What Is The Mere Fact
Of Being A Master Mason
by Dr. W. H. Kuhn, Past General Grand High Priest
WHAT IS THE mere fact of being a Master Mason? It is nothing. It is the
principle that lies back of it, the symbolism. The trouble is we have lost track
of the beautiful symbols of Freemasonry, and it has been shrouded in signs,
grips, and words. Signs, grips, and words do not mean anything in Freemasonry.
They are remnants of an age perhaps primitive; they contain a hidden meaning,
but you could give the signs, grips, and words of Freemasonry to the world and
Freemasonry would still stand. A great many believe that is the great and sacred
secret of Freemasonry, the signs, steps, grips, and words; that it would be
awful if someone should see us give the signs, steps, grips, and words.
Exposes have been written, and what effect have they had? The people have
laughed at them, because they think sensible men would not take up their time
with giving signs, grips, steps, and words, and that is true. They are a means
to an end; and we must get away from that idea that Freemasonry consists simply
in conferring degrees. The trouble is Freemasonry has been hidden under a lot of
philosophical stuff, a sort of philosophical fog of bunk, where men have their
heads up in the fog and their feet never touch the ground. I believe in
philosophy, but if it does not touch the earth and grasp a man by the hand, it
is a failure. Freemasonry has not in it anything that does not come down and
take a fellow by the hand.
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