Charity The Distinguishing
Characteristic Of Masons
BOOK I - The Excellency of Masonry Displayed
illustrations of masonry
william preston
Charity is the chief of every social virtue, and the
distinguishing characteristic of the Order. This virtue includes a supreme
degree of live to the great Creator and Governor of the universe, and an
unlimited affection to the beings of his creation, of all characters and of every
denomination. This last duty is forcibly inculcated by the example of the Deity
himself, who liberally dispenses his beneficence to unnumbered worlds.
It is is not particularly our province to enter into disquisition
of every branch of the amiable virtue; we shall only briefly state the happy
effects of a benevolent disposition toward mankind, and show that charity,
exerted on proper objects, is the greatest pleasure man can possibly enjoy.
The bounds of the greatest nation, or the most extensive empire,
cannot circumscribe the generosity of a liberal mind. Men, in whatever situation
they are placed, are still, in a great measure, the same. They are exposed to
similar dangers and misfortunes. They have not wisdom to foresee, or power to
prevent, the evils incident to human nature. They hang as it were, in perpetual
suspense between hope and fear, sickness and health, plenty and want. A mutual
chain of dependence subsists throughout the animal creation. The whole human
species are therefore proper objects for the exercise of charity.
Beings who partake of one common nature, ought to be actuated by
the same motives and interests. Hence, to soothe the unhappy, by sympathizing
with their misfortunes, and to restore peace and tranquility to agitated
spirits, constitute the general and great ends of the Masonic institution. This
humane, this generous disposition fires the breath with manly feelings, and
enlivens that spirit of compassion, which is the glory of the human frame, and
not only rivals, but outshines, every other pleasure the mind is capable of
All human passions, when directed by the superior principle of
reason, promote some useful purpose; but compassion towards proper objects is
the most beneficial of all the affections, as it extends to greater numbers, and
tends to alleviate the infirmities and evils which are incident to human
Possessed of this amiable, this godlike disposition, Masons are
shocked at misery under every form and appearance. When we behold an object
pining under the miseries of s distressed body or mind, the healing accents
which flow from the tongue, mitigate the pain of the unhappy sufferer, and make
even adversity, in its dismal state, look gay. When our pity is excited, we
assuage grief, and cheerfully relieve distress. If a brother be in want, every
heart is moved; when he is hungry, we feed him; when he is naked, we clothe him;
when he is in trouble, we fly to his relief. Thus we confirm the propriety of
the title we bear, and convince the world at large, that BROTHER among Masons is
something more than a name.
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