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the bologna statues of 1248From the Regular Grand Lodge of England So far, the Earliest known Masonic record, the Statutes of the town of Bologna, dated 1248. From the Spanish translation of the Latin original a Dutch, French and an English translation were made. As they precede the other famous statutes of Strasbourg of 1459, they should be of great value with regard to the usages in the mason’s craft. We did find several elements, which are typical for the craft, but the difference of two centuries seems too great to speak about a ‘development’. The main difference, which may be of decisive importance, is the fact that the statutes of Bologna settle the rules for a trade union within the municipality of a town, by the ‘College of Ancients’, whereas those of 1459 refer to rules to be valid in the whole of the German ‘Holy Roman Empire’. And even beyond it! The statutes of Bologna recognise the municipal authorities as the chief, so that the ‘potentate’ is the master of the lodge. This makes the masters mason the executors of the building projects of the town, reducing doubtlessly their liberty of action. Under these circumstances it is not surprising that the majority of rules determine the penalties or fines to be paid by masters or fellowcrafts, when they do not comply with or violate certain rules. These penalties are expressed in old currency values of Bologna. As they are now of little value we left the old expressions as they were: deniers, sous, and pounds. One person in the statutes is frequently mentioned. As we started from the Spanish translation, he was called ‘masero’. The French word would be massier, both words having the Latin origin of ‘massarius’. It can be deduced from the text, that this man had a position slightly lower than the masters. But he is always mentioned together with the masters as a separate officer, so it always says: ‘We enact and order, that the officers and massarius...’. in many cases it is this officer, who has the responsibility for quite a number of different actions. Even if the background could be an other one, we translated this word by ‘polier’ (or parlier), an officer mentioned later in the statutes of Strasbourg. The English equivalent should be ‘foreman’, similar to the Dutch ‘voorman’. It is not so much the fact that a ‘massier’ is holding a baton, thus becoming comparable to the Deacons of Freemasonry, but the intermediary between the authorities and the craftsmen. Moreover, the comparison with deacons cannot come into consideration, as they were only ‘invented’ in the course of the 18 century. Although there are some apparent restrictions to be observed, when comparing these statutes with later Masonic craft statutes, these were a welcome addition to our knowledge of the old craft. The Statutes and Rules of Bologna, from 1248In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. AmenIn the year of the Lord 1248, sixth indiction. Statutes and Rules of the Master Masons and CarpentersThese are the statutes and rules of the trade union of the master masons and carpenters, made in honor of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, the blessed Virgin Mary and all saints, and in honor of the good fortune of the town of Bologna and the trade union of said masters, with respect and in honor of the potentate and captain of Bologna, who governs or will govern in future, and with respect to the statutes and rules of the society of Bologna, in existence or to be made. And may all following statutes from now on be applied, to be from today, the year 1248, the sixth indiction, the eighth day of August. I Oath of the abovementioned masters. I, master carpenter and mason, who is or will belong to the union of said masters, I swear in honor of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and all saints, and in honor of the potentate and captain , who is now in charge, or who will be in charge in future, and in honor of the good fortune of the town of Bologna and all those, who will govern the town of Bologna, that I will conform myself and obey to all and each of the orders given to me by the ((polier) foreman) foreman and the officers of the trade union of masters carpenters and masons, or any of them, in honor and the good fortune of the union, and to preserve and maintain the union and the members of the union in good condition, and to guard and maintain the statutes and rules of the union, as they are now or will be imposed in future, with the respect to all statutes and rules of te town of Bologna, as it is stated that I will be bound by my oath to adhere to them at my entry to the union and that I will be disengaged after my departure. And if I will be called to the board of the union, I will not refuse but I will accept the command and I will manage with care, and will lead and preserve the union and the members of the union. And I will distribute the charges with equity between the members of the union according to what I and the board of masters will judge convenient. And I will give and cause to give fines, prescribed by the statutes of the union, and when statutary rules are missing, I will impose sanctions according to the will of the board. And all sanctions I will impose for any act, whatever it may be, I will have noted down in a book, and I will hand and give it to the (polier) foreman of the union. And the sanctions, the funds and wages of the union, the statutes, and all that is in his possession with regard to the funds of the union, and all writings and correspondence referring to the union, the (polier) foreman shall remit at the moment the statutes prescribe, and give to the (polier) foreman, who will succeed him in the assembly of the union, under penalty of a fine of 20 Bologna sous. And the accountants are bound to inspect them and pronounce a sanction against the failing (polier) foreman, unless they are prevented by a unanimous decision of the board of the union, or by majority of votes, or due to a fair reason. And if I will impose, as an officer, a contribution for the expenses of the union, I will first explain the reason to the board, and it will be imposed as the board will decide unanimously or by majority of votes. II About insulting words against the officers or the (polier) foreman. We enact and order, that if someone of the union says insulting words to the officers or the (polier) foreman, or against the notary, or if he accuses them of lies, he will be punished with 10 Bologna sous. III About the penalties to those, who did not come, if they were summoned to a determined place. We enact and order, that if someone is summoned by the officers, the (polier) foreman or the clergyman to come to a place, where the union assembles, he shall have to come each time and as often as he will be summoned or ordered, on penalty of a fine of 6 deniers. We enact and order, that each shall come to the place, where the union assembles, each time and as often as that will be summoned and ordered by the officers or the (polier) foreman or the clergyman, on penalty of a fine of 6 Bologna deniers. And even if it it is not required, each will be obliged to come the one but last sunday of the month, without summons, carefully, without lie or deceit. That he is not only bound to it by his oath, but that he will risk the above penalty, even if he was not summoned to come. And if he comes to the place, where the union assembles and he leaves without permission of the (polier) foreman or officers, he shall have to pay as a fine 12 Bologna deniers. Unless in two cases, when he had a real hindrance, or unless he were ill or outside the town, or serving the town of Bologna, in which case he may, as in the other cases, mention his oath of obligatory service. And if he excuses mendaciously, he will be punished with 12 deniers. IV About the election of officers and the (polier) foreman and about the assemblies of the union. We enact and order, that the union of the masters carpenter and mason shall have eight officers, and also two (polier) foremen, i.e. for each trade of the uion; and they shall be equally divided over the quarters, and elected by lists in the assembly of the union, so that in each quarter of the town there are two offivers, i.e. one of each trade. And that the officers, with the (polier) foreman, stay in function for six months and no more. And that they shall call the union to assemble and meet on the seond sunday of the month, on penalty of a fine of 3 Bologna sous for each time they infringe, unless they should be withheld in a real force majeure. We add that the son of a master of the union shall not and cannot be enlisted on the electionlists, if he is not 14 years old at least. And his father shall not have him enter the union before that time, and the son shall not be received into the society before that time. And nobody shall take an apprentice, who is not at least 12 years old, on penalty of a fine of 20 sous, and the contract thus made be without value. V That nobody can be elected, who is his son or father. We enact and order that no officer or (polier) foreman can be elected, who is the brother or son of a voting member, and that the vote given on this subject has no value. VI That the masters obey the officers and (polier) foreman. We enact and order, that if somebody of the union owes to another master a certain sum of money because of the trade, or if a master has some problem with an other one because of the mentioned trade, then the masters having this quarrel have to obey the orders, which the officers or the masters mason and carpenter will impose for a settlement, on penalty of a fine of 10 Bologna sous. VII How and in which manner the masters will be received in the union, and how much they owe for their reception. We enact and order that all masters, who would wish to be received in the union of masters mason and carpenter shall pay to the union 10 Bologna sous, if they belong to the town or region of Bologna; and if they donot belong to the city or region of Bologna, they will pay 20 Bologna sous. And that the officers do realise all of their cares, so that the masters not belonging to the union, will be received obligatorily. And that this prescript is irrevocable, that nobody can in any manner be exempted, unless at least on tenth of the union decides, or unless he is a son of a master, who may be received into the union without payment. And if the (polier) foreman or an officer supports the board or assembly of the union, the request of somebody wishing to spare the 10 or 20 Bologna sous to be given to the union, shall be fined with 10 Bologna sous. And if somebody of the union, having a seat in the assembly or the board, rises to tell that somebody should be spared to pay the 10 or 20 Bologna sous, he will be punished with 5 Bologna sous. And if a master has one or more sons, who know the trade of the mentioned masters, or who stayed during two years to learn the mentioned trades with his father, then this father shall have him received into the union without reception, paying himself to the union as is mentioned above, on penalty of a fine of 20 sous. And once this was paid, he still has to have him received into the union. And that the officers and (polier) foreman shall recover the sums due by those, who have been received into the union, and the 4 deniers, due for the masses, and the sanctions pronounced during their period of office. And that they shall have them take their oath in the union. And that the (polier) foreman shall recceive from the master, who has been received into the union a valid guarantee, that within a month after the reception into the union, he will pay 10 sous, when he belongs to the town or region of Bologna, as said before, and when being from another region 20 Bologna sous. And if the (polier) foreman and the officers do not recover the sums, then they have to pay to the union from their own pocket and give a sufficient compensation in money or wages, that the union be safeguarded, and this eight days after the end of the delay of a month. And that the accountants have to control everything as said before, and if this is not observed, to pronounce the sanctions mentioned by the statutes of the union. We add, that whoever will be received into the union shall pay as a reception fee to the union 20 Bologna sous. We order this for those, who, counting from today, will be employed in future for learning the trade, and that this will be valid for the future from now on, 1254, twelfth indiction, eighth day of March. As far as they are concerned, who will have no master for learning the trade, they will pay as a reception fee to the union 3 Bologna pounds. VIII That no master shall harm an other master in his work. We enact and order that no master mason and carpenter shall harm an other master of the union of masters by accepting a work at a fixed price, after having assured him and promised formally, where he did receive this work in a different manner. Except that, if a master turned up before the work was formally promised and assured to him, and he would ask a part, he then shall give him a part, if the other wishes so. But if an agreement was arrived at on the subject of the work, he is not obliged to give him him a part, if he does not wish this. And the one infringing has to pay as a fine 3 Bologna pounds for each time he infringes. And the officers have to impose the fines the statutes prescribe within a month after the infringement became evident and clear to them, with regard to the statutes and rules of the Bologna community. And that the fines and penalties have to be versed to the assembly of the union and remain there. IX About the accounts the (polier) foreman has to render and about the charge he has to fulfil. We enact and order that the (polier) foreman of the union of masters shall render the account to the accountants within a month after ending his charge, unless he has the authorisation from the new officers and the board of the union, or that he failed due to a real case of force majeure. And that the (polier) foreman shall answer for all entries and expenses received and paid during his period. And that all masters, who were received into the union during his period will be entered into a special book for this purpose, so that it is known whether they payed or not. And we order that all letters shall remain in the hands of the (polier) foreman. And all letters refferring to the union and everything referring to the properties of the union the (polier) foreman shall give and transfer in writing to the assembly of the union to the following (polier) foreman, so that the funds of the union can in no manner become the object of fraud. And if the (polier) foreman, with a fraudulous intention, left out certain of these prescriptions and did not comply with them, he shall be punished with 20 Bologna sous. And if he has kept funds of the union fraudulously with himself, he shall restitute the double to the union. Besides, the old (polier) foreman shall, after leaving his charge, absolutely be obliged to give and transfer to the new (polier) foreman all funds of the union, letters as well as letters relating to the union and the money of this society, on the first or the second sunday of the month. And the new (polier) foreman shall not extend this term for the old (polier) foreman beyond 15 days. And that this prescription is irrevocable. And if one of the (polier) foremans would infringe, he shall be punished with 20 Bologna sous, to be paid to the society. X About the election of the accountants. We enact and order that the accountants shall be elected at the same time as the officers, and that there shall be two of them, i.e. one for each trade. That the accountants shall inspect carefully the (polier) foreman and the officers in function at the same time as the (polier) foreman. And if they discover, that the (polier) foreman and the officers acted wrongly in the excution of their charge, and that they committed fraud or deceit, they shall be condemned to restitute the double of the funds discovered of being withheld. Besides, they are condemned to restitute the equivalent of the pay they received. And that they are obliged to act thus and to inspect and condemn or give acquit within a month after the function of (polier) foreman and officers ceased. And whether they condemn or give acquit they shall to do this in writing to the assembly of the union. And if the accountants infringe and do not observe these prescriptions, each of them shall be punished with 10 sous and they will be fired from their function, unless in a real case of force majeure, or when they received authorisation from the officers and the board of the union. XI About the transcription of the modifications by the board. In order to ever prevent any dispute between the members of the union, we enact and order that all changes of the union of the masters mason and carpenter, of of the board of the trade shall be inserted in a special book, and that the (polier) foreman and the officers shall have this done, on penalty of a fine of 5 Bologna sous. XII The (polier) foreman and the officers shall account for their charge only once and no more. We enact and order that the (polier) foreman and the officers of the union shall account only once for all expenses and receipts. And after they have once been controled on the account, they shall be no more called for a further account, unless they have been denounced or accused for having committed deceit or fraud, or for having illegally withheld money from the community and union, in which case, whoever may have accused them, shall be heard. And those, who have been controlled once, shall not be controlled once more. And this rule applies for the past as well as for the future. XIIIAbout the orders to be given by the officvers and the (polier) foreman. We enact and order that all orders the officers or the (polier) foreman, or one of them, may give with regard to money or other matters regarding the trade, that a master has to give to an other master or has to have them given, these orders shall be given and ordered within 10 days. And if a master, to whom an order was given within 10 days, does not execute them, the officers and the (polier) foreman shall then have to give, within 5 days after the 10 days, a mortgage to the creditor on the properties of his debtor, so that he shall be paid completely for that owned to him and his expenses. And that besides he shall be punished with 5 Bologna sous, if the officers judge this fair. And that this is irrevocable. And the one, who owes money to an other master or an other person, he has been called upon or summoned by the officers or by the clergyman, or clergymen, of the union, and he did not appear before the officers or the (polier) foreman, he shall be punished each time with 12 Bologna sous, if he is traced and if he cannot be traced and he was summoned for a second time, he shall be punished again for the same amount. XIV About a master hindering an other master in his work. We enact and order that, if a master has work at a fixed price, or per day, or in any other manner, and he wishes an other master to have the work performed and cooperate with him, then the master who hindered the other master shall give him satisfaction as far as the price is concerned, unless he is no officer or (polier) foreman of the union, who gave this master work for the community of Bologna. And the one who infringes, shall be punished as the officers will determine. XV How much the masters being officers and the (polier) foreman have to receive as their payment. We enact and order that the officers and the (polier) foreman, who are in future in function, shall receive as payment, each of them, 5 Bologna sous at the end of six months. And that the officers and the (polier) foreman shall have to recover all penalties, sanctions and contributions before they leave their charge, each in his own quarter. And if they did not recover them within the prescribed time, they shall have to pay from their own money to the union as much in total as they did not recover. And that the officers and the (polier) foreman shall be excluded from any charge during a year after they finished their charge. And we prescribe that the officers shall not receive wages, nor money, but that the (polier) foreman receives integrally the total amount of wages and money, and before they leave their charge, he shall pay the remuneration to the officers in charge from the funds of the union. XVI About the candles to be made for the union for deceased on their account. We enact and order that two candles shall be bought at the charge of the members of the union, which shall be kept by the (polier) foreman of the union. And they shall be 16 pounds of wax in total, and they shall have to be placed with the body, when one of the masters would die. XVII All masters shall go to the deceased member of the union, when they are summoned. We enact and order that if one of our members is called or summoned by the clergyman, or by someone else in his stead, to go to that of one of the deceased members and he would not go, he shall pay as a fine 12 Bologna sous, unless he received an authorisation, or was impeded. And the body has to be carried by the members of the union. And the clergyman of the union has to receive from the assembly of the union 18 deniers for each deceased from the properties of the union. And if the clergyman did not go and assemble the members of the union, he shall pay a fine of 18 deniers to the union. And the officers and the (polier) foreman shall collect these sums. XVIII The officers shall visit the sick members and give them support. We enact and order that if one of our members is sick, the officers have the duty to visit him when they learn so, and to give him the support and help. And if he dies, and has nothing for the burial, the union shall have him buried honorably at its own expenses. And the (polier) foreman shall make expenses up to the amount of 10 Bologna sous and no more. XIX The clergymen travel at the expense of those, who were sanctioned, and who neglect to supply wages. We enact and order that the officers and (polier) foremans, who will be in charge in future, shall collect wages from a master as a remuneration, sanctions or other motives, and charge him with all expenses they make, recurring to the clergymen of the Bologna community, or otherwise to collect them, so that the union does not suffer. And the officers or the (polier) foreman, who made expenses to this end, they make them at their own account, unless they made these expenses according to the wish of the union or the board. And if the one, who has to pay money for this does not allow the clergyman of the union to receive this wage from him, he shall be punished with 3 Bologna sous for eachh time he infringes. XX About those, who engage by contract. We enact and order that if somebody engages himself with somebody by contract, without staying and completing his time with his master or patron, he shall not be received before that term by any master of the union, and that no assistance shall be given to him by any master, who instructed him, or to whom he was denounced. And the one who infringes, shall be punished with 20 Bologna sous. XXI Nobody shall go and receive the benediction more than once. We enact and order that nobody of the union shall go more than once to receive the benediction. And the one, who infringes, shall be punished with 6 deniers for each infringement. XXII Nobody shall receive the benediction at one’s own accord. We enact and order that if somebody receives the benediction at his own accord, he shall be punished with 6 Bologna deniers for each time he infringes. XXIII Nobody is allowed to be beyond the “horn” of the altar. We enact and order that nobody shall be allowed to be beyond the “horn” of the altar, turned to the church, on penalty of a fine of 3 deniers for each time he shall have infringed. XXIV About the equitable share of the corvée between the masters. We enact and order that if an officer orders a master of his region to go and work for the community, treating him equitably with the other masters and that this one does not go, he shall be punished with 10 Bologna sous. And no master shall indicate another master mason or carpenter regarding work for the community of Bologna or anywhere else; and the one who infringes shall be punished with 20 Bologna sous. The officers, who will be in charge in future, shall make this indication by sharing equitably the masters per quarter, i.e. the officers, who will be present in town, when the indcation will take place. And if one offcier does not treat a master equitably, committing deceit or fraud, when it deals with hostility against him, and this will be clear and evident, he shall be punished with 20 Bologna sous. Except when he is summoned by the potestate, or someone of his surroundig with the aim to charge him with a work for the community of Bologna, he then can associate himself at his will without penalty nor fine. XXV No one shall rise in an assembly of masters to give his opinion only on what will be proposed by the officers or the (polier) foreman. We enact and order that nobody of the union shall rise to speak, and give his opinion in an assembly only on what will be proposed by the officers or the (polier) foreman. And the one who infringes shall be punished with 12 Bologna sous, and he shall pay this sum immediately, or he shall give his wages. XXVI One shall not make noise nor cry, when someone is speaking, or makes a proposal in an meeting of the union of the mentioned masters. We enact and order that if someone makes noise in a meeting, after an officer or officers or the (polier) foreman or someone else made a proposal, or took the word among the members, if he infringes he shall be punished with 3 deniers, which he shall pay immediately. And the officers and (polier) foreman shall act thus according to their oath. And if they do not respect it, they shall pay the equivalent to the union. XXVII About the remuneration of the clergyman. We enact and order that the union shall have a clergyman, i.e. one for two regions and an other one for the other two regions; and they shall receive each 30 Bologna sous annually. And they shall bring candles, if someone dies and look for a living for the (polier) foreman. And they shall receive 1 denier for each task from those, who will thus charge them. XXVIII How and in which manner the members shall gather for a deceased member, and at which place. We enact and order that if the deceased belongs to the region of the Steri gate, the members shall gather at Saint Gervais. Amd when the deceased belongs to the region Saint Procule, the members will gather at Saint Ambrosius. Besides, if the deceased belongs to the region of the Ravenna gate, the members shall gather at Saint Etienne. And if the deceased belongs to the region of the Saint Peter gate, the members shall gather at the Saint Peter Church. And the clergymen shall say, when they summon the members, to which region the deceased belonged. And if they do not tell, they shall be punished with 2 Bologna sous for each time they infringe. XXIX Each member of the union shall pay anually 4 deniers for the masses. We enact and order that every member of the union shall pay each year 4 deniers for the masses, and the officers shall collect these sums. XXX One can not take an apprentice for a period less than four years. We enact and order that nobody of the union is allowed in any manner to take or keep an aprentice during less than four years, and on condition of giving him a pair of bread every week, and a pair of capons at Christmas and 20 Bologna sous for the five years. And who infringes with regard of the time of four years, shall be punished with 3 Bologna pounds. And who infringes with regard to the 20 Bologna sous and the bread and capons, he shall be punished with 20 Bologna sous for each time he infringes with regard to each point. And we order that all acts shall from now on be laid down by the notary of the union in the presence of at least two officers, and they shall be copied in a book, which shall always be kept by the (polier) foreman. And the one, who infringes, shall pay as a penalty 3 Bologna pounds. And this is irrevocable. XXXI Everyone shall show to the officers the contract of apprenticeship within a year from the moment on, when he received it. We enact and order that every member of the union shall within a year, to be taken from the moment he has an apprentice, to show the certificate to the officers of the union. And when he infringes, he shall be punished with 5 Bologna sous for every time he infringes. XXXII Nobody can employ someone, who would not belong to the town or region of Bologna, or who is a servant of someone. We enact and order that nobody of the union can keep and have any apprentice, who would be a servant, or who comes from another county. The one, who infringes, shall be punished with 100 Bologna sous for each time he infringes. And we prescribe that if somebody of the union takes a servant as his wife, he shall pay as a penalty 10 Bologna pounds being excluded from the union. And this is irrevocable. XXIII The masters shall have to receive apprentices into the union after two years. We enact and order that every master shall have his apprentice received into the union, after he has stayed with him during two years, and to receive from this apprentice a fair and sufficient guarantee regarding his entry into the union. The one who infringes shall be punished with 20 Bologna sous for each time he will infringe, at east, if he does not receive this guarantee. XXXIV Nobody of the union is allowed to work for someone, who is in debt to a master. Very important. We enact and order that nobody of the union is allowed to work a day or on accord for someone, who has to give or to pay money to a master because of his trade, once he has learned it, or that the case was denounced to him by this master, or the officers of the union. And the one, who infringes shall be punished with 20 Bologna sous per master for each time he infringes, and that he shall pay the masters an indemnity for their work. And the officers shall impose a fine within eight days after the case became evident and clear to them, and have the indemnity paid to the masters. XXXV The union shall last for ten years. Besides, we enact and order that the union shall last ten years in total from now on, or any longer as is being decided by the union or the majority by votes. XXXVI One shall not complain about the officers with the potentate or his tribunal. Besides, we enact and order that a master of the union cannot and shall not in any manner go to the potentate or his tribunal for complaining about the officers or one of them. And the one infringing shall pay as a fine of 3 Bologna pounds for each time he infringes. And this is irrevocable. XXXVII Publication of the Statutes. These Statutes have been read and made public to the assembly of the union, assembled by the clergymen in the usual manner in the cimetery of the church Saint Procule, in the year of the Lord 1248, sixth indiction, the eighth day of August, during the reign of the Lord Bonifacius de Carlo, potentate of Bologna. XXXVIII The (polier) foreman and the officers shall collect the contributions. We enact and order that the (polier) foreman of the masters carpenter shall collect all contributions imposed, and sanctions attributed, and penalties given during their charge. And if he does not collect, he shall pay the double amount as a penalty from his own pocket. And the officers shall each go in his region to collect these contributions, sanctions and penalties. And the clergyman of the union shall go with the (polier) foreman, and if they do not go, they shall be punished each with 5 Bologna sous for each time they infringe. XXXIX The clergyman of the union shall stay in function during one year. We enact and order that the clergyman of the union shall stay in function during one year, and that he shall receive as a remuneration 40 Bologna sous. XL About the notary of the union. We enact and order that the officers and the (polier) foreman shall employ a good notary for the union, and that he stays in function during one year; he has to enter the receipts of the (polier) foreman and his expenses and take care of all letters, alterations of the statutes of the union, and he shall receive as a remuneration 40 Bologna sous. XLI There shall be two books with the names of the masters carpenter. We enact andorder that there shall be two books with the names of the masters carpenter, and that one of them is identical with th eother. And the (polier) foreman shall keep one and an other master shall keep the other. And if a mster dies, he shall be erased from these books. XLII About the accounts to give to the officers and (polier) foreman. We enact and order that the odfficers and the (polier) foreman shall give an account on every one but last Sunday of the m onth, under the altar of Saint Peter. XLIII About the setup of the survey. We enact and order that the officers, who ar ein function in future, shall each of them make a survey of the names of the masters carpenter, according to the content of the nominal list. And if the officers sent out someone to serve the comunity of Bologna, he has to go there in turn, so that nobody shall be leased, on penalty of a fine of 5 spous for each time he infringes. XLIV Nobody shall say slander about the union. We enact and order that if somebody of the union says offensive or insulting things about the union, he shall be punished with 20 Bologna sous each time. And this will be orrevocable. And the officers shall collect these sumes. And if they do not collecth them, theyshall pay the double from their own pocket. XLV The officers shall be unemployed. We enact and order that the officers, who will be in function in future shall be unemployed during one year, after they finished their charge. Additions to the Statutes of the MastersXLVI The unions shall meet separately. We enact and order that the union of the masters carpenter shall meet separately there, where the officers of this union will decide so, and that the union of the masters mason shall meet separately there, where the officers of this union will decide, and this will happen in such manner, that they will not assemble together. Except, if the officers of these unions decide to meet together, then they can meet. And the officers shall stay together to give account to all masters mason and carpenter, who wish to ask them about the accounts twice per month, this being two Sundays. XLVII About the remuneration of the redactors of the Statutes. Besides, we enact and order the four officials for the statutes, who will be in function in future, shall each receive 2 Bologna sous as a remuneration. XLVIII About the manufacture of candles. Besides, we enact that a candle of a pound shall be made at the expense of the union, to be burning during the masses of the union. IL About the candles to be given each year to the church of Saint Peter. Besides, we enact and order that each year at the expense of the union 4 candles of a pound will be given to the church of Saint Peter, cathedral of Bologna, for the Saint Peter festival in the month of June. And that the officers, who are in function in future shall accomplish this on penalty of a fine of 5 Bologna sous for each of them. L That a master, who fires an apprentice before the term, cannot have an other one. We enact and order that if a master fires one of his apprentices before the end of the term of 5 years, he cannot have an other apprentice before the time of 5 years is fulfilled, on penalty pof a fine of 40 Bologna sous. LI About the purchase of a pail for the union. We enact and order that the (polier) foreman and the officers, who will be in function at New Year, shall buy a good pail for the society at the expense of the society. This pail shall be carried on the members of the union, who will die, as well as members of the family of those of the union for whom it was bought, but not on anybody, who does not belong to the union. LII About the remuneration of the adviser of the old ones. We enact and order that the advise, given to the old ones of the union of masons, shall be designated by the officers of this union. And he will have as a remuneration 5 Bologna sous at the expense of the union, of which the officers dispose, whether he will stay and be in function during six months. And if he stays 3 months, he shall only receive 2 sous and 6 deniers of Bologna. LIII The (polier) foreman and the officers shall give accounts. We enact and order that the officers and the (polier) foreman of the union in function in future shall have to give account by each member of the union of masons to anybody, being no member of the union, who may ask for them. LIV No noise shall be made in a meeting. Besides, we enact and order that no noise nor quarrel shall be made in a meeting of the union. And if one infringes, he shall be punished with 20 Bologna sous. LV The union has to meet at the church of Saint Peter. Besides, we enact and order that the union shall meet for all matters in the church of Saint Peter, or in the upper floor of the palace of the lord bishop. And the officers of the union give to the church of Saint Peter 4 candles of a pound. And the mass of the union shall be celebrated in that church. LVI There shall be more clergymen, when someone of the union dies Besides, we enact and order that, when someone of the union dies, the officers of the union can have one or more clergymen for assembling the members with the body of the deceased, and to remunerate them as is esteemed well, at the expense of the union. LVII About those, who do not pay for the masses. Besides, we enact and order that, if someone does not pay 4 Bologna deniers for the masses in time stated for this by the officers, he shall have to pay the double to the clergyman, who goes to his living to collect this sum. LVIII About the copies of the Statutes of the union. Besides, we enact and order that all statutes of the union shall be copied again and that there where the officers mason and carpenter only masons are mentioned, the statutes of the union of masons shall be different from those of the union of the carpenters. And this will be irrevocable. LIX About the wages to be given to the clergyman of the union. Besides, we enact and order that if a member of the union does not give wages to the clergyman of the union, when this is asked for by the officers, one shall not work with such people, unless he conforms to the orders of the officers. LX About the remuneration of the notary of the union. Besides, we enact and order that the notary of the union shall have as a remuneration at the end of his 6 months charge 20 Bologna sous and no more. LXI About the remuneration of the controllers. Besides, we enact and order that the controllers of the accounts shall receive as a remuneration 5 Bologna sous and no more. |
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