Masonic quotes by Brothers |
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COIN PRESENTATION"My Brothers, a short time ago a demand was made of you for some metallic substance and upon strict search you found yourself to be entirely destitute. It was explained to you that this was to teach you the importance of the Masonic virtue of relief or charity. I suspect that if that demand were once again made of you, you would still be unable to meet it. But now you are a member of a world-wide society of friends and brothers who stand ready to assist you and provide help when you require it. Accordingly, it gives me pleasure to present to you this Masonic coin, on the face of which are contained many Masonic symbols, some of which have been explained to you, some of which you will learn about in future Degrees. Carry it with you as a token to signify your new association. A reminder that you have taken on a new obligation, to assist your brethren in their time of need and that as a member of this Brotherhood, they stand ready to assist you in your time of need. Let it be an ever-present reminder that you are now an upright man and Mason, so that you may act as such in your daily life." |
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States or elsewhere. Last modified: March 22, 2014 |