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This petition must be signed by at least eight regular Master Masons, one of whom must be of the degree of Past Master, and recommended by the Lodge nearest the place where the new Lodge is to be held. It must be delivered to the Grand Secretary, whose duty it is to lay it before the Grand Lodge. In the recess of the Grand Lodge, application should be made in the same form to the Grand Master. After a charter is granted by the Grand Lodge, the Grand Master appoints a day and hour for constituting and consecrating the new Lodge, and for installing the Master, Wardens, and other officers. The Grand Master has power to appoint some worthy Past Master, with full power to consecrate, constitute, and install the petitioners. FORM OF A PROXY FROM THE GRAND MASTER TO A PRESENT OR PAST MASTER TO CONSTITUTE AND CONSECRATE A NEW LODGE, AND TO INSTALL THE OFFICERS.OFFICE OF THE GRAND MASTER OF THE GRAND LODGE OF F. AND A. MASONS OF THE STATE OF --, 18 --. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN - GREETING: I, Grand Master of the M. W. Grand Lodge of ---, do by these presents
constitute and appoint him my Proxy, for me and in my name, to constitute
and consecrate Lodge ---, No. --, and to install the officers thereof in
due and ancient form, he making due return to me of his doings in the
premises. Given under my hand and private seal, at the day and year first
above written. PETITION FOR A DISPENSATION TO CONFER DEGREES ON, OR BALLOT FOR, A CANDIDATE, IN LESS THAN THE REGULAR TIME.HALL OF -- LODGE, NO --. -- 18 --, To the M. W. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of ---: By a vote of this Lodge, I am instructed to ask you for a dispensation to pass the ballot (or confer the degrees, as the case may be) for M. A. B., who has petitioned this Lodge for initiation, (or is anxious to receive the degrees of F. C. and M. M., as the case may be,) at a special meeting, to be called for that purpose. M. A. B. is -- years of age; his residence is --; his occupation is --.
The case is one of emergency, for the reasons following: [Here state at
length the reasons why a dispensation should be granted in the
case.] PETITION TO BE PRESENTED BY A CANDIDATE FOR INITIATION.To the Worshipful Master Wardens and Brethren of -- Lodge, No. --, of F. and A. Masons: The petition of the subscriber respectfully showeth that, having long entertained a favorable opinion of your ancient institution, he is desirous of being admitted a member thereof, if found worthy. His place of residence is --; his age, -- years; his occupation,
--. PETITION FOR AFFILIATION.To the Worshipful Master Wardens and Brethren of -- Lodge, No. -- : The petition of the subscriber respectfully showeth that he is a Master Mason, and has been regularly dimitted from --- Lodge No. --, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of ---, and is desirous of becoming a member of your Lodge. His residence is ---; his occupation is ---. Should his petition be
granted, he promises obedience to the by-laws and regulations of your
Lodge. PETITION FOR DIMIT.DATE, -- 186-. To the Worshipful Mlasters, Wardens, and Brethren of Lodge, No. -- : The undersigned, a Master Mason, and member in good standing in your Lodge, respectfully asks to withdraw from membership, and that a dimit be issued to him certifying such fact. The reasons which induce this request are: [Here set forth the
reasons, for instance, about to remove to the jurisdiction of another
Lodge, to join in a petition for new Lodge, etc., etc., as the case may
be.] FORM OR A DIMIT.HALL of -- Lodge No.--, held at -- by authority of the Grand Lodge of ---. I hereby certify that at a --- meeting of --- Lodge No. ---, held on the -- day of --, A. L. 586 -, Bro. --, by consent of said Lodge, withdrew his membership from the same; he being at the time a worthy Master Mason, [here state Masonic oficial rank, P. M., P. S. W., etc., as the case may be,] in good standing, and having paid all dues assessed against him. By order of said Lodge. PETITION FOR A DIPLOMAMay be made verbally by the applicant in person, or through any brother. FORM OF DIPLOMA, OR GRAND LODGE CERTIFICATE.GRAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF THE STATE OF ---. I hereby certify, that -- Lodge, No. --, is regularly constituted and held under the authority and jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, and that -- is Worshipful Master, --- is Senior Warden, and is Junior Warden of said Lodge. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal
of the Grand Lodge, at ---, this --- day of -- A. L. 586, A. D.
186-. We, the Master and Wardens of --- Lodge, No. ---, held under the authority and jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of F. and A. Masons of the State of ---, do hereby certify that our worthy and well-beloved brother --- (who has written his name below,) is a Master Mason, in good standing in our Lodge, and he is hereby recommended to the favor and protection of the Craft throughout the globe. Given under our hands and the seal of our Lodge, at --, this -- day of
--, A. L. 586-, A. D. 186-. PUBLIC GRAND HONORS.The Public Grand Honors are given on all public occasions in the presence of the profane as well as the initiated. They are used at the laying of cornerstones of public buildings, or in other services in which the ministrations of the Fraternity are required, and especially in funerals. They are given in the following manner: Both arms are crossed on the breast, the left uppermost, and the open palms of the hands sharply striking the shoulders; they are then raised above the head, the palms striking each other, and then made to fall smartly upon the thighs. This is repeated three times, and as there are three blows given each time, namely, on the breast, on the palms of the hands, and on the thighs, making nine concussions in all, the Grand Honors are technically said to be given "by three times three." On the occasion of funerals, each one of these honors is accompanied by the words "the will of God is accomplished: so mote it be," audibly pronounced by the brethren. --- Mackey's Lexicon. |
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