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The Symbolism of the Axeby Harold Meij The axe is one of the oldest tools of modern man. As with so many symbols, it has an dualistic association, in this case representing both destruction and creation. In pre-historic times, axes were made from stone, which sometimes created sparks. Many ancient cultures associated sparks with thunder, which in turn was known to have great powers. American Indians, the Chinese and even the Celts called axes "thunder stones". As such, axes became closely associated with power, both the power of destruction, and the power of creation Thunder led the axe to become an important symbol of power. Axes were often depicted on Chinese robes worn by top officials, representing the Emperor’s power to guide the nation through tough times if need be. Similar usage is often also seen in European heraldry, where a lion or other powerful animal is shown holding an axe as a symbol of the nations, or its leader’s, powers. Other flags prominently show an exe, including those of the Royal Standard of Norway, Telemark (also Norway), Santa Isabel Province (Solomon Islands), and Toporiv in the Ukraine. The axe is most often used as a symbol of creation. As axes were closely associated with thunder, it also naturally became associated with rain, an important giver of life. Axes were also an essential tool in spreading civilizations. This is the context in which the symbol is used in the 22nd Degree. Using the axe to represent the spreading of civilizations can also been seen in flags. For example, the coat-of-arms of Brazilian municipality of Brusque shows an axe, added there to remember the "pioneering work of the first settlers and explorers". It is also a German tradition to strike a blow with an axe at the site of a new building. This custom originated from the legend of St. Wolfgang, who after having selected a solitary spot in the wilderness, prayed, and then threw his axe into the thicket; the spot on which the axe fell he regarded as the place where God intended he should build his place.
The axe is also a symbol of destruction, as it can be used as a weapon, as was often the case with a weapon known as a battle-axe. This was probably an older usage of the symbol, as the earliest axes must have been double sided stones attached to an end of a piece of wood to serve as a tool. As axes were often used for killing large animals intended as a sacrifice, some cultures associated the axe with sacrifices. This especially grew since martyrs such as Barnabus, Matthew, and Matthias were executed with an axe, and were often portrayed with one.
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