Based of The Grand Lodge British Columbia And Yukon Website
"...let one of these be that art which prepares the body to
be subservient, as a prompt and robust vehicle, to the mandates of
the soul, and which is denominated gymnastic. Let another art
be that which is the angel of the conceptions of the soul, and which
is called rhetoric; another, that which is the nurse and
tutor of the juvenile mind, and which is denominated poetry;
another that which is the leader of the nature of numbers, and which
is called arithmetic; and another that which is the teacher
of computation, and is called logistic. Let geometry,
also, and music follow, who are the associates of philosophy
and conscious of her arcana, and to each of which she distributes a
portion of her labour."
Maximus Tyrius
(circa 200 CE) "Dissertation", xxi, translated by Thomas
As Freemasons, and especially fellowcrafts, must became knowledgeable of the
Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences.
The links provided are only
a small introduction to information which falls under each science
and hopefully help you in gaining more knowledge in these sciences.
For the most part, they are not Masonic sites and the reader is advised that,
unless otherwise noted, they do not represent the opinions or positions of this
or any Grand Masonic body.
It should be noted that a reference to the Liberal Arts and
Sciences can also be found in Freemasonry's oldest extant document,
the Halliwall
Grammar is the
science which teaches us to explain the poets and historians; it is
the art which qualifies us to write and speak correctly.
Rhetoric is
the art of using secular discourse effectively in the circumstances
of daily life.
Dialectic is
the science of the understanding, which fits us for investigations
and definitions, for explanations, and for distinguishing the true
from the false.
Arithmetic is
the science of pure extension determinable by numbers. Ignorance of
numbers leaves many things unintelligible.
It is an
exposition of form proceeding from observation. For every excellent
and well-ordered arrangement can be reduced to the special
requirements of this science.
Music is the
science of time intervals as they are perceived by tones. Pythagoras
testifies that this world was created by music, and can be ruled by
it; thus it is possible that to him, who does not know even a little
music, many things remain closed and hidden.
Astronomy, of
which we now speak, teaches the laws of the steller world.... which
is built up on the investigation of natural phenomena in order to
determine the course of the sun, of the moon, and the stars, and to
effect a proper reckoning of time.
If you know of other links please let me know
so it may be added for the benefit of others. Also if a link is not
working please let me know as well.
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