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why this confusion in the templeHammers, Axes, Tools Of IronCHAPTER VIIdwight l. smithHire press agents to tell the world, like Little Jack Horner, what great boys we are. Never mind actions; concentrate on words.
years, Solomon's superb model of excellence was under construction on Mount Moriah. From the quarries came blocks of
stone hewn, cut and
squared ready to set in place, and transported with prodigious
effort by the most primitive
means of transportation. Tied together in great floats, majestic
cedars from the forests of
Lebanon came by sea to Joppa and thence slowly and laboriously
overland to the Holy
City. The designs were conceived by the Master Builder of the
age, and from his skillful
hands came masterpieces in gold, silver and brass. A widow's son
he was, from out of
Strange as it may seem, the craftsmen labored without envy,
discord or confusion.
Even the elements cooperated, for the legends of Josephus tell
us there was no rainfall
save at night in order that the work might proceed without
delay. So near perfection was
the finished Temple that it appeared to have been done not by
human hands, but by the
hands of the Great Architect Himself.
Could our modern Speculative Craft engage in even the most
simple of undertakings
without the loud clash and clatter of attention-attracting
Suppose a great temple is to be erected in mid-Twentieth Century
on some American
Mount Moriah. Can you not hear the discordant din and clamor of
every advertising
technique known to man as present-day craftsmen go forth to
raise the funds ... to
persuade Brethren to donate a cedar tree or a block of stone ...
to obtain publicity in all
the newspapers and TV stations from Dan to Beer-sheba ... to
give King Hiram of Tyre
the "hard sell"?
Strange words, I daresay, to be coming from one who was trained
as a newspaper man
to use one of the media of mass communication. But remember, I
am speaking now as a
seasoned Freemason. Remember also what I said in the opening
article of this series: that
the prescriptions offered by the Masonic Medicine Men are not
all completely vicious.
Many of them—yes, most of them— have certain elements of merit,
and all of them
appear innocent enough on the surface. Yet each is capable of
setting in motion forces
that could destroy American Freemasonry as we have known it.
When we have a story to tell that is newsworthy and in good
taste, there is no reason
why we should not tell it. But the building of favorable public
relations is not measured
by newspaper space. On the contrary, Freemasonry can be placed
in a ridiculous position
before the public by an ill-advised and all-consuming appetite
for attention at any price.
I am one who believes that just such a situation can happen all
too easily. Should we
abandon our historic position of dignity and restraint and throw
open the doors, it
requires but little imagination to visualize what could happen.
To control the quality of
public information about the Fraternity is just as impossible as
to control solicitation of
membership, and the damage can be just as devastating.
—In one Jurisdiction in the United States a Committee on "Public
Relations" was
created a few years ago. It sounded good. But when the committee
made its first report to
Grand Lodge it let the cat out of the bag, for all it had done
in the way of "public
relations" was to prepare canned releases for the press and TV
—In another Jurisdiction a newly-formed Committee on "Public
Relations" announced
its real objective to Grand Lodge when it said: "We would like
to see the Junior Warden
of every Lodge act as the
—Then there was the Grand Master whose statement I have repeated
with horror on
many occasions. "Masonry with its associated bodies has not been
getting its
—Another large American Jurisdiction displays its collection of
newspaper clippings
each year during the annual communication of Grand Lodge.
—The fact that at two of the last three Conferences of Grand
Masters in North
America the subject of more publicity has been discussed.
Regional conferences of
American Grand Lodges also have the bug; they are engaging in
shop talk on how to set
up publicity committees.
—A large American Jurisdiction launched a great humanitarian
movement that was
looked upon with universal admiration, and then spoiled
everything with a report to
Grand Lodge which said that although its benevolent program did
make a "significant
contribution in service to all humanity (and) while many Masonic
dollars had been spent
in this activity,
—One Grand Master offered this argument for holding the
Conference of Grand
Masters in cities other than Washington, D.C.: "We come to this
Conference ... we do not
get much notice. You may as well toss a pebble down the well for
all it is known in
Washington, D.C., that we have been here . . . But take this
Conference to one of our
midwestern cities and it will have considerable impact upon the
people in that community
. . . The meeting will be publicized in the area."
(Incidentally, the Conference was moved to a midwestern city,
but not one clipping
could be taken home for the scrapbook—and it turned out to be
one of the most fortunate
things that ever happened to American Freemasonry that there was
no news coverage.)
There is a fine line that divides legitimate news from that
trivia known as publicity. It
is when we cross that fine line that we stoop to a position
beneath our dignity. Well-meaning
Brethren who fancy themselves writers and correspondents but who
know little
or nothing about the usages and customs of the Craft can
unwittingly do the Fraternity
irreparable harm.
And where is that fine line? On a newspaper copy desk I learned
what obviously is an
oversimplified, yet often accurate, statement of the difference
between news and
publicity. It goes like this: Publicity is that which is of
little or no interest, but which
individuals seek mightily to get into print; news is that which
is of great interest, but
which individuals seek mightily to keep out of print.
He is one hundred per cent right. And incidentally, the
unrestrained use of hammers
and axes in American Freemasonry is just as distasteful to him
as it is to me.
Then how can we guarantee that a Masonic publicity program will
be restrained and in
good taste? Alas, we cannot. An organized program to obtain
Masonic publicity has
small chance of being anything other than unseemly in character.
Certainly it will be so if
the Junior Warden is made
I remember all too well how, some ten years ago, American Grand
Masters literally
fell over each other to be photographed for the cover page of a
magazine of national
circulation—and I remember the tongue-in-cheek manner in which
the writer of the
feature article dealt with our Craft. That is only one example
to illustrate the wisdom of
our historic position of quiet dignity.
No amount of prepared publicity can repair the damage if a
Freemason or his
dependent is in distress and the Lodge looks the other way.
Little Jack Homer's loud protestations will not be very
convincing if the Masonic
Temple is run down and seedy in appearance.
Reams and reams of mimeographed news releases will be to no
avail if the Lodge
officers whose names appear in the newspaper are not men who can
command respect in
the community.
All the press agents in the business cannot erase the
distasteful image created by an
obnoxious publication claiming to be "Masonic," or a Lodge
trestleboard that is immature
and undignified.
It will take more than newspaper space to wipe out the memory of
a careless and
slipshod funeral service ... or if the Brethren perform their
public ceremonies like
awkward bumpkins ... or go to Lodge in bowling league attire ...
or allow their aprons to
be anything other than white and spotless ... or if the Chaplain
is one whom the community
has reason to know is not on speaking terms with the God to whom
he recites his
Let Freemasonry stay out of the business of "managed news." We
do not belong there;
such activity is repugnant to everything our Craft stands for.
Once we forsake our
traditional gentility we are unleashing forces as capable of
damage as an untrained
layman attempting to perform a surgical operation, or practice
law, or build a bridge, or
teach school.
Legitimate news pertaining to the Fraternity there must and
should be, but the man
who presumes to speak for our Craft should be one who knows that
some things are done
and some things simply
We do not need to
When we do the work that Freemasons are expected to do and as
they are expected to
do it, we are conducting the best possible public relations
program. If the leaders of our
American Grand Lodges will but forget their scrapbooks and
concentrate on providing
inspired leadership in the true Masonic tradition, our Lodges
will respond and follow, and
the "image" will take care of itself.
1 MSA: "Masonry and Publicity," May 1929. |
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