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Prerequisites For A CandidateCHAPTER VIIFREEMASON'S MONITORThomas Smith WebbBy a late regulation adopted by most of the Grand Lodges in America, no candidate for the mysteries of Masonry can be initiated without having been proposed at a previous regular meeting of the Lodge, in order that no one may be introduced without due inquiry relative to his character and qualifications. All applications for initiation should be made by petition in writing, signed by the applicant, giving an account of his age, quality, occupation, and place of residence, and that he is desirous of being admitted a member of the Fraternity; which petition should be kept on file by the Secretary. FORM OF A PETITION,To be Presented by a Candidate for Initiation.
After this petition is read, the candidate must be proposed in form by a member of the Lodge, and the proposition seconded by another member; a committee is then appointed to make inquiry relative to his character and qualifications. DECLARATIONTo be assented to by a Candidate, in an adjoining apartment, previous to Initiation.
*) The Stewards of the Lodge are usually present. After the above declarations are made and reported to the Master, he makes it known to the Lodge, in manner following, viz.:
If there are then no objections made, the candidate is introduced in due form. |
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