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An Explanation of The DegreesMoore's Magazine for January - 1845"The Degree of E.A.P. is emblematic of the period of childhood, when the mind is not yet formed by lessons of wisdom; when the darkness of ignorance is not yet expelled, and the full light of knowledge hath not beamed forth its rays of divine creation. The F.C., emblematic of the state of manhood, is invested with knowledge; he feels that he is placed upon earth for something more than the gratification of mere sensual appetites; he glories in the high destiny that awaits him, and perceives that wisdom and virtue are the pillars of strength and establishment that guard the portal of his mind, that glorious and eternal temple whose architect is Jehovah, and whose material is an emanation from his divinity. The Mason, thus taught to aspire to the possession of the noblest attributes of man, to seek the knowledge of that which is good, and to adorn his walk of life with the beauty of holiness, arrives at length at the Master's Degree, which teaches him that lesson which morality most requires, and instructs him, by the solemn incidents it recites, how to die." |
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