Taken from Parallels with History
by Alphones Cerza
Table of Contents
MAN APPEARS - From early days to 715 B. C.
ANCIENT TIMES - From 715 B.C. to 500 AD.
THE CHRISTIAN ERA - From 1 A. D. to 500 A. D.
MIDDLE AGES - From 500 A. D. to 1390 A. D.
PERIOD OF TRANSITION - From 1390 to 1717
THE FORMATIVE YEARS - From 1717 to 1751
THE YEARS OF RIVALRY - From 1751 to 1813
THE YEARS OF PROGRESS - From 1814 to 1840
PRELUDE TO MODERN TIMES - From 1840 to 1914
From early days to 716 BC
As soon as two men associated to grater there was a need for mutual
assistance. Shortly thereafter some form of elementary fraternity appeared.
In many primitive societies was a Men's House. Here the leaders of the tribe
met and admitted members with secret ceremonies. As the new members became
proficient they were advanced from degree to degree. Some have sought to link
these associations with Freemasonry of today, but there are too many missing
links. All that is certain is that these Men's Houses had certain elements that
resemble Freemasonry and may have been one of the ancestors of the Masonic
2781 BC - For scholars of "ancient" Masonry The Egyptian calendar
is presumed to have started. Egyptian scientists determined each year to be of
365 days in length, divided into 12 months of 30 days each, and an extra five
days added at the end. The Egyptian calendar was the basis for the Gregorian
calendar, the one in use today in the Western world, July 19. (Source: American
Mason Files)
1000 BC - Hiran Abif born about this time. Date unknown.
967 BC - Solomon's Temple begun.
960 BC - Solomon's Temple finished.
In the Ancient World were organizations that have been given the name of
"Ancient Mysteries" consisting chiefly of the Mystery of Mithras, The
Eleusinian Mysteries (in Greece) and The Druids (in England). These associations
had secret ceremonies which zealous Masons have sought to link with Freemasonry,
but none have succeeded in supplying the evidence; too many assumptions must be
made to support such a thesis.
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From 715 BC to 1 BC
715 BC - Numa Pompilius organized Roman workers into various Collegia; he
attached one to each legion of the army so that the Roman arms and arts went
hand in hand into the outlying parts of the empire. The stone workers or masons
were the most numerous and became very powerful. There were some similarities
between these groups and a modern lodge. Each Collegia was required to have at
least three members; the head was called the Magister or Master; they used their
tools as symbols; and they looked after the widows and orphans of the members.
587 BC - King Solomon's Temple destroyed.
582 BC - Pythagoras, character in Master Mason degree born.
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From 1 AD to 499 AD
1 AD - As the time to Christ there existed in Palestine three religious
sects: The Essenes, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees. The Essenes were the
strictest group with a high moral code, a secret ceremony. It is sometimes urged
that Jesus Christ was a member because he was not on the scene from childhood
until manhood. He spoke against the other two sects but never against the
Essenes, he was celibate (as they were), and he lived a pure and spotless life
(as they urged).
290 AD - On November 8, the Emperor Diocletian executed Claudius Castorius,
Sempronianus, and Nicostratus, Sempronianus, for refusing to carve a statue to
the god Aesculapius. Their names were forgotten for a time. Several years later,
Severus, Severianus, Carpophorus, and Victorinus, (Christians), were executed
for refusing to pay homage to the same pagan god. They were later honored as the
Four Crowned Martyrs. When the names of the other five were discovered they were
added to the list. So that now the nine Martyrs are honored under the term
"Four Crowned Martyrs."
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From 500 AD to 1389 AD
500. The theory has been advanced by Leader Scott (Mrs. Lucy Baxter) that
upon the fall of Rome certain skilled workmen retired to the Isle of Como and
preserved the Stone Masons' art; that they later emerged and came to the
continent to erect the many cathedrals built in the middle ages. The theory was
urged with great skill and energy for many years by Ravsenscroft. It was
accepted by many as the missing link between the associations of the ancient
world and the modern world. It is a highly debatable subject.
926. In a number of ancient manuscripts ins the legend that in this year
Prince Edwin, son of King Athelstan, presided over a meeting of Masons at York.
1080. There existed in Germany about this time a group of stone masons known
as the Steinmetzen. They were well organized operative workmen with rules,
ceremonies, and titles that have caused some to clam that they are the ancestors
of the Craft.
1136. Melrose Abbey Church being built. Traveling Masons placed their marks
on some of the stones.
1147. Companies of Norman Masons emigrated to Chartres to help build the
Cathedral there.
1187. Jerusalem falls to the Saracens. A formal separation came between the
Order of Sion and the Knights Templar. This separation was marked by a ceremony
at Gisors, France, referred to as the "cutting of the elm." Henceforth
the Knights Templar operated autonomously.
1189. Following the death of his father Henry II, Richard Plantagenet (the
Lionheart) was crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey in London on
September 3. While King of England he spent the vast majority of his ten-year
reign abroad, devoting himself to the Crusades. Richard's constant companions
were knights from the Order of Knights Templar who participated in his Crusade
to recover Jerusalem. The Knights Templar were formally under the control of the
Order of Sion created a half century earlier by Godfroi de Bouillon. (Source:
Holy Blood Holy Grail (Dell) )
1271. The Compagnonnage of France was in existence in France for several
hundred years; many enthusiastic Masons have tired to see in it elements of the
1278. Earliest knows use of the word "lodge" in the records of Vale
Royal Abbey.
1306. In June, Pope Clement V wrote to Jacques De Molay that he wished to
confer with him.
1307. Jacques De Molay arrived in Paris, October 13, every Templar found in
France was arrested and put in chains on King Philip's orders. They were
tortured until they confessed heresy. The Knights who managed to escape were men
without a country or religion, and forced to develop secret recognition signals
and grips which were to become the traditional underpinnings of Freemasonry.
1314. Jacques De Molay was burned at the stake on March 18. He had been
imprisoned in 1307 as a result of the treachery of the King of France and Pole
Clement V.
June 24, in what became known as the "Battle of Bannockburn,"
Scottish troops, assisted by Knights Templar fugitives from France, under the
command of Robert the Bruce, defeated English troops under the command of Edward
II. This battle, in which the Scots were outnumbered four to one, was decisive
in securing Scotland's independence from England 13 years later.
1327. Scotland's gains independence from England.
1350. Statute of Laborers passed. It confirmed and made harsher the ordinance
of the preceding year. It regulated the wages of workmen. The law was justified
on the ground that wages wee getting out of hand because of the lack of skilled
workers and the large amount of work that was necessary to be done in England.
In this law the word "mason" and the word "freestone"
1360. Thirteen sheriffs were ordered by the Crown to send 568 Masons to
1370. York Minster masons' Ordinance passed. It was written in English and
used the word "Mason," or "Masoun."
1375. The Mason's Company of London was represented at the Court of Common
Council. It had no doubt been in existence for many years in order to be
entitled to this representation.
1376. The Freemason and Mason Company of London was in existence. It was
probably a craft guild.
First known use of the word "Freemason" in the City of London
Letter Book H of August 9. The word was then stricken off and replaced with the
word "Masons."
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From 1390 to 1716
1390. The Regius Poem, sometimes called the Halliwell Manuscript, was written
or copied from an older, unknown manuscript. This is the oldest extant copy of
any ancient manuscript of Masonry.
1400. Inventory of the masons' lodge at York Minster contained two tracing
1425. The Cooke Manuscript was written. This is the second oldest of the
extant ancient manuscripts of Masonry.
1429. "Masons of the Lodge" mentioned at Canterbury Cathedral.
1460. Reference made to a tracing house at Westminster Abbey.
1463. The Worshipful Company of Masons of the City of London erected its
first hall.
1479. The term "Master Mason" appeared after the name of William
Orchard at Magdalen College.
1487. The word "Freemason" appeared for the first time in the
Statutes of England.
1491. Municipal law passed at St. Giles, Edinburgh, establishing the
condition of employment of Master Masons and co-workers.
1531. Reference made to a tracing house at Westminster Palace.
1581. The Mason's Company ws incorporated at Newcastle and given certain
powers and duties.
1583. St. Mary's Lodge of Dundee is mentioned in an Indenture bearing this
1598-1599. William Schaw, who had become Master of the Works in Scotland in
1584, promulgated two sets of rules. The first regulated the Masons of Scotland;
the second gave the Lodge of Kilwinning supervisory powers over the lodges of
West Scotland. It used the term "fellow of the craft."
1599. The oldest known written records of a Masonic Lodge; January 9,
Aitchison's Havenhas Lodge in Musselburgh, Scotland. It ceased to exist in 1856.
Oldest known existing lodge, Edinburgh Lodge No. 1, Edinburgh, Scotland, July
1600. First record of the admission of a non-operative mason in a Lodge of
John Boswell, laird of Auchinlech, become a member of the lodge of Edinburgh.
The word "Freemason" appeared in the York Roll.
1617. Birth of Elias Ashmore at Litchfield, England. A famous antiquarian, he
is remembered by the Craft because entries in his diary regarding his initiation
prove that there were speculative lodges long before 1717.
1619-1620. Account Book of the London Mason's Company used the term
"Accepted" as a description of some members.
1621. Records of the Worshipful Company of Freemasons of London indicate that
there were "accepted" and "operative" members.
1633. John Stow's Survey of London was published mentioning the "Company
of Masons being otherwise termed Free Masons."
1634. The following members of the nobility were made Masons at the Lodge of
Edinburgh: Lord Alexander, Sir Anthony Alexander, and Sir Alenander Strachan.
1641. Sir Robert Moray initiated by a group of Masons in a Scotch regiment at
Newcastle-on-Tyne, May 20. This is the earliest recorded initiation.
1642. Minutes of Mother Kilwinning Lodge go back to this year.
1646. Elias Ashmole wrote in his diary that he made a "Free Mason,"
October 16.
1650. The Harleian Manuscript was written about this time.
1655. The Company of Freemasons of the City of London change its name to
"The Company of Masons."
1656. John Aubrey began A Natural History of Wiltshire, in which he stated
that the Fraternity of Free Masons "are known to one another by certain
signes and Watch words," and other significant words.
1659. First known use of the word "club" as a group meeting.
1668. Hall of the Worshipful Company of Masons of London rebuilt. It is
believed that a speculative lodge met in the building.
1670. The records of the Lodge of Aberdeen began. They showed that some
members were operative and others were speculative.
1677. Stanley Manuscript written about this time.
1680. Dr. James Anderson was born at Aberdeen, Scotland.
1681. Jonathan Belcher, the first native born American to be made a Mason,
was born in Boston.
1682. Elias Ashmole wrote in his diary that he had attended a lodge meeting
at Masons' Hall, London.
John Skene, first known Mason to become a permanent resident in United
States, was a member of Aberdeen Lodge No. 1 (No. 27 on their roll), Scotland.
He became a member prior to 1670.
June 23, Chief Tamanend of the Lenni-Lenape tribe and William Penn signed a
friendship treaty at Shackamaxon, near what is now the Kensington district of
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The French philosopher and Mason, Brother Francoise
Marie Arouet de Voltaire, an admirer of Penn, hailed this as "the only
treaty between Indians and Christians that was never broken." (Brother
Voltaire became a Mason April 7, 1778, in the Lodge Les Neuf Soeurs less than
two moths before his death on May 30, 1778. His last words: "I die adoring
God, loving my friends, not hating my enemies, and detesting
superstition.") (The Learning Kingdom)
1686. Dr. Robert Plot published his "National History of Staffordshire"
in which he ridiculed the society of Freemasons. This is proof that a symbolical
lodge was in existence at that time.
John Aubrey, an antiquary, wrote his "National History of
Wiltshire" (published in 1847) and spoke of "Fraternity of
Free-Masons" and also described them as "adopted masons" and
"accepted masons."
1688. A lodge of accepted Masons met at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Randle Holm III, a Chester genealogists and antiquary, described an
association with members of the "Society called Free-Masons."
The Society of Freemasons is mentioned in a satirical speech at the
commencement exercises of the University of Dublin in July.
1690. The defeat of James 11, at the battle of the Boyne, 12th July lead to
the growth of French Masonry.
Records of the Lodge of Melrose(between this year and 1695) used the term
1696. The Edinburgh Register House Manuscript suggests that Masons had words,
a grip, signs and "five points."
James E. Oglethorpe born in London, England.
1697. Mention on a letter from Scotland of the "mason's word," used
for purpose of recognition.
Henry Price born in London.
1698. An Anti-Masonic leaflet was published warning people against the
"Free Masons."
Hogarth born.
1701. Jeremy Gridley, "Father of the Boston Bar," born. He was
Grand Master of Massachusetts, 1755-1767.
1702. The Hughfoot Lodge Minute Book starts with December 2.
1704. Jonathan Belcher, a native born American, became a Mason in London.
1709-1710. Steele, in "The Tatler," famous paper of the day, in
discussing certain people said: "They ‘Free-Masons' and the have some
secret Intimations of each other like the Free Masons."
1710. Hon. Elizabeth St. Leger, the most famous "Lady Mason'" was
supposed to have been an eavesdropper at a Masonic initiation and was given two
degrees. She later married Richard Aldsworth and is sometimes known under this
David Wooster, famous patriot, born in Connecticut. He became forst Master of
Hiram Lodge No. 1, Cinnecticut.
1716. Meeting held at the Apple Tree Tavern in Charles Street, Covent
Gardens, to discuss a revival of the Quarterly Communications and the Annual
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From 1717 to 1750
1717. The first Grand Lodge was formed on June 24, in London, by four lodges
of the city. It was not the Grand Lodge of England at that time but of
"London and Westminster."
1719. Reverend John T. Desaguliers elected Grand Master of the Mother Grand
Lodge of England.
1720. Charles Montesquieu made a Mason while on a visit to London.
1721. The Grand Lodge of England, on June 24, adopted the regulation
requiring all regular lodges to secure a charter.
Masonry introduced in to Turkey.
John, Duke of Montagu, became The Grand Master attendant publicity brought
the Craft much prestige.
Dr. Stukeley recorded in his diary that he was made a Mason.
1722. Reads Weekly Journal published the Enter' D ‘Prentice Song, December
The Old Constitution belonging to the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free
and Accepted Masons was published.
1723. The Flying Post, on April 11-13, printed "A Masons'
Examination," the earliest known printed catechism of the Craft.
Dr. James Anderson publishes first edition of "The Constitution of the
The Grand Mystery of Freemasons Discovered was published. It contained a
Masonic catechism.
The Gormogons, anti-Masons, made their appearance.
The Committee on Charity founded by the Grand Lodge of England.
1725. Grand Lodge of Ireland formed.
A lodge was known to exist in Paris.
1728. Edward Oakley, then Senior Grand Warden in south Wales, delivered an
oration on December 28, so good that is was printed in the Benjamin Cole edition
of the Book of Constitutions published 1731.
Masonic activity in India first began in Calcutta.
The Chevalier D'Eon was born in paris. He became a mason in 1768 and a better
controversy arose as to whether "he" was a man or woman. Upon his
death, it was determined that he was a man though in his later years he wore the
clothes of a woman.
1729. Gotthold E. Lessing born at Kamenz, Germany, Lessing became famous for
two books with Masonic meaning: Ernst and Falk and Nathan the Wise. He was a
1730. Prichard's Masonry Dissected was published. It was the first expose of
the ritual. Today in is of value in studying the development of the ritual.
Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ireland, John Pennell, published his
version of the Book of Constitutions.
Martin Clare published his Defense of Masonry, an answer to Prichard's book.
The Pennsylvania Gazette published by Benjamin Franklin, on December 3 and 8,
mentioned several lodges meeting in Philadelphia.
Lord Baltimore mad a Mason in England.
The Grand Lodge of England, on June 5, issued a deputation to Daniel Coxe to
act as "Provincial Grand Master of the Provinces of New York, New Jersey
and Pennsylvania in America.
First Lodge constituted in India.
Baron von Steuben born.
1731. Libre B is evidence of Lodge in Philadelphia.
1732. A lodge in Paris was formed under the English constitution.
First traveling Military Lodge formed by Grand Lodge of Ireland.
George Washington born.
1733. Freemasonry appeared in Italy and persecution followed in Florence,
On April 13, Henry Price received a Deputation as "Provincial Grand
master of New England and Dominions and Territories thereunder belonging."
He returned to America the same year and for some years thereafter was active on
behalf of the Craft.
On July 30, Henry Price organized the Provincial Grand Lodge of
1734. Henry Price's authority extended in August to cover all North America.
First Masonic Temple in America erected in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
First lodge in Georgia formed in Savannah by James Oglethorpe. The charter
from England was received the following years.
Benjamin Franklin reprinted Anderson's Book of Constitutions. This was the
first Masonic book published in America.
On November 28, Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter as Grand master for the
Province of Pennsylvania.
1735. A lodge was formed in North Carolina.
Masonry established in Portugal under an English charter.
Grand Lodge of England issued a warrant to Solomon's Lodge at Charleston,
South Carolina.
Hammerton received deputation as Provincial Grand Master of South Carolina,
April 15.
Paul Revere born in Boston.
1736. On May 29, born at Studley, Verginia, was American Revolutionary leader
and orator Brother Patrick Henry. History remembers Brother Henry for his speech
on March 23, 1775, at St. John's Church in Richmond, Verginia calling for the
arming of the Virginia militia. That's when he said: "I know not what
course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."
Records are lost but he was believed to have been a member of Tappahannock Lodge
of Virginia.
The South Carolina Gazette of Charles reported a Masonic meeting on that
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Massachusetts established a lodge Portsmouth,
New Hampshire.
Grand Lodge of Scotland was formed.
1737. John Hancock born in Braintree, Massachusetts. His name was the first
affixed to the Declaration of Independence. He was a Mason.
Warrant issued by Lord Derwentwater for the formation of a lodge in Sweden.
First lodge met in Germany on September 6.
The New York Gazette of March 28 indicated that a lodge existed in New York
at the time.
1738. Dr. James Anderson published the Second edition of The Constitution of
the Freemasons.
Edward Oakley, on December 31, delivered a speech in which he commended the
giving of lectures in lodges on the subjects of architecture and geometry.
A new edition of masonry Dissected, by Prichard, was published.
Pope Clement XII issued his Papal Bull in Eminenti, April 28. This is the
first official edict of the Roman Catholic Church against the Craft.
1739. July 26, in Little Britain, New York, was born Brother George Clinton,
the Mason who was to become America's fourth Vice President. He was Governor of
New York from 1777 to 1786 and from 1801 to 1804. He became Vice President of
the United States from 1805 to 1812. He appears to have been a member of Warren
Lodge No. 17, New York City. (Source: Chase's; 10,000 Famous Freemasons)
Dr. James Anderson died.
Masons persecuted in Florence.
New York Gazette announced a lodge meeting in the city.
Committee met in London to discuss Freemasonry. It eventually developed into
the Ancient Grand Lodge.
1740. During the Seven Years War and the Napoleonic Wars (1740 to 1814),
approximately 200,000 members of the French Army were taken prisoner and held in
captivity in England. In the eight land prisons they established five Lodges; in
the 50 parole towns, 32 Lodges; and, impossible as it may be to conceive, in the
51 prison hulks, where anything like a normal life was virtually if not
completely impossible, there were six Lodges established.
Members of a lodge in Madrid were imprisoned.
1741. Masonry introduced in Austria.
William Preston born in Edinburgh, Scotland.
1742. June 17, in Boston, Massachuetts, was born Brother William Hooper, a
signer of the United States Declaration of Independence. He was a member of
Masonboro Lodge in Masonboro, Nother Carolina, which ceased to exist in 1787. He
died in October, 1790. (Chase's)
Joseph Brant, Mohawk Indian Chief, born in Ohio. He was a Mason.
1743. John Coustos questioned and tortured by the Inquisition in Portugal
because he was a Mason.
Masonry introduced in Denmark. A duly constituted lodge, however, was not
started until October 25, 1745, when a warrant was issued by the Grand Lodge of
Joseph Balsamo born. He later took the name Count Cagliostro and organized an
Egyptian rite of Freemasonry for men and women. He became the most notorious
"Masonic" charlatan. He was imprisoned on Rome for the
"crime" of being a freemason and died in prison.
1744. Fifield Dassigny published A serious and Impartial Inquiry into the
Caus of the Present Decay of Freemasonry in the Kingdom of Ireland. It contains
the oldest printed reference to Royal Arch Masonry.
1746. John Coustos published The Sufferings of John Coustos for Freemasonry.
It was a first hand report on the methods of the Inquisition.
John Paul Jones born.
1749. First lodge formed in Canada.
Thomas Oxnard, Provincial Grand Master, issued charter to St. John's Lodge.
Newport, Rhode Island. This was the first lodge in that State.
Franklin appointed Provincial Grand Master of Pennsylvania.
1750. Freemasonry introduced in Poland.
Thomas Oxnard, Provincial Grand Master, issued charter to the first lodge in
On January 17, Joseph Torrubia secured permission of the Pope to become a
mason. He was a Roman Catholic priest living in Spain and wanted to find out who
were the Masons. As a result of his joining the Craft he learned who belonged to
the order and he caused their arrest and punishment by the Inquisition.
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From 1751 to 1813
1751. In March, Torrubia gave the list of ninety-seven lodges to the Grand
On July 2, King Ferdinand VI suppressed the Order in Spain.
The Ancient Grand Lodge was formed on July 17. This was formerly called a
schism from the 1717 Grand Lodge. It was established by Sadler that it was
founded by Irish Masons in protest against the attitude of the 1717 Grand Lodge.
Pope Benedict XIV issued the Bull Providas against the Craft on May 18. Prior
to his becoming Pope, it was claimed by Paul Duchaine in 1911, That he was made
a Mason in His native Bologna.
1752. Laurence Dermott became Secretary of the Ancient Grand Lodge of
George Washington received his first degree on November 4 in "The Lodge
at Fredericksburgh," Virginia.
1753. George Washington, a 21 year-old Virginia planter, became a Master
Mason, August 4, in The Lodge at Fredericksburg," Fredericksburg, Virginia.
He was initiated November 4, 1752, and passed March 3, 1753. Masons in the 18th
century espoused liberal democratic principles that included religious
tolerance, loyalty to local government, and the importance of charity and
political compromise. Washington On Masonry by George Washington.
"Flattering as it may be to the human mind, and truly honorable as it is to
receive from our fellow citizens testimonies of approbation for exertions to
promote the public welfare, it is not less pleasing to know that the milder
virtues of the heart are highly respected by a Society whose liberal principles
must be founded in the immutable laws of truth and justice. To enlarge the
sphere of social happiness is worthy of the benevolent design of a Masonic
institution; and it is most fervently to be wished that the conduct of every
member of the Fraternity, as well as those publications that discover the
principles which actuate them, may tend to convince mankind that the great
object of Masonry is to promote the happiness of the human race." (George
Washington) (Source: Freemasonry - A Celebration of the Craft (JG Press))
Second charter issued on May 14 for a lodge in Rhode Island. The one issued
in 1749 had been unused.
George Harrison appointed Provincial Grand Master of New York on January 9.
He served for eighteen years and warranted some seventeen or eighteen lodges.
1754. First known use of the term "the Sublime Degree of a Master
Mason," in a certificate drawn by the Grand Lodge of Ireland.
James Otis made a Mason in St. John's Lodge of Massachusetts. Famous for the
words "Taxation without representation is tyranny."
Thomas Dunckerley became a Mason on January 10 in Lodge #31, Plymouth,
Amos Doolittle born in Cheshire, Connecticut. He made many engravings for the
True Masonic Chart of Jeremy Cross. These engravings were made into slides that
are still being used.
Publication of The Free mason Examin'd by Alexander Slade. Six editions were
published in five years. It was an expose and claimed that the Craft's ritual
was based on the Tower of Babel.
1755. On June 6, born at Coventry, Connecticut was the American patriot,
Brother Nathan Hale. During the battles for New York in the American Revolution
he volunteered to seek military intelligence behind enemy lines and was captured
on the night of September 21, 1776. Before British General William Howe, Brother
Hale admitted to being an American officer and was ordered hanged the following
morning. His dying words reportedly were: "I only regret I have but one
life to lose for my country." He was hanged September 22, 1776, at what is
now the intersection of Market Street and East Broadway, New York City. The
Martyred Brother Nathan Hale was thought to be a member of St. John's Regimental
Lodge of New York City. No real proof exists. (Chases; Livingston Masonic
Jeremy Gridley become Provincial Grand Master over the remaining parts of
North America. John Marshall born.
1756. Henry (Light Horse harry) Lee born. Famous Revolutionary War soldier
was the father of Robert E. Lee. He was a Mason.
Mozart, noted musician and composer of much Masonic music, especially
"The Magic Flute," was born January 25.
Laurence Dermott published Ahiman Rezon, the Constitution of the Ancients.
1757. Lafayette born in France.
1758. "Strict Union" between the Grand Lodge of Ireland and the
1759. A Lodge at Exeter made a reference to the Royal Arch Degree in a manner
to indicate that a lodge was conferring that degree.
Scottish poet and Brother Robert Burns born, January 25.
1761. A number of lodges in Pennsylvania, on July 15, organized a Grand Lodge
and soon thereafter received a charter from the Ancient Grand Lodge. It was
called the York Grand Lodge.
John Warren made a mason in the Loge of St. Andrew, Boston.
The Provincial Grand Master of New York issued a warrant to St. John's Lodge
of Newark, New Jersey, and it was constituted on May 13. It was the first lodge
on New Jersey.
The Grand Consistory of Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret, of Paris,
granted a Patent to Stephen Morin, on August 27, to carry the Rite of Perfection
to America.
1763. Masonic Congress held at Jena.
1765. Benedict Arnold was made a Mason on Connecticut.
1766. Jeremy Gridley, Provincial Grand master, warranted a lodge at Crown
Point, North Carolina. It was called First Lodge.
1767. First lodge established in China by the Grand Lodge of England.
On December 30, Henry Price sent a deputation to Thomas Cooper of North
Carolina in which he declared himself as "Grand Master of the Ancient and
Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Masons of all such places in North
America where no other Grand Master is appointed."
Andrew Jackson born, First Grand Master to be President of the United States.
1769. John Wilkes made a Mason in England by Jerusalem Lodge (Now No. 197).
He was in prison at the time.
Earliest known record of the conferring of the Masonic Order of Knights
Templar, on August 28, in St. Andrew's Royal Arch Chapter, Boston,
Charter on incorporation proposed by the Modern Grand Lodge.
Welling Callcott published Candid Disquisition of the Principles and
Practices of Free and Accepted Masons. This was the first book to explain the
symbols of the Craft.
The Grand Lodge of Scotland appointed Joseph Warren as Provincial Grand
Master. He set up St. Andrew's Grand Lodge with three member lodges; one had an
Irish chapter.
First Lodge, Portland No.1, established in Maine on May 8.
1770. June 11, English explorer and circmnavigator Captain and Brother James
Cook ran aground Australia's Great Barrier Reef. The site where his ship "Endeavour"
was repaired was later named Cooktown. Brother Cook and his crew had sighted the
eastern coast of Australia less than two months earlier. Although no roof of his
membership is available, he is constantly referred to as a member of the Craft.
(The learning Kindom; Livinston Masonic Library)
John Paul Jones, famous naval commander, made a Mason in St. Bernard's Lodge,
1771. Thomas Smith Webb born, October 13, Boston, Massachusetts. He became an
outstanding ritualist.
The Grand Master of England, on January 14, appointed Col. Joseph Montfort of
Halifax, North Carolina, "Provincial Grand master of and for America."
(Surprising because Henry Price was still active.)
1772. First lodge formed in South Africa.
William Preston published "Illustration of Free Masonry" which went
through seventeen editions by 1861.
1773. The minutes of St Andrew's Lodge of Boston, for December, disclose that
there were few members present and it was necessary to adjourn. There is also
evidence that men dressed as Indians left the building where the lodge was
meeting the night of the "Tea Party," but it was a Masonic party as
sometimes claimed.
"Strict Union" between the Grand Lodge of Scotland and the Moderns.
Grand Lodge formed in France called the Grand Lodge National.
1774. June 21, was born in Fox Meadows (now Scarsdale), New York, Bro. Daniel
D. Tompkins, Sixth Vice President of the United States, 1817-25. He was elected
United States Congressman, but resigned before taking seat in order to become
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of New York in 1804. He served on the
bench until 1807, when he resigned to become Governor of New York from 1807-17,
a term of ten years. Before resigning the Governorship and entering the office
of Vice President, he sent a message to the legislature on January 28, 1817,
recommending that a day be fixed for the abolition of slavery within the bounds
of the state. The assembly acted, setting the date as July 4, 1827.
Unity Lodge organized on Savannah, Georgia.
1775. General Joseph Warren killed at the Battle of Bunker Hill, on June 17.
Edward Gibbon, author of the "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, made
a Mason in Friendship Lodge No. 6, London, England.
"Spirit of Masonry" by William Hutchinson was published. The first
book on Masonic Philosophy expressing the view that the Craft os a Christian
Ferdinand IV, King of the Two Sicilies, issued an edict against Freemasonry.
1776. James Monroe introduced in Luxembourg.
Masonic Hall dedicated on Great Queen Street, London, England.
Adam Weishaupt organized Illuminati in Bavaria May 1.
June 7, 1776, Brother Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposed to the
Continental Congress a resolution calling for a Declaration of Independence. His
resolution read ( in part ): These United colonies are, and of right ought to
be, free and independent states; that they are absolved from all allegiance to
the British crown, and that all political connection between them and the State
of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved." This was adopted
by the Continental Congress on July 2, 1776. Brother Lee was a member of Hiram
Lodge No. 59, Westmoreland County , Verginia (Chronicle of America; Livingston
Masonic library)
June 11, 1776, the Continental Congress formed a committee to draft a
Declaration of Independence from Britain. Named to the committee were Virginian
Thomas Jefferson, John Adams of Massachusetts; Brother Benjamin Franklin,
Pennsylvania Brother Robert Livingston of New York, and Brother Roger Sherman of
Massachusetts. Jefferson is credited with the writing. (Newsday; This Day in
History; Chronicle of America)
1777. June 13, the French soldier Brother Marquis de Lafayette (whose given
name was Gilbert du Mothier) landed in the United States to aid the former
colonies against Great Britain. His military career spanned five decades, during
which he was a French Musketeer, a commander of American troops, and an
anti-Bourbon revolutionary leader. He was commissioned a Major General in the
continental Army on July 31. He became an intimate of General and Brother George
Washington. He claimed to have been initiated in the Loge Contrat Social of
Paris before he even came to America. He received the chapter degrees in
Jerusalem Chapter No. 8 (RAM) September 12, 1824. His son, Brother George
Washington Lafayette received them in the same chapter four days earlier. He was
knighted in Morton Commandery No. 4, K. T. and received the Scottish rite
degrees in the Cerneau Supreme Council of New York and was made a 33rd degree
and Honorary Grand Commander of that body. More than 75 Masonic Bodies in the
United States have been named after him, including 39 Lodges, 18 Chapters, 4
Councils, 4 Commanderies, and 87 Scottish Rite bodies. He died May 20, 1834.
(The Learning Kingdom; Livinston Masonic Library)
The friends of Joseph Warren organized the Massachusetts Grand Lodge. From
that day to 1792, there were two Grand Lodges in the State of Massachusetts.
1778. Voltaire made a Mason in the Lodge of the Nine Muses, Paris, April 7.
Benjamin Franklin was present.
Stephen Girard made a Mason in Union Lodge No. 8, Charleston, South Carolina.
He loaned large sums of money to Colonies during war and later established the
large Stephan Girard Charity Fund which is still being administered.
Grand Lodge of Virginia formed, October 13.
Prince Hall and 14 black men in Boston take part in a ceremony conducted by a
John Batt, on March 6.
1779. The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania met outside its borders and organized a
lodge in Burlington, New Jersey.
Washington proposed (first time) as General Grand Master, by American-Union
Lodge, December 15. Same proposal (second time) by Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania,
December 20.
On Saint Johns Day, December 27th, in Arnolds Tavern, Morristown, New Jersey,
the American Union
Lodge No. 1 of Marietta, Ohio met with representatives of all the Lodges then
encamped at Jockey Hollow. The Masons had big problems, not only were they
fighting for their actual lives, but also their Masonic life. As rebels they had
cut the tie with the Grand Lodge of England. They were now irregular!
At this meeting was General Washington and most of his staff who were Masons.
General Mordecai Gist was in the East and presented a petition calling for the
formation of a General Grand Lodge for all the United States. It was agreed and
was copied and dispatched to all the other known lodges in the Colonies.
However due to transit time, before it could be fully circulated thru the
colonies several of them decided to form their own Grand Lodge within their
respective states, and the General Grand Lodge died.
Of note, Pennsylvania not only formed it's own Grand Lodge but elected
Brother George Washington as Grand Master, but the matter died. Brother
Washington thoughts are unknown.
1780. Goethe became a Mason in Lodge Amalia.
Washington proposed as General Grand Master (third time) by Grand Lodge of
Pennsylvania, January 13.
1781. Charter issued by Massachusetts Grand Lodge, November 10, for first
lodge in territory which later became Vermont, Paul Revere signed charter as
Senior Grand Warden.
Grand Lodge of New York formed.
Robert Burns became a Mason at St. David's Lodge Tarbolton, Scotland.
Lord Cornwallis, the General who surrendered to Washington, was a Mason.
1782. George Oliver born, November 5, Pepplewick, England. He was most
prolific Masonic writer of his day.
Hogarth's Night offered for sale.
Robert Burns installed as Poet Laureate of Freemasonry on Lodge
Canontgate-Kilwinning, Scotland.
1783. Brother Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, and John Adams were the three
American signatories who signed the Treaty (known as the Treaty of Paris)
between the United States and Britain, ending the Revolutionary War, September
Simon bolivar born in Caracas, Venezuela. Called "The Liberator."
He was a Mason.
1784. Second Grand Lodge of New York formed, February 4.
July 24, born at Caracas, Venezuela, was Brother Simon Bolivar, known as
"The Liberator" and as "The George Washington of South
America." Brother Bolivar in the course of 20 years of warfare liberated
from Spanish tyranny the area which is now Venezuela, Colmbia, Equador, Peru and
Bolivia, named after him. Brother Bolivar became a Mason at Cadiz, Spain in
1807. The same year he received the Scottish Rite degrees in Paris and was
knighted in a Commandery of the Knights Templar in France. He was active as a
Freemason during diplomatic mission to London in 1810. In Venezuela he founded
and served as Master of Protectora de las Veritudes Lodge No. 1 in 1824. He
founded the Lodge Order and Liberty No. 2 in 1828. His Scottish Rite collar and
apron are on exhibit at the Grand Lodge of New York. He died at Santa Maria,
Colombia, on December 17, in 1830. (Source: Chase's; 10,000 Famous Freemasons)
Charter issued to African Lodge No. 459 by the Grand Lodge of England
(Moderns), September 29.
Masonic apron made by Madame Lafayette presented to George Washington.
Illuminate suppressed.
1785. Jean Antoine Houdon made statue of Washington. He was member of Lodge
of the Nine Muses, Paris.
1786. June 13, 1786, near Petersburgh, Verginia, was born Brother Winfield
Scott, the man and Mason who was to become Commander in Chief of American forces
in the Mexican War. He was made a Mason at Dinwiddie Union Lodge No. 23,
Dinwiddie Court House, Verginia (now extinct). He died may 29, 1865 at West
Point and is buried there. (Chase's; Livingston Masonic Library)
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania formed September, 25.
Grand Lodge of New Jersey formed, December 18.
1787. Grand Lodge of North Carolina formed, April 17.
June 27, British historian Edward Gibbon completed the sixth and last volume
of "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." Written between 1776
and 1787, this multi-volume work is considered a masterpiece from both
historical and literary perspectives. Brother Gibbon was a member of Friendship
Lodge No. 6, London, England. He died January 16, 1794. (The Learning Kingdom;
Livingston Masonic Library; Masonic Leadership Center)
Brother John Fitch of East Windsor, Connecticut, demonstrated his steamboat
invention, August 22, on the Delaware River to delegates of the Continental
Congress. Having failed to get money from the Congress to develop his invention
he invested $800 of his own money to build the 60-ton prototype steamboat. He
made other boats and in 1791 received a patent for his inventions from the
United States government. But little recognition. Brother Fitch committed
suicide by poison in a tavern at Bardstown, Kentucky on July 18, 1798, while
Robert Fulton, to whom he had loaned drawings of his invention, took credit for
the steamboat. While a watchmaker at Bucks County, Pennsylvinia Brother Fitch
had joined Bristol Lodge No. 25 at Bristol, Pennsylvinia (Source: Newsday: This
Date in History; 10,000 Famous Freemasons)
Grand Lodge of Georgia formed December, 16.
African Lodge No. 459, under the leadership of Prince Hall, met under a
charter issued in 1784.
1788. New York dropped the word "Provincial" from its Grand Lodge
Royal Masonic Institution for Girls started in England.
George Washington elected Worshipful Master of Alexandria Loge (now
Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22.
1789. Grand Lodge of Connecticut formed July 8.
William Cushing appointed the first justice of the United States Supreme
Court. He was a member of St. Andrew's Lodge Boston.
Count Cagliostro, charlatan, arrested in Rome and convected of being a
Freemason. He died in prison years later.
Oath of office administered to Washington by Robert R. Livingston, Grand
Master, using the Holy Bible of St. John's Lodge No. 1, New York.
Grand Lodge of New Hampshire formed July 8.
Stephen Fuller Austin, born at Austinville, Virginia. He helped his father
form Texas into a State and was a member of Louisiana Lodge No. 109, Missouri.
American Union Lodge re-organized.
1791. William Paterson made a Mason in Trenton Lodge No. 5, New Jersey He
became a Supreme Court Judge in 1793.
Cornerstone of the District of Columbia (the first of forty stones) laid
April 15 by Alexandria Lodge No. 22 Alexandria, Virginia.
1794. Paul Revere elected Grand Master of Massachusetts.
William J. William painted the famous Masonic picture of George Washington.
Grand Lodge of Vermont formed October 4.
1795. James Knox Polk, eleventh President of the United States, born in North
1796. Brother Robert Burns, the national poet of Scotland and one of the
foremost poets of the world, died, July 21. (Source: AMERICAN MASON;
Freemasonry: A Celebration of the Craft.)
Oliver Ellsworth became the third Chief Justice of the United States Supreme
Court. He was a carter member of St. John's Lodge, Princeton, New Jersey.
1797. George Washington wrote a letter to the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in
which he said: "My attachment to the Society of which we re members will
dispose me always, to contribute my best endeavors to contribute the honor and
interest of the Craft."
John Robinson, a professor of the University of Edinburgh, published
"Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe
carried on in Secret Meetings of the Freemasons, Illuminati and Readings
Societies," Collected from Good Authorities.
Thomas Smith Webb published Freemason's Monitor which had a wide circulation
and went through many editions.
1798. Royal Masonic Institution for Boys started in England.
Royal Arch masons established the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the Northern
States of America, at Hartford, Connecticut.
Jedidiah Morse started an anti-Masonic storm with his sermons.
1799. Daniel O'Connell Irish patriot, made a Mason in Lodge No. 189, Dublin,
George Washington buried with Masonic honors.
Act of parliament called the Unlawful Societies Act passed. Freemasonry
excluded from its provisions.
1800. Outstanding oration about George Washington as a Mason was delivered on
February 11, before the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, by Timothy Bigelow.
Grand Lodge of Kentucky formed October 16.
Andrew Jackson became honorary member of Harmony Lodge No. 1, Tennessee.
1801. June 1, born at Whittingham Vermont, was born Mormon leader Brigham
Young, who led thousands of religious followers from Nauvoo, Illionis across
1,000 miles of wilderness to settle more than 300 towns in the west, earning him
the name, "the American Moses." When he died at Salt Lake City, Utah
August 29, 1877, he was survived by 17 wives and 47 children Utah observes as a
state holiday the anniversary of his entry into Salt Lake Valley, July 24, 1847.
Young succeeded Joseph Smith as head of the Mormon Church in 1847. Some
confusion exists as to Young's Masonic affiliation, but it is known that all the
leaders, as well as many of the rank and file Mormons, were members of the
Nauvoo Lodges. Young is also mentioned elsewhere frequently in Mormon and Utah
history as a Mason.
Sir Walter Scott, famous novelist, made a mason in Lodge St. David, No. 36,
Edinburgh, Scotland.
Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite was established at
Charleston, South Carolina.
Emperor Francis II prohibited Masonry on Austria.
1802. Irish Masonic Female Orphan School founded.
1803. Merriwether Lewis with Brother William Clark set out in the summer of
1803 on a 4,000-mile exploration of the Louisiana Purchase, known to history as
the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Brother Lewis was raised at Door to Vitrue Lodge
No. 44, Albemarle County, Verginia on January 29, 1799. He died mysteriously
October 8, 1809 of gunshot wounds. (Chase's; 10,000 Famous Freemasons) (Source:
American Mason magazine)
1804. ln 1803, Admiral and Brother George Prebble's Squadron was fighting
against the Barbary pirates who were then infesting the Mediterranean Sea. On
February 16, 1804, Commodore and Brother Stephen Decatur took the USS Intrepid
into Tripoli Harbor under the guns of the fort and fleet, to bum the USS
Philadelphia that had been captured after having run aground and the crew
inhumanly tortured.
1806. Grand Lodge of Delaware formed on June 6 with Gunning Bedford as Grand
Master. He had been a good friend of Washington.
Masonry introduced in Finland.
The Grand Lodge Pennsylvania issued a charter to Western Star Lodge, the
first in Illinois, on June 2.
Final stages of organization of General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch masons
for the United States of America on January 9 at Middleton, Connecticut.
1807. Earliest authentic evidence of conferring of Royal Master's degree in
Columbia Council No. 1 of New York.
David Rice Atchison born at Frogtown, Kentucky. He was a member of Platte
Lodge No. 56, Missouri. He was ex-officio president of the United States fir one
day because President Taylor refused to take the oath of office on a Sunday, but
took it the next day, March 5, 1849.
Albert Gallatin Mackey born in Charleston, South Carolina.
Giuseppe Garibaldi born in Nice, France. He became an active Mason.
Joseph Cerneau, a Frenchman, came from Cuba to the Untied States. He sought
to establish bodies to confer the degrees of the Scottish Rite. His spurious
activity caused much trouble and he left for France around 1827.
First Masonic Hall purchased in Scotland.
Lodge of Promulgation formed in England and lasted until 1811. It was
intended to report on the differences on the ritual between the Moderns and the
Albert Pike born in Boston, Massachusetts.
1810. Masonry introduced in Portugal and persecuted shortly thereafter.
1811. Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia formed January 8.
1812. Grand Lodge of Louisiana formed, January 12.
First lodge chartered in Alabama.
1813. June 1, the 38-gun British frigate "Shammon" met the 38-gun
American frigate "Chesapeake" head on off the coast of Boston,
Massauchsetts and exchanged extremely destructive broadsides.
"Chesapeake's" Captain and Brother James Lawrence was mortally
wounded, and as he was being carried below to die, he pleaded with this men:
"Don't give up the ship." Though the Americans were defeated the
casualties were heavy on both sides. While it is known that Brother Lawrence was
a Mason, his Lodge membership remains a mystery. However, the Grand lodge of New
York did resolve that New York City lodges should assemble to join in the
funeral procession for Brother Lawrence. The "Field Book of the War of
1812" reports he was buried with military and Masonic honors. A New York
Lodge chartered May 18, 1814, was named after him. Brother Lawrence was born
October 1, 1781.
Grand Lodge of Tennessee formed December 27.
The Moderns and the Ancients became reconciled and formed the United Grand
Lodge of Ancient Freemasons, December 27.
Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite established.
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From 1814 to 1839
1814. On September 1, Brother Francis Scott Key, prisoner aboard a British
man-of-war shelling Fort McHenry, wrote the words to our National Anthem on the
back of an envelope: These words which were to become our National Anthem, also
became over the years a closing for most lodge communications.
The nation's Capitol was burned by British forces during the War of 1812. On
Lake Erie, Commodore and Brother O. H. Perry flew a flag that read: "Don't
Give Up The Ship," and after the battle reported, "We have met the
enemy and they are ours."
The Grand Lodge of Ireland, England and Scotland signed the
"International Compact" in which they agree on the basic points of
Masonic Manual, by Reverend Jonathan Ashe, published.
1815. New book of Constitutions issued by the United Grand Lodge of England.
June 18, former French emperor and suspected but unverified Freemason Brother
Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated in the Battle of Waterloo, Belgium. Napoleon had
faced two armies: one led by Brother Arthur, Duke of Wellington, who commanded a
combined force of Belgian, Dutch, and British troops, and the other led by
Marshal and Brother Gebhardt von Blucher, who commanded a Prussian force. There
were nearly 50,000 casualties. Napoleon's direct Masonic affiliation is
questioned, though his brothers and sons all were Masons. Brother Wellington -
was known as "The Iron Duke." His father, Brother Gafrett, Earl of
Mornington, was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1776, and his
brother, Brother Richard, 1st Marquise of Wellesley and 2nd Earl of Mornington,
was Grand Master of Ireland in 1782. The Iron Duke was initiated in the family
Lodge No. 494 at Trim on December 7, 1790 as "A. Wesley" which family
name became Welesely in 1790. He continued as a subscribing member until 1795.
However, towards the end of his life, The "Duke" denied "any
recollection of having been admitted a Freemason." In the case of Brother
von Blucher, his original Lodge is not known, but he was a constant visitor in
the Lodge "Pax Inimicamalis": at Emmeriah in 1800-1901; and in 1814
the Lodge "Archimedes" at Altenburg received him as an Honorary
member. His nickname was"Marshall Forward." (The Learning Kingdom;
Livingston Masonic Library)
The Grand Lodge of Maryland laid the cornerstone of the Washington Monument
in Baltimore. The Governor of the State acted as Grand Master.
1816. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland formed.
1817. Theodore Sutton Parvin born at Cedarville, New Jersey. He established
the Iowa masonic Library.
Union of Royal Arch Grand Chapters in England.
Grand Lodge of South Carolina formed.
District Deputy Grand Master appointed in Pennsylvania.
1818. Robert Morris born near Boston, Massachusetts. He became a famous
Masonic author.
William Preston died, He left a substantial sum to the Benevolent Fund and
also established a fund for the giving of an annual lecture, still given in
England and called the Prestonian Lectures.
Grand Lodge of Indiana formed January 12.
Grand Lodge of Mississippi formed July 27.
Salem Town published his System of Speculative Masonry.
The Grand Lodge South Carolina issued a warrant to Cuba, and became the
Mother of Masonry in that island.
1819. Grand Lodge of Missouri formed April 24.
Grand Lodge of Maine formed June 1.
Grand Lodge of Alabama formed June 11.
Thomas Smith Webb died, July 6, at Cleveland, Ohio.
Pope Pius VII issued his Bull Ecclesiam, September 13.
Elsiha Kent Kane born in Philadelphia. Kane Lodge in New York is named after
this famous scientist and explorer.
Simon Greenleaf published a Brief Inquiry into the Origin and Principles of
Free Masonry.
Jeremy L. Cross published the True Masonic Chart.
James K. Polk, eleventh President of the United States, made a Mason in
Columbus Lodge No. 1, Tennessee.
1820. June 24, in the Battle of Carabobo, independentists led by Brother
Simon Bolivar, defeated Spanish royalists outside of Caracas, sealing
Venezuela's independence from Spain. The independentist troops -- which included
horsemen from the Venezuelan plains (known as "llaneros") and English
and Irish soldiers from the British Legion – were led by Brother Simon
Bolivar, known as the George Washington of South America, and one of history's
most outstanding military and political leaders. Brother Bolivar joined the
Craft at Cadiz, Spain, and in 1807 joined The Scottish Rite and the Knights
Templar in Paris. In 1824, he founded the Lodge Order and Liberty No. in Peru.
(The Learning Kingdom)
1822. Andrew Jackson became Grand Master of Tennessee, October 7. He became
the seventh President of the United States.
First Grand Lodge of Illinois formed December 11.
1823. Grand Lodge of Wigan formed by four erased lodges of Lancashire. It
constituted six lodges during its existence. It ceased to exist in 1866 after
many years of dormancy.
Unlawful Oaths law enacted in Ireland. It was directed at many organizations.
Ten months after it was passed an announcement was made that it was not intended
to cover Freemasonry.
Henry Holmes Bromwell born in Baltimore County, Maryland. He was active in
Masonry in Illinois, later in Colorado, and author of Restorations of masonic
Geometry and Symbolism.
1824. Lafayette visited many lodges in his travels in the United States and
was made an Honorary Member of the Grand Lodge of Maryland.
Ferdinand VII (Spain) decreed the death of all Masons without trial, August
1825. Pope Leo XII issued his Bull Quiograviora. March 13, directed against
the Craft.
Charles Whitlock More started the publication of the masonic Mirror. It was
continued until 1853.
1826. William Morgan of Batavia, New York, signed a contract on March 13 to
write a book exposing the secrets of Freemasonry. He disappeared. The book was
published. The combination of unfortunate circumstances brought about the
formation of the Anti-Masonic political party.
On February 23, the Spanish government executed a person accused of being a
Reverend George Oliver published Signs and Symbols.
1827. So-called Nova Scotia Masonic Stone dated 1606, discovered. Now known
not to be Masonic, it is in the wall of the Canadian Institute, Toronto, but
lost to sight as it is covered with plaster.
Josiah Hayden Drummond born in maine.
1828. The Grand Lodge of Maryland laid the first stone of the Baltimore and
Ohio railroad.
Formal organization if the Anti-Masonic political party in February at New
Ely S. Parker born in New York. He was a grandson of Red Jacket, who gave a
medal to Washington. Both full-blooded Indians were Masons.
1829. Pope Pius VII issued his Bul Traditi, on May 21, directed against the
The Joshua B. Taylor story, Stoney Creek Lodge, Michigan Territory, began. It
ended eleven years later.
1830. Grand Lodge of Florida formed July 6.
1831. Brother Georges Chretien Frederic became Leopold I, first King of an
independent Belgium, July 21, on its separation from Holland. He was initiated
in the Lodge of Esperance at Berne, Switzerland in 1813, when 23 years old.
After his marriage to Princess Charlotte of England, he joined an English Lodge
and "took an active part in all its proceedings." One of his first
acts as King was to take Masonry under his official protection. As King he could
not attend the Lodges but was always interested in their workings and successes.
(Source: Chase's; Livingston Masonic Library; Masonic Leadership Center)
William Florence born in Albany, New York. He conceived the idea for the
Shrine while on a trip in Northern Africa.
Captain and Brother Thomas Driver of the SS Charles Daggett received a
delegation of ladies aboard ship who presented him with a new flag which they
had just made. Touched by the unexpected gift he immediately ordered the new
colors run up the mast and as he saluted declared, "l name thee Old
Glory." The name stuck. Brother Driver was to carry "Old Glory'' twice
around the world.
1832. Pope Gregory XVI issued his Bull Mirari on August 15,directed against
the Craft.
John James Joseph Gourgas named the first Sovereign Grand Commander upon the
formation of the Northern masonic jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite.
1834. Frederick Auguste Bartholdi born in France. He wa the moving spirit and
designer of the Statue of Liberty. He was a Mason.
1835. "Mark Twain" (Samuel L. Clemens) born in Missouri.
1836. Brother David (Davy) Crocket in his 1834 autobiography wrote: "I
leave this rule for others when I'm dead. Always be sure you're right - then go
ahead." During the heroic defense of The Alamo in Texas on March 6, he was
killed. (Source: Chase's; 10,000 Famous Freemasons)
General and Brother Sam Houston was elected first President of the Republic
of Texas, September 5.
Robert Freke Gould born. He became a famous student and writer of the Craft
and its history.
First Book of Constitutions issued by Scotland.
1837. Grand Lodge Liberty started in England.
Grand lodge of Texas formed December 20.
1838. Grand Lodge of Arkansas formed November 21.
Benevolent Institution founded for aged and needy masons on England. It was
Grand Lodge's third charitable project.
1839. James Halliwell discovered the Regius Manuscript in the British Museum.
back to top
From 1840 to 1913
1840. Second Grand Lodge of Illinois formed April 6.
Stephen A. Douglas, famous political leader, made a Mason in Springfield
Lodge No. 4, Illinois.
1841. Franz Liszt, famous composer and pianist, made a Mason in Union Lodge,
Frankfurt, Germany.
Masonic College proposed by the Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Albert Gallatin Mackey made a Mason in St. Andrew's Lodge No. 10, South
William J. Hughan born in Devonshire. England. He because a famous Masonic
student and author.
The Grand Master of Illinois issued a dispensation to a lodge in Nauvoo,
Illinois, October 15.
The Grand Lodge of Maine issued a charter, dated October 20, 1841, for a
lodge in Iowa.
1842. First lodge formed in New Zealand.
Lodge constituted at Nauvoo, Illinois, March 15.
Joseph Smith, Mormon prophet, was made a Mason at sight in Nauvoo Lodge and
their charter was suspended, August 11.
Orphan's Friends Lodge #17, Texas established a school which, apparently, was
the first fathered by a Masonic lodge.
1843. Grand Lodge of Iowa formed January 8.
On May 8th, the Baltimore Convention met with fifteen Grand Lodges in
Charters of the Hauvoo lodges arrested for irregularities in October.
Grand Lodge of Wisconsin formed December 18.
George Baird born in Washington, DC. He became a famous engineer, Admiral of
the United States Navy, and Grand Master of the District of Columbia.
Grand Lodge of Missouri established a Masonic College.
1844. June 27, the founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
(popularly known as the Mormon Church), Brother Joseph Smith, Jr., and his
brother Hyrum, were shot to death by a mob in Carthage, Illinois. At the time,
Brother Joseph Smith was a presidential candidate of the National Reform Party.
Both Joseph and Hyrum were members of Nauvoo Lodge, Nauvoo, Illinois (The
Learning Kingdom; Livingston Masonic Library)
Grand Lodge of Michigan formed September 17.
1845. June 8, 1845, Brother Andrew Jackson, 7th President of the United
States, died at Nashville, Tennessee Brother Jackson received his three degrees
at Harmony Lodge No. 1, Nashville, Tennessee. He became Grand Master of Masons
in Tennessee with the Grand Lodge of Tennessee in October 1822, and served until
October, 1824. An Honorary member of Federal Lodge No. 1 at Washington , DC, he
was also a Royal Arch Mason. Brother Jackson's election as United States
President despite fierce anti-Masonic opposition spelled the end for the
Anti-Masonic Third party movement which grew out of the infamous Morgan scandal.
(Newsday: This Day In History; Livinston Masonic Library)
Cornelius Moore established the masonic Review and published it for fifty
Albert Gallatin Mackey published A Lexicon of Freemasonry. Suggestion made
before the Grand Lodge of Iowa that a sum of money be set aside to establish a
Masonic Library.
George Mifflin Dallas became Vice president of the United States. He was a
1846. Pope Pius IX issued has Bull Qui Fluribus, November 9, directed against
the Craft.
1847. President Polk, a Mason, helped lay the cornerstone of the Smithsonian
Institution, at Washington, DC, May 1.
July 23, Brigham Young and his Mormon followers arrived at the Valley of Salt
Lake, and there established the center of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. Young was named president and prophet of the church that same
year. This was a post that had been vacant since the murder of Brother Joseph
Smith in 1844. In 1849 he became first Governor of the Territory of Utah and
soon after became instrumental in securing economic and political rights for
Mormons. It was believed Young was a member of Milnor Lodge No. 303 in Victor,
New York. But this Lodge warranted in 1818, regularly sent membership returns to
New York Grand Lodge until 1830, and Young's name was not among them. He died
August 29, 1877. (Source: The Learning Kingdom; 10,000 Famous Freemasons)
Publication of Letters on Masonic Institution by John Quincy Adams. They were
Thomas De Quincey wrote an essay, Secret Societies, in which he made
unfounded assumptions and concluded that Masonry was an evil association.
Dr. George Kloss, German philologist, made a scientific study of Freemasonry
and wrote Geschichte de Friemaurerei.
1848. Robert Macoy made a Mason in Lebanon Lodge No. 313 (now No. 191), New
The Grand Lodge of Texas adopted a resolution asking the Grand Master to
appoint a Superintendent of Education.
Cornerstone of Washington Monument, Washington, DC laid by Grand Lodge of the
District of Columbia, July 4, Grand Master Benjamin B. French. First charter for
lodge West of the Rockies arrived in Oregon, City.
1849. Pope Pius IX issued his Bull Quibus quantisque Malis, April 20,
directed against the Craft.
Grand Lodge of Virginia laid the cornerstone of the George Washington
monument in Richmond, Virginia.
Luther Burbank, famous horticulturist, born. He became a member of Santa Rosa
Lodge No. 57, California.
1850. Lodge constituted on Arabia, August 5, by Grand Lodge of Scotland.
Degrees of the Eastern Star prepared by Robert Morris, of Kentucky, and first
conferred on his wife.
Grand Lodge of California formed April 19.
1851. Andrew Jackson became a mason in Greenville Lodge No. 119 (now No. 3),
Tennessee. He became President of the United States on Lincoln's death.
Second cornerstone beginning House and Senate wings of United States Capitol
was laid by the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia with Grand Master
Benjamin B. French.
General John A. Logan, famous in War Between the States, made a Mason in
Benton Lodge No. 64. Illinois.
Edward Lovell Hawkins born. He became a famous Masonic student author.
Lew Wallace, famous General and author of Ben Hur, made a Mason in Fountain
Lodge No. 60, Covington, Indiana, January 15.
Grand Lodge of Oregon formed September 15.
1852. Queen Victoria became Patroness of the Masonic Boy's School.
George V Ayres born in Pennsylvania. He moved to South Dakota and made the
first deposit in the Permanent Charity found and administered it for forty-nine
years. He was the first Grand Masters of South Dakota.
Louis Kossuth made a Mason in Cincinnati Lodge No. 133, Ohio.
1853. Congress of American Lodges held at Lexington, Kentucky.
Grand Lodge of Minnesota formed February 24.
Robert Morris published Lights and Sahdows of Freemasonry.
1854. June 26, at Grand Prix, Nova Scotia, was born Brother Robert Baird
Borden, Canadian statesman and Mason who was to become Prime Minister of Canada
from 1911 to 1920. He served as delegate to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919
and was representative of Canada on the Council of The League of Nations. He
died at Totowa, June 10, 1937. (Case's; Livingston Masonic library)
Kit Carson made a Mason in Montezuma Lodge No. 109 (Missouri Register), Santa
Fe, New Mexico Territory.
Charles Thomas McClenachan made a Mason in Munn Lodge No. 190, New York.
1855. Robert Morris compiled and published the Universal Masonic Library;
thirty volumes of many classics of the Craft.
1856. William R. Harper born in Concord, Ohio. He helped found the University
of Chicago. He was a Mason.
Albert Gallatin Mackey published Principles f Masonic Law which went through
many editions. It is known as Masonic Jurisprudence.
Sir Alfred Robbins born. He was a famous Mason, journalist and author.
Grand Lodge of Kansas formed March 17.
Admiral Robert Peary born. He discovered the north Pole. He was a member of
Kane Lodge, New York.
1857. Brother William Howard Taft, 27th President of the United States was
born September 15.
Grand Lodge of Nebraska formed September 23.
John Cabell Breckenridge because Vice President of the United States. He was
raised in Des Moines Lodge No. 41 (now No. 1), Burlington, Iowa, and affiliated
with Good Samaritan Lodge No. 174 Lexington, Kentucky.
Joseph Jefferson, famous actor, made a Mason in Concordia Lodge No. 13,
Baltimore, Maryland. He made "The Little Church Around the Corner"
famous as the actor's own church.
1858. Theodore Roosevelt born.
Grand Lodge of Washington formed December 8.
Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. wrote The Caliph of Bagdad; a novel with Masonic
1859. Retired railroad conductor Brother Edwin L. Drake became the first
person to successfully drill oil from the earth, August 27, at Titusville,
Pennsylvinia. From Pennsylvania, oil production spread West to Ohio, Indiana,
Illinois, Kentucky and finally to Texas and California. Drake found the oil at a
depth of 69 ft (23 m). An American pioneer of the oil industry, Brother Drake
was the first to tap petroleum at its source by drilling for the Pennsylvania
Rock Oil Company, the oldest petroleum firm in the world. (Source: American
Masonic Hall dedicated in Edinburgh.
First lodge chartered in British Columbia.
Irving Bachellor born in Pierpont, New York. He became famous author and
became member of Kane Lodge No. 454, New York.
George W. Chase wrote Digest of Masonic Law which went through many editions.
1860. First publication of the ritual of the Eastern Star.
William Jennings Bryan born in Salem, Illinois. He was famous as perennial
candidate for office of President of the United States. He was a Mason.
Robert Morris, of Kentucky, on June 24, wrote to leaders of the Craft
proposing the establishment of the Conservators of the ritual to establish its
uniformity. It became the source of much internal strife within the Craft and
brought much abuse to one who had labored long and hard in the quarries.
1861. J. G. Findel wrote History of Freemasonry, the first English edition
being published in 1865.
Mark Twain made a Mason in Polar Star Lodge No. 79, St Louis, Missouri.
The year 1861 saw our nation tested as to whether it could survive as a
nation united. Civil War. We were to suffer 650,000 casualties, more than for
all wars combined until World War II. And Brother James Gilmore wrote:
"When. Johnny comes marching' home again..." It was during those
terrible times that Brother elect (but never initiated) Abraham Lincoln
described America as "a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to
the proposition that all men are created equai...a nation under God that shall
have a new birth of freedom and that the government of the people, by the people
and for the people shall not perish from the earth...." Assassination
prevented Lincoln from becoming "Brother" Lincoln, which would have
made three of four United States Presidents on Mount Rushmore, Brothers.
James Abram Garfield made a Mason in Magnolia Lodge No. 20, Columbus, Ohio.
He became the twentieth President of the United States.
Grand Lodge of Colorado formed August 2.
1862. First Masonic meeting in Wyoming. July 4, on top of Independence Rock.
Charles Sherwood Stratton, known as Tom Thumb, the famous midget, made a
Mason in St. John's Lodge No. 3 Bridgeport, Connecticut.
1863. Following the first day of battle at Gettysburg, the Blue and the Gray
met, July 1, at the local lodge and mingled peacefully.
July 26, Confederate Major General and notorious raider Brother John Hunt
Morgan was captured at New Lisbon, Ohio by Union forces after harassing those
forces in Tennessee and Ohio throughout the Civil War. He was imprisoned in the
Ohio Penitentiary from which he soon escaped. He then undertook a raid in
Greenville, Tennessee wherein he was surrounded and killed on September 4, 1864.
He was a member of Davies Lodge No. 22 Lexington, Kentucky. He was buried in
Lexington Cemetery with Masonic honors in 1846. (Source: Chase's; 10,000 Famous
First meeting of the Vigilantes in Montana, December 22. Eleven of the twelve
were Masons.
Stephen Johnson Field appointed justice of the United States Supreme Court.
He was Lincoln's last appointment. He was a member of Corinthian Lodge No. 9,
Marysville, California.
1864. Garibaldi united all the Masonic groups in Italy, May 21-24.
Pope Pius IX issued his Bull Quanta Cura, December 8, directed against the
Idaho's first lodge chartered on August 9.
1865. Ely S. Parker, a Mason, wrote the terms of surrender for the end of the
War Between the States, April 9. He was Grant's Secretary.
Grand Lodge of West Virginia formed April 12.
The Conservator movement came to an end, June 24. the date set by the
founder, Robert Morris.
Born July 19, at Rochester, Minnesota was the American surgeon, Brother
Charles Horace Mayo later to become one of the Mayo Brothers who co-founded the
world famous Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation. The Clinic began at Rochester's
Masonic Temple Building. Brother Mayo was a member of Rochester Lodge No. 21. He
was also a member of Halcyon Chapter No. 8, Royal Arch Masons, and Home
Commandery No. 5, Knights Templar, both of Rochester. Brother Mayo also won the
32º degree AASR (SJ) at Winona, Minnesota, and the 33º in October, 1935. He
died May 26, 1939 in Chicago, Illinois (Source: Chase's; Livingston Masonic
Library; Masonic Leadership Center )
Pope Pius IX issued his Bull Multiplices Intern, September 25, directed
against the Craft. Freemason's Hall opened in Dublin.
St. Cecile Lodge (Daylight), New York City, received dispensation.
1866. Second Freemasons' Hall opened in London.
Lodge formed in Japan by the Grand Lodge of England.
J. M. Ragon, French Masonic author, died in Paris, France.
The Grand Lodge of Kentucky erected the Masonic Widows' and Orphans' home in
Louisville. It was the first home of its kind.
Grand Lodge of Montana formed July 24.
Robert Macoy, of New York, published a widely circulated ritual of the
Eastern Star.
1867. June 19, Brother Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph, Emperor of Mexico since
1864, was executed by firing squad in Mexico by the forces of Brother Benito
Juarez, (The George Washington of Mexico) despite his support for many of
Brother Juarez's proposed sweeping social reforms. Nevertheless, Brother
Maximilian was executed near the Mexican town of Queretaro. The
"Keystone," Raleigh, North Carolina, in October, 1866, credited him,
with being a 33º AASR Brother Juarez was prominent in Masonry, serving as
Master an rising to Inspector General kin the Mexican AASR 33º. It is claimed
that Brother Maximilian appealed to Brother Juarez as a Mason to spare his life,
but Brother Juarez, claiming the Emperor was not a Mason, went ahead with the
execution. (The Learning Kingdom; Livingston Masonic Library)
Reverend George Oliver died.
Josiah Hayden Drummond unanimously selected as Sovereign Grand Commander of
the Scottish Rite, Northern Jurisdiction.
A number of clergymen met in October, in Aurora, Illinois to discuss secret
societies. The National Christian Association resulted. For years it has been
issueing, ineffectually, anti-masonic material.
Grand Lodge of Idaho formed December 17.
1868. E. Rebold published A General History of Freemasonry in Europe which
went through many editions.
1869. Masonic Boys' School started in Ireland.
Albert Gallatin Mackey wrote Symbolism of Freemasonry.
Joseph Robbins delivered what many believed to be the greatest Masonic
oration ever given, before the Grand Lodge of Illinois.
Pope Pius IX his Bull Apostolicae Sedis, October 12, directed against the
1871. William F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) was made a Mason in Platte Valley Lodge
No. 32, Nebraska.
Sir Williams S. Gilbert (Gilbert and Sullivan) made a Mason in Lodge St.
Michar No. 54, Scotland.
Melvin M. Johnson born in Waltham, Massachusetts.
Alpha Lodge No. 116 constituted by the Grand Lodge of New Jersey. It is now
the only regular lodger of Negroes in the United States.
Albert Pike wrote Morals and Dogma.
United States Grant, at his home in Galena, Illinois, received the Knights
Templar and entertained them. (Grant was not a Mason, but his father was.) After
his world tour, Grant gave the local lodge a tom-tom, a gift he had received
from a dignitary in India. The lodge still uses the tom-tom.
1872. First official meeting of Mecca Temple, September 26, in New York. This
was the beginning of the Shrine. The guiding spirits were William J. Florence
and Dr. Walter M. Fleming.
Grand Lodge of Utah formed January 16.
1873. Pope Pius IX issued his Bull Etsi Multa, November 21, directed against
the Craft.
Grand Lodge of Indian Territory formed October 6.
1874. Grand Lodge of Wyoming formed December 15.
1875. Oscar Wilde was raised May 25, in Appolo University Lodge No. 357,
Oxford, England.
A lodge in Hungary initiated Helene Barkoczy, Countess Hadik, because of her
great interest in the Craft. The lodge lost its charter and the Grand Lodge of
Hungary issued a declaration on the subject. This has been questioned.
Grand Lodge of Dakota Territory formed July 21.
Edwin Markham made a Mason in Acacia Lodge No. 22 Coloma, California.
1876. Robert J. Meekren born in London, England. He is famous for his
research and writings on the ritual.
1877. Cecil J. Rhodes made a Mason in University Lodge No. 357, Oxford,
England. He established the Rhodes scholarships.
John M. Harlan appointed a Justice of the United States Supreme Court. He was
a Mason.
The Grand Orient of France eliminated from its Constitution the reference to
God. This placed French lodges in a singular position and most Grand Lodges
withdrew recognition.
Grand Lodge of New Mexico formed August 6.
John Heron Lepper born in Belfast, Ireland. He wrote many Masonic articles
and was active in Quatuor Coronati of London.
1879. Carl H. Claudy born in Washington, DC Author of many Masonic books,
articles and Masonic plays. For many years, was Executive Secretary of The
Masonic Service Association.
1880. Joseph Fort Newton born in Decatur, Texas He became active as a Masonic
author and noted orator.
Religion of Freemasonry by Josiah Whymper published. It sought to show the
Craft in a Christian association.
Gould's History of Freemasonry published. This was a milestone on Masonic
historical research.
1881. John Phillip Sousa made a Mason in Hiram Lodge No. 10, Washington, DC.
Charles Wakefield Cadman born. At Dawning was one of his famous songs. Member
of Albert Pike Lodge No. 484, California.
1882. First Alberta, Canada. lodge chartered.
Grand Lodge of Arizona formed March 25.
1883. June 17, The Statue of Liberty arrived in New York City aboard the
French ship "Isere." The statue was shipped in 350 individual pieces.
Sculpted by Brother Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, the statue was a gift to America
from the people of France. The statue was supposed to have been ready for the
centennial of the American Revolution; financial problems delayed the
construction for about ten years. Brother Bartholdi was one of the earliest
members of Lodge Allsace-Lorraine, Paris, October 14, 1875. When his status,
really named "Liberty Enlightening the world" was achieved, Brother
Barthildi convened his Lodge review it, even before the statue was shown to the
United States committee. (The Learning Kingdom; Livingston Masonic Library)
Edwin T. Booth, famous Shakespearean actor, born in Bel Air, Maryland. Member
of New York Lodge No. 330, New York.
Building erected in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to house Masonic Library, used until
1953 when it was replaced by a new and larger building.
1884. Pope Leo XIII issued his Bull Humanum Genus, April 20, directed against
the Craft.
Robert Morris designated poet laureate of Freemasonry.
1885. Masonic Relief Association of the United States and Canada held first
convention and elected officers.
1886. On May 26, was born at St. Petersburg, Russia, Asa Yoelson, the Mason,
actor and singer who became internationally known as Al Jolson.
June 25, was born at Gladwyne, Pennsylviana the man and Mason who was to
become Unite States General and Commander of the Army Air Force in all theaters
throughout World War II. As early as 1938, Brother Henry H. "Hap"
Arnold was persuading the United States aviation industry to step up its
production of airplanes, though no funds were available for the purpose. Under
his goading production rose from 6,000 planes to 262,999 a year during 1940-55.
He was made a full General in 1944 - and became the United States Air Force's
first Five Star general when the Air Force was made a separate military unit
equal to the Army and Navy. Brother Arnold was raised in Union Lodge No. l7,
Junction City, Kansas, November 3, 1927. He received the 32º AASR on April 11,
1929 at Fort Leavenworth Kansas, and the 33º on October 10, 1950. He died in
Sonoma, California January 15, 1951. (Chase's; Livingston Masonic Library)
Rudyard Kipling made a Mason in Hope and Perseverance Lodge No. 782, Lahore,
Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, the first Masonic research lodge, was
established in Londoin.
H. L. Haywood born in Mulberry, Ohio. He is the author of many masonic books.
1887. Sir Arthur S. Sullivan (Gilbert) and Sullivan) served as Grand Organist
of the Grand Lodge of England.
1888. June 2, the famous comic ballad "Casey at the Bat" appeared
in the San Francisco Examiner. Though attributed to "anonymous" the
author was serious poet Ernest L. Thayer who was paid $5 for the effort that led
to most of his other works being forgotten. But it triggered a happy career for
Brother DeWolff Hopper who recited "Casey at the Bat" for the first
time at Wallack's Theater in New York City. And no fewer than 10,000 times after
that as part of his comic repertoire. The recitation, which made both the poem
and himself famous, took five minutes and 40 seconds, and never failed to
"bring down the house." Brother Hopper was raised in Pacific Lodge No.
233, New York city, in 1890, and was 32 deg. AASR (New Jersey), and a member of
Mecca Shrine Temple in New York City. He died September 23, 1935.
Publication of the first transactions of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 of
London. They have been published yearly to the present time.
John Joseph Pershing made a mason in Lincoln Lodge No. 19, Nebraska. He was
Commander-in-Chief of the Army in France in World War I.
Irving Berlin, famous song writer, born in Russia. Member of Munn Lodge No.
190, New York.
1889. Grand Lodges of North Dakota and South Dakota formed June 12.
George Franklin Fort published his Early History and Antiquities of
1890. Nathaniel Pitt Langford published Vigilante Days and Ways in which he
explained how the Craft organized law and order in Montana. He was Grand Master
in 1869.
Frank S. Land born in Kansas City, Missouri. He organized the Order of
James Cunningham Batchelor succeeded Albert Pike as Sovereign Grand Commander
of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction.
1892. Brother James P. Upham, publisher of Youths Companion Magazine,
advanced the idea of a flag raising ceremony in all schools in celebration of
the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America. Patriotic fervor swept the
country over the idea for an appropriate prayer filled with reverence,
patriotism and love of country, for occasions such as these, the Reverand and
Brother Francis J. Bellamy created America's Pledge of Allegiance. Brother
Bellamy's pledge was first used on Columbus Day, October 12, 1892 and was
officially adopted on June 22, 1942, "under Cod" was added June 14,
Grand Lodge of Oklahoma Territory formed November 10.
1893. Masonic Congress held in Chicago, Illinois.
Lawrence Nichols Greenleaf started the publication of The Square and Compass
of Denver and continued to do so until 1917.
Clarence M. Boutelle wrote The man of Mount Moriah; famous masonic novel.
Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, became a Mason on Phoenix Lodge No.
257, Portsmouth, England.
1894. Anti-Masonic Bureau established by Pope Leo XIII.
Edward Conder Jr., of London, Published Records of the Hole Craft and
Fellowship of Masons.
1895. June 24 at Manassa, Colorida was born William Harrison Dempsey who was
to become known as "Jack Dempsey, The Manassa Mauler" and who was
Heavyweight Champion of the Boxing world from 1919 to 1926. He won the
Heavyweight Championship from Jess Willard at Toledo, Ohio on July 4, 1919. And
he lost the title to Gene Tunney at Philadelphia on September 23, 1926.
Following his boxing career he became a successful restaurateur. Bro. Dempsey
was a member of Kenwood Lodge No. 800, Chicago, Illinois. He died May 31, 1983,
at New York City. (Chase's; Livingston Masonic Library)
1896. Robert Edwin Peary, discoverer of the North Pole, made a Mason in Kane
Lodge No. 454, New York.
Anti-Masonic Congress held in Trent. Looked into the matter of Diana Vaughn.
The Tract Association of Friends (Quakers) of Philadelphia, issued an
anti-Masonic tract called, Secret Societies.
1897. June 2, Brother Mark Twain, 61, was quoted by the New York Journal as
saying from London, "The report of my death was an exaggeration." The
line was afterwards frequently quoted. Twain, whose real name was Samuel
Langhorn Clemens, was a member of Polar Star Lodge No. 79 in St., Louis,
Missouri. At one point he was suspended but reinstated on April 24, 1867.
However, he demitted October 8, 1868 and never again affiliated with any Lodge.
Leo Taxil admitted that Diana Vaughn was a myth. He had to flee for his life.
1898. Sam Henry Goodwin became a Mason in Fraternal Lodge No. 71, New
Hampshire. He later moved to Utah. Wrote extensively on the relations of Masonry
and Mormonism. He was Grand Master and then Grand Secretary of Utah.
John Wanamaker made a Mason at Sight by the Grand Master of Pennsylvania,
March 30.
1899. Leader Scott (Mrs. Lucy Baxter) published the Cathedral buildings in
which she sought to show the missing link between the Masons of ancient times
and the Masons of today.
Hamilton Lodge No. 120, New York founded the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets
of the Enchanted Realm, called the Grotto.
Henry L. Stillson and the W. J. Hughan, as editors, published The History of
the Ancient and Honorable of the Ancient and honorable Fraternity of Free and
Accepted Masons, and Concordant Orders.
Admiral Winfield Scott Schley, "Hero of Santiago," made a Mason at
Sight, October 21, at Washington, DC.
1901. Brother Jean Henri Dunant, of Switzerland, for having founded The
International Committee of the Red Cross, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize,
December 10.
United States Vice President and Brother Theodore Roosevelt In a speech
given, September 2 at St. Paul, Minnesota Theodore Roosevelt voiced his famous
phrase "Speak softly and carry a big stick."
Brother William McKinley, then President of the United States, was shot at
Buffalo, New York by Leon Czolgosz, September 6. He died eight days later.
Oliver Day Street, famous lawyer and politician of Alabama, made a Mason in
Marshall Lodge No. 209, Guntersville, Alabama. He became a Grand Master of
Alabama and authored Symbolism of the Three Degrees.
Roscoe Pound made a Mason in Lancaster Lodge No. 54, Nebraska.
Theodore Roosevelt made a Mason in Martinecock Lodge No. 806, New York.
1902. Charles McCarthy's The Anti-Masonic Political Party printed in the
Proceedings of the American Historical Association.
1904. David A. Smalley received first section of the Third Degree in Chicago.
The lodge was not permitted to reassemble because of strict regulation resulting
from the fire in the Iroquois Theater. Two weeks later the second section was
conferred on him. During the intervening period, he was a two and a half degree
1906. For helping to mediate an end to the Russo-Japanese War, Brother
Theodore Roosevelt becomes
the first American to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, December 10.
Will Rodgers mad a Mason in Claremont Lodge No. 53, Oklahoma.
Julius F. Sachse wrote Benjamin Franklin as a Freemason in a celebration
volume of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
1907. Brother 1907 Rudyard Kipling received the Nobel prize for literature.
On May 26, Marion Michael Morrison was born at Winterset, Iowa, the man and
Mason who was to become John (Duke) Wayne, American motion picture actor. He was
the archetypal Western hero and starred in more films than any other actor. But
he did not receive an Oscar until 1969 for "True Grit." He was also a
DeMolay. He died at Los Angeles, California June 11, 1979.
June 22, at Englewood, New Jersey was born the talented author and aviator
Ann Morrow Lindbergh (Gift from the Sea), who became the wife of Brother Charles
A. Lindbergh who made history with his nonstop trans-Atlantic flight from Long
Island to Paris on May 20, 1927. Brother Lidnbergh was a member of Keystone
Lodge No. 243, St. Louis, Missouri. (Chase's)
1908. Grand Lodge of Oklahoma formed February 10.
Fay Hempstead crowned Poet Laureate of Freemasonry.
1909. Grand Lodge of Oklahoma formed February 10.
William Howard Taft made a Mason at sight. He was President-elect at the
June 14, born at Hunt, Illionis was American singer and actor Brother Burl
Ives who reintroduced Anglo-American folk music in the 40s and 50s. Brother Ives
won an Academy Award for his supporting role in The Big Country (1958), and
became well-known for his role as Big Daddy in both the film and the Broadway
production of Cat On a Hot Tin Roof. He died April 14, 1995, at Anacortes,
Washington. (Chase's)
Grand Lodge of Turkey formed, July 13.
Harry S. Truman made a Mason in Belton Lodge #450, Missouri. He later became
the thirty-third President of the United States.
Tyrus Raymond Cobb, famous baseball player, made a Mason in Royston Lodge No.
426, Georgia.
1910. Meeting held at Alexandria, Virginia, February 22, resulted in the
George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association being formed and the
adoption of a resolution to erect a memorial to George Washington.
1911. Roscoe Pound's famous lectures The Philosophy of Freemasonry and
Masonic Jurisprudence were published.
Franklin D. Roosevelt made a Mason in Holland Lodge No. 8, New York.
Cornerstone of new home of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern
Jurisdiction, was laid in Washington, DC.
1913. The Catholic Encyclopedia was published. It has an article on
Freemasonry by the Abbe Gruber, a Jesuit who made anti-masonry his life work.
back to top
From 1914 to 1999
1914. Organization of the National Masonic Research Society. It issued the
first copy of The Builder, January 1915.
Reverend Joseph Newton wrote The Builders for the Grand Lodge of Iowa which
was given to each new Mason. The book has been popular ever since.
1915. June 8, Brother William Jennings Bryan resigned as United States
Secretary of State over United States handling of the German sinking of the
Lousitania. He ran three times for the United States Presidency. The first two
times he was defeated by Brother William McKinley, and the third time by Brother
William H. Taft. Brother Bryan was raised in Lincoln Lodge No. 19, Lincoln,
Nebraska, and later affiliated with Temple Lodge No. 247, Miami, Florida. He
died in Miami, July 26, 1925. (Newsday; Livingston Masonic Library)
Julius F. Sachse published Washington's Masonic Correspondence.
During the dedication of the House of the Temple (home of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction), a dove flew into the building,
circled the atrium and flew out. It was generally regarded as an omen of Masonic
1917. June 19, During World War I, King George V ordered the British Royal
family to dispense with German titles and surnames. The family took the name of
"Windsor." Although not himself a Mason, he became Grand Patron of
three Masonic Charities of the Grand Lodge of England when he ascended the
throne. (Newsday: This Day in History; Livingston Masonic Library)
June 26, General and Brother John J. "Black Jack" Pershing sent the
first troops of the American Expeditionary Force into France during World War I.
When the first American troops landed in France Colonel Charles E. Stanton stood
at the tomb of the Frenchman who had given so much to America and said:
"Lafayette, we are here." On October 20, the First division entered
the front lines at Luneville, a town that quickly got renamed "Looneyville"
by the new troops, much to the dismay of the locals. (The Learning Kingdom;
Chronicle of America)
President Woodrow Wilson boosted our flag with these words: "The flag
which we honor and under which we serve symbol of our unity, our purpose as a
nation, has no other character than that which we give it from generation to
generation. The honor is ours." At home and at war Americans sang Brother
George M. Cohan's wartime hit: "You're a Grand Old Flag."
1918. Conference held at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, November 26-28, which resulted
in the formation of The Masonic Service Association of the United States.
1919. The Builder reprinted the article on Freemasonry published in the
Catholic Encyclopedia.
The Grand Master of Rhode Island gave a dispensation for Overseas Lodge,
April 24, with petitions only of men in the armed services accepted while it
operated in Europe.
1920. The Shrine adopted a resolution to establish hospitals for crippled
Bainbridge Colby, member of Kane Lodge No. 454, New York, appointed Secretary
of State in Woodrow Wilson's cabinet.
1921. Born July 19, Brother John Glenn, United States Senator (D-Ohio), first
American astronaut to orbit earth, in Cambridge, Ohio. Brother John Glenn is an
ardent Scottish Rite Mason, too. He received the 33° with Brothers Joel Berg,
Arnold Palmer and Carl J. Smith, now Grand Master of Masons in New York, in
1998. (Source: American Mason Rsearch)
John Henry Cowles became Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted scottish
Rite, Southern Jurisdiction. He served until 1952.
Warren G. Harding became President of the Untied States. He was a Mason.
1922. May 29, Chief Justice and Brother William Howard Taft dedicated the
Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC Brother Taft went on to become the 27th
President of the United States. He was made a Mason "at sight" on June
18, 1909, by Grand Master Charles S. Hoskinson. He became affiliated with
Kilwinning Lodge No. 356 on April 14, at Cincinnati, Ohio, then made Honorary
member of Crescent Lodge No. 25, Cedar Rapids, Idaho.
Eddie Rickenbacker made a Mason in Kilwinning Lodge #297, Detroit, Michigan.
June 14, Brother Warren Gl Harding became the first United States President
to broadcast a message over radio. The even was the dedication of the Francis
Scott Key Memorial in Baltimore, Maryland. The first official government message
was broadcast December 6, 1923. (Chase's)
Matthew McBlain Thomson and his associates found guilty of using the mails to
defraud. They had conducted a clandestine Masonic organization.
1923. Grand Fascist Council issued first resolution against Freemasonry,
February 13.
June 12, the magician and Mason Brother Harry Houdini amazed a large and
disbelieving audience as he freed himself from a straitjacket while suspended
upside-down 40 feet (12 m) above the ground in New York City. The Hungarian
entertainer was famous worldwide for staging the most dazzling and difficult
escapes. Brother Houdin was raised August 21, 1923 in St. Cecile Lodge No. 568
in New York City. He later came a member of Mecca Shrine Temple. He died October
31, 1926. (The Learning Kingdom; Livingston Masonic Libary)
Born, July 23 Brother and Sir Knight Robert J. Dole, United States Senator
(R-Arkansas) at Russell, Kansas. World War II broke out during Brother Dole's
second year at college. He left to enlist in the United States Army becoming
member of the 10th Mountain Division where he saw extensive duty in Italy. While
leading an attack on the a German machine gun unit in the Po Valley on April 14,
1945, he was hit by part of an exploding shell. His right shoulder was virtually
gone, some neck and spinal vertebrae were fractured and several slithers of
metal penetrated his body. Three years of hospitalization and three operations
followed. Slowly the wounded soldier recovered the ability to stand, walk and
use his left arm and hand. In 1975 he married Elizabeth Hanford of Raleigh,
North Carolina. In 1950 a 27-year-old Dole became a candidate for the Kansas
Legislature. The rest is history. Brother Dole was initiated into Russell Lodge
177 on April 19, 1955, passed to Fellowcraft on June 7, and was raised on
September 20, 1955. Brother Dole completed his Scottish Rite degrees in the
Valley of Salina on December 10, 1966, and the York Rite in Aleppo Commandery
No. 31 in Hays, Kansas. (Source: Knight Templar magazine, May 1997) (Source:
Cornerstone of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial laid November
Melvin M. Johnson's The Beginnings of Freemasonry in America was published.
The Masonic Service Association raised $15,777.25 for Japanese earthquake
First Short Talk Bulletin issued by the Masonic Service Association, entitled
"Paul Revere," written by Jacob Hugo Tatsch.
1924. June 20, at Kingston, Texas, was born Brother Audie Murphy , the Mason
who was to become the most decorated soldier in World War II, and later an actor
in western and war movies. Brother Murphy was raised April 4, 1955 at North
Hollywood Lodge No. 542 and on May 24, 1956 became a plural member of heritage
Lodge No. 764, also of North Hollywood, California. He completed his Scottish
Rite degrees in Dallas, Texas on November 14, 1957, and less than two months
before his death in a plane crash, had his Scottish Rite membership moved to the
Valley of Long Beach, California Brother, Murphy died in a fiery plane crash
near Galax, Verginia on May 28, 1971. Some days elapsed before his body was
recovered. He was buried on June 7, 1971 at Arlington National Cemetery.
(Chase's; Knight Templar Magazine)
The Master Mason magazine born.
First edition of the Little Masonic Library published in twenty small
1925. Imperial Council of the Shrine was incorporated in Colorado to
administer the affairs of the national organization.
Ray V. Denslow's Territorial Freemasonry was published.
First Grand Masters' Conference of the present series held November 17 in
Chicago. Meetings have been held every year since. Proceedings have been printed
since 1929.
1926. The Salvation Army issued "Confidential" communication to its
officers expressing opposition to secret societies.
The Fascists confiscated property of the Craft in Italy, January 9.
New Masonic Temple of Detroit dedicated November 25. It cost seven million
General Luigi Capello arrested for allegedly plotting the death of Mussolini.
After a farcical trial, he was sentenced to thirty years.
The Masonic Service Association reported the publication of the national
Masonic Library.
The Masonic Services Association raised $114,236.97 for Florida hurricane
1927. June 13, 1927 aviation hero, BROTHER CHARLES LINDBERGH was honored with
a ticker-tape parade in New York City.
The Lodge of Friendship Village, a collection of Masonic short stories by P.
W. George, was published.
The Masonic Services Association raised $608,291.91 for Mississippi Valley
flood relief.
1928. The Masonic Services Association raised $86,316.58 for Puerto Rico
hurricane relief.
First Conference of Grand Secretaries' held in Washington, DC, February 21.
1929. June 12, 1929 the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum was
dedicated at Cooperstown, New York. More than 200 individuals have been honored
for their contributions to the game of baseball by induction into the Baseball
Hall of Fame. Of the first five players to be so honored, four were Freemasons:
Brother Tyrus R. "Ty" Cobb of Royston Lodge No.52, Detroit, Michigan;
Brother John "Honus" Wagner of Centennial Lodge No. 544, Carnegie,
Pennsylvinia; Brother Christopher "Christie:" Mathewson of New York
City's Architect Lodge No. 519. The non Masons were Walter Johnson and Babe
Ruth. (Chase's; Livingston Masonic Library)
J Hugo Tatsch's Freemasonry in the Thirteen Colonies published.
The Supreme Court held that the white Shriners of Texas could not stop the
Negroes from having their Shrine organization.
Eugen Lennhoff's The Freemasons published. This book was translated into
English in 1934.
The Masonic Services Association reorganized with George R. Sturges of
Connecticut the Chairman of the Executive Commission and Carl H. Claudy,
Executive Secretary.
1930. The Builder died.
1931. The Master Mason magazine died.
Masonic meetings prohibited in Portugal by order if the police.
First volume of the Transactions of the American Lodge of Research, New York,
J. Hugo Tatsch's The Facts about George Washington as a Freemason published.
Andrew L. Randell, Past Grand Master of Texas, died.
1932. Dedication of the George Washington Masonic national Memorial,
Shooter's Hill, Alexandria, Virginia.
Third cornerstone of the United States Capital laid, September 18, by Grand
Master Reuben A. Bogley of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia.
United States government Washington Bi-Centennial Commission, Honorable Sol
Bloom, Chairman, published Washington's Home and Fraternal Life, and sent
reproduction of Burdette painting of Washington to every lodge in United States.
1933. Melvin M. Johnson became Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient
Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisciction serving until 1953.
1934. June 26, Unite States President and Brother Franklin Delano Roosevelt
signed into law the Federal Credit Union Act, thus enabling the formation of
credit unions anywhere in the United States. Credit Unions, unlike banks, are
non-profit cooperatives owned and controlled by their members. The Act was part
of Roosevelt's New Deal program to assist people of small means. Courtesy
The Masonic Services Association published first of series of twelve lodge
room plays, August 1.
First presentation of the first of the Masonic Services Association's twelve
Masonic plays, The Greatest of These, played by Fellowcraft Club of LaFayette
Lodge No. 19, District of Columbia, October 4, before the author's lodge.
Harmony No. 17, District of Columbia.
1935. Earl Warren became Grand Master of California. He became Chief, Justice
of the United States Supreme Court.
1936. General Douglas MacArthur made a Mason at Sight, at Manila, Philippine
June 18, the United States Virgin Islands celebrates Organic Act Day annually
on the third Monday in June. This public holiday honors United States President
and Brother Franklin Delano Roosevelt's 1936 signing of the Organic Act bringing
self government to the United States Virgin Islands. This act was the
culmination of an effort led by Rothschild Frances, D. Hamilton Jackson, and
Lionel Roberts. (Chase's)
R. F. Gould's The History of Freemasonry throughout the World republished:
many contributors wrote histories of United States Grand Lodges for this six
volume edition.
1937. June 3, The Duke of Windsor, who as King Edward VIII, had abdicated the
British throne on December 11, 1936, was married to Mrs. Wallis Warfield Simpson
of Baltimore, MD at Monts, France. The couple made their home in France after
their marriage and had little contact with the royal family. The Duke died at
Paris on May 28, 1972, and was buried near Windsor Castle in England. The
Duchess died April 25, 1986. Brother Edward was a member of Household Brigade
Lodge No. 2614. He became Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England in 1936.
King George VI of England invested as Past Grand Master.
Knoop and Jones published An Introduction to Freemasonry.
1938. Samuel Harrison Baynard, Jr. published History of the Supreme Council,
Northern Jurisdiction.
Knoop and Jones and Hamer published The Two Earliest Masonic Manuscripts.
The Masonic Services Association raised $5,202.36 for Austrian relief fund.
1939. The Masonic Services Association raised $7,387.27 for Chilean
earthquake relief.
1940. Harold V. B. Voorhis published Negro Masonry in the United States. It
was later withdrawn by the author because further research disclosed that many
of the facts stated wee in error.
Knoop and Jones published A Short History of Freemasonry on 1730.
1941. First Masonic Service Center opened at Columbia. South Carolina by the
Masonic Services Association, February 1.
We were again called upon to defend our freedom and that of weaker nations
subjugated by power hungry dictators. We marched to Brother John Philip Sousa's
Semper Fidelis March, The National Emblem March and, of course, Stars and
Stripes Forever. And, with the poetic genius of Brother Irving Berlin, we asked
"God to Bless America "
George C. Marshall and Jesse Jones made Masons at Sight, Washington, DC.
Harry S. Truman became Grand Master in Missouri.
1942. June 13, 1942 BROTHER FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT created the Office of
War Information, and appointed Ed Radio News commentator Elmer Davis to be its
James Harold Doolittle led bombing raid on Tokyo. He was member of Hollenbeck
Lodge No. 319, Los Angeles, California.
1943. Charles C. Hunt published Landmarks.
Masonic Service Center opened in London, England, October 11, by Masonic
Service Association.
1944. June 22, President and Brother Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the GI Bill
of Rights. One of the most important governmental measures of the
post-World-War-II era, the bill provided for the training of nearly eight
million veterans. The Serviceman's Readjustment Act (its official name) provided
housing and educational assistance for returning war veterans - men and women.
Money for a years schooling was offered all veterans, and of those with special
skills, funds were available fore three years. (Chase's; Chronicle America)
Carl H. Claudy published The Lion's Paw.
Hospital Visitation Service by Masonic Services Association made full time
and continuing relief project.
1945. All Washington Masonic Conferences called of on account of war.
The Masonic Services Association sent a Committee of four to Europe to report
on Masonry there.
Masonic Service Center opened in Paris France, April 8, by The Masonic
Services Association.
June 26, United States President and Brother Harry S. Truman at San
Francisco, California joined 50 nations in signing the United Nations Charter.
"We had sponsored and helped establish the United Nations
Organization," wrote BrotherTruman, "hoping to prevent again the too
often recurring plague of humanity...war." The United Nations is pledged to
attain world peace and security and to let the residents of colonial areas
"gradually develop their free political institutions." Courtesy
The Masonic Services Association raused $46,798.46 for Philippine relief.
1946. First issues of The Philalethes, official magazine of the Philalethes
Society published.
Third volume (Supplement) of Mackey's Encyclopedia published; monumental work
of H. L. Haywood.
Masonic Service Center (final one) at Columbus, Georgia, closed December.
More than 8,000,000 service people were served in the United States.
1947. June 5, United States Secretary of State Bro. George C. Marshall (under
Bro. Harry S Truman, United States President) urged a massive American aid
program to rebuild Europe. Brother Marshall was speaking at Harvard University
which had just conferred an honorary doctorate's degree on him. "We need to
restore the confidence of the European people. " he said, " in the
economical future of Europe as a whole." Brother Marshall had been
distressed by the sorry state of Europe which Brother Winston Churchill, Prime
Minister of England, had called "a rubble heap, a charnel house, a breeding
ground of pestilence and hate." Three Masonic would leaders showing the
compassionate Masonic way after a great war.
Knoop and Jones published The Genesis of Freemasonry.
Committee of Grand Lodge of Massachusetts reported that Prince Hall
Freemasonry was regular in origin. This caused some difficulty and in 1949 the
report was rescinded.
1949. The Spanish Government included an item in its budget ti spend almost
$100,000 for maintenance of a special tribunal to suppress Masonry.
The Masonic Services Association sent a second Committee to Europe.
On August 3, a Master Mason and Knight Templar 80 years old and in failing
health, came to Washington from Yeadon. Pennsylvinia, to witness United States
President and Brother Harry S Truman sign The Flag Day Act into law. Brother
William T. Kerr had, with other Masons, for more than a half century, appealed
to every United States President from McKinley to Truman. He lead rallies and
continually promoted the idea of a special day to honor "Old Glory."
Kerr died in 1953 but left his brethren this legacy, now the law of the land:
"Resolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United
States of America in Congress assembled. That the 14th of June of each year is
hereby designated as "Flag Day, "and the President of the United
States is authorized and requested to issue annual a proclamation causing upon
officials of the government buildings on such a day, and urging the people to
observe the day as the anniversary' of the adoption, on June Fourteenth, 1777,
by the Continental Congress of the Stars and Stripes as the officiating of the
United States of America" Harry S. Truman
Lodge in Hungary dissolved.
First Midwest Conference on Masonic Education held December at Cedar Rapids,
1950. June 27, President and Brother Harry S Truman ordered the Air Force and
Navy into the Korean conflict after a call from the UN Security Council for
members to help South Korea repel an invasion from North Korea. The President
then ordered Brother Douglas MacArthur, commanding general of American Far east
forces to Tokyo, to provide the Republic of Korea troops with American and naval
air power. Bro. Truman later gave Brother MacArthur authority to also commit
ground troops to the conflict Brother Truman explained America's position this
way: "To return to the rule of force in international affairs would have
far-reaching effects. The United States will continue to uphold the law."
(Newsday: This Day in History; Chronicle of America; Masonic Leadership Center)
1951. The January issue of Theology, an English magazine, published an
article "Should a Christian be a Freemason?" by the Reverend Walton
Hannah. It was the beginning of a storm within the Anglican Church and resulted
in the publication of an expose by Hannah.
June 25. Columbia Broadcast System (CBS) aired the first color TV program.
The transmission was an hour long show starring Ed Sullivan and Brother Arthur
Godfrey. Few people, however, were able to see the show in color because most
homes at the time only had black and white sets. Brother Godfrey was best known
for his televison show, Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts. He became a mason in
Acacia lodge No. 18 in Washington, DC in 1937. A member of Albert Pike
Consistory, AASR, he joined Almas Shrine Temple May 19, 1937. Brother Godfrey
was born in New York City August 31, 1903. (The Learning Kingdom)
July 23, CBS Televison premiered the Gene Autry show. A popular western that
ran for six years starring Brother Gene Autry, movie star, along with side-kicks
Pat Buttram. Brother Autry was raised in Catoosa Lodge No. 185, Catoosa,
Oklahoma, in 1927. He became a Life Member of Long Beach, California AASR (32º)
as well as a Life Member of Malaika Shrine Temple at Los Angeles, California.
(Source: American Mason; 10,000 Famous Freemasons; Chase's)
The Masonic Services Association raised $202,224.46 between 1946 and 1951 for
European relief.
1952. On November 4, the Grand Lodge of Virginia celebrated the 200th
Anniversary of George Washington's initiation.
In remodeling the White House, many stones were found which bore carvings of
Masonic symbols. These were delivered to the Grand Lodge of the District of
Columbia for presentation, one to each Grand Lodge in the United States.
Thomas J. Harkins elected Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction.
1953. Eisenhower took oath of office on Bible of St. John's Lodge, New York;
the same Bible used when George Washington took his oath of office.
Grand Lodge of California intervened in a tax case and successfully defeated
and attempted to exempt sectarian schools from taxation.
Cornerstone laid for new building to house the Iowa masonic Library, Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, October 10.
Inauguration of the Indiana Mentor Plan to make qualified members supply
candidates with information relating to the Craft.
First stone from the White House, with Masonic symbol, delivered to Grand
Lodge of the District of Columbia, September 29, by Renah F. Camalier.
Grand Lodge of the State of Israel consecrated October 20 by Grand Lodge of
1954. John Henry Cowles, retired Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, died June 18.
Fred L. Pick and G. Norman Knight, of England, published The Pocket History
of Freemasonry.
Freemasonry re-established in Finland.
George E. Bushnell elected Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, N. M. J.
Hatoyama, of Japan, became a Mason.
Masons imprisoned in Spain.
Comprehensive View of Freemasonry, by H. W. Coil, was published.
History of the Eastern Star, by H. V. B. Voorhis, was published.
The Landmarks, by Elbert Bebe, published.
Freemasonry in the Eastern Hemisphere, by R. V. Denslow, was published.
A committee of the Church of the Brethren recommended that its members not
join lodges.
Masonry in the Light of the Bible, by John C. Palmer, was published by the
Missouri Synod of the Lutheran Church. (Anti-Masonic)
1955. Luther A Smith elected Grand Commander of Scottish Rite, S. J.
Masons of the armed forces of United States formed Masonic Club with a
hospital to aid children in Pusan, Korea.
Dr. Mauro Baradi, PGM of the Philippines, was opposed by the Roman Catholic
Church to serve in a public office in the grounds that he was a Mason.
M. S. A. Relief to Tamaulipas in the sum of $19,024.42.
1956. The February 23 issue of the Christian Science Monitor had a long,
favorable article about the Craft.
Northeast Conference on Masonic Education formed.
The High Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church petitioned the Ministry of the
Interior to withdraw government recognition of the Craft.
The Church of the Nazarene stated it was opposed to the Craft.
Freemasonry and the American Indian, by William r. Denslow, was published.
Two Cuban masonic stamps issued, June 5.
The issue of October 8, of Life magazine, was devoted to Freemasonry.
Grand Lodge Recognition by Thomas S. Roy, was published.
Philippine Masonry, by Teodero M. Kalaw, was published.
History of the Royal Arch, by Denslow and Turnbull, was published.
1957. Grand Lodge of Japan formed.
Melvin M. Johnson died, February 19.
Carl H. Claudy died, May 27. He was Executive Secretary of masonic Service
Association. Succeeded by John D. Cunningham.
Jan Sibelius died, Sept. 20.
Louis b Mayer died, October 29.
A court ruled in England that Freemasonry is not a religion.
Meeting of Lutheran Churches failed to achieve unity because of opposition by
one group to membership in Lodges by its members.
Cornerstone of Truman Memorial Library laid by Grand Lodge of Missouri. Earl
Warren was main speaker. Truman and hoover were present July 6.
First volume of 10,000 Famous Freemasons, by W. R. Denslow, was published.
Freemasons' Book of the Royal Arch, by B. E. Jones, was published.
The York Rite Sovereign College of North America was formed.
Mozart and Masonry, by Paul Nettl, was published.
1958. New Grand Lodge Building dedicated in San Francisco, September 29.
Conrad Hahn, P. G. M., Connecticut joined The Masonic Services Association as
editor of publications.
Jurisdictional dispute between Japan, and the Philippines settled on July 8.
Medinah Shrine Temple, of Chicago, gave $5,000 to help victims of a fire in a
Roman Catholic school.
Christianity and Freemasonry, by William J, Whalen, was published.
Southwest Conference on masonic Education formed.
Information for Recognition, by Thomas S. Roy, was published.
Freemasonry on the American Courts, by W. Irvine Wiest, was published.
The Scottish Rite for Scotland, by R. S. Lindsay, was published.
From Operative to Speculative, by W. M. Brown, was published.
Volume 2 of 10,000 Famous Freemasons, by W. R. Denslow, was published.
1959. Cornerstone laid for extension of United States Capitol, in Washington,
with vocal opposition by the Knights of Columbus.
Twenty-one Masons were Imprisoned in Spain under a March 1, 1940 law.
On January 19 the St. Louis Globe Democrat had a ten-page article (color)
about Freemasonry.
Emmett J. McLoughlin, former Roman Catholic Priest, received the Masonic
degrees in Sahuaro Lodge No. 45 of Phoenix, Arizona.
1960. Statue of Washington with masonic regalia, dedicated on New Orleans on
February 8.
Southeastern Conference on Masonic Education was formed.
Volume 4 of 10.000 Famous Freemasons, by W. R. Denslow, was published.
The Royal Order of Scotland, by H. V. B. Voorhis, was published.
Grand Ldge of Belgium formed.
The Masonic Services Association Relief to Chile $11,436.75.
Richard Scott Mower, in a news item, reported that fourteen Masons were still
imprisoned in Spain.
1961. Brother Virgil (Gus) Grissom, 35, July 21, became the second American
to rocket into a suborbital pattern around Earth. Bro. Grissom's capsule sank
after splashdown and the astronaut nearly drowned. Brother Grissom, was
tragically killed in a launch pad explosion in 1967. (Source: Newsday: This Day
ion Space; Chronicle of America)
New Grand Lodge formed in India, on November 24.
The Masonic Services Association collected and distributed $4,107.25 for the
relief of Cuban Masons in Florida.
Grand Lodge of Cuba in exile approved in Florida.
Masonic Encyclopedia, by H. W. Coil, was published.
House Undivided, by Allen E. Roberts, was published. (Covers the Craft during
1860 War.)
Mother Kilwinning Lodge, edited by Harry Carr, was published.
Reluctant General, by Robert L. Duncan, was published. (Biography of Albert
The Masonic Services Association Relief to Cuba, $54,718.90.
1962. On October 11, the 21st Ecumenical Council of the Roman Catholic Church
was convened by Pope John XXIII. It met in four annual sessions, concluded
December 8, 1965. It dealt with the renewal of the Church and introduced
sweeping changes, such as the use of the vernacular rather than Latin in the
Mass. Of interest to Freemasons of the world, the Council reversed the
encyclical Humanum Genus, the strong and comprehensive papal condemnation of
Freemasonry promulgated in 1884 by Pope Leo XIII.
Masonic Unity meeting with all Masonic group leaders held in Maine, December
Liberty Lodge No. 70 formed in Biaritz, France, as a traveling lodge to serve
Spanish Masons.
Masonic Blood Bank formed in Oregon and in Vermont.
Grand Lodge of Illinois had a Masonic Week; on last day the
Washington-Morris-Salomon monument was dedicated for Grand Lodge, and during the
ceremony President Kennedy pressed a button while in Michigan, which turned on
the lights on the monument.
On December 7, Bishop Mendez Arceo, of Cuernavaca, Mexico, at the Vatican
Council raised the question of the relations between the Church and the Craft.
Minutes of the Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary's Chapel), edited by Harry Carr, was
Anti-masonry, by A. Cerza, was published.
History of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia by R. B. Harris, was
The Sword of Solomon, by Robert E. Easter, was published. (Novel)
1963. Ohio adopted Masonic road map program.
The Early Masonic Catechisms, 2nd Edition, by Knoop, Jones, and Hamer, was
Masonic Essays, by H. L. Haywood, was published.
Whither Are We Traveling? by Dwight L Smith, was published.
A Short History of the Conference of Grand Masters, by Conrad Hahn, was
The Order of the Red Cross of Constatine, by H. V. B. Voorhis, was published.
Two Masonic Stamp books, by Gregory Lucy, were published. Freemasonry in the
Making of a National and Freemasons of many Nations.
Revision of A bibliography of Anti-Masonry, by Dr. William L. Cummings, was
1964. June 19, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was approved after surviving an
83-day United States Senate filibuster. Passage of the Bill required the Senate
to impose cloture for the first time on a civil rights bill, to end a filibuster
by the southern Senators. The Bill contained the most sweeping civil rights
legislation in America history and, as Brother and President Lyndon B. Johnson
said on television, "may help to eliminate the last vestiges of injustice
in America." Brother Johnson was to sign the Bill into law on July 3 of
that year. (Newsday: This Day in History; Chronicle of America)
Roscoe Pound passed away.
Grand Master William H. Quasha, of the Philippines, made two trips to Rome to
explain the nature of Freemasonry to the Roman Catholic hierarchy.
On September 29, Bishop Mendez Arceo, Cuernavaca, Mexico, expressed view at
Vatican II, that Christians should make peace with the Freemasons.
Sward and Trowel, by John B. Vrooman, and Allen E. Roberts, was published.
Collected Prestonian Lectures, edited by Harry Carr, was published.
Our Separated Brethren: The Freemasons by Alec Mellor, a Roman Catholic, was
published. He later became a member of the Craft.
A Comprehensive Dictionary of Freemasonry, by E. Beha, was published.
A History of the Supreme Council, 1801-1861, by R. B. Harris and James D.
Carter, was published.
Discussion held on England on whether to modify the penalties in the degrees.
The Greek Origin of Freemasonry, by J. N. Casavis, was published.
1965. George A. Newbury elected Grand Commander of Scottish Rite, N. M. J.
Masonic Pavillion was maintained by Grand Lodge of New York at the New York
Worlds' Fair.
The Masonic Membership of the Founding Fathers, by Ronald E. Heaton, was
The Masonic Services Association Louisiana Hurricane Relief Fund in sum of
President Kennedy issued an Executive Order prohibiting use of facilities on
military bases by groups not integrated. The result was to bar Masonic lodge
from using the bases.
New York adopted ten points program to increase lodge attendance. West
Virginia held it to be bad taste to place Masonic emblem on auto license plates.
Opposition to chain letters noted by Massachuset, Michigan, New York, Ohio
and Tennessee.
The British Broadcasting Co. presented a movie, "Freemasonry, the Open
Secret," purporting to be an expert of the Masonic Ritual.
The Grand Lodge of Virginia registered its emblem to prevent its use by
Twelve Knights of Columbus and forty Roman Catholic students from Indiana
traveled to the Shriner's Hospital in Chicago to donate blood. This was promoted
by a seminarian who had been a patient at the hospital.
During the final weeks of Vatican II, there was read a Papal document, a
Special Jubilee from January 6 to January 29, 1966; among other things it
granted confessors power to absolve penitents from censure incurred for
belonging to the Masonic Order or other forbidden societies.
Thomas Smith Webb: Freemason-Musician-Entrepreneur, by H. T. Leyland was
The Rise of the Ecossais Degrees, by J. Fairgairn Smith, was published.
The Story if the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, by H. V. B. Voorhis, was
1966. The Masons of St. Louis, Missouri arranged to have a French girl
admitted to the Shriners' Hospital for Crippled Children for treatment.
The Unlocked Secret, by James Dewar, was published. (Expose)
Masonry in Japan, The First Hundred Years, by Nohea O. E. Peck, was
Dare We Be Masons. By Thomas S. Roy, was published.
Grand Lodge of Michigan dedicated a monument of Washington with Masonic
Regalia, in Detroit, May 21.
The Grand Master of Cuba in exile relinquished the office and gave the seal
of the Grand Lodge to the Grand Lodge of Florida for safekeeping.
A thirty-minute television program in Louisiana presented a panel discussing
the history, principles and charitable work of the Craft.
Distribution of stones from the White House was completed. Each had Craftsmen
marks and were sent to Grand Lodges all over the country.
1967. The United Grand Lodge of England celebrated it 250th anniversary;
present were leaders of the Craft from all over the world.
Secret Societies, by Norman MacKenzie, was published.
Indian called its 1963 Medal of Honor "The Caleb B. Smith Medal of
Meetings held with Knights of Columbus in Montana, Rhode Island, New York,
New Mexico, Washington, and Wyoming.
Connecticut held a meeting with other fraternal groups to discuss ways and
means of making our communities healthier, better, and safer.
Grand Lodge, 1717-1967 was published by the Grand Lodge of England.
Volume #1 of Freemasonry through Six Centuries, by H. W. Coil, was published.
Order of Knight Masons formed in the United States; its origin was in England
in 1923.
The Masonic Services Association Italy Flood Relief, $20,000.00
California decided to discontinue two club houses at universities to use the
money for scholarships for needy students.
Masonic Lodge of Research formed in Connecticut.
Having given the University of Minnesota a million dollars for a cancer
hospital years before, on April 19 the Grand Lodge gave the university a check
for $1,100.00 for an addition to the same hospital.
June 13, 1967 BROTHER LYNDON B. JOHNSON nominated Soliciter-General BROTHER
THURGOOD MARSHALL to become the first Black justice on the United States Supreme
Court. (Newsday: this Day in History)
The Supreme Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch celebrated its 159th Anniversary,
June 15th.
June 23, In 1967, President and Brother Lyndon B. Johnson and Soviet Premier
Alexei Kosygin held the first of two meetings in Glassboro, New Jersery After
conferring for 10 hours over a three -day period, the two world leaders went
their separate ways. The talks covered the Vietnam War, disarmament and the
Middle East. Though cordial, the talks were described as inconclusive. (Newsday:
This Day in History; Chronicle of America)
The Grand Master of Alberta, Canada ruled it was improper to send lodge
notices in unsealed envelopes.
The Grand Master of Arizona recommended that a committee be appointed to
explore the possibility of holding a state-wide celebration with the knights of
Arkansas adopted a resolution permitting the Master of a lodge to appointed a
committee to examine a brother for advancement to the next degree.
Texas prepared plans for Masonic building.
North Dakota gave its Masonic library to the University of North Dakota.
Indiana adopted minimum standards for Masonic publications.
1968. Harry Carr met with Cardinal Heenan, in London, and discussed the
relationship of the Craft and the Roman Catholic Church on March 18. As a
result, the anti-masonic tracts sold in Roman Catholic Churches on London were
removed from the stacks.
Montana ruled that Lodge members could take part in community parades on
Goodly Heritage, by Dwight L. Smith, was published. (Excellent Indiana
Masonic history.)
La Masoneria Despue Del Concilio, by Father J. A. Ferrer Benimeli, was
1969. The Masonic Book Club was formed in Bloomington, Illinois It published
its first book the next year: a facsimile of the Regius Poem.
The Masonic Services Association Mississippi Relief $87,367.39
Freemasonry's Servant, by Allen E. Roberts, was published. (History of
Masonic Service Association.)
Pocket History of Freemasonry, by Pick, Knight and Smyth, was published.
Tied to Masonic Apron Strings, by Stewart M. L. Pollard, was published.
(Masonic humor)
Key to Freemasonry's Growth by Allen E. Roberts, was published.
The Word, by Myron K. Lingle, was published. (York Rite ritual in
chronological order.)
Henry C. Clausen was elected Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, Southern
1970. The first issued of The Northern Light, official magazine of the
Scottish Rite, N. M. J. was published on January.
Harry F. Byrd, of Virginia, was made a Mason at Sight, May 9.
On May 27, Duke of Windsor, and Freemason, who had abdicated the English
throne to marry American divorcee Wallis Warfield Simpson, died in Paris at age
77. His full name was Brother Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick
David. Before ascending the throne he was Prince of Wales, and after abdication,
Duke of Windsor.
The Clergy and the Craft, by Forrest D. Haggard, was published.
The Masonic Services Association Peru Relief $19,229.82.
Hi, Dad! Frank S. Land a Biography, by Herbert F. Duncan, Was published.
Jews and Freemasons in Europe, 1923-1939, by Jacob Katz, was published.
California ruled that it was improper for a lodge to rent its premises to a
clandestine group.
Georgia ruled that use of a lodge name on the uniform of a Little League Teas
was proper.
1971. Harry Carr had several more conferences with Cardinal Heenan; this led
to a friendly relationship developing between the Craft and the Roman Catholic
Church. On April 26 there was a rumor that the Church was about to change its
rules about barring Masonic membership to its members.
Ceremony held at Independence Rock in Wyoming.
New Jersey had its first open Grand Lodge installation.
King Solomon's Temple in the Masonic Tradition, by Alex Horne, was published.
The Early French Exposures, edited by Harry Carr, was published.
Fifty Years of National Sojourners, by LaVon P. Linn, was published.
The Magic Flute, Masonic Opera, by Jacques Chailley, was published.
1972. New York presented its Grand Lodge Medal to Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr.
Alabama adopted a rule that a black person is not barred from filing a
petition for the degrees.
The State Deputy of the Knights of Columbus was guest at New York Grand Lodge
The Grand Lodge of New York presented its Distinguished Achievement Award to
Norman Vincent Peale.
Rhode Island adopted rule that no appendant body admit anyone at its meetings
unless he has a Blue Lodge dues card showing current dues paid.
Three Centuries of Freemasonry in New Hampshire, by Gerald Foss, was
The Masonic Service Association Philippine relief, $5,980.00.
How to Kick a Sacred Cow, by Jerry Marsengill, was published.
A Register of Grand Lodges Active and Extinct, by George Draffen, was
Short Talks for Lodges and Trestleboard Gems, by John Nocas, was published.
1973. Ohio sent its list of suspended members to all appendant bodies.
Masonic blood bank formed in District of Columbia.
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts laid cornerstone of new building of the Knights
of Columbus in South Boston.
Publication of the second edition of A commentary on the Freemasonic Ritual,
by E. B. Cartwright, with comments by Harry Carr, was published.
The Masonic Service Association Nicaragua Relief, $13,696.60.
Emulation. A Ritual to Remember, 1823-1973, by Colin F. W. Colin, was
Freemasons and Freemasonry, topic in national Union Catalogue, pre-1965,
reproduced in separate volume.
Facsimile of Preston's Illustrations of Masonry, published by the Masonic
Book Club.
The Grand Lodge of Michigan laid the cornerstone of Bentley Library, at the
University of Michigan, November 17.
1974. The Grand Lodge of Michigan dedicated the Bentley Library at the
University of Michigan.
The Sacred Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, of the Roman Catholic
Church, sent a letter to various Episcopal Conferences, on June 19, informing
them that Canon 2335 prohibiting its members from joining the masons is to be
interpreted to apply to such groups as are opposed to the Church.
The Masonic Service Association Honduras Relief, $7,320.00.
Grand Lodge of Washington authorized use of Masonic buildings for lotteries
to extent that it is permitted by state law.
Kentucky decided to put its records on microfilm.
The Craft and Its Symbols, by Allen E. Roberts, was published.
Clausen's Commentaries on Morals and Dogma was published.
The First 100 years of the Grand Lodge of South Dakota, 1875-1975, by Harold
L. Tisher, was published.
History of Kansas Masonry, by Ben W. Graybill, was published.
The Works of Dassigny were published by the Masonic Book Club.
1975. Dedication of the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library, at
Lexington, Massachuset on April 20, the anniversary of the Battle of Concord and
First Day of Issuance ceremony for the Haym Salomon Stamp took place at the
Scottish Rite Cathedral on Chicago, March 25.
Stanley F. Maxwell elected Grand Commander of Scottish Rite, N. M. J.
The True Original Minutes of Nauvoo Lodge, edited by Mervin B. Hogan, was
Harry, of London, England, made an extensive lecture tour on Canada and the
United States.
Tennessee adopted data processing for its records.
Connecticut held seminars with other fraternal bodies of the state.
Berlin Lodge No. 46 returned its charter to Rhode Island and secured a
charter from United Grand Lodge of Germany.
Grand Lodge of California approved public relations program.
A Documentary Notebook on the Latin Craft, by Norman D. Peterson, was
published. (Explanation of the first three Scottish Rite degrees)
A Register of Supreme Councils Active and Extinct, by George Draffen, was
Masonic Bibliography, by Father J. A. Ferrer Benimeli was published. (In
Spainsih, Later a large edition was published.)
The Lodge at Fredericksburgh, edited by James R. Case and Ronald E. Heaton,
was published.
1976. Most states had Bicentennial programs.
Kansas had a Church-Lodge Committee to develop a better relationship between
the Craft and the churches.
North Dakota proposed erecting a masonic auditorium at the International
Peace Garden.
The statue of Washington at Prayer, located at Valley Forge, was dedicated by
the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania on October 9.
Large statue of Washington with Masonic regalia was dedicated in Buffalo, New
The Masonic Service Association Guatemala Relief, $66,180.16.
Illinois Lodge of Research formed.
A Mormon Bibliography, by Mervin B. Hogan, was prepared and place on file in
the Library of the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City.
Audi Murphy, American Soldier, by Harold B. Simpson, was published.
The Freemason at work, by Harry Carr, was published.
Symbolism in Craft masonry, by Colin F. W. Colin, was published.
1977. Quatuor Coronati Lodge published the 1723 and 1738 editions of
Anderson's Constitutions in one book.
Facsimile of Prichard's Masonry Dissected, with commentary by Harry Carr,
published by the Masonic Book Club.
Conrad Hahn passed away on December 15.
Several Prince Hall lodges in south Africa gave up their charters and joined
the regular Craft there.
Masons Who Helped Shape America, Hanry C. Clausen, was published.
Aspects of Freemasonry in Modern Mexico, by Thomas B. Davis, was published.
Colonial Freemasonry, was published by the Missouri Lodge of Research as a
Bicentennial project.
Woman's Liberation and Freemasonry, by Alphonse Cerza, was published.
The Imperial Council of the Shrine amended its law that a person expelled
form his lodge on request could be tried by the Shrine and if found not guilty,
would not lose his Shrine membership. This caused much dissension, and the rule
was abolished the following year.
Some Royal Arch Terms Explained, by Roy A. Wells, was published.
Stewart M. L. Pollard became the Executive Secretary of The Masonic Services
Facsimile of the 1738 edition of Anderson's Constitutions was issued by the
Masonic Book Club.
600 Years of Craft Ritual, by Harry Carr, was published.
Military Masonic hall of Fame, First 100 by Robert Bassler, was published.
1978. Freemasonry by Federalist-Connecticut, by Dorthy A. Lipson, was
The Craft in the East, by Christopher Haffner, was published.
Prince hall, Life and Legacy, by Dr. Charles Wesley, was published. Reviewed
in detail in 90 A. Q. C. 306.
Messages for a Mission, by Seal Coon, was published.
The York Legend in the Old Charges, by Alex Horne, was published.
Questions and Answers, published by Masters' and Past Masters' Lodge No. 130,
of New Zealand.
1979. A statue of Washington in Masonic regalia, a gift of the Wayne E.
Stichter family of Toledo, was dedicated at the entrance to the grounds of the
Scottish Rite Library and Museum in Lexington, Massachuset, June 10.
Data processing system installed in Florida by the Grand Lodge.
Pope John Paul II was visiting in Chicago while the Grand Lodge was in
session. The Grand Master and the Grand Wardens by special invitation, attended
a Mass conducted by the Pope in Grant Park.
Authentics of Fundamental Law for Scottish Rite, by Henry C. Clausen, was
The Imperial Council offices of the Shrine were moved from Chicago to Tampa,
The Masonic Services Association Mississippi Flood Relief, $80,560.69.
Freemasonry barred in Iran.
The Masonic Services Association Dominican Republic Relief $32,059.55.
Arab Nations assumed an anti-Masonic position under the erroneous belief that
the Craft is controlled by the Jews.
Pennsylvania and Virginia considered establishing a "pay as you go"
Masonic Home for the Golden Agers.
1980. Rededication of the Obelisk on Central Park, New York City, in October
5, it had been given to the city by Egypt in 1880 and had been dedicated by the
Rose Croix, a History of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for English and Wales,
by A. C. F. Jackson, was published.
A Masonic Reader's Guide, by Alphonse Cerza, was published.
Our Craft Monitor, Its Origin and Development, by Alex Horne, was published.
Thomas R. Dougherty, Past Grand Master, New Jersey, named Director of
Hospital Visitation by The Masonic Services Association.
Frontier Cornerstones, The Story of Freemasonry in Ohio, 1790-1980 by Allen
E. Roberts, was published.
1981. Grand Lodge of Alaska formed, February 7.
1984. January 31, the Grand Lodge of Utah repealed its long standing
anti-Mormon resolution.
June 18, Brother Potter Stewart of Ohio retired as Associate Justice of the
United States Supreme Court , paving the way for Sandra Day O' Conner to become
the first female Associate Justice. Brother Stewart was a member of Lafayette
Lodge No. 81, Cincinnati, Ohio and a member of Oola Kahn Grotto, Cincinnati.
(Newsday: This Day in History)
1989. Grand Lodge of Hawaii formed, May 20.
1991. June 26, a Kentucky medical examiner announced that test results showed
President Zachary Taylor had died in 1850 of natural causes and not arsenic
poisoning, as speculated by a writer. (Taylor's remains had been exhumed so that
tissue samples could be taken.) The 12th President of the United States was
purported to be a "Brother" in the Craft but this was no so. He
himself stated that he always entertained a favorable opinion of the fraternity,
and that his best friends and fellow Army officers were Masons, and that he
himself probably would have become one had time allowed. Nevertheless, Zachary
Taylor lodge No 166, Kiddville, Kentucky, was named after him. In the history of
New York's Marsh Lodge, No. 188 referred to as "Brother." The Grand
Lodge of New York and many of its subordinate lodges participated in military
and civic funeral honors for him in New York on July 23, 1850. Some 450 brethren
turned out. (The Learning Kingdom)
June 28, Associate Justice Brother Thurgood Marshall signaled an end to the
era of a liberal Supreme Court. Brother Marshall was a pioneering civil rights
lawyer who helped lead the fight to end racial segregation and served as US
Solicitor General prior to his appointment to the highest court by President and
Brotehr Lyndon B. Johnson as the first black ever to sit on the Supreme Court.
As an attorney for the NAACP he successfully argued the case of Brown vs Board
of Education before the Supreme Court ending the doctrine of "separate but
equal." Brother Marshall's 24-year tenure on the bench was marked by his
strong liberal voice championing the rights of criminal defendants and defending
abortion rights, his opposition to the death penalty, and his commitment to
civil rights. On July 1, 1991 President George Bush selected Clarence Thomas, a
conservative black jurist to succeed Brother Marshall. A Prince Hall Mason
Brother Marshall had been Director and counselor of the Prince Hall Grand
Master's Conference and was a 33º AASR (Prince Hall). Prince Hall Masonic Grand
Lodges and Prince Hall Masons contributed to and supported Brother Thurgood
Marshall's efforts during his legal career to end legalized segregation. In many
ways, Brother Marshall was more important in changing history than any other
Civil Rights leader. (Chase's; Livingston Masonic Library)
Grand Lodge of India makes an amendment, July, against plural membership.
1996. June 11, 1996, closing a congressional career that had lasted
three-and-a-half decades, Brother Bob Dole said good-bye to the United States
Senate to begin in earnest his campaign for the United States Presidency.
Decorated Veteran, World War II; United States Congressman and Senator from
Kansas, 1961-96; Majority and Minority Leader, United States Senate; Losing
nominee for President of the United States 1996; Humanitarian and
Philanthropist. Brother Dole was raised in Russell Lodge No. 177, Russell,
Kansas September 20, 1955. He completed the Scottish rite degrees in the Valley
of Salina on December 10, and the York Rite in Aleppo Commandery No. 31, Hays,
Kansas. In recent years he has become a spokesman for the blue sex stimulant
pill, Viagra. (Newsday: this Day in History; Knight Templar magazine)
"King of the Cowboys," and a 33 degree Mason, Roy Rogers died.
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