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beyond the northeast corner


Richard h. sands

This book was developed at the request of the Future Program Development Committee of the Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of Michigan in the Fall of 1998.

Its purpose is to provide “further light in Masonry” for the newly-made Master Mason and his family. The only secrets of Freemasonry are the grips, words and signs and the verbatim ritual. Everything else you are free and encouraged to talk about, just do so in your own words. It is a fact of life that in order to improve your own understanding of a subject, you need to try to explain it to others.

By sharing this book with the family, a newly-made Master Mason will discover what he does not understand, and then he will seek answers to his questions from his peers, from the Committee on Masonic Service and Education and through additional reading. (If your Lodge did not assign you an Intender, it is suggested that you obtain an Intender Handbook from the Grand Lodge Office (800-632-8764) and read that along with this book.)

We are indebted to the Grand Lodge of A. F. & A. M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario for allowing us to use much of the material contained in their own similar book entitled, “Beyond the Pillars.” The remainder of this book was written by several dedicated Masons from our own Grand Jurisdiction.

Chapter VII is the text of a talk given to the Victoria Lodge of Research and Education on May 7, 1976, by Worshipful Brother Harry Carr, then Secretary and Editor of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, the prestigious Research Lodge in London. It is reproduced here by permission of the Victoria Lodge of Research and Education.

The book is in loose-leaf format to permit the newly-made Master Mason to add to it easily as he discovers relevant material, and to allow the Grand Lodge to expand and update it at minimal expense. Toward this latter purpose, please send suggested changes to the Grand Lodge Office, 233 E. Fulton St., Suite 20, Grand Rapids, MI 49503-3270 Attn: R. H. Sands.

The cover of this book shows the Northeast Corner of the lodge room of Alexandria – Washington Lodge in the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria, VA, by permission of the Memorial Association.

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Last modified: March 22, 2014