The Masonic Trowel

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the ashlar

From The Grand Lodge Of Texas

Ashlar – block of stone

Are we created as blocks of stone in the eyes of the Great Architect? If so, what does that mean? We often hear about the Perfect Ashlar, meaning a stone of true square. If we are indeed created by the Great Architect, and he creates perfection, then we are indeed created as stones of true square. This also indicates that we will be tried at our life’s end by the square and compasses. As Masons, we are meant to live our lives as true and square stones. As we go into the time of general elections of our lodges, are we electing officers that will be Perfect Ashlars?

How will our lodges be judged? The public will be watching and evaluating our merits based on what our lodges stand for and the contributions that are made to our communities. Our lodge officers are our representatives to the public. Our honor and virtue will be observed and judged. We as men and Masons will be viewed and judged as members of our communities, family members, husbands, fathers and leaders. Our job as Masons should be to strive to become Perfect Ashlars. Therefore we may be tried as stones of true square, judged by the Great Architect with the square and compasses which represents the mind of man at the close of our lives after a well regulated career of piety and virtue which can only be tried by the square of God’s Word and the compasses of an approving conscience. 

In the Entered Apprentice lecture, the new Mason is told, “By the Rough Ashlar we are reminded of our rude and imperfect state by nature; by the Perfect Ashlar, of that state of perfection at which we hope to arrive by a virtuous education, our own endeavors, and the blessings of God…” As Masons our lodge of instruction must be to prepare Rough Ashlars to become Perfect Ashlars. We must set our standards high and strive for perfection in all that we do. We must judge ourselves by the square and use the plumb to make sure that our morals and ethics are high and never put forth to be questioned. Remember, we are living stones! We are Masons. We shape and develop good men and make them better.

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Last modified: March 22, 2014