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beyond the northeast corner

Possible Answers to Test Questions On the Entered Apprentice Degree

appendix B

Richard h. sands


Some possible answers are provided in the spirit of Speculative Freemasonry in the hope that they may stimulate you to further thought. They are not intended to be definitive – your answers are as good as these.

Test Questions and Possible Answers on the entered apprentice degree

1.       What stage of life does the Entered Apprentice represent?

Man in his youth, physically strong and eager to be molded.

2.       What stages of human life are symbolically represented by the degrees of Masonry?

The three principal stages of human life, youth, manhood and age.

3.       Of what is the Entered Apprentice degree symbolic?

The initial stages of instruction of man in his youth.

4.       What are symbols and why are they important in Masonry?

Symbols are things that represent something else. They are important as a means of teaching fundamental truths in a way that speaks to each man individually according to his experiences.

5.       Who are the Patron Saints of Masonry?

Saint John, the Baptist and Saint John, the Evangelist.

6.       Where is a man first made a Mason? Why is this important?

In his heart! This is important because a man must be predisposed toward Masonic principles prior to becoming a Mason; in other words, Freemasonry takes good men and helps them to become better.

7.       When you knocked at the door, what spiritual promise became a reality?

Ask and you shall receive; Seek and you shall find; Knock and it shall be opened unto you.

8.       What do we mean when we say a man is “Duly and truly prepared”?

It refers to the wearing of special garments to emphasize that Masonry does not regard any man for his worldly wealth and honors.

9.       What does the Hoodwink symbolize?

The hoodwink represents the ignorance of the candidate in regard to Freemasonry.

10.   What does the Cable-Tow represent and what is its length?

The Cable-tow represents the constraints placed upon man in this life. Its length is that of a man’s ability.

11.   What is the Rite of Discalceation?

The Rite is symbolized by the removal of shoes in an ancient tradition, and represents your entrance onto holy ground and your sincerity in your new endeavor.

12.   What does your entrance into the Lodge represent?

It represents your initiation into Masonry.

13.   How were you received upon your entrance into the Lodge?

Upon the point of a sharp instrument, to emphasize the seriousness of the obligation which you are about to take.

14.   What does the Masonic Lodge room represent?

The Lodge room represents the world.

15.   What is the form of a Lodge?

It is a rectangle, an oblong square, extending from West to East.

16.   Define the Rite of Salutation and state its significance?

The Rite of Salutation teaches the candidate to give the proper due guard and sign, and is symbolic of his respect for and obedience to authority.

17. Why is the presence of the Masonic Charter or Warrant significant?

The Charter establishes the legality of the Lodge and gives it credibility.

18.   Define the Rite of Circumambulation and state its significance?

The candidate’s journey around the Altar is defined as the Rite of Circumambulation and represents his progressive journey through life.

19.   What is the one essential piece of furniture in the Lodge?

The Altar. (If you answered the Volume of the Sacred Law, that would be correct)

20.   What is the symbolism of its location?

It symbolizes the place that God has in Masonry and which He should have in a person’s life.

21.   Name the Three Great Lights in Masonry.

The Holy Bible, Square and Compasses.

22.   What do they represent?

The presence of the Bible signifies that we should turn to it for guidance and regulate our conduct according to its teachings. The square is a symbol of morality( truthfulness and honesty) and the compasses is a symbol of restraint, skill and knowledge.

23.   What evidence of a candidate’s sincerity is the most visible and heard by all the Brethren?

The Obligation.

24.   What parts of the Obligation are literal and what parts are symbolic?

The ancient penalties of the obligation are symbolic; the remainder must be taken literally.

25.   For how long is your obligation to Freemasonry binding upon you?

For your lifetime.

26.   If you violate your obligation, what are the actual penalties?

Masonic discipline includes loss of membership, either by suspension or expulsion, and the loss of the respect of other Masons.

27.   Define the Rite of Investiture and its significance?

The presentation of the Masonic Apron is defined as the Rite of Investiture and symbolizes that Freemasons are workers.

28.   Name the Working Tools of the Entered Apprentice degree.

The twenty-four inch Gauge and Common Gavel

29.   What do they represent?

The Twenty-four inch Gauge teaches us to properly divide our time, while the Gavel teaches us to reshape our character. Because speculative Freemasonry is concerned with building our character, the working tools represent those spiritual values whereby man is able to reshape his character.

30.   Define the Rite of Destitution and its significance?

The Rite of Destitution is the act by which a Mason realizes that he has nothing of value on his person and sensitizes him to the fact that he is obliged to alleviate the distress of his Masonic Brethren, if able.

31.   What does it symbolize?

It symbolizes that you should willingly give aid to those who seek it.

32.   How is the North-east corner significant in Masonry?

The first stone is placed in the North-east corner of a building, so placing the candidate in the North-east corner represents the Candidate’s beginning in Masonry.

33.   In King Solomon’s Temple , where was the Ark of the Covenant kept?

In the Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies, of the Temple.

34.   Name the immovable jewels of the Lodge and what they represent.

The square, level and plumb; the square teaches morality; the level, equality and the plumb, rectitude of life. They are worn by the Master, Senior and Junior Wardens and as such they are always in the East, West and South (immovable).

35.   Name the movable jewels of a Lodge and what they represent.

The movable jewels are the rough ashlar, the perfect ashlar and the trestleboard. The rough ashlar is a stone taken from the quarry in its rude and imperfect state in nature and represents an uneducated man, the perfect ashlar symbolizes that state of perfection at which we hope to arrive by a virtuous education and represents a man educated in Masonic principles and the trestleboard reminds us that we should endeavor to erect our spiritual building agreeably to the designs laid down by the Supreme Architect of the universe in the Holy Scriptures, which is our trestleboard and symbolizes perfection.

36.   Name the Ornaments of a Lodge and what they represent?

The Ornaments of a Lodge are the Mosaic Pavement, the Indented Tessel and the Blazing Star. The Pavement represents the good and evil within each man, the Tessel is the border which surrounds our life and the Blazing Star symbolizes the presence and power of God in the life of man.

37.   What does Jacob’s ladder represent?

The ladder is the symbol of faith, hope and charity or love.

38.   List the three principal tenets of Masonry.

Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

39.   Name the four points of your entrance?

The gutteral, the pectoral, manual and pedal.

40. List the four cardinal virtues and what they represent.

Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice. These represent the avoidance of excess in all things, bravery in the face of strife, careful thought before acting and even-handedness in dealing with others.

41.   What is the point within a circle and why is it important in Masonry?

The point represents an individual Brother and the circle, the limits of his conduct. If he keeps himself so circumscribed he cannot materially err.

42.   What do Chalk, Charcoal and Clay represent?

They are symbols of the need for zealous dedication to principles; the inevitability of death and the return of our bodies to the earth.

43.   What are cowans and eavesdroppers?

A cowan is an imposter posing as a Mason and an eavesdropper is attempting to learn our secrets.

44.   Summarize at least three important messages in the charge.

1) Masons are obligated to support the government under which they live. 2) Prejudice and intolerance have no place in Freemasonry. 3) A Mason does not deem himself superior to others. 5) A Mason will always show religious, racial and social tolerance.

45.   How is the gavel used to signal members in the Lodge room?

One rap calls the body to order or seats it, two raps calls up the officers and three raps calls up the entire body.

46.   When the Master calls upon you in Lodge, what should you do?

Stand, face the East, give the sign (some jurisdictions require the due guard also) and respond to the Master. Before being reseated, again give the sign.

47.   When prayer is given in Lodge, how do we act?

We bow our heads in reverence.

48.   What words are spoken by the Brethren after prayer, and what do they mean?

“So mote it be!”, which means “So may it ever be!”

49.   What are the rights of an Entered Apprentice?

The right to be instructed in the work, the right to visit and sit in any Entered Apprentice Lodge and the right to be buried with Masonic honors.

50.   Name some responsibilities of an Entered Apprentice Mason.

To keep secret the signs, tokens and words and the verbatim ritual, to conduct himself with decorum and to try to learn as much as possible about Freemasonry.

51.   List the secrets of the Entered Apprentice degree.

The signs (due guard and sign), token (handshake) and word (name of the grip) and the verbatim ritual.

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Last modified: March 22, 2014