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Those who read these words will already
believe that there is an overall Plan, which we are seeking to understand.
Thinking of this, I suddenly saw that we do know the basic plan already.
It is the story of ‘paradise lost’ and of our destiny of ‘paradise regained’.
This is the Plan, not just for individuals (as if there were any such thing)
but, above all, for mankind as a whole. Our return to Eden. Viewed in this way,
the trauma of the present moment is obviously essential. So grievous are the
wrongs we have inflicted on our dear planet (and we are still inflicting) and so
entrenched in greed and selfishness has mankind become, that only the most
severe lessons can begin to dent the smugness and complacency and make people
think seriously about the course of events. The raising of human consciousness
may seem to be a mammoth task, but every Fountain link-up and every meditation
and positive prayer, linked to so many others, is multiplied exponentially and
the growth of homo amans is nourished.
Looking back as long as some of us do, the
time-scale may seem disheartening, but we must remember that time has no meaning
beyond our dimension. So, in my own experience, I see the start of the climb in
the various spiritual ‘revolutions’ of the 1950s, and the movements which began
to change the whole climate of ‘religion’. (I myself was deeply involved in all
this). Then, in wider terms, the upward trend moved into the 1960s, and no one
should scorn the positive aspects of ‘flower power’ etc. A huge breakthrough
occurred concurrently with all this, through the publication of Teilhard de
Chardin’s works by his executors, after his death freed them from the
jurisdiction of the R.C. authorities. His concept of the oneness of the Whole
had been gestating for many years and its dissemination fitted most aptly with
the ‘grass-roots’ revolution of the 60s. When the so called ‘new age’ concepts
and teachings began to proliferate, the way was open for many to explore ideas
of ‘spirituality’ as distinct from ‘religion’.
In my own experience, Paul Solomon, the
dynamic and charismatic American teacher, was the inspiration for the late 70s
and 80s, when the process of raising the collective consciousness had a huge
upsurge which is still continuing. Since that time, events on the world stage
have had the stamp of the miraculous, - the destruction of the Berlin Wall, the
collapse of communism in the U.S.S.R., the end of apartheid in South Africa and
the election of Nelson Mandela as the first native African President. What is happening now, in our own poor country among others, is the confrontation with our own debased standards and what we have been responsible for in the destruction of the Earth and her creatures. At the same time, a growing awareness of the monstrous and evil power of the huge multi-nationals, above all the chemical and arms multis, - which are unchecked greed and ruthlessness personified. This is a challenge we have to face and overcome. We must remember, as we face it, the other miracles we have witnessed and trust in our Fountain concept, knowing that there is a pattern of enlightenment slowly but surely taking place, - homo amans is a reality, and as each of us comes nearer to the state of unconditional love, so to does the Whole |
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