The Masonic Trowel

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by Harold Meij


We know that the Master's Hat is worn in every meeting by the WM, but what significance does it have?

Why is it that the Master wears a hat? It is said that being covered has a meaning of authority. Some decorations were added to make objects such as crowns, which are a visual reminder of certain authority. To the Romans, hats was a sign of freedom, which was especially worn after the death of the dreaded Emperor Nero, and it was therefore that in the past all Masons attending Lodge wore hats, as a symbol of that freedom and brotherly equality.

The head is also widely seen as a direct link to God by many beliefs. For example in Corinthian 11:3 it mentions ......and I wish you to know that of every man the head is the Christ.... and further states that ...every man praying or prophesying, having the head covered, doth dishonors his head... In other words one dishonors God by praying while covered. It is for this reason that the Master removes his hat while praying. In French Masonry a new Master of a Lodge receives a hat with the words with this hat you may cover yourself in the future. It is also interesting to note that in the old days the speaker of the British House of Commons had to wear a hat.

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Last modified: March 22, 2014