The Works of Flavius Josephus
war of the Jews
book iII
Translated by William Whiston
1. WHEN Nero was informed of the Romans' ill success in Judea, a concealed
consternation and terror, as is usual in such cases, fell upon him; although
he openly looked very big, and was very angry, and said that what had happened
was rather owing to the negligence of the commander, than to any valor
of the enemy: and as he thought it fit for him, who bare the burden of
the whole empire, to despise such misfortunes, he now pretended so to do,
and to have a soul superior to all such sad accidents whatsoever. Yet did
the disturbance that was in his soul plainly appear by the solicitude he
was in [how to recover his affairs again].
2. And as he was deliberating to whom he should commit the care of the
East, now it was in so great a commotion, and who might be best able to
punish the Jews for their rebellion, and might prevent the same distemper
from seizing upon the neighboring nations also, - he found no one but Vespasian
equal to the task, and able to undergo the great burden of so mighty a
war, seeing he was growing an old man already in the camp, and from his
youth had been exercised in warlike exploits: he was also a man that had
long ago pacified the west, and made it subject to the Romans, when it
had been put into disorder by the Germans; he had also recovered to them
Britain by his arms, which had been little known before (1)
whereby he procured to his father Claudius to have a triumph bestowed on
him without any sweat or labor of his own.
3. So Nero esteemed these circumstances as favorable omens, and saw
that Vespasian's age gave him sure experience, and great skill, and that
he had his sons as hostages for his fidelity to himself, and that the flourishing
age they were in would make them fit instruments under their father's prudence.
Perhaps also there was some interposition of Providence, which was paving
the way for Vespasian's being himself emperor afterwards. Upon the whole,
he sent this man to take upon him the command of the armies that were in
Syria; but this not without great encomiums and flattering compellations,
such as necessity required, and such as might mollify him into complaisance.
So Vespasian sent his son Titus from Achaia, where he had been with Nero,
to Alexandria, to bring back with him from thence the fifth and. the tenth
legions, while he himself, when he had passed over the Hellespont, came
by land into Syria, where he gathered together the Roman forces, with a
considerable number of auxiliaries from the kings in that neighborhood.
1. Now the Jews, after they had beaten Cestius, were so much elevated
with their unexpected success, that they could not govern their zeal, but,
like people blown up into a flame by their good fortune, carried the war
to remoter places. Accordingly, they presently got together a great multitude
of all their most hardy soldiers, and marched away for Ascalon. This is
an ancient city that is distant from Jerusalem five hundred and twenty
furlongs, and was always an enemy to the Jews; on which account they determined
to make their first effort against it, and to make their approaches to
it as near as possible. This excursion was led on by three men, who were
the chief of them all, both for strength and sagacity; Niger, called the
Persite, Silas of Babylon, and besides them John the Essene. Now Ascalon
was strongly walled about, but had almost no assistance to be relied on
[near them], for the garrison consisted of one cohort of footmen, and one
troop of horsemen, whose captain was Antonius.
2. These Jews, therefore, out of their anger, marched faster than ordinary,
and, as if they had come but a little way, approached very near the city,
and were come even to it; but Antonius, who was not unapprized of the attack
they were going to make upon the city, drew out his horsemen beforehand,
and being neither daunted at the multitude, nor at the courage of the enemy,
received their first attacks with great bravery; and when they crowded
to the very walls, he beat them off. Now the Jews were unskillful in war,
but were to fight with those who were skillful therein; they were footmen
to fight with horsemen; they were in disorder, to fight those that were
united together; they were poorly armed, to fight those that were completely
so; they were to fight more by their rage than by sober counsel, and were
exposed to soldiers that were exactly obedient; and did every thing they
were bidden upon the least intimation. So they were easily beaten; for
as soon as ever their first ranks were once in disorder, they were put
to flight by the enemy's cavalry, and those of them that came behind such
as crowded to the wall fell upon their own party's weapons, and became
one another's enemies; and this so long till they were all forced to give
way to the attacks of the horsemen, and were dispersed all the plain over,
which plain was wide, and all fit for the horsemen; which circumstance
was very commodious for the Romans, and occasioned the slaughter of the
greatest number of the Jews; for such as ran away, they could overrun them,
and make them turn back; and when they had brought them back after their
flight, and driven them together, they ran them through, and slew a vast
number of them, insomuch that others encompassed others of them, and drove
them before them whithersoever they turned themselves, and slew them easily
with their arrows; and the great number there were of the Jews seemed a
solitude to themselves, by reason of the distress they were in, while the
Romans had such good success with their small number, that they seemed
to themselves to be the greater multitude. And as the former strove zealously
under their misfortunes, out of the shame of a sudden flight, and hopes
of the change in their success, so did the latter feel no weariness by
reason of their good fortune; insomuch that the fight lasted till the evening,
till ten thousand men of the Jews' side lay dead, with two of their generals,
John and Silas, and the greater part of the remainder were wounded, with
Niger, their remaining general, who fled away together to a small city
of Idumea, called Sallis. Some few also of the Romans were wounded in this
3. Yet were not the spirits of the Jews broken by so great a calamity,
but the losses they had sustained rather quickened their resolution for
other attempts; for, overlooking the dead bodies which lay under their
feet, they were enticed by their former glorious actions to venture on
a second destruction; so when they had lain still so little a while that
their wounds were not yet thoroughly cured, they got together all their
forces, and came with greater fury, and in much greater numbers, to Ascalon.
But their former ill fortune followed them, as the consequence of their
unskilfulness, and other deficiencies in war; for Antonius laid ambushes
for them in the passages they were to go through, where they fell into
snares unexpectedly, and where they were encompassed about with horsemen,
before they could form themselves into a regular body for fighting, and
were above eight thousand of them slain; so all the rest of them ran away,
and with them Niger, who still did a great many bold exploits in his flight.
However, they were driven along together by the enemy, who pressed hard
upon them, into a certain strong tower belonging to a village called Bezedeh
However, Antonius and his party, that they might neither spend any considerable
time about this tower, which was hard to be taken, nor suffer their commander,
and the most courageous man of them all, to escape from them, they set
the wall on fire; and as the tower was burning, the Romans went away rejoicing,
as taking it for granted that Niger was destroyed; but he leaped out of
the tower into a subterraneous cave, in the innermost part of it, and was
preserved; and on the third day afterward he spake out of the ground to
those that with great lamentation were searching for him, in order to give
him a decent funeral; and when he was come out, he filled all the Jews
with an unexpected joy, as though he were preserved by God's providence
to be their commander for the time to come.
4. And now Vespasian took along with him his army from Antioch, (which
is the metropolis of Syria, and without dispute deserves the place of the
third city in the habitable earth that was under the Roman empire, (2)
both in magnitude, and other marks of prosperity,) where he found king
Agrippa, with all his forces, waiting for his coming, and marched to Ptolemais.
At this city also the inhabitants of Sepphoris of Galilee met him, who
were for peace with the Romans. These citizens had beforehand taken care
of their own safety, and being sensible of the power of the Romans, they
had been with Cestius Gallus before Vespasian came, and had given their
faith to him, and received the security of his right hand, and had received
a Roman garrison; and at this time withal they received Vespasian, the
Roman general, very kindly, and readily promised that they would assist
him against their own countrymen. Now the general delivered them, at their
desire, as many horsemen and footmen as he thought sufficient to oppose
the incursions of the Jews, if they should come against them. And indeed
the danger of losing Sepphoris would be no small one, in this war that
was now beginning, seeing it was the largest city of Galilee, and built
in a place by nature very strong, and might be a security of the whole
nation's [fidelity to the Romans].
1. NOW Phoenicia and Syria encompass about the Galilees, which are two,
and called the Upper Galilee and the Lower. They are bounded toward the
sun-setting, with the borders of the territory belonging to Ptolemais,
and by Carmel; which mountain had formerly belonged to the Galileans, but
now belonged to the Tyrians; to which mountain adjoins Gaba, which is called
the City of Horsemen, because those horsemen that were dismissed
by Herod the king dwelt therein; they are bounded on the south with Samaria
and Scythopolis, as far as the river Jordan; on the east with Hippeae and
Gadaris, and also with Ganlonitis, and the borders of the kingdom of Agrippa;
its northern parts are hounded by Tyre, and the country of the Tyrians.
As for that Galilee which is called the Lower, it, extends in length from
Tiberias to Zabulon, and of the maritime places Ptolemais is its neighbor;
its breadth is from the village called Xaloth, which lies in the great
plain, as far as Bersabe, from which beginning also is taken the breadth
of the Upper Galilee, as far as the village Baca, which divides the land
of the Tyrians from it; its length is also from Meloth to Thella, a village
near to Jordan.
2. These two Galilees, of so great largeness, and encompassed with so
many nations of foreigners, have been always able to make a strong resistance
on all occasions of war; for the Galileans are inured to war from their
infancy, and have been always very numerous; nor hath the country been
ever destitute of men of courage, or wanted a numerous set of them; for
their soil is universally rich and fruitful, and full of the plantations
of trees of all sorts, insomuch that it invites the most slothful to take
pains in its cultivation, by its fruitfulness; accordingly, it is all cultivated
by its inhabitants, and no part of it lies idle. Moreover, the cities lie
here very thick, and the very many villages there are here are every where
so full of people, by the richness of their soil, that the very least of
them contain above fifteen thousand inhabitants.
3. In short, if any one will suppose that Galilee is inferior to Perea
in magnitude, he will be obliged to prefer it before it in its strength;
for this is all capable of cultivation, and is every where fruitful; but
for Perea, which is indeed much larger in extent, the greater part of it
is desert and rough, and much less disposed for the production of the milder
kinds of fruits; yet hath it a moist soil [in other parts], and produces
all kinds of fruits, and its plains are planted with trees of all sorts,
while yet the olive tree, the vine, and the palm tree are chiefly cultivated
there. It is also sufficiently watered with torrents, which issue out of
the mountains, and with springs that never fail to run, even when the torrents
fail them, as they do in the dog-days. Now the length of Perea is from
Macherus to Pella, and its breadth from Philadelphia to Jordan; its northern
parts are bounded by Pella, as we have already said, as well as its Western
with Jordan; the land of Moab is its southern border, and its eastern limits
reach to Arabia, and Silbonitis, and besides to Philadelphene and Gerasa.
4. Now as to the country of Samaria, it lies between Judea and Galilee;
it begins at a village that is in the great plain called Ginea, and ends
at the Acrabbene toparchy, and is entirely of the same nature with Judea;
for both countries are made up of hills and valleys, and are moist enough
for agriculture, and are very fruitful. They have abundance of trees, and
are full of autumnal fruit, both that which grows wild, and that which
is the effect of cultivation. They are not naturally watered by many rivers,
but derive their chief moisture from rain-water, of which they have no
want; and for those rivers which they have, all their waters are exceeding
sweet: by reason also of the excellent grass they have, their cattle yield
more milk than do those in other places; and, what is the greatest sign
of excellency and of abundance, they each of them are very full of people.
5. In the limits of Samaria and Judea lies the village Anuath, which
is also named Borceos. This is the northern boundary of Judea. The southern
parts of Judea, if they be measured lengthways, are bounded by a Village
adjoining to the confines of Arabia; the Jews that dwell there call it
Jordan. However, its breadth is extended from the river Jordan to Joppa.
The city Jerusalem is situated in the very middle; on which account some
have, with sagacity enough, called that city the Navel of the country.
Nor indeed is Judea destitute of such delights as come from the sea, since
its maritime places extend as far as Ptolemais: it was parted into eleven
portions, of which the royal city Jerusalem was the supreme, and presided
over all the neighboring country, as the head does over the body. As to
the other cities that were inferior to it, they presided over their several
toparchies; Gophna was the second of those cities, and next to that Acrabatta,
after them Thamna, and Lydda, and Emmaus, and Pella, and Idumea, and Engaddi,
and Herodium, and Jericho; and after them came Jamnia and Joppa, as presiding
over the neighboring people; and besides these there was the region of
Gamala, and Gaulonitis, and Batanea, and Trachonitis, which are also parts
of the kingdom of Agrippa. This [last] country begins at Mount Libanus,
and the fountains of Jordan, and reaches breadthways to the lake of Tiberias;
and in length is extended from a village called Arpha, as far as Julias.
Its inhabitants are a mixture of Jews and Syrians. And thus have I, with
all possible brevity, described the country of Judea, and those that lie
round about it.
1. NOW the auxiliaries which were sent to assist the people of Sepphoris,
being a thousand horsemen, and six thousand footmen, under Placidus the
tribune, pitched their camp in two bodies in the great plain. The foot
were put into the city to be a guard to it, but the horse lodged abroad
in the camp. These last, by marching continually one way or other, and
overrunning the parts of the adjoining country, were very troublesome to
Josephus and his men; they also plundered all the places that were out
of the city's liberty, and intercepted such as durst go abroad. On this
account it was that Josephus marched against the city, as hoping to take
what he had lately encompassed with so strong a wall, before they revolted
from the rest of the Galileans, that the Romans would have much ado to
take it; by which means he proved too weak, and failed of his hopes, both
as to the forcing the place, and as to his prevailing with the people of
Sepphoris to deliver it up to him. By this means he provoked the Romans
to treat the country according to the law of war; nor did the Romans, out
of the anger they bore at this attempt, leave off, either by night or by
day, burning the places in the plain, and stealing away the cattle that
were in the country, and killing whatsoever appeared capable of fighting
perpetually, and leading the weaker people as slaves into captivity; so
that Galilee was all over filled with fire and blood; nor was it exempted
from any kind of misery or calamity, for the only refuge they had was this,
that when they were pursued, they could retire to the cities which had
walls built them by Josephus.
2. But as to Titus, he sailed over from Achaia to Alexandria, and that
sooner than the winter season did usually permit; so he took with him those
forces he was sent for, and marching with great expedition, he came suddenly
to Ptolemais, and there finding his father, together with the two legions,
the fifth and the tenth, which were the most eminent legions of all, he
joined them to that fifteenth legion which was with his father; eighteen
cohorts followed these legions; there came also five cohorts from Cesarea,
with one troop of horsemen, and five other troops of horsemen from Syria.
Now these ten cohorts had severally a thousand footmen, but the other thirteen
cohorts had no more than six hundred footmen apiece, with a hundred and
twenty horsemen. There were also a considerable number of auxiliaries got
together, that came from the kings Antiochus, and Agrippa, and Sohemus,
each of them contributing one thousand footmen that were archers, and a
thousand horsemen. Malchus also, the king of Arabia, sent a thousand horsemen,
besides five thousand footmen, the greatest part of which were archers;
so that the whole army, including the auxiliaries sent by the kings, as
well horsemen as footmen, when all were united together, amounted to sixty
thousand, besides the servants, who, as they followed in vast numbers,
so because they had been trained up in war with the rest, ought not to
be distinguished from the fighting men; for as they were in their masters'
service in times of peace, so did they undergo the like dangers with them
in times of war, insomuch that they were inferior to none, either in skill
or in strength, only they were subject to their masters.
1. NOW here one cannot but admire at the precaution of the Romans, in
providing themselves of such household servants, as might not only serve
at other times for the common offices of life, but might also be of advantage
to them in their wars. And, indeed, if any one does but attend to the other
parts of their military discipline, he will be forced to confess that their
obtaining so large a dominion hath been the acquisition of their valor,
and not the bare gift of fortune; for they do not begin to use their weapons
first in time of war, nor do they then put their hands first into motion,
while they avoided so to do in times of peace; but, as if their weapons
did always cling to them, they have never any truce from warlike exercises;
nor do they stay till times of war admonish them to use them; for their
military exercises differ not at all from the real use of their arms, but
every soldier is every day exercised, and that with great diligence, as
if it were in time of war, which is the reason why they bear the fatigue
of battles so easily; for neither can any disorder remove them from their
usual regularity, nor can fear affright them out of it, nor can labor tire
them; which firmness of conduct makes them always to overcome those that
have not the same firmness; nor would he be mistaken that should call those
their exercises unbloody battles, and their battles bloody exercises. Nor
can their enemies easily surprise them with the suddenness of their incursions;
for as soon as they have marched into an enemy's land, they do not begin
to fight till they have walled their camp about; nor is the fence they
raise rashly made, or uneven; nor do they all abide ill it, nor do those
that are in it take their places at random; but if it happens that the
ground is uneven, it is first leveled: their camp is also four-square by
measure, and carpenters are ready, in great numbers, with their tools,
to erect their buildings for them. (3)
2. As for what is within the camp, it is set apart for tents, but the
outward circumference hath the resemblance to a wall, and is adorned with
towers at equal distances, where between the towers stand the engines for
throwing arrows and darts, and for slinging stones, and where they lay
all other engines that can annoy the enemy, all ready for their several
operations. They also erect four gates, one at every side of the circumference,
and those large enough for the entrance of the beasts, and wide enough
for making excursions, if occasion should require. They divide the camp
within into streets, very conveniently, and place the tents of the commanders
in the middle; but in the very midst of all is the general's own tent,
in the nature of a temple, insomuch, that it appears to be a city built
on the sudden, with its market-place, and place for handicraft trades,
and with seats for the officers superior and inferior, where, if any differences
arise, their causes are heard and determined. The camp, and all that is
in it, is encompassed with a wall round about, and that sooner than one
would imagine, and this by the multitude and the skill of the laborers;
and, if occasion require, a trench is drawn round the whole, whose depth
is four cubits, and its breadth equal.
3. When they have thus secured themselves, they live together by companies,
with quietness and decency, as are all their other affairs managed with
good order and security. Each company hath also their wood, and their corn,
and their water brought them, when they stand in need of them; for they
neither sup nor dine as they please themselves singly, but all together.
Their times also for sleeping, and watching, and rising are notified beforehand
by the sound of trumpets, nor is any thing done without such a signal;
and in the morning the soldiery go every one to their centurions, and these
centurions to their tribunes, to salute them; with whom all the superior
officers go to the general of the whole army, who then gives them of course
the watchword and other orders, to be by them cared to all that are under
their command; which is also observed when they go to fight, and thereby
they turn themselves about on the sudden, when there is occasion for making
sallies, as they come back when they are recalled in crowds also.
4. Now when they are to go out of their camp, the trumpet gives a sound,
at which time nobody lies still, but at the first intimation they take
down their tents, and all is made ready for their going out; then do the
trumpets sound again, to order them to get ready for the march; then do
they lay their baggage suddenly upon their mules, and other beasts of burden,
and stand, as at the place of starting, ready to march; when also they
set fire to their camp, and this they do because it will be easy for them
to erect another camp, and that it may not ever be of use to their enemies.
Then do the trumpets give a sound the third time, that they are to go out,
in order to excite those that on any account are a little tardy, that so
no one may be out of his rank when the army marches. Then does the crier
stand at the general's right hand, and asks them thrice, in their own tongue,
whether they be now ready to go out to war or not? To which they reply
as often, with a loud and cheerful voice, saying, "We are ready."
And this they do almost before the question is asked them: they do this
as filled with a kind of martial fury, and at the same time that they so
cry out, they lift up their right hands also.
5. When, after this, they are gone out of their camp, they all march
without noise, and in a decent manner, and every one keeps his own rank,
as if they were going to war. The footmen are armed with breastplates and
head-pieces, and have swords on each side; but the sword which is upon
their left side is much longer than the other, for that on the right side
is not longer than a span. Those foot-men also that are chosen out from
the rest to be about the general himself have a lance and a buckler, but
the rest of the foot soldiers have a spear and a long buckler, besides
a saw and a basket, a pick-axe and an axe, a thong of leather and a hook,
with provisions for three days, so that a footman hath no great need of
a mule to carry his burdens. The horsemen have a long sword on their right
sides, axed a long pole in their hand; a shield also lies by them obliquely
on one side of their horses, with three or more darts that are borne in
their quiver, having broad points, and not smaller than spears. They have
also head-pieces and breastplates, in like manner as have all the footmen.
And for those that are chosen to be about the general, their armor no way
differs from that of the horsemen belonging to other troops; and he always
leads the legions forth to whom the lot assigns that employment.
6. This is the manner of the marching and resting of the Romans, as
also these are the several sorts of weapons they use. But when they are
to fight, they leave nothing without forecast, nor to be done off-hand,
but counsel is ever first taken before any work is begun, and what hath
been there resolved upon is put in execution presently; for which reason
they seldom commit any errors; and if they have been mistaken at any time,
they easily correct those mistakes. They also esteem any errors they commit
upon taking counsel beforehand to be better than such rash success as is
owing to fortune only; because such a fortuitous advantage tempts them
to be inconsiderate, while consultation, though it may sometimes fail of
success, hath this good in it, that it makes men more careful hereafter;
but for the advantages that arise from chance, they are not owing to him
that gains them; and as to what melancholy accidents happen unexpectedly,
there is this comfort in them, that they had however taken the best consultations
they could to prevent them.
7. Now they so manage their preparatory exercises of their weapons,
that not the bodies of the soldiers only, but their souls may also become
stronger: they are moreover hardened for war by fear; for their laws inflict
capital punishments, not only for soldiers running away from the ranks,
but for slothfulness and inactivity, though it be but in a lesser degree;
as are their generals more severe than their laws, for they prevent any
imputation of cruelty toward those under condemnation, by the great rewards
they bestow on the valiant soldiers; and the readiness of obeying their
commanders is so great, that it is very ornamental in peace; but when they
come to a battle, the whole army is but one body, so well coupled together
are their ranks, so sudden are their turnings about, so sharp their hearing
as to what orders are given them, so quick their sight of the ensigns,
and so nimble are their hands when they set to work; whereby it comes to
pass that what they do is done quickly, and what they suffer they bear
with the greatest patience. Nor can we find any examples where they have
been conquered in battle, when they came to a close fight, either by the
multitude of the enemies, or by their stratagems, or by the difficulties
in the places they were in; no, nor by fortune neither, for their victories
have been surer to them than fortune could have granted them. In a case,
therefore, where counsel still goes before action, and where, after taking
the best advice, that advice is followed by so active an army, what wonder
is it that Euphrates on the east, the ocean on the west, the most fertile
regions of Libya on the south, and the Danube and the Rhine on the north,
are the limits of this empire? One might well say that the Roman possessions
are not inferior to the Romans themselves.
8. This account I have given the reader, not so much with the intention
of commending the Romans, as of comforting those that have been conquered
by them, and for the deterring others from attempting innovations under
their government. This discourse of the Roman military conduct may also
perhaps be of use to such of the curious as are ignorant of it, and yet
have a mind to know it. I return now from this digression.
1. AND now Vespasian, with his son Titus, had tarried some time at Ptolemais,
and had put his army in order. But when Placidus, who had overrun Galilee,
and had besides slain a number of those whom he had caught, (which were
only the weaker part of the Galileans, and such as were of timorous souls,)
saw that the warriors ran always to those cities whose walls had been built
by Josephus, he marched furiously against Jotapata, which was of them all
the strongest, as supposing he should easily take it by a sudden surprise,
and that he should thereby obtain great honor to himself among the commanders,
and bring a great advantage to them in their future campaign; because if
this strongest place of them all were once taken, the rest would be so
aftrighted as to surrender themselves. But he was mightily mistaken in
his undertaking; for the men of Jotapata were apprized of his coming to
attack them, and came out of the city, and expected him there. So they
fought the Romans briskly when they least expected it, being both many
in number, and prepared for fighting, and of great alacrity, as esteeming
their country, their wives, and their children to be in danger, and easily
put the Romans to flight, and wounded many of them, and slew seven of them;
(4) because
their retreat was not made in a disorderly manner, be-cause the strokes
only touched the surface of their bodies, which were covered with their
armor in all parts, and because the Jews did rather throw their weapons
upon them from a great distance, than venture to come hand to hand with
them, and had only light armor on, while the others were completely armed.
However, three men of the Jews' side were slain, and a few wounded; so
Placidus, finding himself unable to assault the city, ran away.
2. But as Vespasian had a great mind to fall upon Galilee, he marched
out of Ptolemais, having put his army into that order wherein the Romans
used to march. He ordered those auxiliaries which were lightly armed, and
the archers, to march first, that they might prevent any sudden insults
from the enemy, and might search out the woods that looked suspiciously,
and were capable of ambuscades. Next to these followed that part of the
Romans which was completely armed, both footmen ,and horsemen. Next to
these followed ten out of every hundred, carrying along with them their
arms, and what was necessary to measure out a camp withal; and after them,
such as were to make the road even and straight, and if it were any where
rough and hard to be passed over, to plane it, and to cut down the woods
that hindered their march, that the army might not be in distress, or tired
with their march. Behind these he set such carriages of the army as belonged
both to himself and to the other commanders, with a considerable number
of their horsemen for their security. After these he marched himself, having
with him a select body of footmen, and horsemen, and pikemen. After these
came the peculiar cavalry of his own legion, for there were a hundred and
twenty horsemen that peculiarly belonged to every legion. Next to these
came the mules that carried the engines for sieges, and the other warlike
machines of that nature. After these came the commanders of the cohorts
and tribunes, having about them soldiers chosen out of the rest. Then came
the ensigns encompassing the eagle, which is at the head of every Roman
legion, the king, and the strongest of all birds, which seems to them a
signal of dominion, and an omen that they shall conquer all against whom
they march; these sacred ensigns are followed by the trumpeters. Then came
the main army in their squadrons and battalions, with six men in depth,
which were followed at last by a centurion, who, according to custom, observed
the rest. As for the servants of every legion, they all followed the footmen,
and led the baggage of the soldiers, which was borne by the mules and other
beasts of burden. But behind all the legions carne the whole multitude
of the mercenaries; and those that brought up the rear came last of all
for the security of the whole army, being both footmen, and those in their
armor also, with a great number of horsemen.
3. And thus did Vespasian march with his army, and came to the bounds
of Galileo, where he pitched his camp and restrained his soldiers, who
were eager for war; he also showed his army to the enemy, in order to affright
them, and to afford them a season for repentance, to see whether they would
change their minds before it came to a battle, and at the same time he
got things ready for besieging their strong minds. And indeed this sight
of the general brought many to repent of their revolt, and put them all
into a consternation; for those that were in Josephus's camp, which was
at the city called Garis, not far from Sepphoris, when they heard that
the war was come near them, and that the Romans would suddenly fight them
hand to hand, dispersed themselves and fled, not only before they came
to a battle, but before the enemy ever came in sight, while Josephus and
a few others were left behind; and as he saw that he had not an army sufficient
to engage the enemy, that the spirits of the Jews were sunk, and that the
greater part would willingly come to terms, if they might be credited,
he already despaired of the success of the whole war, and determined to
get as far as he possibly could out of danger; so he took those that staid
along with him, and fled to Tiberias.
1. SO Vespasian marched to the city Gadara, and took it upon the first
onset, because he found it destitute of any considerable number of men
grown up and fit for war. He came then into it, and slew all the youth,
the Romans having no mercy on any age whatsoever; and this was done out
of the hatred they bore the nation, and because of the iniquity they had
been guilty of in the affair of Cestius. He also set fire not only to the
city itself, but to all the villas and small cities that were round about
it; some of them were quite destitute of inhabitants, and out of some of
them he carried the inhabitants as slaves into captivity.
2. As to Josephus, his retiring to that city which he chose as the most
fit for his security, put it into great fear; for the people of Tiberias
did not imagine that he would have run away, unless he had entirely despaired
of the success of the war. And indeed, as to that point, they were not
mistaken about his opinion; for he saw whither the affairs of the Jews
would tend at last, and was sensible that they had but one way of escaping,
and that was by repentance. However, although he expected that the Romans
would forgive him, yet did he chose to die many times over, rather than
to betray his country, and to dishonor that supreme command of the army
which had been intrusted with him, or to live happily under those against
whom he was sent to fight. He determined, therefore, to give an exact account
of affairs to the principal men at Jerusalem by a letter, that he might
not, by too much aggrandizing the power of the enemy, make them too timorous;
nor, by relating that their power beneath the truth, might encourage them
to stand out when they were perhaps disposed to repentance. He also sent
them word, that if they thought of coming to terms, they must suddenly
write him an answer; or if they resolved upon war, they must send him an
army sufficient to fight the Romans. Accordingly, he wrote these things,
and sent messengers immediately to carry his letter to Jerusalem.
3. Now Vespasian was very desirous of demolishing Jotapata, for he had
gotten intelligence that the greatest part of the enemy had retired thither,
and that it was, on other accounts, a place of great security to them.
Accordingly, he sent both foot-men and horsemen to level the road, which
was mountainous and rocky, not without difficulty to be traveled over by
footmen, but absolutely impracticable for horsemen. Now these workmen accomplished
what they were about in four days' time, and opened a broad way for the
army. On the fifth day, which was the twenty-first of the month Artemisius,
(Jyar,) Josephus prevented him, and came from Tiberias, and went into Jotapata,
and raised the drooping spirits of the Jews. And a certain deserter told
this good news to Vespasian, that Josephus had removed himself thither,
which made him make haste to the city, as supposing that with taking that
he should take all Judea, in case he could but withal get Josephus under
his power. So he took this news to be of the vastest advantage to him,
and believed it to be brought about by the providence of God, that he who
appeared to be the most prudent man of all their enemies, had, of his own
accord, shut himself up in a place of sure custody. Accordingly, he sent
Placidus with a thousand horsemen, and Ebutius a decurion, a person that
was of eminency both in council and in action, to encompass the city round,
that Josephus might not escape away privately.
4. Vespasian also, the very next day, took his whole army and followed
them, and by marching till late in the evening, arrived then at Jotapata;
and bringing his army to the northern side of the city, he pitched his
camp on a certain small hill which was seven furlongs from the city, and
still greatly endeavored to be well seen by the enemy, to put them into
a consternation; which was indeed so terrible to the Jews immediately,
that no one of them durst go out beyond the wall. Yet did the Romans put
off the attack at that time, because they had marched all the day, although
they placed a double row of battalions round the city, with a third row
beyond them round the whole, which consisted of cavalry, in order to stop
up every way for an exit; which thing making the Jews despair of escaping,
excited them to act more boldly; for nothing makes men fight so desperately
in war as necessity.
5. Now when the next day an assault was made by the Romans, the Jews
at first staid out of the walls and opposed them, and met them, as having
formed themselves a camp before the city walls. But when Vespasian had
set against them the archers and slingers, and the whole multitude that
could throw to a great distance, he permitted them to go to work, while
he himself, with the footmen, got upon an acclivity, whence the city might
easily be taken. Josephus was then in fear for the city, and leaped out,
and all the Jewish multitude with him; these fell together upon the Romans
in great numbers, and drove them away from the wall, and performed a great
many glorious and bold actions. Yet did they suffer as much as they made
the enemy suffer; for as despair of deliverance encouraged the Jews, so
did a sense of shame equally encourage the Romans. These last had skill
as well as strength; the other had only courage, which armed them, and
made them fight furiously. And when the fight had lasted all day, it was
put an end to by the coming on of the night. They had wounded a great many
of the Romans, and killed of them thirteen men; of the Jews' side seventeen
were slain, and six hundred wounded.
6. On the next day the Jews made another attack upon the Romans, and
went out of the walls and fought a much more desperate battle with them
titan before. For they were now become more courageous than formerly, and
that on account of the unexpected good opposition they had made the day
before, as they found the Romans also to fight more desperately; for a
sense of shame inflamed these into a passion, as esteeming their failure
of a sudden victory to be a kind of defeat. Thus did the Romans try to
make an impression upon the Jews till the fifth day continually, while
the people of Jotapata made sallies out, and fought at the walls most desperately;
nor were the Jews affrighted at the strength of the enemy, nor were the
Romans discouraged at the difficulties they met with in taking the city.
7. Now Jotapata is almost all of it built on a precipice, having on
all the other sides of it every way valleys immensely deep and steep, insomuch
that those who would look down would have their sight fail them before
it reaches to the bottom. It is only to be come at on the north side, where
the utmost part of the city is built on the mountain, as it ends obliquely
at a plain. This mountain Josephus had encompassed with a wall when he
fortified the city, that its top might not be capable of being seized upon
by the enemies. The city is covered all round with other mountains, and
can no way be seen till a man comes just upon it. And this was the strong
situation of Jotapata.
8. Vespasian, therefore, in order to try how he might overcome the natural
strength of the place, as well as the bold defense of the Jews, made a
resolution to prosecute the siege with vigor. To that end he called the
commanders that were under him to a council of war, and consulted with
them which way the assault might be managed to the best advantage. And
when the resolution was there taken to raise a bank against that part of
the wall which was practicable, he sent his whole army abroad to get the
materials together. So when they had cut down all the trees on the mountains
that adjoined to the city, and had gotten together a vast heap of stones,
besides the wood they had cut down, some of them brought hurdles, in order
to avoid the effects of the darts that were shot from above them. These
hurdles they spread over their banks, under cover whereof they formed their
bank, and so were little or nothing hurt by the darts that were thrown
upon them from the wall, while others pulled the neighboring hillocks to
pieces, and perpetually brought earth to them; so that while they were
busy three sorts of ways, nobody was idle. However, the Jews cast great
stones from the walls upon the hurdles which protected the men, with all
sorts of darts also; and the noise of what could not reach them was yet
so terrible, that it was some impediment to the workmen.
9. Vespasian then set the engines for throwing stones and darts round
about the city. The number of the engines was in all a hundred and sixty,
and bid them fall to work, and dislodge those that were upon the wall.
At the same time such engines as were intended for that purpose threw at
once lances upon them with a great noise, and stones of the weight of a
talent were thrown by the engines that were prepared for that purpose,
together with fire, and a vast multitude of arrows, which made the wall
so dangerous, that the Jews durst not only not come upon it, but durst
not come to those parts within the walls which were reached by the engines;
for the multitude of the Arabian archers, as well also as all those that
threw darts and slung stones, fell to work at the same time with the engines.
Yet did not the otters lie still, when they could not throw at the Romans
from a higher place; for they then made sallies out of the city, like private
robbers, by parties, and pulled away the hurdles that covered the workmen,
and killed them when they were thus naked; and when those workmen gave
way, these cast away the earth that composed the bank, and burnt the wooden
parts of it, together with the hurdles, till at length Vespasian perceived
that the intervals there were between the works were of disadvantage to
him; for those spaces of ground afforded the Jews a place for assaulting
the Romans. So he united the hurdles, and at the same time joined one part
of the army to the other, which prevented the private excursions of the
10. And when the bank was now raised, and brought nearer than ever to
the battlements that belonged to the walls, Josephus thought it would be
entirely wrong in him if he could make no contrivances in opposition to
theirs, and that might be for the city's preservation; so he got together
his workmen, and ordered them to build the wall higher; and while they
said that this was impossible to be done while so many darts were thrown
at them, he invented this sort of cover for them: He bid them fix piles,
and expand before them the raw hides of oxen newly killed, that these hides
by yielding and hollowing themselves when the stones were thrown at them
might receive them, for that the other darts would slide off them, and
the fire that was thrown would be quenched by the moisture that was in
them. And these he set before the workmen, and under them these workmen
went on with their works in safety, and raised the wall higher, and that
both by day and by night, fill it was twenty cubits high. He also built
a good number of towers upon the wall, and fitted it to strong battlements.
This greatly discouraged the Romans, who in their own opinions were already
gotten within the walls, while they were now at once astonished at Josephus's
contrivance, and at the fortitude of the citizens that were in the city.
11. And now Vespasian was plainly irritated at the great subtlety of
this stratagem, and at the boldness of the citizens of Jotapata; for taking
heart again upon the building of this wall, they made fresh sallies upon
the Romans, and had every day conflicts with them by parties, together
with all such contrivances, as robbers make use of, and with the plundering
of all that came to hand, as also with the setting fire to all the other
works; and this till Vespasian made his army leave off fighting them, and
resolved to lie round the city, and to starve them into a surrender, as
supposing that either they would be forced to petition him for mercy by
want of provisions, or if they should have the courage to hold out till
the last, they should perish by famine: and he concluded he should conquer
them the more easily in fighting, if he gave them an interval, and then
fell upon them when they were weakened by famine; but still he gave orders
that they should guard against their coming out of the city.
12. Now the besieged had plenty of corn within the city, and indeed
of all necessaries, but they wanted water, because there was no fountain
in the city, the people being there usually satisfied with rain water;
yet is it a rare thing in that country to have rain in summer, and at this
season, during the siege, they were in great distress for some contrivance
to satisfy their thirst; and they were very sad at this time particularly,
as if they were already in want of water entirely, for Josephus seeing
that the city abounded with other necessaries, and that the men were of
good courage, and being desirous to protract the siege to the Romans longer
than they expected, ordered their drink to be given them by measure; but
this scanty distribution of water by measure was deemed by them as a thing
more hard upon them than the want of it; and their not being able to drink
as much as they would made them more desirous of drinking than they otherwise
had been; nay, they were as much disheartened hereby as if they were come
to the last degree of thirst. Nor were the Romans unacquainted with the
state they were in, for when they stood over against them, beyond the wall,
they could see them running together, and taking their water by measure,
which made them throw their javelins thither the place being within their
reach, and kill a great many of them.
13. Hereupon Vespasian hoped that their receptacles of water would in
no long time be emptied, and that they would be forced to deliver up the
city to him; but Josephus being minded to break such his hope, gave command
that they should wet a great many of their clothes, and hang them out about
the battlements, till the entire wall was of a sudden all wet with the
running down of the water. At this sight the Romans were discouraged, and
under consternation, when they saw them able to throw away in sport so
much water, when they supposed them not to have enough to drink themselves.
This made the Roman general despair of taking the city by their want of
necessaries, and to betake himself again to arms, and to try to force them
to surrender, which was what the Jews greatly desired; for as they despaired
of either themselves or their city being able to escape, they preferred
a death in battle before one by hunger and thirst.
14. However, Josephus contrived another stratagem besides the foregoing,
to get plenty of what they wanted. There was a certain rough and uneven
place that could hardly be ascended, and on that account was not guarded
by the soldiers; so Josephus sent out certain persons along the western
parts of the valley, and by them sent letters to whom he pleased of the
Jews that were out of the city, and procured from them what necessaries
soever they wanted in the city in abundance; he enjoined them also to creep
generally along by the watch as they came into the city, and to cover their
backs with such sheep-skins as had their wool upon them, that if any one
should spy them out in the night time, they might be believed to be dogs.
This was done till the watch perceived their contrivance, and encompassed
that rough place about themselves.
15. And now it was that Josephus perceived that the city could not hold
out long, and that his own life would be in doubt if he continued in it;
so he consulted how he and the most potent men of the city might fly out
of it. When the multitude understood this, they came all round about him,
and begged of him not to overlook them while they entirely depended on
him, and him alone; for that there was still hope of the city's deliverance,
if he would stay with them, because every body would undertake any pains
with great cheerfulness on his account, and in that case there would be
some comfort for them also, though they should be taken: that it became
him neither to fly from his enemies, nor to desert his friends, nor to
leap out of that city, as out of a ship that was sinking in a storm, into
which he came when it was quiet and in a calm; for that by going away he
would be the cause of drowning the city, because nobody would then venture
to oppose the enemy when he was once gone, upon whom they wholly confided.
16. Hereupon Josephus avoided letting them know that he was to go away
to provide for his own safety, but told them that he would go out of the
city for their sakes; for that if he staid with them, he should be able
to do them little good while they were in a safe condition; and that if
they were once taken, he should only perish with them to no purpose; but
that if he were once gotten free from this siege, he should be able to
bring them very great relief; for that he would then immediately get the
Galileans together, out of the country, in great multitudes, and draw the
Romans off their city by another war. That he did not see what advantge
he could bring to them now, by staying among them, but only provoke the
Romans to besiege them more closely, as esteeming it a most valuable thing
to take him; but that if they were once informed that he was fled out of
the city, they would greatly remit of their eagerness against it. Yet did
not this plea move the people, but inflamed them the more to hang about
him. Accordingly, both the children and the old men, and the women with
their infants, came mourning to him, and fell down before him, and all
of them caught hold of his feet, and held him fast, and besought him, with
great lamentations, that he would take his share with them in their fortune;
and I think they did this, not that they envied his deliverance, but that
they hoped for their own; for they could not think they should suffer any
great misfortune, provided Josephus would but stay with them.
17. Now Josephus thought, that if he resolved to stay, it would be ascribed
to their entreaties; and if he resolved to go away by force, he should
be put into custody. His commiseration also of the people under their lamentations
had much broken that his eagerness to leave them; so he resolved to stay,
and arming himself with the common despair of the citizens, he said to
them, "Now is the time to begin to fight in earnest, when there is
no hope of deliverance left. It is a brave thing to prefer glory before
life, and to set about some such noble undertaking as may be remembered
by late posterity." Having said this, he fell to work immediately,
and made a sally, and dispersed the enemies' out-guards, and ran as far
as the Roman camp itself, and pulled the coverings of their tents to pieces,
that were upon their banks, and set fire to their works. And this was the
manner in which he never left off fighting, neither the next day, nor the
day after it, but went on with it for a considerable number of both days
and nights.
18. Upon this, Vespasian, when he saw the Romans distressed by these
sallies, (though they were ashamed to be made to run away by the Jews;
and when at any time they made the Jews run away, their heavy armor would
not let them pursue them far; while the Jews, when they had performed any
action, and before they could be hurt themselves, still retired into the
city,) ordered his armed men to avoid their onset, and not fight it out
with men under desperation, while nothing is more courageous than despair;
but that their violence would be quenched when they saw they failed of
their purposes, as fire is quenched when it wants fuel; and that it was
proper for the Romans to gain their victories as cheap as they could, since
they are not forced to fight, but only to enlarge their own dominions.
So he repelled the Jews in great measure by the Arabian archers, and the
Syrian slingers, and by those that threw stones at them, nor was there
any intermission of the great number of their offensive engines. Now the
Jews suffered greatly by these engines, without being able to escape from
them; and when these engines threw their stones or javelins a great way,
and the Jews were within their reach, they pressed hard upon the Romans,
and fought desperately, without sparing either soul or body, one part succoring
another by turns, when it was tired down.
19. When, therefore, Vespasian looked upon himself as in a manner besieged
by these sallies of the Jews, and when his banks were now not far from
the walls, he determined to make use of his battering ram. This battering
ram is a vast beam of wood like the mast of a ship, its forepart is armed
with a thick piece of iron at the head of it, which is so carved as to
be like the head of a ram, whence its name is taken. This ram is slung
in the air by ropes passing over its middle, and is hung like the balance
in a pair of scales from another beam, and braced by strong beams that
pass on both sides of it, in the nature of a cross. When this ram is pulled
backward by a great number of men with united force, and then thrust forward
by the same men, with a mighty noise, it batters the walls with that iron
part which is prominent. Nor is there any tower so strong, or walls so
broad, that can resist any more than its first batteries, but all are forced
to yield to it at last. This was the experiment which the Roman general
betook himself to, when he was eagerly bent upon taking the city; but found
lying in the field so long to be to his disadvantage, because the Jews
would never let him be quiet. So these Romans brought the several engines
for galling an enemy nearer to the walls, that they might reach such as
were upon the wall, and endeavored to frustrate their attempts; these threw
stones and javelins at them; in the like manner did the archers and slingers
come both together closer to the wall. This brought matters to such a pass
that none of the Jews durst mount the walls, and then it was that the other
Romans brought the battering ram that was cased with hurdles all over,
and in the tipper part was secured by skins that covered it, and this both
for the security of themselves and of the engine. Now, at the very first
stroke of this engine, the wall was shaken, and a terrible clamor was raised
by the people within the city, as if they were already taken.
20. And now, when Josephus saw this ram still battering the same place,
and that the wall would quickly be thrown down by it, he resolved to elude
for a while the force of the engine. With this design he gave orders to
fill sacks with chaff, and to hang them down before that place where they
saw the ram always battering, that the stroke might be turned aside, or
that the place might feel less of the strokes by the yielding nature of
the chaff. This contrivance very much delayed the attempts of the Romans,
because, let them remove their engine to what part they pleased, those
that were above it removed their sacks, and placed them over against the
strokes it made, insomuch that the wall was no way hurt, and this by diversion
of the strokes, till the Romans made an opposite contrivance of long poles,
and by tying hooks at their ends, cut off the sacks. Now when the battering
ram thus recovered its force, and the wall having been but newly built,
was giving way, Josephus and those about him had afterward immediate recourse
to fire, to defend themselves withal; whereupon they took what materials
soever they had that were but dry, and made a sally three ways, and set
fire to the machines, and the hurdles, and the banks of the Romans themselves;
nor did the Romans well know how to come to their assistance, being at
once under a consternation at the Jews' boldness, and being prevented by
the flames from coming to their assistance; for the materials being dry
with the bitumen and pitch that were among them, as was brimstone also,
the fire caught hold of every thing immediately, and what cost the Romans
a great deal of pains was in one hour consumed.
21. And here a certain Jew appeared worthy of our relation and commendation;
he was the son of Sameas, and was called Eleazar, and was born at Saab,
in Galilee. This man took up a stone of a vast bigness, and threw it down
from the wall upon the ram, and this with so great a force, that it broke
off the head of the engine. He also leaped down, and took up the head of
the ram from the midst of them, and without any concern carried it to the
top of the wall, and this while he stood as a fit mark to he pelted by
all his enemies. Accordingly, he received the strokes upon his naked body,
and was wounded with five darts; nor did he mind any of them while he went
up to the top of the wall, where he stood in the sight of them all, as
an instance of the greatest boldness; after which he drew himself on a
heap with his wounds upon him, and fell down together with the head of
the ram. Next to him, two brothers showed their courage; their names were
Netir and Philip, both of them of the village Ruma, and both of them Galileans
also; these men leaped upon the soldiers of the tenth legion, and fell
upon the Romans with such a noise and force as to disorder their ranks,
and to put to flight all upon whomsoever they made their assaults.
22. After these men's performances, Josephus, and the rest of the multitude
with him, took a great deal of fire, and burnt both the machines and their
coverings, with the works belonging to the fifth and to the tenth legion,
which they put to flight; when others followed them immediately, and buried
those instruments and all their materials under ground. However, about
the evening, the Romans erected the battering ram again, against that part
of the wall which had suffered before; where a certain Jew that defended
the city from the Romans hit Vespasian with a dart in his foot, and wounded
him a little, the distance being so great, that no mighty impression could
be made by the dart thrown so far off. However, this caused the greatest
disorder among the Romans; for when those who stood near him saw his blood,
they were disturbed at it, and a report went abroad, through the whole
army, that the general was wounded, while the greatest part left the siege,
and came running together with surprise and fear to the general; and before
them all came Titus, out of the concern he had for his father, insomuch
that the multitude were in great confusion, and this out of the regard
they had for their general, and by reason of the agony that the son was
in. Yet did the father soon put an end to the son's fear, and to the disorder
the army was under, for being superior to his pains, and endeavoring soon
to be seen by all that had been in a fright about him, he excited them
to fight the Jews more briskly; for now every body was willing to expose
himself to danger immediately, in order to avenge their general; and then
they encouraged one another with loud voices, and ran hastily to the walls.
23. But still Josephus and those with him, although they fell down dead
one upon another by the darts and stones which the engines threw upon them,
yet did not they desert the wall, but fell upon those who managed the ram,
under the protection of the hurdles, with fire, and iron weapons, and stones;
and these could do little or nothing, but fell themselves perpetually,
while they were seen by those whom they could not see, for the light of
their own flame shone about them, and made them a most visible mark to
the enemy, as they were in the day time, while the engines could not be
seen at a great distance, and so what was thrown at them was hard to be
avoided; for the force with which these engines threw stones and darts
made them hurt several at a time, and the violent noise of the stones that
were cast by the engines was so great, that they carried away the pinnacles
of the wall, and broke off the corners of the towers; for no body of men
could be so strong as not to be overthrown to the last rank by the largeness
of the stones. And any one may learn the force of the engines by what happened
this very night; for as one of those that stood round about Josephus was
near the wall, his head was carried away by such a stone, and his skull
was flung as far as three furlongs. In the day time also, a woman with
child had her belly so violently struck, as she was just come out of her
house, that the infant was carried to the distance of half a furlong, so
great was the force of that engine. The noise of the instruments themselves
was very terrible, the sound of the darts and stones that were thrown by
them was so also; of the same sort was that noise the dead bodies made,
when they were dashed against the wall; and indeed dreadful was the clamor
which these things raised in the women within the city, which was echoed
back at the same time by the cries of such as were slain; while the whole
space of ground whereon they fought ran with blood, and the wall might
have been ascended over by the bodies of the dead carcasses; the mountains
also contributed to increase the noise by their echoes; nor was there on
that night any thing of terror wanting that could either affect the hearing
or the sight: yet did a great part of those that fought so hard for Jotapata
fall manfully, as were a great part of them wounded. However, the morning
watch was come ere the wall yielded to the machines employed against it,
though it had been battered without intermission. However, those within
covered their bodies with their armor, and raised works over against that
part which was thrown down, before those machines were laid by which the
Romans were to ascend into the city.
24. In the morning Vespasian got his army together, in order to take
the city [by storm], after a little recreation upon the hard pains they
had been at the night before; and as he was desirous to draw off those
that opposed him from the places where the wall had been thrown down, he
made the most courageous of the horsemen get off their horses, and placed
them in three ranks over against those ruins of the wall, but covered with
their armor on every side, and with poles in their hands, that so these
might begin their ascent as soon as the instruments for such ascent were
laid; behind them he placed the flower of the footmen; but for the rest
of the horse, he ordered them to extend themselves over against the wall,
upon the whole hilly country, in order to prevent any from escaping out
of the city when it should be taken; and behind these he placed the archers
round about, and commanded them to have their darts ready to shoot. The
same command he gave to the slingers, and to those that managed the engines,
and bid them to take up other ladders, and have them ready to lay upon
those parts of the wall which were yet untouched, that the besieged might
be engaged in trying to hinder their ascent by them, and leave the guard
of the parts that were thrown down, while the rest of them should be overborne
by the darts cast at them, and might afford his men an entrance into the
25. But Josephus, understanding the meaning of Vespasian's contrivance,
set the old men, together with those that were tired out, at the sound
parts of the wall, as expecting no harm from those quarters, but set the
strongest of his men at the place where the wall was broken down, and before
them all six men by themselves, among whom he took his share of the first
and greatest danger. He also gave orders, that when the legions made a
shout, they should stop their ears, that they might not be affrighted at
it, and that, to avoid the multitude of the enemy's darts, they should
bend down on their knees, and cover themselves with their shields, and
that they should retreat a little backward for a while, till the archers
should have emptied their quivers; but that When the Romans should lay
their instruments for ascending the walls, they should leap out on the
sudden, and with their own instruments should meet the enemy, and that
every one should strive to do his best, in order not to defend his own
city, as if it were possible to be preserved, but in order to revenge it,
when it was already destroyed; and that they should set before their eyes
how their old men were to be slain, and their children and wives were to
be killed immediately by the enemy; and that they would beforehand spend
all their fury, on account of the calamities just coming upon them, and
pour it out on the actors.
26. And thus did Josephus dispose of both his bodies of men; but then
for the useless part of the citizens, the women and children, when they
saw their city encompassed by a threefold army, (for none of the usual
guards that had been fighting before were removed,) when they also saw,
not only the walls thrown down, but their enemies with swords in their
hands, as also the hilly country above them shining with their weapons,
d the darts in the hands of the Arabian archers, they made a final and
lamentable outcry of the destruction, as if the misery were not only threatened,
but actually come upon them already. But Josephus ordered the women to
be shut up in their houses, lest they should render the warlike actions
of the men too effeminate, by making them commiserate their condition,
and commanded them to hold their peace, and threatened them if they did
not, while he came himself before the breach, where his allotment was;
for all those who brought ladders to the other places, he took no notice
of them, but earnestly waited for the shower of arrows that was coming.
27. And now the trumpeters of the several Roman legions sounded together,
and the army made a terrible shout; and the darts, as by order, flew so
last, that they intercepted the light. However, Josephus's men remembered
the charges he had given them, they stopped their ears at the sounds, and
covered their bodies against the darts; and as to the engines that were
set ready to go to work, the Jews ran out upon them, before those that
should have used them were gotten upon them. And now, on the ascending
of the soldiers, there was a great conflict, and many actions of the hands
and of the soul were exhibited; while the Jews did earnestly endeavor,
in the extreme danger they were in, not to show less courage than those
who, without being in danger, fought so stoutly against them; nor did they
leave struggling with the Romans till they either fell down dead themselves,
or killed their antagonists. But the Jews grew weary with defending themselves
continually, and had not enough to come in their places, and succor them;
while, on the side of the Romans, fresh men still succeeded those that
were tired; and still new men soon got upon the machines for ascent, in
the room of those that were thrust down; those encouraging one another,
and joining side to side with their shields, which were a protection to
them, they became a body of men not to be broken; and as this band thrust
away the Jews, as though they were themselves but one body, they began
already to get upon the wall.
28. Then did Josephus take necessity for his counselor in this utmost
distress, (which necessity is very sagacious in invention when it is irritated
by despair,) and gave orders to pour scalding oil upon those whose shields
protected them. Whereupon they soon got it ready, being many that brought
it, and what they brought being a great quantity also, and poured it on
all sides upon the Romans, and threw down upon them their vessels as they
were still hissing from the heat of the fire: this so burnt the Romans,
that it dispersed that united band, who now tumbled clown from the wall
with horrid pains, for the oil did easily run down the whole body from
head to foot, under their entire armor, and fed upon their flesh like flame
itself, its fat and unctuous nature rendering it soon heated and slowly
cooled; and as the men were cooped up in their head-pieces and breastplates,
they could no way get free from this burning oil; they could only leap
and roll about in their pains, as they fell down from the bridges they
had laid. And as they thus were beaten back, and retired to their own party,
who still pressed them forward, they were easily wounded by those that
were behind them.
29. However, in this ill success of the Romans, their courage did not
fail them, nor did the Jews want prudence to oppose them; for the Romans,
although they saw their own men thrown down, and in a miserable condition,
yet were they vehemently bent against those that poured the oil upon them;
while every one reproached the man before him as a coward, and one that
hindered him from exerting himself; and while the Jews made use of another
stratagem to prevent their ascent, and poured boiling fenugreek upon the
boards, in order to make them slip and fall down; by which means neither
could those that were coming up, nor those that were going down, stand
on their feet; but some of them fell backward upon the machines on which
they ascended, and were trodden upon; many of them fell down upon the bank
they had raised, and when they were fallen upon it were slain by the Jews;
for when the Romans could not keep their feet, the Jews being freed from
fighting hand to hand, had leisure to throw their darts at them. So the
general called off those soldiers in the evening that had suffered so sorely,
of whom the number of the slain was not a few, while that of the wounded
was still greater; but of the people of Jotapata no more than six men were
killed, although more than three hundred were carried off wounded. This
fight happened on the twentieth day of the month Desius [Sivan].
30. Hereupon Vespasian comforted his army on occasion of what happened,
and as he found them angry indeed, but rather wanting somewhat to do than
any further exhortations, he gave orders to raise the banks still higher,
and to erect three towers, each fifty feet high, and that they should cover
them with plates of iron on every side, that they might be both firm by
their weight, and not easily liable to be set on fire. These towers he
set upon the banks, and placed upon them such as could shoot darts and
arrows, with the lighter engines for throwing stones and darts also; and
besides these, he set upon them the stoutest men among the slingers, who
not being to be seen by reason of the height they stood upon, and the battlements
that protected them, might throw their weapons at those that were upon
the wall, and were easily seen by them. Hereupon the Jews, not being easily
able to escape those darts that were thrown down upon their heads, nor
to avenge themselves on those whom they could not see, and perceiving that
the height of the towers was so great, that a dart which they threw with
their hand could hardly reach it, and that the iron plates about them made
it very hard to come at them by fire, they ran away from the walls, and
fled hastily out of the city, and fell upon those that shot at them. And
thus did the people of Jotapata resist the Romans, while a great number
of them were every day killed, without their being able to retort the evil
upon their enemies; nor could they keep them out of the city without danger
to themselves.
31. About this time it was that Vespasian sent out Trajan against a
city called Japha, that lay near to Jotapata, and that desired innovations,
and was puffed up with the unexpected length of the opposition of Jotapata.
This Trajan was the commander of the tenth legion, and to him Vespasian
committed one thousand horsemen, and two thousand footmen. When Trajan
came to the city, he found it hard to be taken, for besides the natural
strength of its situation, it was also secured by a double wall; but when
he saw the people of this city coming out of it, and ready to fight him,
he joined battle with them, and after a short resistance which they made,
he pursued after them; and as they fled to their first wall, the Romans
followed them so closely, that they fell in together with them: but when
the Jews were endeavoring to get again within their second wall, their
fellow citizens shut them out, as being afraid that the Romans would force
themselves in with them. It was certainly God therefore who brought the
Romans to punish the Galileans, and did then expose the people of the city
every one of them manifestly to be destroyed by their bloody enemies; for
they fell upon the gates in great crowds, and earnestly calling to those
that kept them, and that by their names also, yet had they their throats
cut in the very midst of their supplications; for the enemy shut the gates
of the first wall, and their own citizens shut the gates of the second,
so they were enclosed between two walls, and were slain in great numbers
together; many of them were run through by swords of their own men, and
many by their own swords, besides an immense number that were slain by
the Romans. Nor had they any courage to revenge themselves; for there was
added to the consternation they were in from the enemy, their being betrayed
by their own friends, which quite broke their spirits; and at last they
died, cursing not the Romans, but their own citizens, till they were all
destroyed, being in number twelve thousand. So Trajan gathered that the
city was empty of people that could fight, and although there should a
few of them be therein, he supposed that they would be too timorous to
venture upon any opposition; so he reserved the taking of the city to the
general. Accordingly, he sent messengers to Vespasian, and desired him
to send his son Titus to finish the victory he had gained. Vespasian hereupon
imagining there might be some pains still necessary, sent his son with
an army of five hundred horsemen, and one thousand footmen. So he came
quickly to the city, and put his army in order, and set Trajan over the
left wing, while he had the right himself, and led them to the siege: and
when the soldiers brought ladders to be laid against the wall on every
side, the Galileans opposed them from above for a while; but soon afterward
they left the walls. Then did Titus's men leap into the city, and seized
upon it presently; but when those that were in it were gotten together,
there was a fierce battle between them; for the men of power fell upon
the Romans in the narrow streets, and the women threw whatsoever came next
to hand at them, and sustained a fight with them for six hours' time; but
when the fighting men were spent, the rest of the multitude had their throats
cut, partly in the open air, and partly in their own houses, both young
and old together. So there were no males now remaining, besides infants,
which, with the women, were carried as slaves into captivity; so that the
number of the slain, both now in the city and at the former fight, was
fifteen thousand, and the captives were two thousand one hundred and thirty.
This calamity befell the Galileans on the twenty-fifth day of the month
Desius [Sivan.]
32. Nor did the Samaritans escape their share of misfortunes at this
time; for they assembled themselves together upon file mountain called
Gerizzim, which is with them a holy mountain, and there they remained;
which collection of theirs, as well as the courageous minds they showed,
could not but threaten somewhat of war; nor were they rendered wiser by
the miseries that had come upon their neighboring cities. They also, notwithstanding
the great success the Romans had, marched on in an unreasonable manner,
depending on their own weakness, and were disposed for any tumult upon
its first appearance. Vespasian therefore thought it best to prevent their
motions, and to cut off the foundation of their attempts. For although
all Samaria had ever garrisons settled among them, yet did the number of
those that were come to Mount Gerizzim, and their conspiracy together,
give ground for fear what they would be at; he therefore sent I thither
Cerealis, the commander of the fifth legion, with six hundred horsemen,
and three thousand footmen, who did not think it safe to go up to the mountain,
and give them battle, because many of the enemy were on the higher part
of the ground; so he encompassed all the lower part of the mountain with
his army, and watched them all that day. Now it happened that the Samaritans,
who were now destitute of water, were inflamed with a violent heat, (for
it was summer time, and the multitude had not provided themselves with
necessaries,) insomuch that some of them died that very day with heat,
while others of them preferred slavery before such a death as that was,
and fled to the Romans; by whom Cerealis understood that those which still
staid there were very much broken by their misfortunes. So he went up to
the mountain, and having placed his forces round about the enemy, he, in
the first place, exhorted them to take the security of his right hand,
and come to terms with him, and thereby save themselves; and assured them,
that if they would lay down their arms, he would secure them from any harm;
but when he could not prevail with them, he fell upon them and slew them
all, being in number eleven thousand and six hundred. This was done on
the twenty-seventh day of the month Desius [Sivan]. And these were the
calamities that befell the Samaritans at this time.
33. But as the people of Jotapata still held out manfully, and bore
up tinder their miseries beyond all that could be hoped for, on the forty-seventh
day [of the siege] the banks cast up by the Romans were become higher than
the wall; on which day a certain deserter went to Vespasian, and told him
how few were left in the city, and how weak they were, and that they had
been so worn out with perpetual watching, and as perpetual fighting, that
they could not now oppose any force that came against them, and that they
might he taken by stratagem, if any one would attack them; for that about
the last watch of the night, when they thought they might have some rest
from the hardships they were under, and when a morning sleep used to come
upon them, as they were thoroughly weary, he said the watch used to fall
asleep; accordingly his advice was, that they should make their attack
at that hour. But Vespasian had a suspicion about this deserter, as knowing
how faithful the Jews were to one another, and how much they despised any
punishments that could be inflicted on them; this last because one of the
people of Jotapata had undergone all sorts of torments, and though they
made him pass through a fiery trial of his enemies in his examination,
yet would he inform them nothing of the affairs within the city, and as
he was crucified, smiled at them. However, the probability there was in
the relation itself did partly confirm the truth of what the deserter told
them, and they thought he might probably speak truth. However, Vespasian
thought they should be no great sufferers if the report was a sham; so
he commanded them to keep the man in custody, and prepared the army for
taking the city.
34. According to which resolution they marched without noise, at the
hour that had been told them, to the wall; and it was Titus himself that
first got upon it, with one of his tribunes, Domitius Sabinus, and had
a few of the fifteenth legion along with him. So they cut the throats of
the watch, and entered the city very quietly. After these came Cerealis
the tribune, and Placidus, and led on those that were tinder them. Now
when the citadel was taken, and the enemy were in the very midst of the
city, and when it was already day, yet was not the taking of the city known
by those that held it; for a great many of them were fast asleep, and a
great mist, which then by chance fell upon the city, hindered those that
got up from distinctly seeing the case they were in, till the whole Roman
army was gotten in, and they were raised up only to find the miseries they
were under; and as they were slaying, they perceived the city was taken.
And for the Romans, they so well remembered what they had suffered during
the siege, that they spared none, nor pitied any, but drove the people
down the precipice from the citadel, and slew them as they drove them down;
at which time the difficulties of the place hindered those that were still
able to fight from defending themselves; for as they were distressed in
the narrow streets, and could not keep their feet sure along the precipice,
they were overpowered with the crowd of those that came fighting them down
from the citadel. This provoked a great many, even of those chosen men
that were about Josephus, to kill themselves with their own hands; for
when they saw that they could kill none of the Romans, they resolved to
prevent being killed by the Romans, and got together in great numbers in
the utmost parts of the city, and killed themselves.
35. However, such of the watch as at the first perceived they were taken,
and ran away as fast as they could, went up into one of the towers on the
north side of the city, and for a while defended themselves there; but
as they were encompassed with a multitude of enemies, they tried to use
their right hands when it was too late, and at length they cheerfully offered
their necks to be cut off by those that stood over them. And the Romans
might have boasted that the conclusion of that siege was without blood
[on their side] if there had not been a centurion, Antonius, who was slain
at the taking of the city. His death was occasioned by the following treachery;
for there was one of those that were fled into the caverns, which were
a great number, who desired that this Antonius would reach him his right
hand for his security, and would assure him that he would preserve him,
and give him his assistance in getting up out of the cavern; accordingly,
he incautiously reached him his right hand, when the other man prevented
him, and stabbed him under his loins with a spear, and killed him immediately.
36. And on this day it was that the Romans slew all the multitude that
appeared openly; but on the following days they searched the hiding-places,
and fell upon those that were under ground, and in the caverns, and went
thus through every age, excepting the infants and the women, and of these
there were gathered together as captives twelve hundred; and as for those
that were slain at the taking of the city, and in the former fights, they
were numbered to be forty thousand. So Vespasian gave order that the city
should be entirely demolished, and all the fortifications burnt down. And
thus was Jotapata taken, in the thirteenth year of the reign of Nero, on
the first day of the month Panemus [Tamuz].
1. AND now the Romans searched for Josephus, both out of the hatred
they bore him, and because their general was very desirous to have him
taken; for he reckoned that if he were once taken, the greatest part of
the war would be over. They then searched among the dead, and looked into
the most concealed recesses of the city; but as the city was first taken,
he was assisted by a certain supernatural providence; for he withdrew himself
from the enemy when he was in the midst of them, and leaped into a certain
deep pit, whereto there adjoined a large den at one side of it, which den
could not be seen by those that were above ground; and there he met with
forty persons of eminency that had concealed themselves, and with provisions
enough to satisfy them for not a few days. So in the day time he hid himself
from the enemy, who had seized upon all places, and in the night time he
got up out of the den and looked about for some way of escaping, and took
exact notice of the watch; but as all places were guarded every where on
his account, that there was no way of getting off unseen, he went down
again into the den. Thus he concealed himself two days; but on the third
day, when they had taken a woman who had been with them, he was discovered.
Whereupon Vespasian sent immediately and zealously two tribunes, Paulinus
and Gallicanus, and ordered them to give Josephus their right hands as
a security for his life, and to exhort him to come up.
2. So they came and invited the man to come up, and gave him assurances
that his life should be preserved: but they did not prevail with him; for
he gathered suspicions from the probability there was that one who had
done so many things against the Romans must suffer for it, though not from
the mild temper of those that invited him. However, he was afraid that
he was invited to come up in order to be punished, until Vespasian sent
besides these a third tribune, Nicanor, to him; he was one that was well
known to Josephus, and had been his familiar acquaintance in old time.
When he was come, he enlarged upon the natural mildness of the Romans towards
those they have once conquered; and told him that he had behaved himself
so valiantly, that the commanders rather admired than hated him; that the
general was very desirous to have him brought to him, not in order to punish
him, for that he could do though he should not come voluntarily, but that
he was determined to preserve a man of his courage. He moreover added this,
that Vespasian, had he been resolved to impose upon him, would not have
sent to him a friend of his own, nor put the fairest color upon the vilest
action, by pretending friendship and meaning perfidiousness; nor would
he have himself acquiesced, or come to him, had it been to deceive him.
3. Now as Josephus began to hesitate with himself about Nicanor's proposal,
the soldiery were so angry, that they ran hastily to set fire to the den;
but the tribune would not permit them so to do, as being very desirous
to take the man alive. And now, as Nicanor lay hard at Josephus to comply,
and he understood how the multitude of the enemies threatened him, he called
to mind the dreams which he had dreamed in the night time, whereby God
had signified to him beforehand both the future calamities of the Jews,
and the events that concerned the Roman emperors. Now Josephus was able
to give shrewd conjectures about the interpretation of such dreams as have
been ambiguously delivered by God. Moreover, he was not unacquainted with
the prophecies contained in the sacred books, as being a priest himself,
and of the posterity of priests: and just then was he in an ecstasy; and
setting before him the tremendous images of the dreams he had lately had,
he put up a secret prayer to God, and said, "Since it pleaseth thee,
who hast created the Jewish nation, to depress the same, and since all
their good fortune is gone over to the Romans, and since thou hast made
choice of this soul of mine to foretell what is to come to pass hereafter,
I willingly give them my hands, and am content to live. And I protest openly
that I do not go over to the Romans as a deserter of the Jews, but as a
minister from thee."
4. When he had said this, he complied with Nicanor's invitation. But
when those Jews who had fled with him understood that he yielded to those
that invited him to come up, they came about him in a body, and cried out,
"Nay, indeed, now may the laws of our forefathers, which God ordained
himself, well groan to purpose; that God we mean who hath created the souls
of the Jews of such a temper, that they despise death. O Josephus! art
thou still fond of life? and canst thou bear to see the light in a state
of slavery? How soon hast thou forgotten thyself! How many hast thou persuaded
to lose their lives for liberty! Thou hast therefore had a false reputation
for manhood, and a like false reputation for wisdom, if thou canst hope
for preservation from those against whom thou hast fought so zealously,
and art however willing to be preserved by them, if they be in earnest.
But although the good fortune of the Romans hath made thee forget thyself,
we ought to take care that the glory of our forefathers may not be tarnished.
We will lend thee our right hand and a sword; and if thou wilt die willingly,
thou wilt die as general of the Jews; but if unwillingly, thou wilt die
as a traitor to them." As soon as they said this, they began to thrust
their swords at him, and threatened they would kill him, if he thought
of yielding himself to the Romans.
5. Upon this Josephus was afraid of their attacking him, and yet thought
he should be a betrayer of the commands of God, if he died before they
were delivered. So he began to talk like a philosopher to them in the distress
he was then in, when he said thus to them: "O my friends, why are
we so earnest to kill ourselves? and why do we set our soul and body, which
are such dear companions, at such variance? Can any one pretend that I
am not the man I was formerly? Nay, the Romans are sensible how that matter
stands well enough. It is a brave thin to die in war; but so that it be
according to the law of war, by the hand of conquerors. If, therefore,
I avoid death from the sword of the Romans, I am truly worthy to be killed
by my own sword, and my own hand; but if they admit of mercy, and would
spare their enemy, how much more ought we to have mercy upon ourselves,
and to spare ourselves? For it is certainly a foolish thing to do that
to ourselves which we quarrel with them for doing to us. I confess freely
that it is a brave thing to die for liberty; but still so that it be in
war, and done by those who take that liberty from us; but in the present
case our enemies do neither meet us in battle, nor do they kill us. Now
he is equally a coward who will not die when he is obliged to die, and
he who will die when he is not obliged so to do. What are we afraid of,
when we will not go up to the Romans? Is it death? If so, what we are afraid
of, when we but suspect our enemies will inflict it on us, shall we inflict
it on ourselves for certain? But it may be said we must be slaves. And
are we then in a clear state of liberty at present? It may also be said
that it is a manly act for one to kill himself. No, certainly, but a most
unmanly one; as I should esteem that pilot to be an arrant coward, who,
out of fear of a storm, should sink his ship of his own accord. Now self-murder
is a crime most remote from the common nature of all animals, and an instance
of impiety against God our Creator; nor indeed is there any animal that
dies by its own contrivance, or by its own means, for the desire of life
is a law engraven in them all; on which account we deem those that openly
take it away from us to be our enemies, and those that do it by treachery
are punished for so doing. And do not you think that God is very angry
when a man does injury to what he hath bestowed on him? For from him it
is that we have received our being, and we ought to leave it to his disposal
to take that being away from us. The bodies of all men are indeed mortal,
and are created out of corruptible matter; but the soul is ever immortal,
and is a portion of the divinity that inhabits our bodies. Besides, if
any one destroys or abuses a depositum he hath received from a mere
man, he is esteemed a wicked and perfidious person; but then if any one
cast out of his body this Divine depositum, can we imagine that
he who is thereby affronted does not know of it? Moreover, our law justly
ordains that slaves which run away from their master shall be punished,
though the masters they run away from may have been wicked masters to them.
And shall we endeavor to run away from God, who is the best of all masters,
and not guilty of impeity? Do not you know that those who depart out of
this life according to the law of nature, and pay that debt which was received
from God, when he that lent it us is pleased to require it back again,
enjoy eternal fame; that their houses and their posterity are sure, that
their souls are pure and obedient, and obtain a most holy place in heaven,
from whence, in the revolutions of ages, they are again sent into pure
bodies; while the souls of those whose hands have acted madly against themselves
are received by the darkest place in Hades, and while God, who is their
Father, punishes those that offend against either of them in their posterity?
for which reason God hates such doings, and the crime is punished by our
most wise legislator. Accordingly, our laws determine that the bodies of
such as kill themselves should be exposed till the sun be set, without
burial, although at the same time it be allowed by them to be lawful to
bury our enemies [sooner]. The laws of other nations also enjoin such men's
hands to be cut off when they are dead, which had been made use of in destroying
themselves when alive, while they reckoned that as the body is alien from
the soul, so is the hand alien from the body. It is therefore, my friends,
a right thing to reason justly, and not add to the calamities which men
bring upon us impiety towards our Creator. If we have a mind to preserve
ourselves, let us do it; for to be preserved by those our enemies, to whom
we have given so many demonstrations of our courage, is no way inglorious;
but if we have a mind to die, it is good to die by the hand of those that
have conquered us. For nay part, I will not run over to our enemies' quarters,
in order to be a traitor to myself; for certainly I should then be much
more foolish than those that deserted to the enemy, since they did it in
order to save themselves, and I should do it for destruction, for my own
destruction. However, I heartily wish the Romans may prove treacherous
in this matter; for if, after their offer of their right hand for security,
I be slain by them, I shall die cheerfully, and carry away with me the
sense of their perfidiousness, as a consolation greater than victory itself."
6. Now these and many the like motives did Josephus use to these men
to prevent their murdering themselves; but desperation had shut their ears,
as having long ago devoted themselves to die, and they were irritated at
Josephus. They then ran upon him with their swords in their hands, one
from one quarter, and another from another, and called him a coward, and
everyone of them appeared openly as if he were ready to smite him; but
he calling to one of them by name, and looking like a general to another,
and taking a third by the hand, and making a fourth ashamed of himself,
by praying him to forbear, and being in this condition distracted with
various passions, (as he well might in the great distress he was then in,)
he kept off every one of their swords from killing him, and was forced
to do like such wild beasts as are encompassed about on every side, who
always turn themselves against those that last touched them. Nay, some
of their right hands were debilitated by the reverence they bare to their
general in these his fatal calamities, and their swords dropped out of
their hands; and not a few of them there were, who, when they aimed to
smite him with their swords, they were not thoroughly either willing or
able to do it.
7. However, in this extreme distress, he was not destitute of his usual
sagacity; but trusting himself to the providence of God, he put his life
into hazard [in the manner following]: "And now," said he, "since
it is resolved among you that you will die, come on, let us commit our
mutual deaths to determination by lot. He whom the lot falls to first,
let him be killed by him that hath the second lot, and thus fortune shall
make its progress through us all; nor shall any of us perish by his own
right hand, for it would be unfair if, when the rest are gone, somebody
should repent and save himself." This proposal appeared to them to
be very just; and when he had prevailed with them to determine this matter
by lots, he drew one of the lots for himself also. He who had the first
lot laid his neck bare to him that had the next, as supposing that the
general would die among them immediately; for they thought death, if Josephus
might but die with them, was sweeter than life; yet was he with another
left to the last, whether we must say it happened so by chance, or whether
by the providence of God. And as he was very desirous neither to be condemned
by the lot, nor, if he had been left to the last, to imbrue his right hand
in the blood of his countrymen, he persuaded him to trust his fidelity
to him, and to live as well as himself.
8. Thus Josephus escaped in the war with the Romans, and in this his
own war with his friends, and was led by Nicanor to Vespasian. But now
all the Romans ran together to see him; and as the multitude pressed one
upon another about their general, there was a tumult of a various kind;
while some rejoiced that Josephus was taken, and some threatened him, and
some crowded to see him very near; but those that were more remote cried
out to have this their enemy put to death, while those that were near called
to mind the actions he had done, and a deep concern appeared at the change
of his fortune. Nor were there any of the Roman commanders, how much soever
they had been enraged at him before, but relented when they came to the
sight of him. Above all the rest, Titus's own valor, and Josephus's own
patience under his afflictions, made him pity him, as did also the commiseration
of his age, when he recalled to mind that but a little while ago he was
fighting, but lay now in the hands of his enemies, which made him consider
the power of fortune, and how quick is the turn of affairs in war, and
how no state of men is sure; for which reason he then made a great many
more to be of the same pitiful temper with himself, and induced them to
commiserate Josephus. He was also of great weight in persuading his father
to preserve him. However, Vespasian gave strict orders that he should be
kept with great caution, as though he would in a very little time send
him to Nero.
9. When Josephus heard him give those orders, he said that he had somewhat
in his mind that he would willingly say to himself alone. When therefore
they were all ordered to withdraw, excepting Titus and two of their friends,
he said, "Thou, O Vespasian, thinkest no more than that thou hast
taken Josephus himself captive; but I come to thee as a messenger of greater
tidings; for had not I been sent by God to thee, I knew what was the law
of the Jews in this case? (5)
and how it becomes generals to die. Dost thou send me to Nero? For
why? Are Nero's successors till they come to thee still alive? Thou, O
Vespasian, art Caesar and emperor, thou, and this thy son. Bind me now
still faster, and keep me for thyself, for thou, O Caesar, are not only
lord over me, but over the land and the sea, and all mankind; and certainly
I deserve to be kept in closer custody than I now am in, in order to be
punished, if I rashly affirm any thing of God." When he had said this,
Vespasian at present did not believe him, but supposed that Josephus said
this as a cunning trick, in order to his own preservation; but in a little
time he was convinced, and believed what he said to be true, God himself
erecting his expectations, so as to think of obtaining the empire, and
by other signs fore-showing his advancement. He also found Josephus to
have spoken truth on other occasions; for one of those friends that were
present at that secret conference said to Josephus, "I cannot but
wonder how thou couldst not foretell to the people of Jotapata that they
should be taken, nor couldst foretell this captivity which hath happened
to thyself, unless what thou now sayest be a vain thing, in order to avoid
the rage that is risen against thyself." To which Josephus replied,
"I did foretell to the people of Jotapata that they would be taken
on the forty-seventh day, and that I should be caught alive by the Romans."
Now when Vespasian had inquired of the captives privately about these predictions,
he found them to be true, and then he began to believe those that concerned
himself. Yet did he not set Josephus at liberty from his hands, but bestowed
on him suits of clothes, and other precious gifts; he treated him also
in a very obliging manner, and continued so to do, Titus still joining
his interest ill the honors that were done him.
1. NOW Vespasian returned to Ptolemais on the fourth day of the month
Panemus, [Tamus] and from thence he came to Cesarea, which lay by the sea-side.
This was a very great city of Judea, and for the greatest part inhabited
by Greeks: the citizens here received both the Roman army and its general,
with all sorts of acclamations and rejoicings, and this partly out of the
good-will they bore to the Romans, but principally out of the hatred they
bore to those that were conquered by them; on which account they came clamoring
against Josephus in crowds, and desired he might be put to death. But Vespasian
passed over this petition concerning him, as offered by the injudicious
multitude, with a bare silence. Two of the legions also he placed at Cesarea,
that they might there take their winter-quarters, as perceiving the city
very fit for such a purpose; but he placed the tenth and the fifth at Scythopolis,
that he might not distress Cesarea with the entire army. This place was
warm even in winter, as it was suffocating hot in the summer time, by reason
of its situation in a plain, and near to the sea [of Galilee].
2. In the mean time, there were gathered together as well such as had
seditiously got out from among their enemies, as those that had escaped
out of the demolished cities, which were in all a great number, and repaired
Joppa, which had been left desolate by Cestius, that it might serve them
for a place of refuge; and because the adjoining region had been laid waste
in the war, and was not capable of supporting them, they determined to
go off to sea. They also built themselves a great many piratical ships,
and turned pirates upon the seas near to Syria, and Phoenicia, and Egypt,
and made those seas unnavigable to all men. Now as soon as Vespasian knew
of their conspiracy, he sent both footmen and horsemen to Joppa, which
was unguarded in the night time; however, those that were in it perceived
that they should be attacked, and were afraid of it; yet did they not endeavor
to keep the Romans out, but fled to their ships, and lay at sea all night,
out of the reach of their darts.
3. Now Joppa is not naturally a haven, for it ends in a rough shore,
where all the rest of it is straight, but the two ends bend towards each
other, where there are deep precipices, and great stones that jut out into
the sea, and where the chains wherewith Andromeda was bound have left their
footsteps, which attest to the antiquity of that fable. But the north wind
opposes and beats upon the shore, and dashes mighty waves against the rocks
which receive them, and renders the haven more dangerous than the country
they had deserted. Now as those people of Joppa were floating about in
this sea, in the morning there fell a violent wind upon them; it is called
by those that sail there "the black north wind," and there dashed
their ships one against another, and dashed some of them against the rocks,
and carried many of them by force, while they strove against the opposite
waves, into the main sea; for the shore was so rocky, and had so many of
the enemy upon it, that they were afraid to come to land; nay, the waves
rose so very high, that they drowned them; nor was there any place whither
they could fly, nor any way to save themselves; while they were thrust
out of the sea, by the violence of the wind, if they staid where they were,
and out of the city by the violence of the Romans. And much lamentation
there was when the ships were dashed against one another, and a terrible
noise when they were broken to pieces; and some of the multitude that were
in them were covered with waves, and so perished, and a great many were
embarrassed with shipwrecks. But some of them thought that to die by their
own swords was lighter than by the sea, and so they killed themselves before
they were drowned; although the greatest part of them were carried by the
waves, and dashed to pieces against the abrupt parts of the rocks, insomuch
that the sea was bloody a long way, and the maritime parts were full of
dead bodies; for the Romans came upon those that were carried to the shore,
and destroyed them; and the number of the bodies that were thus thrown
out of the sea was four thousand and two hundred. The Romans also took
the city without opposition, and utterly demolished it.
4. And thus was Joppa taken twice by the Romans in a little time; but
Vespasian, in order to prevent these pirates from coming thither any more,
erected a camp there, where the citadel of Joppa had been, and left a body
of horse in it, with a few footmen, that these last might stay there and
guard the camp, and the horsemen might spoil the country that lay round
it, and might destroy the neighboring villages and smaller cities. So these
troops overran the country, as they were ordered to do, and every day cut
to pieces and laid desolate the whole region.
5. But now, when the fate of Jotapata was related at Jerusalem, a great
many at the first disbelieved it, on account of the vastness of the calamity,
and because they had no eye-witness to attest the truth of what was related
about it; for not one person was saved to be a messenger of that news,
but a fame was spread abroad at random that the city was taken, as such
fame usually spreads bad news about. However, the truth was known by degrees,
from the places near Jotapata, and appeared to all to be too true. Yet
were there fictitious stories added to what was really done; for it was
reported that Josephus was slain at the taking of the city, which piece
of news filled Jerusalem full of sorrow. In every house also, and among
all to whom any of the slain were allied, there was a lamentation for them;
but the mourning for the commander was a public one; and some mourned for
those that had lived with them, others for their kindred, others for their
friends, and others for their brethren, but all mourned for Josephus; insomuch
that the lamentation did not cease in the city before the thirtieth day;
and a great many hired mourners, (6)
with their pipes, who should begin the melancholy ditties for them.
6. But as the truth came out in time, it appeared how the affairs of
Jotapata really stood; yet was it found that the death of Josephus was
a fiction; and when they understood that he was alive, and was among the
Romans, and that the commanders treated him at another rate than they treated
captives, they were as vehemently angry at him now as they had showed their
good-will before, when he appeared to have been dead. He was also abused
by some as having been a coward, and by others as a deserter; and the city
was full of indignation at him, and of reproaches cast upon him; their
rage was also aggravated by their afflictions, and more inflamed by their
ill success; and what usually becomes an occasion of caution to wise men,
I mean affliction, became a spur to them to venture on further calamities,
and the end of one misery became still the beginning of another; they therefore
resolved to fall on the Romans the more vehemently, as resolving to be
revenged on him in revenging themselves on the Romans. And this was the
state of Jerusalem as to the troubles which now came upon it.
7. But Vespasian, in order to see the kingdom of Agrippa, while the
king persuaded himself so to do, (partly in order to his treating the general
and his army in the best and most splendid manner his private affairs would
enable him to do, and partly that he might, by their means, correct such
things as were amiss in his government,) he removed from that Cesarea which
was by the sea-side, and went to that which is called Cesarea Philippi
(7) and
there he refreshed his army for twenty days, and was himself feasted by
king Agrippa, where he also returned public thanks to God for the good
success he had had in his undertakings. But as soon as he was informed
that Tiberias was fond of innovations, and that Tarichere had revolted,
both which cities were parts of the kingdom of Agrippa, and was satisfied
within himself that the Jews were every where perverted [from their obedience
to their governors], he thought it seasonable to make an expedition against
these cities, and that for the sake of Agrippa, and in order to bring his
cities to reason. So he sent away his son Titus to [the other] Cesarea,
that he might bring the army that lay there to Seythopous, which is the
largest city of Decapolis, and in the neighborhood of Tiberias, whither
he came, and where he waited for his son. He then came with three legions,
and pitched his camp thirty furlongs off Tiberias, at a certain station
easily seen by the innovators; it is named Sennabris. He also sent Valerian,
a decurion, with fifty horsemen, to speak peaceably to those that were
in the city, and to exhort them to give him assurances of their fidelity;
for he had heard that the people were desirous of peace, but were obliged
by some of the seditious part to join with them, and so were forced to
fight for them. When Valerian had marched up to the place, and was near
the wall, he alighted off his horse, and made those that were with him
to do the same, that they might not be thought to come to skirmish with
them; but before they could come to a discourse one with another, the most
potent men among the seditious made a sally upon them armed; their leader
was one whose name was Jesus, the son of Shaphat, the principal head of
a band of robbers. Now Valerian, neither thinking it safe to fight contrary
to the commands of the general, though he were secure of a victory, and
knowing that it was a very hazardous undertaking for a few to fight with
many, for those that were unprovided to fight those that were ready, and
being on other accounts surprised at this unexpected onset of the Jews,
he ran away on foot, as did five of the rest in like manner, and left their
horses behind them; which horses Jesus led away into the city, and rejoiced
as if they had taken them in battle, and not by treachery.
8. Now the seniors of the people, and such as were of principal authority
among them, fearing what would be the issue of this matter, fled to the
camp of the Romans; they then took their king along with them, and fell
down before Vespasian, to supplicate his favor, and besought him not to
overlook them, nor to impute the madness of a few to the whole city, to
spare a people that have been ever civil and obliging to the Romans; but
to bring the authors of this revolt to due punishment, who had hitherto
so watched them, that though they were zealous to give them the security
of their right hands of a long time, yet could they not accomplish the
same. With these supplications the general complied, although he were very
angry at the whole city about the carrying off his horses, and this because
he saw that Agrippa was under a great concern for them. So when Vespasian
and Agrippa had accepted of their right hands by way of security, Jesus
and his party thought it not safe for them to continue at Tiberias, so
they ran away to Tarichete. The next day Vespasian sent Trajan before with
some horsemen to the citadel, to make trial of the multitude, whether they
were all disposed for peace; and as soon as he knew that the people were
of the same mind with the petitioner, he took his army, and went to the
city; upon which the citizens opened to him their gates, and met him with
acclamations of joy, and called him their savior and benefactor. But as
the army was a great while in getting in at the gates, they were so narrow,
Vespasian commanded the south wall to be broken down, and so made a broad
passage for their entrance. However, he charged them to abstain from rapine
and injustice, in order to gratify the king; and on his account spared
the rest of the wall, while the king undertook for them that they should
continue [faithful to the Romans] for the time to come. And thus did he
restore this city to a quiet state, after it had been grievously afflicted
by the sedition.
1. AND now Vespasian pitched his camp between this city and Taricheae,
but fortified his camp more strongly, as suspecting that he should be forced
to stay there, and have a long war; for all the innovators had gotten together
at Taricheae, as relying upon the strength of the city, and on the lake
that lay by it. This lake is called by the people of the country the Lake
of Gennesareth. The city itself is situated like Tiberias, at the bottom
of a mountain, and on those sides which are not washed by the sea, had
been strongly fortified by Josephus, though not so strongly as Tiberias;
for the wall of Tiberias had been built at the beginning of the Jews' revolt,
when he had great plenty of money, and great power, but Tarichese partook
only the remains of that liberality, Yet had they a great number of ships
gotten ready upon the lake, that, in case they were beaten at land, they
might retire to them; and they were so fitted up, that they might undertake
a Sea-fight also. But as the Romans were building a wall about their camp,
Jesu and his party were neither affrighted at their number, nor at the
good order they were in, but made a sally upon them; and at the very first
onset the builders of the wall were dispersed; and these pulled what little
they had before built to pieces; but as soon as they saw the armed men
getting together, and before they had suffered any thing themselves, they
retired to their own men. But then the Romans pursued them, and drove them
into their ships, where they launched out as far as might give them the
opportunity of reaching the Romans with what they threw at them, and then
cast anchor, and brought their ships close, as in a line of battle, and
thence fought the enemy from the sea, who were themselves at land. But
Vespasian hearing that a great multitude of them were gotten together in
the plain that was before the city, he thereupon sent his son, with six
hundred chosen horsemen, to disperse them.
2. But when Titus perceived that the enemy was very numerous, he sent
to his father, and informed him that he should want more forces. But as
he saw a great many of the horsemen eager to fight, and that before any
succors could come to them, and that yet some of them were privately under
a sort of consternation at the multitude of the Jews, he stood in a place
whence he might be heard, and said to them, "My brave Romans! for
it is right for me to put you in mind of what nation you are, in the beginning
of my speech, that so you may not be ignorant who you are, and who they
are against whom we are going to fight. For as to us, Romans, no part of
the habitable earth hath been able to escape our hands hitherto; but as
for the Jews, that I may speak of them too, though they have been already
beaten, yet do they not give up the cause; and a sad thing it would be
for us to grow wealthy under good success, when they bear up under their
misfortunes. As to the alacrity which you show publicly, I see it, and
rejoice at it; yet am I afraid lest the multitude of the enemy should bring
a concealed fright upon some of you: let such a one consider again, who
we are that are to fight, and who those are against whom we are to fight.
Now these Jews, though they be very bold and great despisers of death,
are but a disorderly body, and unskillful in war, and may rather be called
a rout than an army; while I need say nothing of our skill and our good
order; for this is the reason why we Romans alone are exercised for war
in time of peace, that we may not think of number for number when we come
to fight with our enemies: for what advantage should we reap by our continual
sort of warfare, if we must still be equal in number to such as have not
been used to war. Consider further, that you are to have a conflict with
men in effect unarmed, while you are well armed; with footmen, while you
are horsemen; with those that have no good general, while you have one;
and as these advantages make you in effect manifold more than you are,
so do their disadvantages mightily diminish their number. Now it is not
the multitude of men, though they be soldiers, that manages wars with success,
but it is their bravery that does it, though they be but a few; for a few
are easily set in battle-array, and can easily assist one another, while
over-numerous armies are more hurt by themselves than by their enemies.
It is boldness and rashness, the effects of madness, that conduct the Jews.
Those passions indeed make a great figure when they succeed, but are quite
extinguished upon the least ill success; but we are led on by courage,
and obedience, and fortitude, which shows itself indeed in our good fortune,
but still does not for ever desert us in our ill fortune. Nay, indeed,
your fighting is to be on greater motives than those of the Jews; for although
they run the hazard of war for liberty, and for their country, yet what
can be a greater motive to us than glory? and that. it may never be said,
that after we have got dominion of the habitable earth, the Jews are able
to confront us. We must also reflect upon this, that there is no fear of
our suffering any incurable disaster in the present case; for those that
are ready to assist us are many, and at hand also; yet it is in our power
to seize upon this victory ourselves; and I think we ought to prevent the
coming of those my father is sending to us for our assistance, that our
success may be peculiar to ourselves, and of greater reputation to us.
And I cannot but think this an opportunity wherein my father, and I, and
you shall be all put to the trial, whether he be worthy of his former glorious
performances, whether I be his son in reality, and whether you be really
my soldiers; for it is usual for my father to conquer; and for myself,
I should not bear the thoughts of returning to him if I were once taken
by the enemy. And how will you be able to avoid being ashamed, if you do
not show equal courage with your commander, when he goes before you into
danger? For you know very well that I shall go into the danger first, and
make the first attack upon the enemy. Do not you therefore desert me, but
persuade yourselves that God will be assisting to my onset. Know this also
before we begin, that we shall now have better success than we should have,
if we were to fight at a distance."
3. As Titus was saying this, an extraordinary fury fell upon the men;
and as Trajan was already come before the fight began, with four hundred
horsemen, they were uneasy at it, because the reputation of the victory
would be diminished by being common to so many. Vespasian had also sent
both Antonius and Silo, with two thousand archers, and had given it them
in charge to seize upon the mountain that was over against the city, and
repel those that were upon the wall; which archers did as they were commanded,
and prevented those that attempted to assist them that way; And now Titus
made his own horse march first against the enemy, as did the others with
a great noise after him, and extended themselves upon the plain as wide
as the enemy which confronted them; by which means they appeared much more
numerous than they really were. Now the Jews, although they were surprised
at their onset, and at their good order, made resistance against their
attacks for a little while; but when they were pricked with their long
poles, and overborne by the violent noise of the horsemen, they came to
be trampled under their feet; many also of them were slain on every side,
which made them disperse themselves, and run to the city, as fast as every
one of them were able. So Titus pressed upon the hindmost, and slew them;
and of the rest, some he fell upon as they stood on heaps, and some he
prevented, and met them in the mouth, and run them through; many also he
leaped upon as they fell one upon another, and trod them down, and cut
off all the retreat they had to the wall, and turned them back into the
plain, till at last they forced a passage by their multitude, and got away,
and ran into the city.
4. But now there fell out a terrible sedition among them within the
city; for the inhabitants themselves, who had possessions there, and to
whom the city belonged, were not disposed to fight from the very beginning;
and now the less so, because they had been beaten; but the foreigners,
which were very numerous, would force them to fight so much the more, insomuch
that there was a clamor and a tumult among them, as all mutually angry
one at another. And when Titus heard this tumult, for he was not far from
the wall, he cried out," Fellow soldiers, now is the time; and why
do we make any delay, when God is giving up the Jews to us? Take the victory
which is given you: do not you hear what a noise they make? Those that
have escaped our hands are ill an uproar against one another. We have the
city if we make haste; but besides haste, we must undergo some labor, and
use some courage; for no great thing uses to be accomplished without danger:
accordingly, we must not only prevent their uniting again, which necessity
will soon compel them to do, but we must also prevent the coming of our
own men to our assistance, that, as few as we are, we may conquer so great
a multitude, and may ourselves alone take the city:"
5. As soon as ever Titus had said this, he leaped upon his horse, and
rode apace down to the lake; by which lake he marched, and entered into
the city the first of them all, as did the others soon after him. Hereupon
those that were upon the walls were seized with a terror at the boldness
of the attempt, nor durst any one venture to fight with him, or to hinder
him; so they left guarding the city, and some of those that were about
Jesus fled over the country, while others of them ran down to the lake,
and met the enemy in the teeth, and some were slain as they were getting
up into the ships, but others of them as they attempted to overtake those
that were already gone aboard. There was also a great slaughter made in
the city, while those foreigners that had not fled away already made opposition;
but the natural inhabitants were killed without fighting: for in hopes
of Titus's giving them his right hand for their security, and out of a
consciousness that they had not given any consent to the war, they avoided
fighting, till Titus had slain the authors of this revolt, and then put
a stop to any further slaughters, out of commiseration of these inhabitants
of the place. But for those that had fled to the lake, upon seeing the
city taken, they sailed as far as they possibly could from the enemy.
6. Hereupon Titus sent one of his horsemen to his father, and let him
know the good news of what he had done; at which, as was natural, he was
very joyful, both on account of the courage and glorious actions of his
son; for he thought that now the greatest part of the war was over. He
then came thither himself, and set men to guard the city, and gave them
command to take care that nobody got privately out of it, but to kill such
as attempted so to do. And on the next day he went down to the lake, and
commanded that vessels should be fitted up, in order to pursue those that
had escaped in the ships. These vessels were quickly gotten ready accordingly,
because there was great plenty of materials, and a great number of artificers
7. Now this lake of Gennesareth is so called from the country adjoining
to it. Its breadth is forty furlongs, and its length one hundred and forty;
its waters are sweet, and very agreeable for drinking, for they are finer
than the thick waters of other fens; the lake is also pure, and on every
side ends directly at the shores, and at the sand; it is also of a temperate
nature when you draw it up, and of a more gentle nature than river or fountain
water, and yet always cooler than one could expect in so diffuse a place
as this is. Now when this water is kept in the open air, it is as cold
as that snow which the country people are accustomed to make by night in
summer. There are several kinds of fish in it, different both to the taste
and the sight from those elsewhere. It is divided into two parts by the
river Jordan. Now Panium is thought to be the fountain of Jordan, but in
reality it is carried thither after an occult manner from the place called
Phiala: this place lies as you go up to Trachonitis, and is a hundred and
twenty furlongs from Cesarea, and is not far out of the road on the right
hand; and indeed it hath its name of Phiala [vial or bowl] very justly,
from the roundness of its circumference, as being round like a wheel; its
water continues always up to its edges, without either sinking or running
over. And as this origin of Jordan was formerly not known, it was discovered
so to be when Philip was tetrarch of Trachonitis; for he had chaff thrown
into Phiala, and it was found at Paninto, where the ancients thought the
fountain-head of the river was, whither it had been therefore carried [by
the waters]. As for Panium itself, its natural beauty had been improved
by the royal liberality of Agrippa, and adorned at his expenses. Now Jordan's
visible stream arises from this cavern, and divides the marshes and fens
of the lake Semechonitis; when it hath run another hundred and twenty furlongs,
it first passes by the city Julias, and then passes through the middle
of the lake Gennesareth; after which it runs a long way over a desert,
and then makes its exit into the lake Asphaltitis.
8. The country also that lies over against this lake hath the same name
of Gennesareth; its nature is wonderful as well as its beauty; its soil
is so fruitful that all sorts of trees can grow upon it, and the inhabitants
accordingly plant all sorts of trees there; for the temper of the air is
so well mixed, that it agrees very well with those several sorts, particularly
walnuts, which require the coldest air, flourish there in vast plenty;
there are palm trees also, which grow best in hot air; fig trees also and
olives grow near them, which yet require an air that is more temperate.
One may call this place the ambition of nature, where it forces those plants
that are naturally enemies to one another to agree together; it is a happy
contention of the seasons, as if every one of them laid claim to this country;
for it not only nourishes different sorts of autumnal fruit beyond men's
expectation, but preserves them a great while; it supplies men with the
principal fruits, with grapes and figs continually, during ten months of
the year (8)
and the rest of the fruits as they become ripe together through the whole
year; for besides the good temperature of the air, it is also watered from
a most fertile fountain. The people of the country call it Capharnaum.
Some have thought it to be a vein of the Nile, because it produces the
Coracin fish as well as that lake does which is near to Alexandria. The
length of this country extends itself along the banks of this lake that
bears the same name for thirty furlongs, and is in breadth twenty, And
this is the nature of that place.
9. But now, when the vessels were gotten ready, Vespasian put upon ship-board
as many of his forces as he thought sufficient to be too hard for those
that were upon the lake, and set sail after them. Now these which were
driven into the lake could neither fly to the land, where all was in their
enemies' hand, and in war against them; nor could they fight upon the level
by sea, for their ships were small and fitted only for piracy; they were
too weak to fight with Vespasian's vessels, and the mariners that were
in them were so few, that they were afraid to come near the Romans, who
attacked them in great numbers. However, as they sailed round about the
vessels, and sometimes as they came near them, they threw stones at the
Romans when they were a good way off, or came closer and fought them; yet
did they receive the greatest harm themselves in both cases. As for the
stones they threw at the Romans, they only made a sound one after another,
for they threw them against such as were in their armor, while the Roman
darts could reach the Jews themselves; and when they ventured to come near
the Romans, they became sufferers themselves before they could do any harm
to the ether, and were drowned, they and their ships together. As for those
that endeavored to come to an actual fight, the Romans ran many of them
through with their long poles. Sometimes the Romans leaped into their ships,
with swords in their hands, and slew them; but when some of them met the
vessels, the Romans caught them by the middle, and destroyed at once their
ships and themselves who were taken in them. And for such as were drowning
in the sea, if they lifted their heads up above the water, they were either
killed by darts, or caught by the vessels; but if, in the desperate case
they were in, they attempted to swim to their enemies, the Romans cut off
either their heads or their hands; and indeed they were destroyed after
various manners every where, till the rest being put to flight, were forced
to get upon the land, while the vessels encompassed them about [on the
sea]: but as many of these were repulsed when they were getting ashore,
they were killed by the darts upon the lake; and the Romans leaped out
of their vessels, and destroyed a great many more upon the land: one might
then see the lake all bloody, and full of dead bodies, for not one of them
escaped. And a terrible stink, and a very sad sight there was on the following
days over that country; for as for the shores, they were full of shipwrecks,
and of dead bodies all swelled; and as the dead bodies were inflamed by
the sun, and putrefied, they corrupted the air, insomuch that the misery
was not only the object of commiseration to the Jews, but to those that
hated them, and had been the authors of that misery. This was the upshot
of the sea-fight. The number of the slain, including those that were killed
in the city before, was six thousand and five hundred.
10. After this fight was over, Vespasian sat upon his tribunal at Taricheae,
in order to distinguish the foreigners from the old inhabitants; for those
foreigners appear to have begun the war. So he deliberated with the other
commanders, whether he ought to save those old inhabitants or not. And
when those commanders alleged that the dismission of them would be to his
own disadvantage, because, when they were once set at liberty, they would
not be at rest, since they would be people destitute of proper habitations,
and would he able to compel such as they fled to fight against us, Vespasian
acknowledged that they did not deserve to be saved, and that if they had
leave given them to fly away, they would make use of it against those that
gave them that leave. But still he considered with himself after what manner
they should be slain (9)
for if he had them slain there, he suspected the people of the country
would thereby become his enemies; for that to be sure they would never
bear it, that so many that had been supplicants to him should be killed;
and to offer violence to them, after he had given them assurances of their
lives, he could not himself bear to do it. However, his friends were too
hard for him, and pretended that nothing against Jews could be any impiety,
and that he ought to prefer what was profitable before what was fit to
be done, where both could not be made consistent. So he gave them an ambiguous
liberty to do as they advised, and permitted the prisoners to go along
no other road than that which led to Tiberias only. So they readily believed
what they desired to be true, and went along securely, with their effects,
the way which was allowed them, while the Romans seized upon all the road
that led to Tiberias, that none of them might go out of it, and shut them
up in the city. Then came Vespasian, and ordered them all to stand in the
stadium, and commanded them to kill the old men, together with the others
that were useless, which were in number a thousand and two hundred. Out
of the young men he chose six thousand of the strongest, and sent them
to Nero, to dig through the Isthmus, and sold the remainder for slaves,
being thirty thousand and four hundred, besides such as he made a present
of to Agrippa; for as to those that belonged to his kingdom, he gave him
leave to do what he pleased with them; however, the king sold these also
for slaves; but for the rest of the multitude, who were Trachonites, and
Gaulanites, and of Hippos, and some of Gadara, the greatest part of them
were seditious persons and fugitives, who were of such shameful characters,
that they preferred war before peace. These prisoners were taken on the
eighth day of the month Gorpiaeus [Elul].
(1) Take
the confirmation of this in the words of Suetonius, here produced by Dr.
Hudson: "In the reign of Claudius," says he, "Vespasian,
for the sake of Narcissus, was sent as a lieutenant of a legion into Germany.
Thence he removed into Britain " battles with the enemy." In
Vesp. sect. 4. We may also here note from Josephus, that Claudius the emperor,
who triumphed for the conquest of Britain, was enabled so to do by Vespasian's
conduct and bravery, and that he is here styled "the father of Vespasian."
(2) Spanheim
and Reland both agree, that the two cities here esteemed greater than Antioch,
the metropolis of Syria, were Rome and Alexandria; nor is there any occasion
for doubt in so plain a case.
(3) This
description of the exact symmetry and regularity of the Roman army, and
of the Roman encampments, with the sounding their trumpets, etc. and order
of war, described in this and the next chapter, is so very like to the
symmetry and regularity of the people of Israel in the wilderness, (see
Description of the Temples, ch. 9.,) that one cannot well avoid the supposal,
that the one was the ultimate pattern of the other, and that the tactics
of the ancients were taken from the rules given by God to Moses. And it
is thought by some skillful in these matters, that these accounts of Josephus,
as to the Roman camp and armor, and conduct in war, are preferable to those
in the Roman authors themselves.
(4) I
cannot but here observe an Eastern way of speaking, frequent among them,
but not usual among us, where the word "only" or "alone"
is not set down, but perhaps some way supplied in the pronunciation. Thus
Josephus here says, that those of Jotapata slew seven of the Romans as
they were marching off, because the Romans' retreat was regular, their
bodies were covered over with their armor, and the Jews fought at some
distance; his meaning is clear, that these were the reasons why they slew
only, or no more than seven. I have met with many the like examples in
the Scriptures, in Josephus, etc.; but did not note down the particular
places. This observation ought to be borne in mind upon many occasions.
(5) I
do not know where to find the law of Moses here mentioned by Josephus,
and afterwards by Eleazar, 13. VII. ch. 8. sect. 7, and almost implied
in B. I. ch. 13. sect. 10, by Josephus's commendation of Phasaelus for
doing so; I mean, whereby Jewish generals and people were obliged to kill
themselves, rather than go into slavery under heathens. I doubt this would
have been no better than "self-murder;" and I believe it was
rather some vain doctrine, or interpretation, of the rigid Pharisees, or
Essens, or Herodiaus, than a just consequence from any law of God delivered
by Moses.
(6) These
public mourners, hired upon the supposed death of Josephus, and the real
death of many more, illustrate some passages in the Bible, which suppose
the same custom, as Matthew 11:17, where the reader may consult the notes
of Grotius.
(7) Of
this Cesarea Philippi (twice mentioned in our New Testament, Matthew 16:13;
Mark 8;27) there are coins still extant, Spanheim here informs us.
(8) It
may be worth our while to observe here, that near this lake of Gennesareth
grapes and figs hang on the trees ten months of the year. We may observe
also, that in Cyril of Jerusalem, Cateehes. 18. sect. 3, which was delivered
not long before Easter, there were no fresh leaves of fig trees, nor bunches
of fresh grapes in Judea; so that when St. Mark says, ch. 11. ver. 13,
that our Savior, soon after the same time of the year, came and "found
leaves" on a fig tree near Jerusalem, but "no figs, because the
time of" new "figs" ripening "was not yet," he
says very true; nor were they therefore other than old leaves which our
Savior saw, and old figs which he expected, and which even with us commonly
hang on the trees all winter long.
(9) This
is the most cruel and barbarous action that Vespasian ever did in this
whole war, as he did it with great reluctance also. It was done both after
public assurance given of sparing the prisoners' lives, and when all knew
and confessed that these prisoners were no way guilty of any sedition against
the Romans. Nor indeed did Titus now give his consent, so far as appears,
nor ever act of himself so barbarously; nay, soon after this, Titus grew
quite weary of shedding blood, and of punishing the innocent with the guilty,
and gave the people of Gischala leave to keep the Jewish sabbath, B. IV.
ch. 2. sect. 3, 5, in the midst of their siege. Nor was Vespasian disposed
to do what he did, till his officers persuaded him, and that from two principal
topics, viz. that nothing could be unjust that was done against Jews; and
that when both cannot be consistent, advantage must prevail over justice.
Admirable court doctrines these!
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