the interior of the lodge
part II - Symbolism and the Teachings of Freemasonry
M. Don Falconer PM, PDGDC
interior of the lodge is the symbolic heart of speculative craft
most jurisdictions, the work of speculative craft lodges includes
lectures on the tracing boards, which are the modern
equivalents of the trestle boards used in operative
lodges and of the floor drawings and later the
floor cloths used in early speculative lodges. In the
usual lecture on the First Tracing Board, the interior
of the lodge is described as being composed of ornaments, furniture
and jewels. The ornaments of the lodge are the mosaic pavement, the
blazing star and the indented or tessellated border. The furniture
of the lodge comprises the sacred writings, the compasses and the
square. The jewels of the lodge are in two groups, one group of
three that are said to be movable and another group of three that
are said to be immovable. In the rituals used in most English and
Scottish lodges the three movable jewels usually are the square, the
level and the plumb rule. They are called movable jewels because
they are the insignia of office of the master and his wardens, which
are transferred to their successors when installed in their stead.
On the other hand, in American lodges these three jewels are said to
be immovable, because they invariably are the insignia of office of
the master and his wardens. In English and Scottish lodges the
tracing board, the rough ashlar and the perfect ashlar are called
immovable jewels, because they always lie open in the lodge for the
brethren to moralise upon. Conversely in American lodges, these
three jewels are called movable because they can be placed anywhere
in the lodge room that is convenient.
first sight the description of the various objects as ornaments,
furniture and jewels might seem a little strange, especially as some
of the objects are included in two different categories and some of
them are also called working tools. Moreover, the reasons why an
object has been assigned to a particular category might not be
immediately evident. In this context, one must not overlook how the
English language has evolved since the rituals were written. Some
freemasons might be inclined to say that the rituals should be
rewritten in modern English, but that would be a self-defeating
exercise because much of the rich symbolism would be lost. The
language used in the rituals provides an avenue of constructive
thought, which if followed to its logical conclusion can only
enhance one’s knowledge of the principles expounded. Another avenue
of confusion arises from the fact that in every lodge room there are
many more objects that might be called ornaments, furniture or
jewels in today’s language, but which have not been included in the
rituals under those descriptions. Most of those additional objects
and their respective symbolisms are described in other sections of
the lecture on the First Tracing Board. Of the objects
discussed in relation to the interior of the lodge, the jewels of
the lodge and the tracing boards are of such importance that
explanations of their symbolisms are given under their own headings
in other chapters of this book, so they will only be examined
briefly in this chapter. Those implements that operative freemasons
used as working tools, which are also included in the items of
furniture or as jewels, also are discussed in their primary capacity
in the chapter on the working tools of the craft.
mosaic pavement, the blazing star depicted in the centre of the
pavement and the indented or tessellated border surrounding the
pavement would not be called ornaments nowadays, although they are
ornamental and might be thought of as furnishings. The Latin
ordinare, meaning to set in order, has a
closely related word ornare meaning to
equip or to arrange, whence its predominant
sense was to embellish. Ornare had a
derivative ornamentum, which became
ornement in Old French and was adopted into Middle
English as ornament. All three derivatives of
ornare mean to embellish, in which sense
ornament is used in the lecture. The English verb
to furnish derives through the Middle French from the
Old French fornir meaning to furnish,
especially in the sense to do completely. One of the
Middle French derivatives of fornir was
forneture, which later became forniture
and was adopted as furniture in English. In the
lecture furniture is used in the sense of doing
something completely, because a lodge is not complete and cannot be
opened unless the sacred writings, the square and the compasses are
open on the pedestal. The ultimate derivation of jewel
is from the Latin iocus, which became
jocus in Medieval Latin, both words meaning a
joke or a jest. A Medieval Latin
derivative was jocalis, which in Old French became
joel, its variant jeul being adopted
into Middle English and becoming jewel in English, all
of which meant a plaything, hence a
trinket or small ornament and ultimately
a jewel. In the context of the lecture the
jewels are small ornaments.
The Ornaments
mosaic pavement in the centre of the lodge room floor invariably
attracts attention, drawing together the physical elements described
as the ornaments of the lodge. The physical interconnection of these
three elements is highlighted by the fact that, in most lodge rooms,
the blazing star is in the centre of the mosaic pavement, which
itself is completely surrounded by the indented or tessellated
border. This close physical relationship reflects how the symbolisms
of the three ornaments are integrated. Taking them in their logical
sequence, the mosaic pavement is called the beautiful floor of the
lodge; the indented or tessellated border is called the skirt-work
around the pavement; and the blazing star is called the glory in the
centre. The mosaic pavement is a fundamental element of the
composition, representing in particular the terrestrial aspects of
mankind’s existence and the vicissitudes of everyday life. The
mosaic pavement is called beautiful because it is variegated in
colour and chequered in design, reminding us of the eternal sequence
of day and night, as well as the diversity of objects that decorate
and adorn the whole of the creation, both the animate and the
inanimate parts thereof.
indented or tessellated border alludes to the celestial sphere of
our existence. In its lesser aspect, the indented or tessellated
border refers to the planets in their several orbits around the sun,
thus forming a beautiful corona or border around that grand
luminary, as the indented or tessellated border does around the
mosaic pavement of a mason’s lodge. In its more important aspect,
the indented or tessellated border refers to the radiant canopy of
stars surrounding our universe, pointing out to us the inherent
insignificance of mankind except with the guidance, assistance and
strength of Almighty God. The blazing star or glory in the centre
has a twofold symbolism, although the more important of these is
often overlooked. Lectures of or deriving from the English system
usually say that the blazing star refers to that grand luminary, the
sun, which illumines the earth and by its benign influence dispenses
its blessings to mankind in general. However, this is only a
secondary symbolism that is closely related to the symbolism of the
indented or tessellated border. The old Prestonian lecture defines
the primary symbolism of the blazing star in the following
Blazing Star, or glory in the centre, reminds us of that awful
period when the Almighty delivered the two tables of stone,
containing the ten commandments, to his faithful servant Moses on
Mount Sinai, when the rays of His divine glory shone so bright that
none could behold it without fear and trembling. It also reminds us
of the omnipresence of the Almighty, overshadowing us with His
divine love, and dispensing His blessings amongst us; and by its
being placed in the centre, it further reminds us, that wherever we
may be assembled together, God is in the midst of us, seeing our
actions and observing the secret intents and movements of our
most lectures used in the Scottish system, the Blazing
Star is simply defined as the Glory in the
Centre. It is an ancient symbol of the Supreme
Being like the All-Seeing Eye, which is widely
used in Scottish and American freemasonry. The Revised Ritual
of Craft Freemasonry that is used in some English lodges,
adopts a similar approach and also puts the three ornaments in their
logical symbolical sequence, saying “The Ornaments are the
Mosaic Pavement, the Indented or Tessellated Border and the Blazing
Star or Glory in the Centre.” Some Scottish lectures do not
include the Blazing Star as an ornament, as for
example in the A.S.MacBride Ritual, which says,
“Its Ornaments are the Mosaic Pavement of chequered human
existence and the four Golden Tassels of Prudence, Fortitude,
Temperance and Justice.” These four tassels are those
described as pendent to the corners of the lodge in the concluding
paragraph of the Emulation and most other English
lectures on the First Tracing Board. In American
freemasonry the Blazing Star is usually said to be
commemorative of the star that guided the wise men of the east to
Bethlehem, whence it is said to represent Divine
Providence. The Blazing Star is a symbol of
the greatest antiquity and is used in a wide range of religious
systems to represent the Supreme Being, which has
always been its primary symbolism in freemasonry.
lodge is complete, nor can a lodge be opened to carry out work,
unless the three elements that comprise the furniture of the lodge
are open on the pedestal, these being the sacred writings, the
square and the compasses. The sacred writings are derived from God
to mankind in general, because in them are laid down the divine laws
that God has revealed to mankind to regulate the life and actions of
each and every person. We live in the sure knowledge that every
person will be rewarded or punished, accordingly as those laws have
been obeyed or disobeyed. As the sacred writings are intended to
rule our actions and govern our faith, so every candidate in
freemasonry must be obligated upon the holy book of his faith. A
corollary to this requirement is the stipulation that no man can be
admitted into freemasonry unless he believes in God.
square and compasses are placed upon the sacred writings opened at a
passage suitable to the occasion, which signifies that the divine
laws laid down therein must be the spiritual foundation and moral
basis on which every action is undertaken. In this context the
square is said to belong to the whole craft of freemasonry, because
every freemason is obligated within the square, when he is told that
he must square his life and actions according to God’s divine laws.
Likewise the compasses, which are an important instrument in the
preparation of all architectural plans and designs, are said to
belong to the Grand Master in particular as an emblem of his
dignity. As he is the chief head and ruler of the craft, the Grand
Master must be circumspect in his actions, must diligently uphold
the divine laws and must skilfully delineate how the members of the
craft should apply those laws.
sacred writings, the square and the compasses that comprise the
furniture of the lodge, are also designated as the Three Great
Lights in freemasonry or the Lights of
Revelation, to which the apprentice’s attention is drawn
immediately after he has taken the obligation. The Scottish
A.S.MacBride Ritual gives the following succinct but
beautiful explanation of the Three Great Lights:
the Compasses we have an emblem of the Supreme Will, that encircles
and over-rules the Universe. In the Square we have an emblem of the
perfect Justice that governs all things. In the Holy Book we have
that Will and Justice revealed in the character of the Great Creator
of all; and by it we are taught how to circumscribe our desires to
His Supreme Will and how to accord our actions with His Perfect
most Irish lodges the Three Great Lights are explained
to the newly obligated apprentice in the following words:
Volume of the Sacred Law is recommended to your consideration and
study without comment, believing that if you follow its teachings
and precept, you will find them a ‘Light to your Path’ and a ‘Lamp
to your Feet’. The Square is an emblem of Morality and teaches us
that all our actions towards our fellow men should stand the test of
the Moral Square. The Compasses, which form that perfect figure, the
circle, remind us that we should endeavour to surround our conduct
by a line, to keep in check unruly passions and unlawful desires.
Thus the Three Great Lights teach the Freemason his duty to his God,
his neighbour and himself.”
explanation of the Three Great Lights that is widely
used in English and Scottish lodges and their descendents around the
world, which therefore probably is the best-known definition, is
given in the following or similar words:
me direct your attention to the three great though emblematical
Lights of Freemasonry, namely the Volume of the Sacred Law, the
Square and the Compasses. The Sacred Writings are to govern our
faith, the Square to regulate our actions and the Compasses to keep
us within due bounds with all mankind, more particularly our
brethren in freemasonry.”
the foregoing discussions the Sacred Writings, the
Square and the Compasses have been
reviewed as the three elements of the Furniture of the
lodge and also as the Three Great Lights in
freemasonry. The inclusion of these three elements in what
undoubtedly must be their most important capacity in speculative
craft freemasonry, which is as the Three Great Lights,
would appear to have been sufficient. At first sight their
additional inclusion as the Furniture of the lodge
might appear to be a redundancy, were it not for the fact that in
medieval times and until at least the end of the seventeenth
century, furniture had an important connotation, perhaps even a
primary meaning, of doing something completely. It seems most likely
that the early compilers of our speculative rituals had this sense
uppermost in their minds. In any event the explanations that are
given for the symbolisms of these three elements, as the Three
Great Lights in freemasonry and also as items of the
Furniture of the lodge, are sufficiently different to
offset any suggestion of redundancy.
Square, the Level and the Plumb
Rule are called movable jewels in English, Irish and
Scottish lodges, but immovable jewels in American lodges. In respect
of the jewels, the early ritualists seem to have faced a dichotomy
similar to that relating to the Furniture and the
Three Great Lights discussed above, because the
primary roles of the Square, the Level
and the Plumb Rule are in their functions as important
working tools of the craft. Nevertheless they have also been adopted
quite logically as insignia of office, in which capacity they are
considered to be jewels of the lodge. The use of replicas of these
three implements as jewels of office derives directly from the
practices of operative freemasons. In the context of the present
discussion, it will suffice only to outline their symbolism. The
Square is an implement that enables an operative mason
to determine precisely the angles of the exterior faces of a stone,
thus enabling him to bring rude matter into due form. The
Square is an emblem of Morality and
Justice. It therefore is appropriate as the jewel of a
Master whose duty it is to ensure that the members of his lodge
conduct themselves morally and justly. The Level is an
implement that enables an operative mason to set the work to a true
level on a given plane. The Level is an emblem of
Equality and therefore is appropriate as the jewel of
the Senior Warden, who is in charge of the work and must see that
all of the men are treated fairly. The Plumb Rule is
an implement that enables an operative mason to erect walls and
columns truly perpendicular. The Plumb Rule is an
emblem of Uprightness and Integrity and
therefore is appropriate as the jewel of the Junior Warden, whose
duty it is to see that all of the men conduct themselves with
uprightness and integrity.
English and Scottish lodges, the Tracing Board, the
Rough Ashlar and the Perfect Ashlar are
called the Immovable Jewels, because they lie open in
the lodge for the brethren to moralise upon. The lecture on the
First Tracing Board says that the Tracing
Board is for the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon,
so that the operative mason can erect the intended structure with
order, regularity and precision. A parallel is drawn to the
Sacred Writings, which are designated as the
Spiritual Tracing Board in which are laid down the
divine lines and moral designs that should govern our lives and
actions. The Rough Ashlar is for the Apprentice to
work, mark and indent on. Symbolically it represents the mind of man
in its untrained state, as rough and unpolished as that stone, but
which a liberal and enlightened education can transform into a
Perfect Ashlar, smooth, squared and polished.
Symbolically the Perfect Ashlar represents the mind of
a man who has rendered himself fit to be a member of a properly
organised and civilised society. In most lodges there is a
Perfect Ashlar fitted with a Lewis and
suspended from a tripod, which is placed at a point of vantage
visible to everyone in the lodge. When the lodge has been opened the
Perfect Ashlar is raised by means of a winch that
symbolises labour. This is intended to remind everyone present that
they are engaged in labour and that, as freemasons, they should
always work diligently to improve their minds and must regulate
their actions according to the divine edicts laid down in the
Spiritual Tracing Board.
The explanations given in the
foregoing discussion are by no means complete, because the primary
concern of this chapter is to bring all of the relevant features
together in a cohesive arrangement. Most of the important features
are examined in greater detail in other chapters under appropriate
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