Deputy Grand Master then says:

Most Worshipful: The Hall in which we are now assembled, and the plan upon which it has been constructed, having met with your approbation, it is the desire of the Fraternity that it should be now dedicated according to ancient form and usage.

The Grand Master then requests all who are not Master Masons to retire.

A procession is then formed as follows, viz:

Grand Sword Bearer;
Grand Standard Bearer;
A Past Master, with a Light;
A Past Master, with Bible, Square and Compasses;
Two Past Masters, each with a Light;
Grand Secretary and Treasurer, with emblems;
Grand Junior Warden, with Pitcher of Corn;
Grand Senior Warden, with Pitcher of Wine;
Deputy Grand Master, with Pitcher of Oil;
Grand Master;
Two Stewards, with White Rods.

All the other brethren keep their places and assist in performing an ode, which continues during the procession, excepting at intervals of dedication. The Lodge or Master's Carpet, which is spread in the center of the Hall with the Lodge furniture and lights upon it, is then uncovered, and the procession marches around it, when the Grand Junior Warden presents the Pitcher of Corn to the Grand Master, who, striking thrice with his mallet, pours it out upon the Lodge, at the same time saying:

"In the name of the great Jehovah, to whom be all honor and glory, I do solemnly dedicate this Hall to Freemasonry."

The Grand Honors are then given.

The procession then passes around the Lodge, and the Grand Senior Warden presents the Pitcher of Wine to the Grand Master, who sprinkles it upon the Lodge, saying:

"In the name of the Holy Saints John, I do solemnly dedicate this Hall to Virtue."

The Grand Honors are then thrice given.

The procession again passes around the Lodge for the third time. when the Deputy Grand Master presents the Pitcher el Oil to the Grand Master, who, sprinkling it upon the Lodge, says:

"In the name of the whole Fraternity, I do solemnly dedicate this Hall to Universal Benevolence."

The Grand Honors are then twice given An invocation is made to the Throne of Grace by the Grand Chaplain. The Lodge is then covered and the Grand Master again takes his seat upon the platform, and those who have retired are invited in, after which an oration is delivered and the ceremonies concluded with music. A grand procession is again formed as at first, and the Grand Lodge returns to the room where it was opened and closes in ample form.


1 Generally the floor or carpet.

2 Wheat.

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Last modified: March 22, 2014