part III - Freemasonry, Religion and Civilisation
M. Don Falconer PM, PDGDC
The intimate relationship between
astronomy and religion features prominently in myth and reality, but
its ultimate manifestation is expressed in the works of
Archaeology has revealed that
the development and practice of operative freemasonry mirrors the
evolution of the human race.
The remains of ancient stone structures in the fertile crescent of the
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Mesopotamia and in the Nile valley of
Egypt, which are usually referred to as the "twin cradles of
civilisation", are ample evidence of the intimate
relationship that exists between freemasonry and the rise of
civilisation. Of these
remains, among the earliest known is a house built at Ein Guev, on
the Jordan River east of Mount Carmel, which is about 14,000 years
old. Organised religion seems to have begun with the "fertility cults" that
adopted the "mother goddess" as a
symbol of fertility. The first known evidence, from about
10000 BCE, includes sculptures, figurines and other religious
relics found throughout the region. Some of the earliest known
buildings erected specifically for religious purposes were found in
the Turkish village of Çatal Hüyük in Asia Minor. Constructed in mud
brick and about 8,000 years old, they were decorated with paintings
and stored many voluptuous figurines that emphasise the feminine
principle associated with the "mother goddess".
William Ryan and Walter Pitman include an interesting commentary on
several of the important Neolithic structures of Anatolia, the
Levant and Mesopotamia in their book entitled Noah’s
Flood, which is subtitled The New Scientific
Discoveries About the Event that Changed History.
The temple-tower or ziggurat known as Tower
of Babylon is the first sacred building mentioned in the Bible,
which is believed to have been constructed prior to 4000 BCE,
during the period when the King of Babylon was Nimrod who was
renowned as a prodigious builder. Carbon test dates indicate that
the earliest cities in Mesopotamia were constructed during the fifth
millennium BCE. Egypt is famous for its outstanding religious
complexes. The earliest are the pyramids of the Old Kingdom, from
about 2685 BCE until about 2180 BCE, including the
dynasties from Zoser to Pepy II. The largest of the three pyramids
at Giza, the pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) constructed in about
2450 BCE and known as the Great Pyramid, was celebrated as the
Seventh Wonder of the Ancient World. The largest and greatest
temples of Egypt, including those of Thebes and Karnak, were
constructed in the period of the New Kingdom when the pharaohs from
Amosis I to Ramesses III ruled, from about 1565 BCE
to about 1085 BCE.
The Phoenicians had become the
greatest developers and builders around the Mediterranean by about
1200 BCE and probably even earlier. They constructed many
temples in the traditions of a religious system that been practised
for at least 2,000 years. The temples constructed by the Phoenicians
were the pattern for King Solomon's temple, which was completed at
Jerusalem in about 950 BCE. The intimate association of
freemasonry with religion and the essential contribution it made in
the construction of religious buildings that began during the
ancient dynasties of Babylon and Egypt, continued unbroken through
the Phoenician period into the classical eras of Greece and Rome.
This association only abated at the end of the remarkable period of
cathedral building in medieval Europe and Britain. Similar
associations existed in India, South East Asia and Central America,
which also produced many world-famous temple structures. Also of
great significance are the ancient stone circles found in the
Britain, Ireland and Brittany, the remnants of almost 1,000 of which
still exist. Although the stone circles are not constructed with
closely fitted hewn stones like the temple complexes, they are older
and emphasise the part played by freemasonry in the development of
religion by the Neolithic and Bronze Age peoples.
The enduring relationship
between ancient astronomy, religion and freemasonry is reflected in
many well-known structures of archaeological significance around the
world, of which the stone circle of Stonehenge and the great
pyramids of Egypt are superb examples. These structures illustrate
the remarkable wisdom of the ancient astronomers and the incredible
capabilities of the freemasons who converted abstract religious
concepts into practical monuments to reflect those concepts. There
are many books on these topics, including the following that are of
particular interest: In Search of Ancient
Astronomies edited by E.C.Krupp; Stonehenge Complete by
Christopher Chippendale; Fingerprints of the Gods
by Graham Hancock; and The Orion Mystery by
Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert, subtitled Unlocking the Secrets of the
Pyramids. A book that investigates the importance of stone
circles as astronomical indicators and their connection with
biblical stories is Uriel’s Machine, subtitled
The Ancient Origins of Science, by Christopher Knight
and Robert Lomas.
Few people are aware of the
knowledge and capabilities of ancient astronomers with respect to
the movement of the heavenly bodies through the skies and the
relationship of those movements to direction, time and seasonal
changes. People in all ages have taken sufficient interest in those
events to record their knowledge by whatever means they had at their
disposal. Even among the most primitive tribes, before the invention
of any form of writing, people used painting and engraved pottery to
pass on their thoughts concerning celestial events. We know, from
the earliest written records, that all of the brighter celestial
bodies and the constellations they form had been given names, also
that the apparent motions of the celestial bodies had been noted. At
present we do not know how the ancient astronomers made their
observations, nor do we know how they retained and passed on their
knowledge, but the earliest available records reveal a remarkable
understanding of the movements of the celestial bodies. The ancients
used the celestial bodies to measure time; to orient buildings; to
determine the directions of their required courses in open seas to
avoid treacherous coastlines; to find their way across the trackless
wastelands and deserts they traversed on their inland trade routes
in Asia and Africa; and also to establish a calendar.
The earliest known
astronomical records were made by the Sumerians who migrated to
lower Mesopotamia, probably from the Far East either by sea or
overland along the old Silk Road through Mongolia, Persia and the
Caucasus, some time before 4000 BCE. In Mesopotamia they
developed animal herding, grain cultivation and fruit growing using
primitive methods of irrigation. By about 4000 BCE the
Sumerians had observed that most stars crossed the sky in an
apparently fixed formation, but that each day they rose and set a
little earlier in relation to the sun's time, a phenomenon that is
called precession. The heliacal setting of any of these stars is
when it can last be seen setting in the western sky after sunset.
For a long time thereafter it is obscured by the brightness of the
sun until its heliacal rising, which is the next time that it can be
seen in the eastern sky before sunrise. The heliacal risings of some
of the more distinctive celestial bodies were seen to be important
phenomena in relation to seasonal events. In about 3500 BCE the
Egyptians devised a calendar of twelve months. Their year began with
Sothis, the heliacal
rising of Sirius the brightest star in the heavens, which usually
coincided with the arrival of the annual flood of the Nile River, a
very important event in Egyptian life.
By 3200 BCE the Chaldeans
had also devised a calendar and the Sumerians had developed the
first pictographic script, which they had modified to the idiomatic
cuneiform script by
about 2800 BCE. Their earliest records reveal that four
constellations had already been named and that the year had been
divided into four seasons, beginning with the heliacal rising of The Bull of Heaven in the
Hyades, which marked the onset of spring. The onsets of summer,
autumn and winter were marked by the heliacal risings of The Great Lion, The Scorpion and The Ibex
respectively, formed by our Capricornus with Aquarius. The
Sumerians also observed that the more northerly stars traced arcs in
the sky that never dipped below the horizon - called the circumpolar
stars. They also distinguished between the fixed stars and the seven
wanderers, which the Babylonians called bibbu or wild sheep and
the Greeks later called planetoi or wanderers,
which are our planets. Semitic peoples from the north, known as
Akkadians, progressively established “overlordships”
to rule over the Sumerians from about 2500 BCE. They adopted
the Sumerian culture and adapted cuneiform to their own
language, which became the lingua franca of the
Near East and Egypt that continued in use for more than 1,000 years.
Sargon of Agade unified the cities of Sumer under Akkadian rule in
about 2300 BCE, which established Babylonia as the first great
empire known in history.
interested in delving deeper into the remarkable achievements of the
ancients, in their search for knowledge of the universe and a way to
keep track of time, will find many books on the subject. Among them
the following would be of considerable interest to the general
In Search of Ancient
edited by Dr E C Krupp and another entitled
Astronomy of the
edited by Kenneth Brecher and Michael Feirtag, provide a useful
introduction. Emeritus Professor W M O’Neil enhances the story,
describing the work and instruments used by some individuals, in
Early Astronomy from Babylonia to
Copernicus. In
The Calendar,
David E Duncan relates the history of five thousand years in a
struggle to align the clock and the calendar with the heavens. In
the context of time and its place in astronomy, Kitty Ferguson’s
book Measuring the Universe, subtitled The
Historical Quest to Quantify Space, should not be
The first experiments in the
cultivation of cereals and the domestication of animals in the Near
East began in the northern areas of Mesopotamia about 10,000 years
ago. This led to a new way of life that was well established about
8,000 years ago, when agricultural villages in Europe began to
spring up around the Mediterranean Sea. Farming then spread across
the more fertile areas of Europe and reached the British Isles
before 4000 BCE. Three ancient pits in the vicinity of
Stonehenge contain traces of pine wood, which radiocarbon analysis
shows to be at least 10,000 years old, indicating that the area was
then inhabited and that it may have been forested. There is
substantial archaeological evidence that the rolling chalk downlands
of Wiltshire, where Stonehenge is located, were occupied by farming
communities by about 4000 BCE. The name Stonehenge is derived
from the Old English stan meaning a stone, in
conjunction with either the Old English hencg which is
equivalent to the modern word hinge, because the lintels hinge on
the uprights, or the Old English hencgen meaning a
gallows, from the shape of the uprights and lintels which looks like
a medieval gallows.
The mysterious stone circles,
like that at Stonehenge, are traditionally linked with the Druidic
religion of the Celts, although in fact they must have been built by
an earlier civilisation, because the Celts only emerged in the
Rhinelands of central Europe as a distinctive group of warrior
tribes about 1000 BCE. Their language, religion and social
organisation had many affinities with the Indo-European warriors who
overran the Indus Valley civilisation around 1700 BCE. The
spirituality of the Celts and their religious practices, embodying
many ceremonial rituals, are often obscured by the romantic emphasis
placed on fairies and the spirit-world. Water was recognised as the
first principle and source of life and the moon was the centre of
Celtic symbolism. An ancient oral tradition perpetuated their laws,
legends and tribal teachings. The Celts were in continental Europe
until Roman times, where their art was characterised by curving
lines and milling in relief, using gold, bronze and iron. The La
Tène centre of Celtic culture in Switzerland was renowned for its
imaginative ornamental metalwork, which later was also found in
Britain and Ireland. The Celts only arrived in Britain in about
500 BCE, which was at least 2,500 years after work began on
Stonehenge and about 600 years after the last work had been carried
out there.
Although the religion of the
prehistoric people of Britain is not known with any certainty, it is
reasonable to assume that it embodied a continuation of the
traditions of their ancestors from the Near East and therefore was
similar to that of the Canaanites. The Canaanite pastoralists, who
grazed their flocks in the cool of the night during the hot summer
months, were devotees of the moon. As the Canaanites progressively
introduced agriculture and developed mixed farming, they learnt that
the sun's warmth was essential to germinate seeds and ripen crops,
on account of which their sun god El became of supreme
importance to them. El could only be
approached through his son Baal, signifying lord,
who was the master of rain, thunder and tempest. The Canaanite
pantheon included a god of springs and floral growth, a goddess of
love and fertility and a god of summer and drought who also
signified death. The religion of the Canaanites was based on a theme
of birth, life, death and resurrection that reflected the cycle of
nature. The religion of the earliest settlers in Britain seems to
have embodied the Canaanite beliefs, which had many similarities
with the Druidic religion of the Celts who arrived later. This is
confirmed by archaeological investigations of the ancient burial
sites that are usually set on high ground and abound in the vicinity
of Stonehenge and other megalithic structures. The use of stone
circles to indicate the directions of the rising and setting sun and
moon in the different seasons, confirms the high regard in which the
prehistoric farmers held these celestial bodies in relation to their
daily activities and their religion.
A megalith is a great stone, from the
Greek mega meaning great and
lithos meaning stone.
There are several kinds of prehistoric megalithic structures. They
include grave mounds, or stone mausoleums built with upright stones
for walls and flat stones forming slab roofs, which are customarily
covered by a mound of earth and are called barrows, from the Old
English beorg. In addition there
are monuments of heaped stones, called cairns from the
Gaelic carn; individual
standing stones, called menhirs from the Breton men meaning a stone and
hir meaning long; and
also a variety of stone rings. The megalithic rings may be true
circles; or flattened circles, formed by four circular arcs of
different radii, symmetrical about one axis; or egg shaped, formed
by connecting the arcs of a larger and a smaller circle with
tangential straight lines; or ellipses.
Some megalithic rings,
including the Stonehenge complex, incorporate several of these
shapes and often have associated menhirs on which
details of the rings are carved. These carvings are called
petroglyphs, from the Greek petra meaning a stone and glyphos meaning writing. Petroglyphs
usually represent the structures to scale, most commonly delineated
in megalithic inches (MI),
which are one fortieth of a megalithic yard
(MY), or one hundredth of a megalithic rod
(MR). These scales are very convenient and have been
used in architectural plans for many centuries. The megalithic yard is not
identical everywhere, but an analysis of several hundred sites
indicates a fairly standard length of 0.815 metres and hence a megalithic rod of 2.0375
metres. The megalithic circles usually had diameters in whole units
of MY or circumferences in whole units of
MR and were set out and constructed with remarkable
precision, so that it is not unusual for them to have an accuracy of
1 in 5,000.
An outline of the logistics
involved in the supply of materials for Stonehenge will help to form
an appreciation of the construction effort involved. The huge blocks
of sarsen, a kind of
sandstone used as uprights in the sarsen circle and
the trilithons, were brought from Marlborough Downs
some 32 kilometres to the north. The smallest of these blocks
weighed about 4 tonnes, but most weighed about 25 tonnes. At least
one third of this distance was over hilly land, much of which was
covered with loose rocks. It is thought that on the overland section
the blocks would have been skidded on greased timber bearers and
that for the remainder of the distance they would have been floated
down the Avon River on rafts. The bluestone blocks, which were used
as lintels in the sarsen circle and the
trilithons and as uprights in the double bluestone
circle and the horseshoe ring, weighed in excess of 6 tonnes each
and came from the Preseli Mountains in south-western Wales. The most
direct route from there was a distance of some 350 kilometres, about
half of which could have been by sea to the vicinity of Bristol. An
alternative route, by sea around Lands End, would have been about
three times as long, although it would have saved some overland
The sarsen
circle had 30 sarsen uprights that stood 2
MR (4.075 metres) above ground level. The uprights
were each 1 MR (2.038 metres) wide measured
along the circumference of the circle and 0.5
MR (1.019 metres) thick, with spaces of
0.5 MR (1.019 metres), thus forming a
circle 40 MY (33 metres) in diameter. The
sarsen uprights were surmounted by a continuous ring
of 30 bluestone lintels, each of which was 1.5
MR (3.054 metres) long and 0.5
MR (1.019 metres) wide, with a thickness of 1
MY (0.815 metre). The ends of the lintels were
centred over the uprights and each lintel was positively located by
a hemispherical mortice hole cut into its lower surface at each end.
Each mortice hole fitted onto one of the two hemispherical tenons
formed on the top of each upright. The lintels also had a rounded
tongue and a rounded groove cut vertically in their opposite ends,
which interlocked to provide additional stability. The lintels were
curved in the horizontal plane, so that when erected they formed a
smooth circle. Reports indicate that the diameter of the circle and
the level of the lintels are still accurate to within about 25
millimetres. The five trilithons each comprised two
sarsen uprights that supported a bluestone lintel and
their overall heights ranged from 3 MR
(6.104 metres) to 3.5 MR (7.133
metres). The trilithons were arranged in the shape of
a horseshoe, with the tallest trilithon at the central
point of the arc in the southwest. The horseshoe was part of an
ellipse that had a major axis of 32 MY
(26.08 metres) and a minor axis of 20 MY
(16.3 metres). The geometric centre of the
sarsen circle was offset from the geometric centre of
the ellipse by 1.5 MY (1.223 metres)
along its major axis, so that there was no interference when
sighting lines through the uprights of the sarsen
The sarsen
circle and the trilithons are the huge
megalithic components for which Stonehenge is most famous.
Archaeological investigations indicate that the existing development
at Stonehenge was constructed on the site of a much earlier
development. Except that the earlier structures were made of wood,
very little is known of the details, purpose and age of their
development. However, it seems reasonable to assume that it was a
prototype for the existing complex and that it probably was used
over a very long period to carry out the observations required to
design the circle of markers used as a calendar and the stone
structures used for sighting. It would have been necessary to make
and record astronomical observations over many centuries to
determine the number of points required on the circle and the
sequence of their use, to enable eclipses to be predicted with the
accuracy that was achieved. The multiplicity of astronomical
sightlines that the other structures provide also would have
required comparable observations over an equally long period. From
these facts it is evident that the ancient astronomers who designed
the complex at Stonehenge were highly skilled and possessed a much
greater knowledge than is usually recognised. The astronomers of
Stonehenge must have been contemporaneous with the ancient
astronomers who developed calendars in Sumeria and Egypt, if not
their actual contemporaries. Rodney Castleden comprehensively
summarises Britain, during the period when Stonehenge was
constructed, in The Stonehenge
subtitled An Exploration of Life in
Neolithic Britain 4700-2000 BC. Also relevant in this
context is a book by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas entitled
Uriel’s Machine and subtitled The Ancient
Origins of Science. It examines in some detail the story of
the archangel Uriel and events relevant to megalithic structures
that are related in the Book of Enoch.
The complex at Stonehenge was
constructed in a series of relatively short phases over a period of
some 2,000 years, commencing about 3100 BCE. This date was
determined by radiocarbon tests of deer-antler picks that were used
to construct the surrounding ditch about 110 metres in diameter and
its accompanying inner embankment about 6 metres wide and
2 metres high. An entrance way was left in the northeast, where
two bluestone uprights were erected straddling the major axis of the
complex, marking the sun at the summer solstice. A wooden structure
on four posts was erected further out, bisected at right angles by
the main axis. Inside the embankment on a circle
105 MY (85.575 metres) in diameter, there
are 56 holes accurately spaced 6 MY (4.890
metres) from centre to centre, although the widths and depths of the
holes vary. They are called the Aubrey holes, after John Aubrey who
first reported them to King Charles II in 1663. A book entitled Stonehenge Complete, by
Christopher Chippendale, provides an interesting and definitive
history of this remarkable structure and its place in
Several important alignments
of the sun and moon could be observed from the centre of the circle.
Gerald S Hawkins carried out extensive computer analyses and showed
that, by progressively moving sun and moon markers around the
circle, the Aubrey holes could be used to determine when eclipses of
the sun and moon would occur. His analyses are described in his book
Stonehenge Decoded. Sir
Fred Hoyle, a renowned professor of astronomy of the Cambridge
University, also concluded that the holes could be used to predict
eclipses, although he proposed a somewhat different progression of
the markers. The Aubrey holes were filled with chalk rubble, dug out
again and refilled as many as three times. They are often referred
to as ritual pits and at least 25 of the 34 holes that have been
excavated were found to contain the remains of human cremations,
some of which have been radiocarbon dated to about 2300 BCE. A
network of ceremonial burial sites also radiates away from the site
across the surrounding fields.
The original arrangement was
modified at least four times. In about 2150 BCE the major axis
of the complex was rotated slightly further to the east, marking the
rising sun at the summer solstice more accurately, which indicates
that careful observations were still being made then. At the same
time the centre of the pair of bluestone markers at the north
eastern entrance was realigned along the new axis and another
immense sarsen stone, the Heel Stone, was erected
further out on the same axis. About eighty bluestones were also
erected around the centre, to form a double circle 19
MY (23.313 metres) in diameter, but they had
been removed by about 2000 BCE and their holes filled in. Four
small sarsens, now called the Station Stones, were
erected on the circumference of the ring of Aubrey stones at about
that time, or possibly earlier. They form a rectangular figure and
are used in a wide range of sun and moon alignments. Two were
located on the mounds of the north and south barrows surrounded by
Radiocarbon dating and
stratigraphic evidence indicate that the sarsen circle
and five trilithons, which were described in relation
to the megalithic construction, are about 4,000 years old and were
erected during the period 2100-2000 BCE. They completed the
structures of astronomical significance. A little later about twenty
bluestones were dressed into shape and erected in an oval formation
within the trilithon horseshoe, including at least two
trilithons. In about 1550 BCE two concentric
rings of holes were dug outside the sarsen circle,
apparently to hold other bluestones, but they were never completed.
By about 1100 BCE the oval formation of bluestones had been
rearranged into two groups, one as a horseshoe within the
trilithon horseshoe and the other as a circle within
the sarsen circle. At the same time the Altar Stone was stood on
end within the apex of the horseshoe. All of these later
developments appear to have been of religious significance, rather
than for use as astronomical markers. Stonehenge appears to have
been abandoned a century or so later, several hundred years before
the Celts arrived in Britain.
From the earliest times the
Egyptians were exhorted to practise modesty, discretion, honesty and
respect for their elders. They believed in a system of cosmic order that had
been transferred to Egypt and established there by the gods in the
Zep Tepi or the First Time. The pharaoh
had always been regarded as divine with celestial attributes linking
him with the First Time, although a
mortal and a little below the gods. The pharaoh was believed to have
eternal life and his royal relatives, who served him faithfully as
loyal officials, hoped to share his eternity. The ultimate
expression of royal favour was permission to be buried in the shadow
of the pharaoh’s pyramid. This huge chasm between the pharaoh and
his people dwindled with time. By the Fifth Dynasty, which followed
the Dynasty of Sneferu, Khafra and Menkaura, the priesthood of the
cult of the sun god had become all-powerful in the ancient city of
Annu or On, which is mentioned in Genesis 41:45 and probably means
"pillar city".
It was renamed Heliopolis by the Greeks in about 400 BCE. The
cult symbol was a squat obelisk surmounted by a gold pyramidion to
reflect the sun's rays, described in the next paragraph. The
pharaohs adopted the cult of the sun god for a time, but it was too
remote and intellectual for the masses and had very limited appeal.
However it enhanced the power of the priesthood, progressively
undermining the previously accepted divinity of the pharaoh, so that
over time the pharaoh came to be regarded only as the "Son of Ra". The sense
of direction, purity of purpose and capacity to achieve that
characterised the earlier Dynasties of the Old Kingdom gradually
dwindled away and were never fully regained by subsequent
From the earliest times Atum
was revered as the One God and considered
to be the creative power behind the sun, the heavens and everything
on earth. For centuries the religious heart of Egypt was at Annu,
where a crude sacred pillar had been erected on the sacred hill and
a temple had been dedicated to Atum, who was known as the Complete One, the father
of the gods. It was said that the First Sunrise of the Zep Tepi had been
observed at the sacred hill at Annu and at some very early date a
sacred relic, called the Benben Stone, had been
placed on a pillar there. The pillar and Benben Stone
at Annu seem to have been kept in an open air Temple of the Phoenix.
This sacred relic was pyramidal and credited with cosmic origins. It
seems to have been regarded as the divine "seed" of the phoenix,
or benne, the Egyptians’
prodigal cosmic bird of regeneration, rebirth and calendrical
cycles. The Benben Stone was a key
element in the royal cult of Egypt by the time the pyramids were
being built at Giza, but it seems to have disappeared soon after the
end of the New Kingdom, in about 1000 BCE. The name has been
perpetuated by the pyramidions or apex stones, which are called
Benben Stones, placed on the pyramids at Giza and
other pyramids, as well as on many of the obelisks found at
Texts that have been
remarkably well preserved have been found in the pyramid of Unas,
the last of the Fifth Dynasty pharaohs in about 2300 BCE, as
well as in four other pyramids at Saqqara dating from the same era.
They are known as the Pyramid Texts and reveal
a great deal about the beliefs and aspirations of the pyramid
builders. These texts are original chronicles recorded on stone and
are the oldest known writings in the world. They are especially
reliable because they have not been corrupted by generations of
scribes and editors. Modern research suggests that the traditions
recorded in the Pyramid Texts date from
at least 3200 BCE, but possibly from as early as the Zep Tepi or First Time. The stories
told in the Pyramid Texts confirm
the following brief outline of the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians
given in more detail the following paragraphs. Isis and Osiris were
revered as the first divine couple, the rulers of Egypt in the Zep Tepi or First Time. It was
believed that Osiris taught men religion and the arts of
civilisation and that when his task had been completed he
transformed himself into an astral being, Orion, to rule the Heavenly Kingdom of the
Dead that was called the heavenly Duat.
Horus was known as the "Living One", the son of
Isis and Osiris and the first man-god to rule Egypt as a pharaoh.
Every pharaoh believed himself to be a reincarnation of Horus until
his earthly death, when he too would enter into the heavenly
Duat and become an Osiris or star soul in the astral
form of Sahu, the constellation of Orion. The rebirth rites focused
on the dead Osiris being brought back to life through the magical
rituals of mummification, performed on him by his sister-wife Isis
with the help of Horus and the jackal gods Anubis and Upuaut. Horus
performed the ceremony of "opening the mouth" and
Anubis supervised the "weighing of the heart",
the dreaded final reckoning of the dead that decided whether or not
the soul could enter into the court of Osiris. If the soul was found
acceptable, Anubis ministered to the Osiris or star soul and guided
him through the underworld. When successfully through the underworld
Upuaut, which literally meant opener of the ways, then
guided the star soul to the astral plane of the heavenly Duat. The heavenly Duat had a counterpart
on earth, which is described in the Pyramid Texts and
comprised the lands from Dashour to Giza, which are called the Pyramid Fields.
One of the gods of the Zep Tepi or First Time who was of
special importance to the ancient Egyptians was Thoth, usually
depicted wearing an Ibis mask. Thoth was regarded as a benefactor
and civiliser and in that respect was a worthy successor of Osiris.
It was believed that Thoth had been empowered to grant an afterlife
of millions of years to deceased pharaohs and he was also revered as
the inventor of mathematics, astronomy, engineering, medicine and
botany, which he had taught to the Egyptians' ancestors. Herodotus
(485-425 BCE), who was the earliest of the classical scholars
to visit Egypt, wrote in his Histories that the
teachings of Thoth were reputed to have been recorded in fifty-two
volumes or "books of instruction"
and handed down from generation to generation. Plato, who visited
Egypt in the fourth century BCE, wrote in his Timaeus that the
Egyptians "had observed the stars for ten
thousand years". In the first century BCE the Greek
historian Diodorus Siculus, when writing his forty volumes of the Bibliotheke Historike,
gave a detailed account of how the Egyptians had observed the
positions and motions of the stars and he also said that they had
kept records of them over "an innumerable number of
years". There is every reason to believe that the stories
about Thoth were based on the activities of a real person, who
probably was one of the ancient seafaring invaders of Egypt.
In the Orion Mystery Robert
Bauval and Adrian Gilbert put forward convincing evidence that the
locations and alignments of the pyramids of the Old Kingdom were
established in accordance with an overall plan that had been
prepared by the ancient priests and astronomers, possibly as early
as the Zep Tepi or First Time, to ensure
that the earthly Duat accurately
reflected the heavenly Duat. In this context it
is important to take into account the slow and progressive changes
in the appearance of the night sky that have resulted from the
precession of the equinoxes, a phenomenon that was known to the
ancient Egyptian astronomers. Precession is the result of the
effects that the gravitational forces of the sun, moon and planets
have on the earth, which is not a true sphere and has its axis
inclined at an angle of about 23.5° to the ecliptic, which is
the plane of its orbit. The gravitational effects of the sun and
moon cause the angle of the earth's axis to vary cyclically between
22.1° and 24.5° in relation to the plane of its orbit.
This takes place over a period of 41,000 years and is called
lunisolar precession. The planets also change the plane of the
earth's orbit a little in relation to the stars, called planetary
precession. These phenomena combine to produce an apparent "wobble" of the earth in
its orbit, which is cyclical over a period of about 25,776 years.
During each half of the period of this cycle the altitude of a star
as it crosses the celestial meridian changes progressively,
alternately from a maximum to a minimum then from a minimum to a
It is interesting and
important to note that, during the precessional cycle, the minimum
altitude at which Al Nitak in the constellation of Orion transits
the celestial meridian, when observed from Giza, is 11°08' and that
this last occurred in 10450 BCE. Precessional calculations show
that this is the era when the positions of the pyramids in the Pyramid Fields
accurately reflected the stars in the heavenly Duat. At that time the
heliacal rising of Sirius, which is the star of Isis, also coincided
with the Belt of Orion in the east, thus reflecting the ancient
Egyptian beliefs concerning the relationship between Isis and
Osiris. The simultaneous occurrence of these celestial events
confirms that the layout of the Pyramid Fields is not
accidental, but a conscious attempt to ensure that the earthly Duat was a replica of
the heavenly Duat in 10450 BCE,
which therefore must be regarded as the Zep Tepi or First Time of Osiris in
the eternal cycle of precession. The ancient Egyptians associated
the Nile River with the Milky Way, which they called the "Celestial River". In
the Pyramid Texts it
was described as the "Winding Waterway",
with its own great flood and fields of reeds or rushes like the Nile
River itself. The visible shape of the Milky Way, when seen in Egypt
in 10450 BCE, was similar to the wavy course of the Nile River
passing through the Pyramid Fields from
Dashour in the south to Giza in the north.
In many of the funerary texts,
as well as in the Pyramid Texts, the
heavenly Duat is described as
being located in the portion of the visible sky that stretches from
Canis Major to the Hyades along the "western banks" of the
Milky Way, where Sirius and Orion also are located. The heavenly Duat is reflected in the
earthly Duat that is located on
the western banks of the Nile River. In particular, Zoser's pyramids
at Dashour represent the important stars in the Hyades, even to the
extent that the meridian line of the Red Pyramid is appropriately
offset to the west of the meridian line of the Bent Pyramid.
Likewise the three pyramids at Giza reflect the important stars of
Orion's Belt, including the offsetting of Menkaura's pyramid from
the main axis, as well as its significantly smaller size. Altogether
five of the seven bright stars of Orion have been correlated with
important pyramids. It also is of importance that the individual
pyramids were oriented to the celestial compass points, irrespective
of the orientation of the group of pyramids, so that each pyramid
accurately aligned with the stars as they crossed the celestial
Pyramids were constructed in
Egypt at least from the Third Dynasty until almost the end of the
New Kingdom, when Egypt fell under Libyan rule in about
1100 BCE. The great pyramid age of Egypt actually belongs to
the Old Kingdom, whose magnificent achievements in art,
architecture, medicine and literature are the standard by which all
of Egypt's later achievements are measured. The royal architect,
Imhotep, designed what is reputed to be the first great stone
edifice ever constructed by man, which is the Step Pyramid built at
Saqqara for Zoser in about 2650 BCE. Imhotep is usually
credited with the invention of authentic stone masonry, which
replaced the mud bricks previously used for construction in Egypt.
He is also credited with establishing the science of medicine, but
his official title as "Chief of the Observers"
suggests that he must have been an astronomer who studied the
motions of the stars. Zoser's pyramid began as a mastaba tomb, from
the Arabic mastabah meaning a
bench. It was developed in six unequal stages that were completely
encased in fine dressed limestone and rose to a height of 62 metres.
A complex of courtyards, temples, tombs and other buildings
surrounded the pyramid and all were enclosed within a panelled and
buttressed wall about 9 metres high and almost 2 kilometres in
perimeter. The famous Bent Pyramid at Dashour, 8 kilometres south of
Saqqara, was built by Sneferu in about 2550 BCE with the lower
half much steeper than the upper half. The northern or Red Pyramid
at Dashour is also attributed to Sneferu and it is the earliest
known tomb designed as a true pyramid, but with its sides sloping at
an angle of 43°36' instead of 52° as adopted in the later pyramids.
In all some 80 pyramids were built.
According to the currently
adopted chronology, pyramid construction was at its peak when the
three great pyramids at Giza, about 22 kilometres north of Dashour,
were built for Khufu (Cheops) who was the eldest son of Sneferu, for
Khafra (Chephren) and for Menkaura (Mycerinus), during the period
from about 2500 BCE to about 2400 BCE. These three
pyramids do not stand in isolation, but are the central features of
a huge complex, much of which is in a state of ruin. Each pyramid at
Giza has a single entrance on the northern face, exactly on the
north-south axis. Each also has a large funerary temple adjacent to
the eastern face, connected by a roofed causeway to another temple
further east, called the Valley Temple. Khufu's pyramid has three
subsidiary pyramids near its southeast corner, accurately oriented
and aligned with the north-south axis. Menkaura's pyramid has three
subsidiary pyramids near its southwest corner, accurately oriented
and aligned with the east-west axis. The Giza complex also includes
many mastaba tombs and also the Great Sphinx with its associated
temple adjacent to Khafra's Valley Temple. Unlike the pyramids of
later dynasties, none of the pyramids constructed at Dashour and
Giza were found to contain mummies, nor any of the vast collection
of funerary objects interred with the later pharaohs. Moreover, the
pyramids at Giza did not have any hieroglyphic inscriptions, nor did
they have any other decorations. The ages of these pyramids and
their assignment to specific pharaohs is based solely on
circumstantial evidence that is often called into question. For
example, at least one of the Inventory Stelae discovered in the Giza
complex indicates a very much greater age than is currently assigned
to the pyramids at Giza, to the Great Sphinx and to the adjacent
Valley Temple, which implies that they could date from as early as
the Zep Tepi or First Time. The
possibility that these pyramids are much older than assumed is
discussed in more detail later in this chapter.
The sheer size of the pyramids
and the perfection of their geometry sets them apart from other
ancient structures. Our main interest is in the pyramids at Giza,
especially that of Khufu, the Great Pyramid, which is the largest
freestanding stone structure in the world. The methods used in
construction are not known, although many assumptions have been
made. Egyptologists have put forward several suggestions for
building the pyramids using earth ramps, but none has withstood
critical examination from a practical viewpoint. Whatever methods of
construction were used to erect the pyramids, the tasks were
prodigious. Salient details of five important pyramids are set out
in the following tabulation:
Height Mass
metres million tonnes
Dashour South - Bent Pyramid
Dashour North - Red Pyramid
Giza - Khufu
Giza - Khafra
Giza - Menkaura
The 19.62 million
tonnes of stone in these five pyramids account for almost two thirds
of the 30 million tonnes estimated to have been used in all of the
pyramids. Moreover, another 3 million tonnes probably would have
been used in ancillary works such as the causeways, courtyards,
temples, surrounding walls and other structures included in the
pyramid complexes.
The centres of the pyramids at
Giza were aligned to reflect three important stars in the
constellation Orion, with the distances between them spaced in the
same proportions. As mentioned earlier, the sides and axes of the
individual pyramids were accurately aligned with the celestial
cardinal points. For example, the directions of the four sides of
Khufu's pyramid only deviate on the average by about 3 minutes
of arc from true north, east, south and west, or only 0.05°.
The difference in length between the longest and shortest of the
four sides of Khufu's pyramid is 19 centimetres, an error of only
0.08% of the 230.4 metres average length of the sides,
even after the ravages of time and man have taken their toll over
some 4,000 years. This attests to the remarkable knowledge and skill
of the ancient astronomers and the freemasons who carried out the
work. The pyramids of Khafra and Menkaura are constructed with
similar accuracy. Khufu's pyramid has several passages, galleries
and chambers, but their volume is negligible in relation to the main
mass, which is estimated to incorporate about 2.5 million
limestone blocks laid in 203 courses. The blocks weigh up to 12
tonnes and have an average weight of about 2.5 tonnes. The
68,000 square metres of polished limestone facing blocks are larger
and weigh about 15 tonnes each, fitted so closely without mortar
that a knife cannot be inserted into the joints. Even these blocks
are small compared with many used to construct the internal
Within Khufu's pyramid there
are four chambers and the Grand Gallery, all aligned on the
north-south axis of the pyramid and interconnected by a series of
passages. For years it was assumed that the chambers at the lower
levels had been abandoned for some reason, but the accuracy of their
placement and construction belies this hypothesis. It is now
believed that all of the chambers were of significance in the burial
rites of the pharaohs. The interconnecting passages are of various
sizes and have a total length of about 350 metres, about half being
on a very steep gradient of about 26.5°. There also is a near
vertical well shaft that starts from near the entrance to the Grand
Gallery and descends about 50 metres to the subterranean passage
that provides access to the lowest chamber, which is excavated some
25 metres deep in the bedrock. The second chamber, which is not
often referred to and is seldom shown on drawings, also was
excavated into the bedrock at the base of the pyramid, vertically
below the King's Chamber. The third, or Queen's Chamber, is the
smallest. It is on the vertical axis of the pyramid, at a level
midway between the base of the pyramid and the King's Chamber. The
fourth and largest chamber is the highest and is known as the King's
Chamber, which is offset some 10 metres to the south of the centroid
of the pyramid.
The red granite King's Chamber
incorporates the largest stones. It is a double square in plan,
10.46 metres from east to west and 5.23 metres from
north to south, with a height of 5.8 metres. The walls are
constructed of 100 blocks laid in five courses, each block weighing
70 tonnes or more. The ceiling is flat, spanned by nine stone slabs
each weighing about 50 tonnes. The floor is constructed with fifteen
massive paving stones that probably weigh about 20 tonnes each. The
approach to the King's Chamber is called the Grand Gallery, which
climbs on a slope of 26.5° and is some 47 metres long. It is
constructed using perfectly jointed blocks of black granite that had
been transported down the Nile River from Aswan, 750 kilometres to
the south. Each block weighs about 30 tonnes. The floor of the Grand
Gallery is a little over 2 metres wide and has a channel, half that
width and 600 millimetres deep, which runs down the centre for the
full length. The walls rise vertically for 3.5 metres and are
then steeply corbelled inwards with seven courses of masonry,
finishing with a flat ceiling 8.5 metres above floor level.
The ceiling in the Grand Gallery is narrow, only about 1 metre wide,
similar to the width of the channel in the floor. The Queen's
Chamber is in stark contrast, because it is constructed of white
limestone blocks. It is aligned exactly on the east-west axis of the
pyramid and the floor is almost square, with an area about
5.7 metres by 5.2 metres. In contrast to the King’s
Chamber, the Queen’s Chamber has a gabled ceiling at a height of
6.2 metres. The complex layout of Khufu’s pyramid is not
repeated in the other two pyramids at Giza. Khafra's pyramid only
has a single chamber, which is cut into the bedrock vertically below
the apex of the pyramid. Menkaura's pyramid also has a main chamber
located on its vertical axis and excavated 15 metres into the
bedrock, with another two interconnected chambers excavated below
The importance of the
orientation of the pyramids is revealed in an examination of the
sloping shafts in the Great Pyramid of Khufu. The two shafts from
the King's Chamber and the two shafts from the Queen's Chamber were
explained away for many years as ventilation shafts, even though
ventilation was not provided in any other tombs in Egypt. If they
were ventilation shafts a more practical solution would have been to
construct them vertically, or horizontally between successive
courses of masonry, which was a common practice in Egypt. In 1924 J
Capart, a Belgian Egyptologist, suggested in Etudes et Histoires that
the inclined shafts were not for ventilation, but had a religious
purpose, possibly intended as a symbolic passage for the soul of the
pharaoh to the stars. Several other eminent Egyptologists later
expressed similar ideas, but the theory was not validated until 1964
after Dr Alexander Badawy, an Egyptologist who had carried out a
detailed study of ancient Egyptian architecture, sought the
assistance of an astronomer, Dr Virginia Trimble, who carried out
the necessary precessional calculations. Dr Badawy says in his paper
The Stellar Destiny of the Pharaoh
and the so-called Air-shafts in Cheop's Pyramid, presented
to the Academy of Science in Berlin, that the shafts from the King's
Chamber were intended to be channels to the stars, "the northern passage . . . for
the voyage of the soul to the important circumpolar stars, the
southern one to Orion".
A detailed analysis of the
angles of elevation of the inclined shafts from the King's and
Queen's Chambers indicates that, when they were constructed in about
2450 BCE, they pointed directly to several important stars when
they transited across the celestial meridian. At that time the
southern shaft from the King's Chamber pointed to Al Nitak, the
left hand star in Orion's Belt, which is the star that the pyramid
represents, while the northern shaft pointed to Thuban in the
constellation of Draco, the mysterious abode of Tuart the
hippopotamus goddess of fecundity and childbearing. In a similar way
the southern shaft from the Queen's Chamber pointed to Sirius, the
star of Isis, while the northern shaft pointed to the centre of the
"head" of Ursa Minor,
the four stars that are shaped like the adze used by Horus in the
ceremony of the "opening of the mouth"
in the rebirth rites. The relevance of the stars pointed to by these
shafts is obvious in relation to the ancient Egyptian beliefs that
the pharaoh would cross over from the earthly Duat and be reborn as an
Osiris or star soul in the heavenly Duat.
The Book of Coming Forth by
Day, commonly called the Book of the Dead, was
buried with deceased persons in ancient Egypt. It was depicted with
hieroglyphs in the burial chamber and passages as a guide for the
deceased to reach the kingdom of Osiris, who was the embodiment of
goodness and believed to be the ruler of the underworld in the
afterlife. This book describes important funerary rites that
probably are the purpose of the several passages and chambers in the
Great Pyramid. Two
modern books of particular interest on the subject are The Great Pyramid
Decoded by Peter Lemesurier and Keeper of Genesis by
Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock. As there are no available records
relating to the construction and intended use of the Great Pyramid
of Khufu, it is a matter of conjecture whether the passages and
chambers were intended to be used in ceremonial rites similar to
those of the Eleusinian Mysteries, or
in preparations for the burial of a pharaoh. They could have been
used for either or both of those purposes, as revealed in the
following explanation of their probable significance.
The Chamber of Ordeal is a
subterranean chamber excavated some 25 metres deep in the bedrock
and accessed by a descending passage on a decline of 26.5°,
sometimes called the descent into hell. This chamber has several
compartments that are not decorated in any way and their sombre
finish reminds us of the preacher in Ecclesiastes 12:7, who says "Then shall the dust return to
the earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto God who gave
it". Just below the base of the pyramid is a Grotto excavated into
the bedrock. A shaft that commences at the descending passage, near
its entrance to the Chamber of Ordeal,
provides access to the Grotto.
It ascends at a slope of about 45° through the bedrock for a
vertical distance of some 25 metres. A vertical well shaft, about 25
metres deep and about one metre in diameter, also provides access to
the Grotto,
passing downwards through the pyramid from the junction of
the two passages providing access to the Queen's Chamber and the
Grand Gallery. The
shafts and grotto are not decorated in any way and represent the Well of Life that is to
be traversed by the soul after its sojourn in the Chamber of Ordeal. The
Queen's Chamber,
which is the Chamber of Regeneration and
Rebirth, is constructed with flawless glistening white
limestone. White symbolises purity and innocence and is the colour
of absolute truth. It also symbolises the element of earth and in
ancient Egypt was consecrated to the dead as a symbol of the
regeneration of the soul, signifying the triumph of the soul over
the empire of death. The two shafts that
point from the Queen's Chamber towards
the heavens are directly relevant to regeneration and rebirth.
The beginning of the
horizontal passage that enters the Queen's Chamber is just
below the entrance to the Grand Gallery, both of
which are accessed from the main passage that
ascends at an angle of 26.5° from near the entrance to the
pyramid. The Grand Gallery is
constructed in polished black granite and also ascends at an angle
of 26.5°. It is the Hall of Truth in
Darkness, which the soul must pass through after its
regeneration in the Queen's Chamber. Black
is a symbol of humility, silence and secrecy, as well as being the
characteristic emblem of grief and mourning. The Grand Gallery giving
access to the King's Chamber is a
final reminder to the regenerated soul of the realities of life and
death. The King's Chamber is the Chamber of
whence the soul shall return unto God. It is constructed in polished
red granite. Red symbolises fire, signifying the purification of the
soul and the regeneration of life. It also is an emblem of martyrdom
and signifies fervency and zeal in the pursuit of truth. The two
shafts that point to the heavens from the King's Chamber allude
to the regeneration of life and the voyage of the soul to the
heavenly Duat,
which the ancient Egyptians believed to be their dwelling
place in the afterlife. In his book Ancient Mysteries,
subtitled A History through Evolution and
Michael Baigent discusses the belief in a Divine Shepherd held in
ancient Egypt. In the Books of Hermes the Divine Shepherd is known
by the Greek name Poimandres,
derived from an ancient Egyptian title that signified the Understanding or Intelligence of
An important aspect of
mythology that should never be overlooked is the fact that every
myth has some background in historical fact. For this reason it is
quite possible that the Egyptian pantheon of gods were real people
in the Zep Tepi or First Time of Osiris,
whose actions were dramatised and whose beings were deified. An
important ancient tradition from the mythologies of Egypt and the
Mediterranean countries relates that a highly sophisticated society
lived in Egypt at about the First Time, which was
about 10450 BCE, who did wonderful things and constructed
remarkable buildings. The possibility of that being a fact is
confirmed by recent discoveries and new investigations of the Great
Sphinx. One discovery in the Giza complex of special interest is the
existence of at least five huge pits that house ocean going ships.
Two of the boat pits found in 1950 had been covered and sealed for
at least 4,500 years. They contained two vessels with high prows.
Both are constructed of cedar wood and well preserved. One vessel is
33 metres long and remains sealed in its boathouse. The other, 43
metres long and displacing about 40 tonnes, is on display in a Boat
Museum adjacent to the pyramids. These vessels and others recently
discovered in Upper Egypt are the most ancient found anywhere in the
The discovery, excavation and
reconstruction of the ship in the Boat Museum is described by an
archaeological journalist, Nancy Jenkins, in her informative book The Boat Beneath the
Pyramid. Experts have agreed that the shipbuilders must have
had ocean-going sailing experience for many centuries. The vessels
would have been suitable for the mysterious seafaring people,
traditionally from Atlantis, who according to mythology invaded
Egypt and much of the Mediterranean basin before 10000 BCE. In
1991 a fleet of twelve ships, similar to those at Giza and about
20 metres long, were found about 13 kilometres from the Nile
River near Abydos, 600 kilometres inland. They had been buried for
at least 5,000 years. It is interesting to know that Egyptian
mythology refers to two great Predynastic civilisations, first of
all "The Age of the
and later the Zep Tepi. Modern
archaeological research supports the hypothesis because it has
confirmed that an advanced agricultural society lived in Egypt in
about 13000 BCE, but that it suddenly and inexplicably it
disappeared soon after 10500 BCE and was replaced during the
Predynastic Period by stone age hunter gatherers.
Traditionally, the Great
Sphinx is attributed to Khafra, whose head it is supposed to
resemble, but thus has been disproved by detailed analyses. The
Sphinx is a monolithic carving almost 80 metres long and 20 metres
high with a head more than 4 metres wide. The head is smaller than
usual for such a work and it is not weathered like the body. For
this reason and from other evidence it is now believed that during
Khafra's time a new head was carved from the original, which
probably had been the head of a lion. The Sphinx looks directly
towards the point where the sun would have risen at the vernal
equinox in about 10450 BCE, when sunrise appeared to be in the
centre of the constellation Leo and Leo was looking due east, lying
on and parallel to the horizon. John A West, an Egyptologist
regarded as an expert on the early Dynastic Period, recently carried
out extensive investigations of the Sphinx working with Dr Robert
Schoch, a professor of geology at Boston University and a specialist
in erosion. Their geological studies reveal that the body of the
Sphinx and the walls of the enclosing pit have suffered extensive
water erosion from thousands of years of rain, but that there is
very little wind erosion. For more than 4,500 years the Sphinx has
been covered in sand intermittently for extended periods, in fact
for most of that time. This proves that the Sphinx must have been in
existence during the period of heavy precipitation that occurred
near the end of the last great Ice Age. The melt down began about
20,000 years ago, but was at its peak between 15000 BCE and
8000 BCE, which included the Zep Tepi or First Time.
These geological
investigations also established that the huge limestone blocks
excavated out of the bedrock to form the enclosure for the Sphinx,
were used to build the Valley Temple of Khafra. There is evidence
that Khafra's pyramid was built in two stages, because several of
the lower courses of stone were built from massive limestone blocks
identical to those excavated from the Sphinx enclosure and used in
the Valley Temple, quite unlike the remainder of the rock used. The
Valley Temple is about 47.5 metres square and also points
directly towards sunrise at the vernal equinox. The western wall is
7 metres high, but because of the slope of the plateau the eastern
wall is almost 13 metres high. The core structure of the temple is
built of massive limestone blocks, weighing between 100 tonnes and
250 tonnes each and ranging in size from 6 metres by 3 metres by 2.5
metres up to 10 metres by 4 metres by 3 metres. Within the building
there are two rows each of six monolithic granite columns more than
1 metre square in cross-section and almost 5 metres high, which
support granite beams of similar dimensions. The structure was
coated with massive granite slabs each weighing from 70 tonnes to 80
tonnes, probably added later, possibly during Khafra's time. The
largely ruined Mortuary Temple adjacent to the eastern face of
Khafra's pyramid also is constructed of blocks similar to those used
in the Valley Temple.
The only other ancient
Egyptian building of similar massive block construction that has
been discovered is at Abydos, near where the fleet of boats was
found. It is called the Osireion and is a gigantic underground
structure built with its main floor level about 16 metres below the
level of the floor of the temple of Seti I, which it is adjacent to
and immediately behind. The central floor is a massive plinth about
26 metres by 13 metres, surrounded by a moat about 3 metres wide and
at least 4 metres deep. A stairway at each end of the plinth, on its
longitudinal axis, descends into the water almost to its full depth.
There are two pools on the longitudinal axis, one being about 6
metres long and 3 metres wide and the other about 3 metres square.
The plinth supports two colonnades of massive monolithic
rose-coloured granite columns, one each side and parallel to the
longitudinal axis. The columns are about 4 metres high and
2.5 metres square, each weighing about 100 tonnes and
supporting lintels of the same cross-section.
The moat is surrounded by a
narrow walkway enclosed within walls constructed of cyclopean blocks
that are up to 8 metres long. The walls are about 6.5 metres
thick to resist the pressure of the surrounding earth and
incorporate 17 open cells facing the moat, each cell sufficiently
large to accommodate a man standing up. The walls and the lintels of
the colonnades originally supported a series of monolithic sections
that were even larger than the columns. They formed a massive roof
over the moat and walkway, leaving the centre uncovered. The water
was supplied through a tunnel from the Nile River. The Osireion is
unique among the surviving structures of ancient Egypt, previously
thought to be a reservoir, but later that it was erected for the
celebration of the mysteries of Osiris, whence its name. Some
traditional Egyptologists have suggested that it was a cenotaph for
Seti I, based on circumstantial evidence of cartouches and
inscriptions relating to renovations probably carried out by Seti I.
It would be a most unusual cenotaph and the dating is very
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