The Masonic Trowel

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by Albert Pike

THE VERY FIRST duty that an Entered Apprentice acknowledges is to improve himself in Masonry. How many truly and sincerely attempt to discharge that duty? What would be the success of a lawyer who never again looked into a law book after his admission to the bar; a minister of the gospel who never read the Bible after his ordination; a doctor who never took up a medical work after securing his sheepskin, or that of any other profession who does not take up postgraduate studies?

And yet you find Freemasons all about you pretending to be Masonic lights who never read. Some of them, perhaps, can glibly repeat certain portions of the ritual, but could not give an intelligent interpretation of the same to save their life. Masonic reading is an essential part of the education of a Freemason and it is never too late to begin, but always better to begin early.

It is the duty of the Master to impress this fact upon newly-made Masons, but if they themselves are in the class of non-reading Masons, how can we expect from them wholesome advice? 

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Last modified: March 22, 2014