the principles of masonic law
Albert Gallatin Mackey
Accused, to what he is entitled Act passed in the reign of Henry
VI., anno
1425 " " " it
was never enforced Actual Past Master, term defined Adjournment, a
term not recognized in
Masonry " motion
for, cannot be entertained Affiliated Masons only, can visit
lodges Affiliation, what it
is " mode
of " requires
unanimity " Master
Masons only entitled to
it " rejected
application for, may be renewed in other
lodges " may
be made with more than one lodge Age, qualifications of candidates as
to Appeal from Grand Master not
permitted " not to be entertained in
a lodge " cannot be taken from the
chair " doctrine of,
discussed " from the Master, must be
to the Grand Lodge " every Mason has
a right to one, to the Grand
Lodge " pending one, the sentence is
in abeyance Apprentices, rights of (see Entered
Apprentice) Arrears, non-payment
of " to lodges, history
of their origin " do not
accrue during suspension Assembly, general-one held in 287 by St.
Alban " " " in
926 at
York " " governed
the craft for nearly 800
years " " how
organized Atheist cannot be a Mason Authorities for masonic law
Balloting for candidates every member must take a part
in it secrecy of, inviolable must be
unanimous Mason irresponsible for it to the
lodge not disfranchised of it by non-payment of
arrears mode of Balloting in each
degree not actually prescribed in the ancient
constitutions, but implied must be unanimous Ballot,
reconsideration of motion for, out of
order cannot be granted by dispensation Black ball is
the bulwark of Masonry Brother, a title to be always used in
lodge Burial, masonic, right of must be requested except
for strangers Master Masons only entitled to
it dispensation for, not usually required Business,
order of may be suspended at any time by the
Master By-laws must be approved and confirmed by Grand Lodge
Calling from labor to refreshment Censure, a masonic
punishment Certificates, masonic Chaplain, Grand (see Grand
Chaplain) Charges of accusation, how to be made Closing lodge is
at the discretion of the Master Committee of investigation on character
of candidates Committees to be appointed by the
Master Master is chairman of, when present Communication
of a lodge, how terminated Consecration of a lodge how
performed meaning of Constituting a lodge, ceremony
of meaning of Constitutions, how to be
altered " Gothic, adopted in 926, Corn, wine, and oil,
masonic elements of
consecration, " " " why
elements, Crimes,
masonic, " " definition
of, " " enumeration of
Deacons, " two in each lodge, " are appointed
officers, " not removable by Master or Senior
Warden " Grand (see Grand Deacons) Dedication of a
lodge, how performed " to whom, and
why, " meaning of Definite
suspension " " restoration
from Degrees, no candidate can receive more than two at one
communication Demitting " right of, not denied until
recently, " regulations concerning " of many
at one time may be refused Deputy Grand Master, duties and prerogatives
of " " office of, not very
ancient " " exercises prerogatives of Grand Master in
his absence "" cannot be more than one "" originally
appointed by Grand Master Discussions, how to be conducted in
lodge, Dispensation what and where to be granted "for a
lodge "" " tenure of its duration "" " difference from a
Warrant District Deputy Grand Master, a modern invention Dotage a
disqualification of candidates " meaning of the term Dues to
lodges, a modern usage " non-payment of, does not disqualify from
voting for candidates
Emergency, rule upon the subject Entered Apprentice, rights
of formerly a member of his lodge formerly
permitted to attend the Grand Communications may sit in a
lodge of his degree cannot speak or
vote cannot be deprived of his rights without
trial after trial may appeal to the Grand Lodge Erasure
from lodge, a masonic punishment Evidence in masonic
trials Examination of visitors how to be
conducted Exclusion, a masonic punishment Executive powers of a
Grand Lodge Expulsion is masonic death Expulsion, a masonic
punishment should be inflicted by Grand Lodge or with its
approval from higher degrees, its
effect restoration from Extinct lodges, funds of, revert
to the Grand Lodge
Family distressed, of a Mason, entitled to relief Fellow Craft,
rights of they formerly constituted the great body of the
Fraternity formerly permitted to speak, but not
vote Finishing candidates of one lodge in another Fool cannot be a
Mason Free, a candidate must be, at the time of making Free-born, a
Mason must be reason for the rule Funds of extinct
lodges revert to the Grand Lodge
General Assembly. (See Assembly, General.) God, belief in, a
qualification of a candidate Gothic constitutions adopted in
926 Grand Chaplain, office established in
1775 duties of Grand Deacons office more
ancient than Oliver supposes duties of how
appointed Grand Lodge held in 1717 mode of organizing
one three lodges necessary to organize
one dormant may be revived if a Grand Officer
remains, all the Craft formerly members
of Masters and Wardens of lodges are
members Grand Officers are also members Past
Masters are not members by inherent right its powers and
prerogatives may make new regulations must
observe the landmarks Grand Lodges, historical sketch
of are comparatively modern institutions Grand
Marshal appointed by the Grand Master duties
of Grand Master, duties and prerogatives of office of
has existed since the origin of Masonry an elective
officer by whom to be installed prerogatives
of, derived from two sources no appeal from his
decision may convene Grand Lodge when he
chooses entitled to two votes how to be
punished may grant dispensations Grand Master may make
Masons at sight may constitute new
lodges cannot dispense with requisite forms in making
Masons his own lodge cannot exercise jurisdiction over
him Grand Pursuivant Grand Secretary office of
established in 1723 duties of Grand Secretary, may
appoint an assistant Grand
Stewards " " first
mentioned in
1721 " " duties
of " " appointed
by Junior Grand Warden Grand Stewards' Lodge Grand
Sword-Bearer " " duties
of " " office
of, constituted in 1731 Grand
Tiler " " office
of, must have existed from the earliest
times " " must
not be a member of the Grand
Lodge " " sometimes
appointed, and sometimes elected Grand
Treasurer " " office
of, established in
1724 " " duties
of " " has
always been elected Grand
Wardens " " originally
appointed by the Grand
Master " " succeed
the Grand Master and Deputy
Heresy not a masonic crime Higher degrees, effect of expulsion
from Historical sketch
Idiot cannot be made a Mason Impostor, how to be treated in
examination Incompetent witnesses, who they are Indefinite
suspension " " restoration
from Innovations cannot be made in the body of Masonry Insanity, if
perfectly cured, no disqualification of a
candidate Installation " whence
the term
derived " necessary
to legal existence of an
officer " of
a Master of a
lodge " of
the Grand Master Instruction of representatives, right of, is vested in
a lodge Investigation of character must be by a
committee Irreligious libertine cannot be a
Mason " " definition of the term
Judicial powers of a Grand Lodge, Junior Grand Warden Junior
Warden, " " presides in absence of
Master and Senior Warden, " " does
not take the West in absence of Senior
Warden, " " presides over the craft
during refreshment " " appoints the
stewards Jurisdiction of a
lodge " geographical or
personal " is over all its
members " " " unaffiliated
Masons in its vicinity " cannot extend beyond
State lines, " none over its Master
Knowledge of reading and writing necessary to a Mason
Labor, calling from, to refreshment Landmarks, what they
are, " ritual and
legislative " must be observed by the Grand
Lodge Law of Grand Lodges " subordinate
lodges " individuals Lawful information, what
it is Laws, how to be interpreted " of
Masonry are of two kinds—written and
unwritten " written, whence
derived " unwritten, whence
derived " " same as ancient
usage Legislative powers of a Grand Lodge Libertine, irreligious,
cannot be a Mason meaning of the term Lodge,
subordinate definition of how
organized must have been congregated by some superior
authority Lodge, under dispensation definition
of generally precedes a warranted lodge how
formed cannot make by-laws cannot elect
officers cannot install officers cannot
elect members Lodge, warranted its powers and
rights must be consecrated must be
dedicated must be constituted its officers
must be installed ceremony of installation
in its powers are inherent in it its
reserved rights are secured by the regulations an assembly
of the craft in their primary capacity may select its own
members elects its own officers what
officers of, are elected in England may install its
officers Master of, must be installed by a past
Master may be represented in the Grand
Lodge representatives of may instruct its
representatives may frame by-laws may
suspend or exclude a member may declare a member expelled,
the sentence to be approved by the Grand Lodge may levy
annual contributions may select its
name cannot select its number duties
of cannot alter the ritual must elect
officers at a particular time Lodge, warranted, cannot interfere with
business of another
lodge " " cannot
initiate without previous
notice " " cannot
confer more than two degrees on the same candidate at one
time " " cannot
make more than five new Brothers at the same
time " " must
meet once a
month " " neglecting
to meet forfeits its
warrant " " cannot
remove from the town, without the consent of the Grand
Lodge " " may
remove from one part of the town to another, under
restrictions " " officers
Madmen cannot be Masons Maims, how far disqualifying
candidates " reason for the rule
relating to Mass meeting of the craft cannot organize a Grand
Lodge Master, Grand. (See Grand Master.) Master Mason, rights
of " " becomes
a member by signing the
by-laws " " how
this right is
forfeited " " may
apply to any lodge for
membership " " to
whom subject for
discipline " " may
speak and vote on all
questions " " may
hold any office to which
elected " " but
to serve as Master must have been a
Warden " " may
appeal to the Grand
Lodge " " may
visit any lodge, after examination Master of a
lodge " " " must
have previously served as
Warden " " " must
see Grand Lodge regulations
enforced " " " must
be installed by a Past
Master " " " has
the warrant in
charge " " " may
call special meetings of his
lodge " " " may
close his lodge at any
time " " " presides
over business as well as
labor " " " is
supreme in his lodge Master of a lodge, no appeal from his decision
except to Grand Lodge moral qualifications
of intellectual qualifications of who is to
judge of them is a member of the Grand
Lodge may exclude a member temporarily Membership, right
of Members of Grand Lodge are Masters and Wardens with the Grand
Officers Minutes, when to be read how to be
amended not to be read at special
communications formula for keeping Moral law, what it
is a Mason must obey it Motions, when to be
Name of a lodge to be selected by itself Non-residents, initiation
of Number of a lodge regulates its precedency of
candidates to be initiated at one communication
Office, can be vacated only by death, removal, or
expulsion not vacated by suspension Officers of a Grand
Lodge subordinate
lodge warranted lodge must be
installed how to be
installed time of election determined by Grand
Lodge elected annually vacancies in, how to
be supplied cannot resign Order, rules
of whence derived
Parliamentary law not applicable to Masonry Past
Masters rights of not members of the Grand
Lodge by inherent right may install their
successors of two kinds—actual and
virtual may preside in a lodge eligible to
election to the chair entitled to a seat in the
East eligible to be elected Deputy Grand Master, or Grand
Warden virtual, cannot be present at installing a
Master Penal jurisdiction of a lodge Perfect youth, meaning of the
term Perfection, physical, why required of a candidate Petition of
candidate must be read at a regular
communication referred to a committee of
three reported on at next regular
communication report on, cannot be made at a special
communication renewal of, in case of
rejection how to be renewed, if rejected for
advancement to a higher degree if rejected, how to be
renewed Petitioners, not less than seven to form a
lodge what they must set forth must be
recommended by nearest lodge Political offenses not cognizable by a
lodge Political qualifications of candidates Postponed business,
when to be called up Precedency of lodges, regulated by their
numbers Presiding in a lodge, who has the right
of officer, has the prerogatives of the Master, for the
time Previous question, unknown in Masonry Probation of
candidates for initiation for
advancement Proceedings of a regular communication cannot be amended at
a special one Profanes, testimony of, how to be taken in
trials Proficiency of candidates Proficiency of candidates, must be
suitable Punishments, masonic Pursuivant, a title equivalent to
Qualifications of a Master of a lodge of
candidates, moral religious physical intellectual political,
184 Quarterly communications of Grand Lodge, ordered in
1717 Question, how to be taken on a motion
Reading, a qualification of candidates Recommendation of nearest
lodge, necessary to form a new one of candidate, must be by
two members Reconsideration of ballot motion for, is out
of order, cannot be granted by dispensation Rejected
candidate cannot apply to any other lodge renewed petition
of, when to be made, Relief, right of claiming
it unworthy Masons not entitled to it Religion of a
Mason, what it is required to be Religious offenses not cognizable by a
lodge Removal of a lodge, rule on the subject of Representatives of
a lodge, who they are Reprimand, a masonic
punishment Restoration from definite
suspension indefinite
supension expulsion must be at a
stated communication may be by Grand
Lodge requires a unanimous vote to
membership discussed
Secretary, Grand. (See Grand Secretary.) of a
lodge his duty is a recording,
corresponding, and receiving officer is a check upon the
treasurer often receives compensation in
case of death, or expulsion, a successor may be elected but
not in case of removal, or sickness Senior Grand Warden. (See Grand
Wardens.) Senior Warden presides in absence of
Master may invite a Past Master to
preside presides over the craft during
labor appoints the Junior Deacon Sentence in trials, how
to be obtained —— is in abeyance pending an
appeal Stewards, Grand. (See Grand Stewards.) of
a lodge appointed by Junior Warden duties
of not removable by Junior Warden Stranger, initiation
of Suspension definite indefinite Sword
Bearer, Grand. (See Grand Sword Bearer.)
Testimony, how to be taken on masonic trials Tiler, Grand. (See
Grand Tiler.) of a lodge office existed
from beginning of the institution no lodge can be without
one must be a worthy Master Mason if a
member, the office does not disfranchise him when voting,
Junior Deacon takes his place may be removed for
misconduct Tiler's obligation, form of it Transient persons,
initiation of Treasurer, Grand. (See Grand
Treasurer.) " " of
lodge " " duties
of " " is
the only banker of the
lodge " " is
a disbursing
officer " " a
Brother of worldly substance usually
selected " " in
case of death, a successor may be
elected " " but
not in case of sickness, or removal Trials,
masonic " " form
of " " evidence
Masons " " tax
sometimes levied
on " " position,
rights, and duties of Unaffiliation, contrary to the spirit of
Masonry " effect
of, on a Mason Unanimity in the ballot required by the ancient
constitutions Uneducated candidates not forbidden by positive
enactment " " their
admission opposed to the spirit of the institution
Virtual Past Masters, who they are Visit, right
of " only affiliated Mason entitled
to it " must be preceded by an
examination " requires a certificate
to insure it Visitors, examination of,
described " must
take the Tiler's obligation Voting must always be by a show of
hands Voting in trials, obligatory on all members present Voucher
must be a competent Mason Vouching for a visitor
Wardens, Grand. (See Grand Wardens.) of a lodge
are assistants of the Master entitled to membership in
Grand Lodge Warden, Senior. (See Senior Warden.) Warden,
Junior. (See Junior Warden.) Warrant of
constitution what it is its difference from
a dispensation can be revoked only by the Grand
Lodge confers powers of installation and
succession not necessary before 1717 cannot
be resigned by a majority of the lodge Warranted lodges. (See
Lodges, Warranted.) Witnesses in masonic trials, qualifications
of definition of incompetent ones Woman cannot be made a
Mason Writing, a qualification of candidates
Yeas and nays, calling for, unmasonic Young man under age cannot be
made a Mason Youth, perfect, meaning of the term
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