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For Further Study: A List Of Books


Richard h. sands


THOUSANDS OF BOOKS have been written on the subject of Masonry. Any selection is bound to cause disagreement. The following list includes a number of publications which were prepared in Michigan, as well as some other works which are regarded as standard. Readers should remember that books published outside the borders of Michigan need not reflect in detail the views and practices of this Grand Lodge.

Most of these books are available in the Masonic Library at Grand Rapids, and many of them may be purchased through the mail, by writing (or calling 800-632-8764) to the Grand Lodge Office, Suite 20, 233 E. Fulton St., Grand Rapids, MI 49506 for an up-to-date order form. A number of the books are still in print, and may be ordered from Masonic booksellers.

The premier Masonic Research lodge is Quatuor Corronati Lodge in London. Issues of the Ars Quatuor Coronatorum are distributed to members of the Correspondence Circle of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, No. 2076, English Registry, and other publications of the Lodge are available to them. Address enquiries to the Secretary, 27 Great Queen Street, London WC2B SBB, England.

A Lending Library

There exists a tremendous resource for Masons, funded by the Grand Lodge of Iowa. It maintains a lending library for your use, and all that it costs you is the book rate postage to return any books that you order. Not only that, but the Assistant Librarian will research any Masonic topic of interest to you and then send you a few books or articles on the subject. You may keep them for three weeks and then return them by book-rate postage. Just write to the following address:

Assistant Librarian, Grand Lodge of Iowa, Box 279, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406

A List of Books


Coil, Henry Wilson, Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, edited by William Moseley

Brown, William L. Cummings, and Harold Van Buren Voorhis. (New York, 1961 Revised edition, 1996). (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Mackey, Albert G., An Encyclopedia of Masonry and its Kindred Sciences, comprising the whole range of arts, sciences, and literature as connected with the institution. (Numerous editions and revisions since 1873). About 1000 pages. (Out of print)


Haggard, Forrest D., The Clergy and the Craft, a good general book to give your minister. 159 pages. (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Leazer, Gary, Fundamentalism and Freemasonry, The Southern Baptist Investigation of the Fraternal Order, a must reading for all Masons having to deal with the Fundamentalists, M.Evans and Co., New York, 1995. (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)


Baigent, Michael, and Leigh, Richard, The Temple and the Lodge, a fascinating story of the discovery in 1978 of row-upon-row of Knights Templar graves on Loch Awe in Scotland after the disappearance of some 1500 Templars from France in 1309,Arcade Publishing, New York 1989.(Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Brown, William A., Facts, Fables and Fantasies of Freemasonry, 5th ed.,1993. 185 pages. A very interesting compilation of many topics of interest to Masons including an interpretation of the twelfth chapter of Ecclesiastes. (Out of print)

Carr, Harry (editor), The Collected Prestonian Lectures 1925‑1960. (London, 1967). Pp. xiii, 491. These are scholarly addresses delivered annually under the auspices of the United Grand Lodge of England.

Claudy, Carl H., Introduction to Freemasonry: Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason, complete in one volume. (Wash­ington, 1931). Pp. 182. A concise explanation of the fundamentals of Masonry: organization, customs, usages, lodge equipment, history, symbols, and landmarks.

Claudy, Carl H., The Master's Book. (Washington, 1935). Pp. 122. Information for the prospective Master.

Claudy, Carl H., Masonic Harvest. (Washington, 1948). Pp viii, 376. A series of inspirational talks on the romance, curiosities, sentiments, and philosophy of Masonry.

Claudy, Carl H., Old Tiler Talks, (Washington, 1949) 2nd Edition, 249 pages. A series of fictional talks with an old Tiler. Very informative.(Out of print)

Cook, Wes, ed.,Did You Know?, vignettes in Masonry from the Royal Arch Magazine, Missouri Lodge of Research 1965. 238 pages. (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Denslow, Ray V. 10,000 Famous Freemasons (4 vols), a compilation of brief descriptions of famous Freemasons, Missouri Lodge of Research. (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Dyer, Colin, Symbolism in Craft Freemasonry, eight chapters on a variety of Masonic symbolism, Lewis Masonic, London 1983.

Hunt, Charles, Masonic Symbolism, a detailed discussion of many Masonic symbols, Laurence Press Co., Cedar Rapids, IA 1939.

Jones, Bernard E., Freemasons' Guide and Compendium. (Revised edition, London, 1956). Pp. 604. A comprehensive review of the evolution of Masonry, its symbolism, and degrees.

Knight, Christopher, and Lomas, Robert, The Hiram Key, the findings of two Masons, both amateur historians, to discover for themselves the origins of Freemasonry. They begin with the Sumerians and go forward from there with a great deal of discussion of the Dead Sea scrolls, Element Books, Inc., Rockport, MA 1998. 384 pages. (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Lawrence, John T., The Perfect Ashlar and Other Masonic Symbols. (London, 1937). Pp. x, 347.

Little Masonic Library, The,(5 Vols.) Contains many articles and reprints on a variety of Masonic subjects including Landmarks, Early Beginnings, The Morgan Affair, Masonic Poetry, etc., Macoy 1946. (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Martin, George M., British Masonic Miscellany. (Dundee, about 1935). Twenty small volumes, of about 150 pages each. A reference library covering the chief figures in Masonic literature and history, together with their expositions of the Craft, its symbols, meanings, principles, etc.

McBride, A.S., Speculative Masonry: Its Mission, its Evolution, and its Landmarks. (Glasgow, 1931). Pp. 255.

Morris, S. Brent, Masonic Philanthropies, a comprehensive up-to-date compilation of Masonic giving, Supreme Council, A.A.S.R. (N.M.J.) 1998.

Newton, Joseph Fort, The Builders: A Story and Study of Masonry. (Washington, 1914). Pp. xvii, 343. An inspirational account of the tools, symbols, faith, philosophy, and spirit of Masonry. (Paperback version available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Newton, Joseph Fort, The Mens House: Masonic Papers and Addresses. (New      York, 1923). Pp. xii, 261. Some thoughts on principles, practice, personalities, and prophecy as these concern Masonry. (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Pick, Fred L., and G. Norman Knight, The Freemason's Pocket Reference Book. (London, 1955). Pp. 304.

Robinson, John J., Born in Blood, The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry, a story of the Peasants Revolt in England in 1381 and a search for the Great Society, credited with organizing this revolt, which started simultaneously all over England, M. Evans and Co., New York 1989. 396 pages. (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Robinson, John J., A Pilgrim’s Path, One Man’s Road to the Masonic Temple, an overview of Freemasonry from the perspective of an expert in Mediaeval history – fascinating, (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Sankey, Charles A., Masonic‑Things‑to‑Live‑By. (St. Catharines, 1968). Pp. 65 (mimeographed). Talks presented on fourteen official visits to Niagara District "A", 1967‑1968.

Smith, Dwight L., Whither are we Traveling? (Washington, 1963). Pp. 78. A series of ten stimulating articles that challenge Masons to think of their objectives; first published in the Indiana Freemason; reprinted in A.Q.C., volume 76 (1963) and volume 78 (1965). (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Smith, Dwight L., Why this Confusion in the Temple? (Washington, 1966). Pp. 130. Twelve additional provocative articles. (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Street, Oliver Day, Symbolism of the Three Degrees. (Cedar Rapids, 1922, or George H. Doran Co., New York, 1924). Pp. vii, 190. Also published in three separate booklets. (Out of print)


Coil, Henry Wilson, A Comprehensive View of Freemasonry. (New York, 1954). Pp. 256. (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Coil, Henry Wilson, Freemasonry Through Six Centuries ,an excellent modern history, (2 Vols.), Macoy, 1967.

Frere, A.S. (editor), Grand Lodge (1717‑1967). (Oxford, 1967). Pp. ix, 336. A concise history of English Masonry by Harry Carr, T.O. Haunch, J.R. Clarke, P.R. James, J.W. Stubbs, H.G. Michael Clarke, W.R.S. Bathurst, A.J.B. Milborne, and A.R. Hewitt.

Pick, Fred L., and G. Norman Knight, The Pocket History of Freemasonry. (London, 1953). Pp. 294. A handy pocket encyclopedia but too short to be comprehensive.


Carr, Harry (editor), The Early French Exposures. (London, 1971). Po. xx, 488. Twelve documents covering the years 1737‑1751.

Knight, Christopher, and Lomas, Robert, The Hiram Key, Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus, Element, Rockport, MA, 1998. Pp. Viii – 370. (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Lipson, Dorothy Ann, Freemasonry in Federalist Connecticut 1789 – 1835, Princeton University Press 1977. Pp. vii – 367. This book is basically the Ph. D. thesis of Dorothy Ann Lipson in the Department of History at the University of Connecticut. James R. Case, the then Grand Historian of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut opened his library to the author and she wrote the history of Freemasonry in Connecticut in the context of the history of the times, which she knew very well. Her knowledge of Freemasonry is astounding and outstanding. This book is very well written and very informative.

Roberts, Allen, House Undivided (The Craft During the Civil War), a compilation of fascinating episodes of Brotherly Love and friendship on both sides. Every American should read this. 384 pages. (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Smith, James Fairbairn, and Fey, Charles, Freemasonry in Michigan, Vol. I, a brief early history of the Craft in Michigan. (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Smith, James Fairbairn, Dateline 1764, Michigan Masonry, Vol. 2, an extension of the above, (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Tresner, Jim, Albert Pike: The Man Beyond the Monument, an insightful biographical sketch, (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)


which reveal the Masonic ceremonies of that period; translated into English.

Gould, Robert Freke, History of Freemasonry: Its Antiquities, Symbols, Constilutions, Customs, etc., embracing an Investiga­tion of the Records of the Fraternity in England, Scotland, Ireland, British Colonies, France, Germany, and the United States. (London, 1887). Three volumes, totalling 1508 pages. Several enlarged editions have been published since 1887. (Out of print)

Knoop, Douglas, G.P. Jones, and Douglas Hamer (editors), The Two Earliest Masonic MSS.: The Regius MS. (B.M. Bibl. Reg. 17 A 1) and the Cooke MS. (B.M. Add. MS. 23198). (Manchester, 1938). Pp. viii, 216.

Knoop, Douglas, and G.P. Jones, The Genesis of Freemasonry: An Account of the Rise and Development of Freemasonry, in its Operative, Accepted, and Early Speculative Phases. (Manchester, 1947). Pp. x, 334.

Knoop, Douglas, G.P. Jones, and Douglas Hamer (editors), The Early Masonic Catechisms. (2nd edition, edited by Harry Carr; Manchester, 1963). Pp. xi, 244. Copies of twenty‑five early documents, covering the period 1696‑ 1750, giving information about contemporary ritual and modes of Masonic recognition.

Mackey, Albert G., and William M. Singleton, The History of Freemasonry. Its legends and traditions, its chronological Histo­ry; The History of the Symbolism of Freemasonry, The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and The Royal Order of Scotland; with addenda by William James Hughan. (New York, 1898‑1905). Seven volumes, of 2028 pages in all. Later published in an enlarged edition. (Out of print)

Robertson, John Ross, The History of Freemasonry in Canada from its Introduction in 1749: Embracing a general History of the Craft and its Origin, but more particularly a History of the Craft in the Province of Upper Canada, now Ontario, in the Dominion of Canada; compiled and written from official records and from manuscripts covering the period from 1749‑1858, in the posses­sion of the author. (Toronto, 1899). Two volumes, 2235 pages in all


Beaumont, John, Freemasonry at the Top, recollections of a Master of some of the things which he did to turn his Lodge around, Macoy. 131 pages. (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

Bennis, Warren, On Becoming a Leader, thought-provoking and insightful, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., New York 1989.

Claudy, Carl H., The Master’s Book, The Temple Publishers, Washington D.C. 1945. Pp. Viii – 122. This is still one of the best books for Masters to turn to for good advice. (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)

De Pree, Max, Leadership is an Art, stresses the importance of covenantal relationships, “volunteers do not need contracts, they need covenants” University of Michigan Press, 1988. Dell Trade paperback 148 pages.

Roberts, Allen E., Key to Freemasonry's Growth. (Richmond, Virginia, 1969). Pp. xv, 170. How to develop leaders and get things done. (Available from the Grand Lodge Office)


Ars Quatuor Coronatorum: The Annual Transactions of Quatuor Coronati Lodge, No. 2076, premier Masonic research lodge of the world. (London, annually since 1888). In recent years, each volume has contained about 400 pages. Volume 84, for 1971, lists about 900 titles of papers published in the series since the beginning. The title of the journal is usually abbreviated A.Q.C.

Philalethes, a bimonthly publication of the Philalethes Society, the oldest Masonic Research Society. Always has interesting articles. Membership rate: $40 for the first year and $30 thereafter. Contact The Philalethes Society, P. O. Box 70, Highland Springs, VA 23075-0070. Tel.(804) 328-5043 or via the internet, also e-mail:

The Short Talk Bulletin, a monthly publication of short talks of Masonic interest. Available by writing to the Masonic Service Association, 8120 Fenton St., Silver Spring, MD 20910-4785. Tel. (301)588-4010.


Masonic Book Club, P.O. Box 1563, Bloomington, IL 61701. The club reprints important Masonic books.

Iowa Lodge of Research, No. 2, 3900 Rolling Green, Des Moines, IA 50322. The Lodge often publishes paperbacks of interest.

Michigan Lodge of Research and Information, No.1, 16950 W. Eleven Mile Road, Southfield, MI 48076-4754. The Lodge travels around the State quarterly.

Missouri Lodge of Research, P. O. Box 605, Fulton, MO 65251-0605. They publish one book each year.

MASONIC PUBLISHING HOUSES (write for catalogs)

Macoy Publishing and Supply Co., P. O. Box 9759, Richmond, VA 23228-0759.

Tel: (804) 262-6551, Fax: (804)266-8256.

J. P. Luther Co., P. O. Box 344, Berlin, WI 54923.

Ian Allen (Lewis Masonic), Dept. MO, Cumberlands Home, Comberlands Lane, Addlestone, Surrey KT15 1HY, England.

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