Bro. Ed Greenberg
Many people, on their first visit to a Masonic Temple, are surprised and
confused about the trappings and regalia found therein. This page takes you
inside a very beautiful and antique Masonic Lodgeroom and shows you the various
parts and their uses. All the information found here is taken from publicly
available printed material. (Not bad for a secret society, huh?) The Lodgeroom
shown is Volcano Lodge in Volcano, California.
Masonic Lodgerooms are oblong, and typically are oriented to the east and
west. Even if the room must be oriented in another direction, the "front" of the
Lodgeroom is always symbolically the East, and the back, where the doors are
located, is considered the West.
The photo below is looking to the East. Click on the red squares to see the
descriptions of the various parts of the Lodge.
Below is the West view of the Lodge.
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